Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 45 The Body of Pure Yang

"Ahem!" Ye Lingtian coughed dryly, touched his nose, and said with a smile, "Uncle Lin, my name is Ye Lingtian. It's because there are too many of them, so it's hard for me to go to those big shops to polish them, for fear of causing a sensation."

"Huh?" Lin Bo took a look at a bracelet, then picked up a Guanyin pendant, his expression became more and more surprised, and he frowned and asked, "It's not a machine, nor a traditional processing method, Xiaoye, what do you use for these jadeites?" processed by the method?"

Ye Lingtian pondered for a moment, and instead of answering Lin Bo's words, he asked softly, "Lin Bo, is that boy outside..."

"That's my grandson Lin Fei. A few years ago, my son and daughter-in-law were in a car accident, and now he's following me. It's okay, you just say it's okay." Lin Bo waved his hands with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Hehe, that's not what I meant." Ye Lingtian took out a cigarette and handed Lin Bo one, and said, "Can you call him in so I can ask him something?"

"This..." Lin Bo showed doubts, but he turned his head and called, "Xiao Fei, come in."

"Hey!" Lin Fei opened the door and came in to occupy Lin Bo's side, and was immediately attracted by the pile of dazzling emeralds on the table.But his eyes were full of astonishment, without any hint of greed.

Ye Lingtian nodded slightly, took a puff of cigarette, and said expectantly: "Your name is Lin Fei, right? Are you willing to learn martial arts?"

"You are?" Lin Fei came back from his astonishment and asked doubtfully.

"My name is Ye Lingtian, you can call me Big Brother or Brother Tian." Ye Lingtian smiled slightly.

Lin Fei looked at Ye Lingtian for a while, and said seriously: "No, I want to study hard and go to university in the future, so that my grandfather can live a good life."

A trace of disappointment flashed across Ye Lingtian's face, and he sighed softly.Immediately said to Lin Bo: "Lin Bo, this processing method is really inconvenient to say. How about this, I will give you all these jadeite ornaments to polish and polish, and after you are finished, you can choose a pendant from among them as a reward, what do you think? "

"Ah? It's too expensive, you can't do it, you can't do it! If Xiao Fei is not still in school and needs money, I can polish it for you for free. I have been in this business all my life, and I have never come across this kind of top-quality jadeite." , Now that I can polish so many top-quality emeralds, I have no regrets in this life!" Lin Bo hurriedly stood up and waved his hands repeatedly after hearing this.

Any one of these pendants can be used as the treasure of a jewelry and jade store, so Lin Bo naturally dare not accept it.

"Lin Bo..." Ye Lingtian still wanted to insist, but was interrupted by Lin Bo.

"Xiaoye, don't talk about it, I will never accept such a precious emerald. Although the craftsman's status is humble, he also has his own dignity." Lin Bo said firmly.

"This..." Ye Lingtian really couldn't hold on anymore.With a thought, as if thinking of something, he hurriedly reached into his bag, took out a handful of jade shards and put them on the table, saying: "Lin Bo, these are the shards left over from my processing of those ornaments, I can keep them It’s useless, just use it as a reward for polishing.”

Lin Bo glanced at the pile of crumbs. There were two or three large pieces that could be used to make rings, and seven or eight pieces that could be used as earrings.Just as he was about to decline, Ye Lingtian said again: "Uncle Lin, you don't need to decline any more. I really don't need to keep these scraps, so you can just accept them."

Ye Lingtian really wasn't lying, he really didn't like this kind of debris.Fearing that Lin Bo would not want it, he only took out a small part.

Lin Bo stared closely at Ye Lingtian's eyes, saw that his eyes were clear and sincere, so he nodded, took a piece of ring material from it, and said solemnly: "Okay, I will accept this piece, and the rest You take it back."

When Ye Lingtian saw that it was not good, he had no choice but to take back the remaining debris and said with a smile, "Lin Bo, how long will it take to polish all these ornaments?"

"It will probably take seven or eight days." Lin Bo considered it for a moment, calculated it in his heart, and raised his head and said, "Are you in a hurry? If you are in a hurry, I can work overtime. It may take five or six days."

Today is already the [-]rd, it seems that we can't make it back to Yanjing before the end of the holiday, and I have to call Yao Lei and the others and remember to answer for him, Ye Chenxi secretly thought.

"What? Are you in a hurry?" Seeing that Ye Lingtian bowed his head and said nothing, Lin Bo hurriedly asked.

"Well, I'm studying at Yenching University, and I wanted to go back before the end of the May [-] holiday, but now it seems that I'm going to be a few days late. But it's okay, I'll call later and ask for a leave of absence for my classmates in the dormitory. "Ye Chenxi smiled helplessly.

Lin Bo was a little surprised when he heard this: "Xiaoye, I didn't expect you to be a student? Tsk tsk, you're still at Yenching University! Don't worry, I'll get back to you as soon as possible!"

Lin Fei looked at Ye Lingtian with admiration on his face: "Brother Tian, ​​you are so amazing! I will also be admitted to Yenching University like you in the future!"

Ye Yelingtian patted Li Fei's shoulder and smiled, "Yes, I will!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Lin Bo: "Lin Bo, don't be in such a hurry. By the way, when I came in just now, Xiao Fei was rubbing the polishing powder on the jade, right? If there is nothing to do these days, I can also help rub the polishing powder, Get some oil or something."

Lin Bo said with some embarrassment: "Xiaoye, that's not acceptable, how can I let you work?"

Ye Lingtian waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm idle anyway, and besides, it's not a rough job."

In the next few days, Ye Lingtian spent the rest of his time helping Lin Bo with his work, except for visiting the famous scenic spots in Spring City, such as Xishan, Dianchi Lake, and Cuihu Lake.

With Ye Lingtian's help, the speed was much faster.Four days later, all the jade ornaments had been polished and looked so dazzling under the light.

"Lin Bo, you have worked hard these few days!" Ye Lingtian said gratefully to Lin Bo after putting away the emerald jewelry.

In order to polish these emerald ornaments as soon as possible, Lin Bo basically started working in the morning until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening. After a few days, he obviously lost weight.

"Xiaoye, you are too polite! If I have to say this, I have to thank you for letting me polish and polish so many top-quality jadeites. You know, how many people will never come into contact with such a piece of top-quality jadeite in their lifetime!" Lin Bo still looked excited, without the slightest feeling of fatigue.

Ye Lingtian nodded slightly, this is indeed true.He took out his mobile phone to check the time, and said with a smile, "Bo Lin, I have to go. I will come to see you again when I have a chance!"

Turning around and seeing Lin Fei standing at the side, Ye Lingtian thought to himself, the body of pure yang is rare, it is such a good talent, it is really a pity not to cultivate.

After thinking about it, he picked up the pen on the table and wrote down his mobile phone number, handed it to Lin Fei, and said, "Xiao Fei, this is my mobile phone number, please keep it. If you want to learn martial arts in the future, you can give it to me." I'll call. When I am, if you encounter any difficulties, you can also call me, remember!"

ps: The new book list has improved again, thank you all the readers, continue to work hard! ! !

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