Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 538 I thank you on behalf of my brother


After the phone rang a few times, it was connected, and a somewhat familiar n book came from the receiver^^e^look

"Hi, I'm Ye Lingtian, are you Ms. Ling Xueyao?"

Ye Lingtian spoke into the microphone while turning the steering wheel. 【*】

This phone number is exactly the number of the beautiful girl Fu that Lu Jiajia gave him last time. Since he has come to Guangdong Province, let's ask him what this beautiful girl fu wants from him.

Ling Yi's injury had already been completely healed by Ye Lingtian at that time, and Ye Lingtian also used his true essence to help him unblock the blocked meridians in his body, get rid of the impurities in his body, and he was treated in the immeasurable space. It also more or less absorbed some of the majestic purple energy in the space.

Although Ling Yi is not a cultivator and cannot transform the little majestic purple energy absorbed, but with Ye Lingtian's help, he can digest and absorb most of it. For ordinary people, it can be regarded as an immediate effect.

The current Ling Yi may not be able to see anything on the surface, but his physique is much stronger than those special forces who have undergone rigorous training for several years. <Unclear what happened.

But it probably wasn't an important matter, otherwise, Ling Xueyao would not have asked Lu Jiajia to call her when she arrived in Guangdong Province, but would have asked Lu Jiajia to call her at that time.

"You are... Director Ye? Have you come to Guangdong Province?"

Ling Xueyao's mature feminine voice came from the receiver, with a hint of enthusiasm.A hint of surprise.

"Well, I arrived today. I heard from Reporter Lu that you need me for something?"

Ye Lingtian asked in a flat tone.

"Then where are you now? Well, it's dinner time. If you don't mind, can I invite you to dinner?"

Ling Xueyao on the phone seemed to hesitate for a moment before asking softly.

Ye Lingtian raised his wrist to check the time. It was already past six in the afternoon. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Okay, find a place, and I'll go there right away."

"Well... Then Huatian Hotel, if there is no problem. Call me when you arrive?"

Ling Xueyao asked in an inquiring tone.

"Okay, I'm driving now, I'll hang up first, and I'll contact you when I get to Huatian Hotel."

There was just a green light at the intersection ahead.Ye Lingtian didn't pay attention to Ling Xueyao's tone, hung up the phone in a hurry, and drove to Huatian Hotel along the route given by the navigation.

Only after arriving at the Huatian Hotel did I know that this is a very luxurious five-star hotel, as can be seen from the world-class luxury cars parked at the gate.Those who come and go here are either rich or expensive.

"Come here to eat, this Ling Xueyao is too luxurious!"

Ye Lingtian shook his head slightly, now he is becoming more and more elusive about this beautiful girl.Even if he had saved her brother's life, there was no need to pay attention to this ostentation.

But now that it's here.It's not easy to change the place, so I called Ling Xueyao and asked about the box.Ye Lingtian went straight up to the third floor.

Pushing open the door of the box, Ye Lingtian couldn't help being slightly taken aback. In the luxurious box decorated with resplendent and magnificent decorations, Ling Xueyao was the only one.

Today's Ling Xueyao is wearing a black suspender dress, her chest is opened very low, revealing her snow-white plump skin, as well as the deep gully that makes people want to commit crimes just by looking at it.A ribbon is tightly tied around the waist, and the curve of the attractive waist can be seen at a glance, making Ye Lingtian unconsciously recall the scene of ecstasy in the sexy lingerie shop.

But the most attractive thing is the mature charm on her body, which makes people feel intoxicated.

"Director Ye, are you here? Please take a seat!"

Seeing Ye Lingtian push the door in, Ling Xueyao hurriedly greeted with a smile.

"Why are you alone? Where's your brother Ling Yi?"

Ye Lingtian hastily withdrew his gaze from Ling Xueyaofeng's tun. As soon as he sat down on the chair, he saw that the waiter had already started serving food, so he couldn't help asking.

"My younger brother joined the army two months ago. Now he has got rid of all his previous bad habits, saying that he wants to be a person who is useful to the country and society. He can make such a big change. Speaking of it, All of this is due to you, if he hadn't met you, even if he didn't die now, he would still be a little hunhun who scourges the village."

Ling Xueyao sat down on the seat next to Ye Lingtian, skillfully opened a bottle of red wine, looked at Ye Lingtian and said with emotion.

"Sorry, I'm not used to drinking red wine, waiter, please have a bottle of Moutai."

Seeing that Ling Xueyao was about to pour wine for himself, Ye Lingtian waved his hand quickly, and after instructing the waiter, he looked at Ling Xueyao with a smile and said, "You can't say that, I just saved your brother's life, and I can't change his mind." , he can make such a change, probably because he has seen through the ruthlessness of the gangster!"

Ling Yi's transformation is inevitable. After all, he is just a young man who is not deeply involved in the world. Perhaps he was influenced by Hong Kong gangster-themed movies and TV dramas. , The purpose turned out to be to take over his sister, the indignation in my heart can be imagined.

"Director Ye, you are such a great leader, yet you are so humble, without any airs of officialdom, no one will believe you if you say it."

Ling Xueyao looked at Ye Lingtian and said cautiously. She had been paying attention to Ye Lingtian's tone of voice. After all, she heard Ye Lingtian say with her own ears that he was the deputy director of the Police Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. How big an official is the Deputy Director of the Police Inspection Bureau, but from the fact that Secretary Gu and Mayor Cheng no longer have the official airs of the past in front of him, it can be seen that this official will definitely not be too small.

What's more, in the Zhongsenhui, Ling Xueyao also saw Ye Lingtian wearing a military uniform with the rank of major general on his shoulders. Later, she also asked someone to find out, and learned that the lowest rank of major general was also a military-level cadre, which shocked her even more.

Ling Xueyao had been in business before, and the biggest leaders she had met were the director of the industrial and commercial bureau, the tax bureau, the director of the street office, and so on. These directors and directors were all from the district. Counting them, they were only mere department-level cadres, who were similar to Ye Lingtian. Compared with the level, I don't know how much worse it is.

Thinking about it now, if she had known Ye Lingtian's identity earlier, Ling Xueyao would never have dared to slaughter Ye Lingtian when she was in the store, and she would never have treated Ye Lingtian as a hooligan who coveted her beauty.

Just imagine, with Ye Lingtian's status and position, how could he fall in love with a divorced woman like her if he didn't have any kind of woman he wanted.

So from the very beginning when she received Ye Lingtian's call, Ling Xueyao always seemed cautious, for fear of offending Ye Lingtian by saying something wrong.

"That... Nv Ling, tell me, what do you want from me?"

The waiter had already opened the Moutai, Ye Lingtian took the bottle and waved his hand to signal them to go out, glanced at Ling Xueyao and asked.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just want to thank you. You are my brother's savior. If it weren't for you, I would have lost my brother! But since that time, I have never seen you again. I know you are Great leader, you must be very busy at work, but if you don't even thank the savior, Ling Yi and I can't justify it, so I went to reporter Lu."

Ling Xueyao lowered her head and observed Ye Lingtian's expression secretly while speaking cautiously, as if she was afraid that Ye Lingtian would be displeased.

"Hehe, you know that I am from the Ministry of Public Security, and fighting crime is my own responsibility. There is no need to say thank you or not, let alone take it to heart!"

Ye Lingtian poured himself a glass of wine, waved his hand and said calmly.

Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, Ling Xueyao shook her head again and again, looked at him seriously and said: "No, everyone knows Ling Yi's injuries at that time, even if he was sent to the hospital as quickly as possible, his life might not be saved. But you miraculously rescued him without relying on any medical equipment, and made his physique much stronger than before. All of this, even the doctors in the hospital couldn't believe it. We are not ungrateful people, although We can't express our feelings with anything from before, but this sentence must be said, Director Ye, on behalf of Ling Yi, thank you for your life-saving grace!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Xueyao stood up, picked up a large glass of red wine in front of her and drank it down in one gulp.

"Uh...Ms. Ling, I accept your wishes. If you want to drink a little, you don't need to drink a full glass."

Seeing Ling Xueyao drank it all in one gulp, Ye Lingtian hurriedly dissuaded her.

"Since I want to thank you, I must do it wholeheartedly. There is no reason to drink half a glass!"

Ling Xueyao looked at Ye Lingtian with a charming smile, picked up the bottle and refilled herself, and said, "Director Ye, one glass is not a respect, according to the rules, I will toast you three!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and took another gulp of the wine glass.

Perhaps Ye Lingtian's approachability made Ling Xueyao gradually let go of the trace of fear in her heart, and Ling Xueyao began to speak naturally.

"Nv Ling, drink slowly, don't be in a hurry, you will get drunk easily..."

Ye Lingtian didn't expect Ling Xueyao to be so straightforward, he stood up subconsciously to stop him, but he was half a step too late. When he stretched out his hand, Ling Xueyao had already drank the second cup, but his hand, by coincidence, was placed on the Touched Ling Xueyao's fair and smooth forearm.

Both of them were taken aback, and after a while, Ye Lingtian, who came to his senses first, quickly took his hand away, sat down again, not daring to look at Ling Xueyao again, picked up chopsticks and helped her pick up a piece of jirou, put it in the bowl, and said : "That... Lady Ling, eat some food first, drinking on an empty stomach is not good for your health, and it's easy to get drunk!"

"Thank you!"

Ling Xueyao sat down after him, but secretly glanced at Ye Lingtian out of the corner of her eyes. She didn't know whether it was because she drank two glasses of red wine in succession or for other reasons, her pretty face was flushed.

He picked up the chopsticks and put the piece of jirou in the bowl into his mouth, but he couldn't taste it at all. All he could think about was the scene just now.

For a while, both of them fell silent, and the atmosphere became a little awkward. (..)

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