Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 42 6 Billion

"Xiaoye, your luck is really extraordinary. You can even unravel the best jadeite, such as the glass emperor green, which is rare in a century, and it's still such a big piece." Mei Yarong stared at the wool on the stone-breaking machine. , said enviously.

The reason why glass species imperial green is precious is not how beautiful its color is and how thorough the seed water is, but because of its rarity.

There are very few jadeites of glass species, but they can still be seen frequently, as well as full-green jadeites, and some high-green jadeites can also be called imperial green.But the combination of glass species and imperial green is very rare.

Myanmar produces millions of tons of jadeite wool every year, and it may not be possible to extract a glass-type imperial green jadeite the size of a thumbnail. One can imagine how precious it is.

It should be known that glass jadeite is mostly colorless, even light green glass jadeite is rare, and rich dark green glass jadeite is even rarer.

And flawless imperial green glass, it is impossible to see it in ordinary jadeite jewelry stores, even in large auction houses, it is rare.Even many people who are immersed in the jade business have never owned such top-quality jade in their entire lives.

Not to mention those jade merchants, I am afraid that even the jadeite mine owners in Burma, who have been digging for a lifetime, may not be lucky enough to find this kind of top-quality jadeite.In the mouths of many people, flawless imperial green glass jade is basically a legendary existence.

On the market, a thumbnail-sized glass emperor green ring surface can sell for at least 200 million. As for the bracelet, it sold for more than 2000 million a few years ago, and it has long been out of stock. Now if it appears on the market The glass kind of imperial green bracelet can sell for at least 3000 million yuan.

Be sure to get this piece of glass imperial green, no matter how much money you spend!

This is no longer a question of the value of jade itself, but also a matter of the company's influence in the jewelry and jade industry.

Not every jewelry and jade company owns top-quality jadeite. If Liang’s owns the imperial green glass variety, there is no need to advertise at all. Gold-lettered signboards, this is the advantage of top-level jadeite.

Thinking of this, Mei Yarong immediately walked to the side, took out her mobile phone from her bag and dialed a number: "Hey, it's me, and I'll mobilize the funds as quickly as possible. Yes, at least [-] million, no, [-] million , the more the better..."

The sound of the stone breaker is still very harsh, almost unbearable.But now the piercing sound is so beautiful to everyone's ears, everyone is looking forward to the piercing sound being faster and stronger.

After about half an hour, all the fur materials were finally untied. Ye Lingtian took the piece of glass emperor green and rinsed it with water, handed it to Mei Yarong generously, and said with a smile: "Mr. The market, how much it is worth, you estimate the price."

Mei Yarong carefully looked at the imperial green glass in her hand, and carefully estimated that at least fifteen or six pairs of bracelets can be produced from this piece of jadeite, and the rest can be made into dozens of pendants. , earrings and the like have been ignored.

After contemplating for a while, Mei Yarong talked with the old man for a while, and said with some seriousness: "Xiaoye, our company bids [-] million for this piece of jadeite, what do you think?"

As soon as Mei Yarong finished speaking, there was a burst of exclamation from outside the door.Six hundred million, today they are fortunate to witness another legend in the stone gambling world!

The owner stared blankly at the piece of top-grade jade with his eyes wide open. At this moment, he might feel regretful.

At the beginning, I only knew that it was the imperial green of the glass species, but no one dared to imagine that it would be so big when it was finally solved.This piece of wool and the seven pieces of waste rock have been piled up in the corner by him for several years. I don’t know how many people have seen it, but they have passed the glass emperor green.

The purchase price of this wool is not expensive. If I knew it earlier, I would have gambled it myself.

Ye Lingtian was also taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Mei, is it really worth so much?"

Ye Lingtian also knows that the imperial green glass variety is very valuable due to the sudden accumulation of some knowledge about jadeite in the past few days.But when I heard [-] million, I still felt incredible, and I was very shocked.

Mei Yarong took a look at Ye Lingtian and smiled gracefully: "It's worth it, the absolute value. Six hundred million, I'm afraid our company has taken advantage of you!"

In fact, the price of [-] million has already reached the peak, and the company may not make much money in the end by buying this piece of top-quality jade.

However, the top-level jadeite like the imperial green glass is still such a large piece, and its brand effect has far exceeded its actual value.

Ye Lingtian pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then said with a smile, "Okay, I will follow the price you said."

"Okay, then let's transfer the money now." Mei Yarong took a laptop from a young man behind him and opened it.

Thinking that her company can finally own such a large piece of top-quality jadeite, and at least within a few years, it will be able to stand at the top of the jewelry and jade industry and dominate its peers, Mei Yarong is very happy in her heart and smiles very happily.

"Wait a minute, I'll pay 1000 million!" Mei Yarong had just finished speaking when a discordant voice came from outside the crowd.

Ye Lingtian turned his head to look, but it was the gold-rimmed glasses that he paid for after he unwrapped the high-ice apple green earlier.

"I'm sorry, I've already sold this piece of jadeite to Liang's Jewelry." Ye Lingtian didn't want to talk nonsense with the other party, so he said bluntly.

The golden glasses glanced at Ye Lingtian arrogantly, and said, "Have you not paid yet? She paid 1000 million, and I will add [-] million now."

Mei Yarong's face became a little ugly, she and Ye Lingtian had already negotiated, and now the gold-rimmed glasses jumped out, obviously to save her face.

Just as he was about to raise the price, Ye Lingtian waved his hand and said to the gold-rimmed glasses in disgust: "What price you pay is up to you. The jade is mine, and I can sell it to whoever I want. I can sell it at whatever price I want. Just sell it at whatever price. I have made it very clear that this piece of jadeite has been sold to Liang's Jewelry."

The gold-rimmed glasses bullied Ye Lingtian when Ye Lingtian unraveled the high-ice apple green and didn't understand the market, and wanted to buy that piece of jade at a low price, which had already left a bad impression on Ye Lingtian.Now he wanted to use his wealth to suppress others, and his arrogant tone made Ye Lingtian even more disgusted.

Ignoring the gold-rimmed glasses, Ye Lingtian turned around and smiled at Mei Yarong: "Mr. Mei, let's transfer the money."

ps: The third update is here, continue to ask for favorites and recommendations!

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