Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 552 The Most Perfect Woman

ps: Thank you book friend ЖzhulanlanЖ and upstream hunyue for your support!

I'm really dizzy. The last one was originally set to be automatically updated at 8 o'clock this morning, but I don't know if I was dizzy this morning or something.This is the first update today, try to update Chapter 2 a little later!

It's just a flight of stairs, one in front of one and one in the back, a woman and a man, the two have their own thoughts, one resists the burning gaze behind him and unscrupulously peeps at his almost unscrupulous impulse, dozens of steps in the district , but it seems like a year has passed. 【 y

"It's finally here!"

As soon as he reached the second floor, Ye Lingtian let out a long breath, and hurriedly looked elsewhere.

Ye Lingtian himself didn't understand, it seemed to be very strong today, and he couldn't control himself at all. When he went upstairs, he raised his hand several times, and there was a strong desire in his heart, wanting to hold Ling Xueyao under him, Taste her mature and charming body carefully.

He didn't know that today's anomaly was because he was rejected by Lu Jiajia, which made him feel very depressed. He needed a good vent, but at this time Ling Xueyao bumped into him, dressed so violently, he could It is said that Chi Guoguo's seduction also made him turn the depression accumulated in his heart these days into a strong desire.

"Ling Tian, ​​sit down!"

Dragging her limp legs, Ling Xueyao put away the bouquet of roses in her hand, took a peek at Ye Lingtian's crotch, she could clearly see the tent that was propped up high, she felt ashamed for a while, but I was very happy again.


Ye Lingtian didn't say much, and quickly walked to the table and sat down. At this moment, he was still holding a pillar above him, even if Ling Xueyao didn't say anything.He has to rush to sit down in order to cover up his indecent behavior.

The living room on the second floor is much smaller than that on the first floor. A set of leather sofas is placed by the wall, a small western dining table is in the middle, and a relatively simple and delicate wine cabinet is on the other side.Other than that, there is nothing else, it looks very simple.

The light on the roof is slightly pink, making the atmosphere in the room somewhat romantic and ambiguous.

Two red wine glasses had already been placed on the table, and the scarlet red wine reflected a charming light under the light.Next to it is a bottle of Lafite that has been drunk for a third of it, apparently Ling Xueyao drank it alone before Ye Lingtian arrived.

"Ling Tian, ​​thank you for coming to accompany me today, and thank you for the roses! Did you know that you are the first man to send me flowers in ten years!"

Ling Xueyao sat next to Ye Lingtian, looking at Ye Lingtian with watery eyes.She said with a wry smile amidst joy, as if recalling the past, she drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Fortunately, it's not a big cup slowly like last time.Drinking at will in her own home, Ling Xueyao only pours one-third of a glass each time.

"Really, it seems that I am still very honored!"

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly, raised his glass and touched Ling Xueyao lightly, and drank with her.

To be honest, Ye Lingtian was really not interested in red wine, but he couldn't bear to spoil the romantic and ambiguous atmosphere tonight.

Ling Xueyao smiled and said nothing, poured wine for Ye Lingtian and her own wine glasses, was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Ling Tian, ​​I have always been curious, the last time I was drunk, why not only did I feel suddenly ten years younger when I woke up? How old are you, and your skin is much fairer and smoother than before, did you do something?"

When a woman becomes curious about a man, it also means that the woman begins to fall.

"Yeah. I know a little qigong. You were so drunk that day. In desperation, I had no choice but to use qigong to help you get rid of the alcohol. By the way, I also helped you improve your physique. If you are presumptuous, I hope sister Yao will forgive me." !"

Ye Lingtian said frankly that a person's body has undergone such a huge change, it is impossible to be fooled, so it is better to tell the truth.

"How could it be? It's too late for me to thank you. How can I blame you? You see, my current skin is no worse than those of those girls. Even if I walk outside, I am proud of myself." Very good!"

Excited eyes appeared in Ling Xueyao's eyes, she picked up the wine glass in front of her and took another sip, then moved to Ye Lingtian's side, and said charmingly: "Lingtian, do you think I'm beautiful?"

No pop-up windows and no ads "Beautiful!"

Seeing Ling Xueyao's bold and fiery eyes, her already blushing pretty face, and smelling the mysterious fragrance in her nose, Ye Lingtian couldn't help swallowing, feeling the fire in his lower abdomen ignited again, and subconsciously replied: .

"I really miss the feeling of that night. After living for 32 years, this is the first time I feel that women can be so happy!"

Ling Xueyao looked at Ye Lingtian and said quietly.

"Ah... you know that night?"

Ye Lingtian couldn't help being taken aback, of course he knew what happiness Ling Xueyao was talking about.

"Ling Tian, ​​I still want that feeling, can you give it to me?"

Ling Xueyao ignored Ye Lingtian's surprise, and stared at Ye Lingtian with her big eyes, which were full of anticipation and longing.

Since the last self-blasphemy, Ling Xueyao, who has been completely irritated by Ye Lingtian, is very eager to be given by a man, and now the only man in her heart is Ye Lingtian, so she really can't bear to give Ye Lingtian a hit tonight. The phone is also deliberately dressed so exposed, just hoping to arouse Ye Lingtian's lust and get the kind of dispelling feeling that he strongly desires in his heart.


Ye Lingtian didn't expect Ling Xueyao to be so direct, looking at this glamorous woman exuding mature charm everywhere in front of him, Ye Lingtian, who was in urgent need of venting, just felt his brain heat up, and nodded without thinking.

After being adjusted by Ye Lingtian, the current Ling Xueyao looks like she is only 23 or [-] years old, but she gives off a mature and charming feeling. People can't help but classify her as a mature and beautiful woman, just a glance of her soft eyes can make people think about it.

Hearing Ye Lingtian's answer, Ling Xueyao smiled coquettishly, looked at Ye Lingtian with obvious enthusiasm in her eyes, and slowly leaned towards Ye Lingtian, with a trace of misgiving in her eyes, and asked with a fragrant mouth: "Lingtian, am I pretty?"

Ling Xueyao's slightly open mouth is so seductive, Ye Lingtian has already smelled the scent of the human body emanating from her body, and the hot air makes people feel uneasy, if there is no response to such a seduction, then Ye Lingtian is not a man!

Ye Lingtian stretched out his right hand, and naturally hugged Ling Xueyao's fragrant shoulders. Through the thin nightgown, he could feel that Ling Xueyao's skin was smooth and delicate, like the finest silk. At this moment, he was very Need some serious venting.

Ling Xueyao's body trembled slightly, but she didn't resist. She looked at Ye Lingtian with misty eyes, and said in a low voice, "You haven't answered me yet!"

Ling Xueyao's orchid-like breath carried a faint fragrance, which seemed to instantly make the air dry and hot, and also had an indescribable ambiguity.


Ye Lingtian said without hesitation. Looking at the charming and moving face in front of him, his brain was buzzing, and he felt the blood in his body start to boil. He couldn't help it. The two of them had already left the dining table and fell on the soft leather bed. On the sofa, seeing that she was still looking at him with a smile, provocative flashes inadvertently flashed in her eyes, she immediately lowered her head and was crazily soft and fragrant.

Ling Xueyao seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and then she closed her eyes, hugged Ye Lingtian's neck tightly with both hands, opened her small mouth, and greeted Ye Lingtian's greedy and intense demands, her fragrant tongue flexibly entangled with Ye Lingtian's tongue.

In fact, under certain circumstances, it is easy for a lonely man and a lonely woman to have ambiguous feelings, especially after drinking. This has nothing to do with the moral quality of men and women.

Ye Lingtian tasted Ling Xueyao's small mouth to his heart's content, and wanted to caress this wonderful body with his big hands, especially when pressing her like this, he could clearly feel that she was not wearing underwear, and the soft meat ball on her chest was squeezing her The soft sensuality of his chest is so wonderful, just this is enough to make him excited, the thick jade pillar already as hard as iron is on top of Ling Xueyao, burning his body with desire.

Although Ling Xueyao's figure is very well-proportioned and beautiful, and her proportions are perfect, but the most attractive thing is her pair of big and round breasts that don't sag at all.

Men seem to have a natural obsession with breasts, and Ling Xueyao's round couple will definitely make any man drool uncontrollably!The huge breasts are white and delicate, the pink breasts are so small that they are just like girls, and the bright red breasts are like the most delicious red beans, faintly exuding the unique body of mature women The fragrance is even more attractive!

Ye Lingtian couldn't put it down and kneaded Ling Xueyao's nipples wantonly, Tian sucked on the red nen's nipples, some rough movements made Ling Xueyao instinctively twist her body, and her breathing became rapid.

Whether a woman's ru.fang is beautiful or not is not about looking big or not. It is a wrong view to think big is beautiful. In fact, it depends on the comprehensive index.The comprehensive index includes several aspects: model, shape, color and proportion of body.If a 1.5-meter woman has a pair of 36d ru. breasts, then it is too uncoordinated, it can be said to be too scary.

And Ling Xueyao's figure is indeed almost perfect, especially breasts, no matter in terms of model, shape, color and body proportion, it is the most perfect among the women Ye Lingtian owns, just like the golden section, without any flaws .

"Don't, don't push too hard..."

Feeling a sense of pleasure, Ling Xueyao couldn't help wrinkling her brows slightly while twisting her body, and let out a low snort.

"Well, it's so big..."

Ye Lingtian's saliva was almost dripping, he wantonly grabbed the two balls of Hao.ru and kneaded them for a while.Seeing that the young woman below her was short of breath and her face was flushed, she couldn't help lowering her head and began to kiss that sexy collarbone.

"It's... a little itchy..."

Ling Xueyao snorted softly, her eyes becoming more distant. ! .

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