Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 425 You Will Never Go Away

Chapter 420 You will never go back

ps: Thanks for the support of the book friend pili monthly ticket!

South Australia. 【@】

South Australia is the fourth largest state in the Commonwealth of Australia, nicknamed the "Festival State", and is one of the driest regions in the world.

The state is located in the center of the southern coastline of the Australian mainland, spanning the sparsely populated south-central region, bordering the other five major states of the Australian mainland in the west, north and east, and bordering the Indian Ocean in the south. The territory includes Kangaroo Island (Kangaroo Island) and Several smaller islands, with a total land area of ​​18% of the total area of ​​the Australian mainland, of which more than 50% are grazing lands, and 6.5% are classified as national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Territory bordering states.

The coastline of South Australia is as long as 3700 kilometers. The terrain is dominated by mountains, grasslands and valleys, and deserts are widely distributed. The unique climate and geographical environment and rich and colorful flora and fauna ecology constitute a unique natural landscape.

Known for its rich dairy products, wine and wheat, the state is a well-known wine producing area in Australia and also a famous "land of fish and rice".

Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, is located on the coastal plain between the Lofty Mountains in the southeast and the Gulf of St. Vincent. It is also one of Australia's famous ports.

Yongsheng Entertainment's filming base in South Australia is located in a valley in the mountains northeast of Adelaide, the capital of the state, about 150 kilometers away from the city.

This mountain was called Barilo Valley in ancient times, and it has a very wide area. When Wu Huasheng came to South Australia for vacation for the first time, he took a fancy to this valley. After many negotiations with the Adelaide City Government, he finally succeeded The entire valley was acquired, and then an extremely large location shooting base for movies and TV dramas was established here. Many popular movies and TV shows have been shot in this base.

Although it was still ten o'clock in the morning, the temperature in South Australia had reached 37 degrees. In such hot weather, almost no one came out to work, and even on the street, few people were seen walking.

In a two-story building full of Chinese architectural styles in the Barilo Valley film and television shooting base, an old man in his 60s and a young man in his 20s are brewing Chinese unique Kung Fu tea.

"Dad, we have been here for half a year. If this continues, we don't say when we can go back. If this continues, it will not be a problem!"

The young man was Chen Jinshun, the former general manager of Chen's Jewelry Anticipation Co., Ltd. He picked up the teapot and filled the tea for Chen Haoran who was opposite, and said with a gloomy face.

Chen Jinshun couldn't figure it out, isn't she the waitress on the Elizabeth gambling ship, what could be her background?

If she had a background, she wouldn't go to a gambling boat to be a lady.

But it was because of this young lady that he and his father Chen Haoran ran to the southern end of the earth, a ghostly place across the sea from Antarctica, which was almost like exile.

Although there is no need to worry about food or clothing here, it is a big mountain after all. Compared with the colorful world in Hong Kong, it is a world of difference.

Chen Haoran picked up the tureen and took a sip. To be honest, he felt extremely uncomfortable now. He wanted to catch that young lady to vent her anger, but he didn't expect to be scolded severely by Wu Huaqiang in the end.

Not only that, in the end Wu Huaqiang couldn't help but drive the father and son out of Hong Kong and let them live in this damn hot place.

Ye Lingtian can't do anything about it, but even a young lady can't do anything about it, which makes Chen Haoran extremely depressed.

"Dad, why don't you call Wu Huaqiang, maybe after so long, he has already forgotten us!"

Chen Jinshun secretly checked Chen Haoran's face, and asked tentatively.

Chen Haoran still had a gloomy face and did not make a sound, but he drank the tea in the gaiwan in one gulp, then put the gaiwan heavily on the small table, picked up the mobile phone that was put aside, gritted his teeth, and pressed a few keys .

But soon, a reminder that the other party was not in the service area came from the receiver. A hint of doubt flashed in Chen Haoran's eyes, and he pressed a series of numbers again, and the same answer came.

"Dad, could it be on the high seas? Don't you have Wu Huaqiang's satellite phone?"

Chen Jinshun obviously also heard the voice coming from the receiver, thought for a while, and reminded in a low voice.

Hearing his son's words, Chen Haoran hesitated for a moment, and then pressed the phone button. Although he also knew that Wu Huaqiang was only interested in women, and was not interested in gambling. Over the years, he was rarely seen on a gambling boat on the high seas. , but now his mobile phone and the office phone can't get through, so he can only try this satellite phone.

But after pressing the dial button, Chen Haoran's face quickly changed, he hesitated for a moment, stood up suddenly and smashed the phone on the floor, and said sadly: "It's over, it seems that Wu Huaqiang really avoided us on purpose, otherwise , how can it be such a coincidence that all calls cannot be made!"

Hearing Chen Haoran's words, Chen Jinshun's expression also changed,

Without Wu Huaqiang nodding in agreement, it is impossible for them to return to Hong Kong. You must know that after arriving in Adelaide, their passports were confiscated by Wu Huaqiang's people.

Without a passport, it means that they have no formal identity. Now they dare not go out of the Barilo Valley except for activities in the shooting base.

Australian police hate smugglers the most. As soon as they find suspicious foreigners, especially Asian yellow people, they will go forward and check them. If they do not have a passport, they will be treated as smugglers.

In Australia, smugglers are not repatriated to their country of origin like in other countries, but are sentenced to three to five years of hard labor in mining areas.

To put it bluntly, I want you to work for the Australian government for a few years.

The income of Australians is generally very high, so there is a shortage of coolies in mining areas. No matter how high the salary is, no one is willing to do it. Later, a member of Parliament came up with this idea, which immediately became the approval of most people.

Australia's economy is very developed, so it has attracted many people from underdeveloped countries in Asia to smuggle in. Before the government caught the smugglers, they would send them back. This made them very troublesome, but now it's all right, and they are fined to work as coolies in mining areas. This will greatly alleviate the current situation of the shortage of coolies in this mining area.

Chen Haoran was already very old, and Chen Jinshun was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child. If they were sent to work as coolies in the mining area, they would probably stay there forever in less than three to five years.

"Dad, is Wu Huaqiang really not going to let us go back?"

Chen Jinshun looked at the slumped Chen Haoran, and asked unwillingly.

"Yes, you will never go back!"

Just when Chen Haoran and Chen Jinshun were at a loss, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the room, which made people shudder.


The father and son Chen Haoran and Chen Jinshun looked around at the same time, but the whole room was empty, except for the two of them, there was no living thing, not even a fly.


It must be an illusion!

At this moment, Chen Haoran and Chen Jinshun stared wide-eyed, and both of them shook their heads vigorously. If it wasn't hallucinations, then it was hell in broad daylight!

"Dad, let's go, there seems to be something wrong in this room!"

Thinking of the ghost with disheveled hair and mouth full of blood that he saw in movies and TV, Chen Jin felt his ankle go weak, and a strong sense of fear welled up in his heart, and there seemed to be a gust of cold wind blowing from the back of his neck, which made him unconsciously I shivered.

"Hmph, it's too late to leave now, today is the day of your death!"

As soon as Chen Jinshun finished speaking, the cold voice sounded again, reaching the ears of Chen Haoran and Chen Jinshun, both of them immediately had goosebumps, and their teeth chattered involuntarily.


Chen Jinshun finally couldn't take it anymore, and ran to the door after yelling, only to find that the door couldn't be opened when he reached the door.

"Hmph, it's useless, neither of you father and son can escape today! Not only you, but even your descendants will all want to go on the road with you!"

As soon as the words fell, both Chen Haoran and Chen Jinshun froze as if their acupuncture points had been tapped, and their eyes were fixed on the big leather sofa placed in the middle of the room.

Just now, a person suddenly appeared on this sofa, a person they are both very familiar with. It can be said that in the past few years, the face of this person has often appeared in the minds of the two of them. On the boat, a game of cards caused Chen to lose Ye Lingtian's entire fortune.

"It's you... how did you get in?"

Chen Haoran came to his senses first, pointed at Ye Lingtian tremblingly, and asked subconsciously.

"That's right, it's me! Chen Haoran, I warned you on the Elizabeth, if you know how to restrain yourself, you can save your life and keep your Chen family from being exterminated, otherwise, your Chen family will be wiped out! It's a pity that you seem to have forgotten my warning and let someone kidnap Anna. From the moment you had that idea, you are already doomed to disappear from this world!"

Ye Lingtian glanced at Chen Haoran in disgust, as if looking at a dead person.


Chen Haoran suddenly came to his senses, his knees softened and he knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to Ye Lingtian non-stop, crying and said: "All of this was done by me, it was all my idea, it has nothing to do with my family! Hero, Your lord has a lot, please, spare them!"

Ye Lingtian's sudden appearance on the sofa is definitely not a hallucination, nor is it magic. It can only be said that Ye Lingtian's ability is beyond the reach of ordinary people. If he continues to resist now, there will be only one consequence, Even if he died a little faster, if he begged for mercy, he might still be able to impress Ye Lingtian.

I was doomed to die, but if my begging for mercy could save Chen Jinshun and his descendants from death, it would be worth it.

[email protected]#

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