Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 555 Don't Touch There

Ling Xueyao laughed and sat up, a pair of rich breasts shook Ye Lingtian a little dizzy, the hickey marks on her snow-white breasts were even more fragrant, she said suspiciously and ambiguously: "Forget it, don't make me happy up!

That night in the hotel, you almost stripped me, but you didn't see your heart. If you really liked me, you would have taken me by force, so there's no need for me to seduce you!

So, I don't dare to hope to be your lover, but as long as you like it, I will give it to you anytime, and I will never be nice to any man except you! "

"Why do you think so much, like I'm a big pervert, I think when I see a woman, I can't do everything possible to force it? You don't think that when you got drunk that night, it was because of me that I did something to get you drunk on purpose to possess you? "

Ye Lingtian was dumbfounded by Ling Xueyao's words, and slapped Ling Xueyao's chest hard, causing her to give her a blank look, and then said angrily: "You are such a mature, sexy, charming woman, and you are a normal man. Everyone will have ideas. - To be honest, from the first time I saw you, I had the idea of ​​sleeping with you.

But thoughts are thoughts, men will have that kind of thoughts about beautiful women, but it is another matter to turn thoughts into actions.

Sex. Love requires two people to be voluntary. Forcibly twisting a melon is not sweet, and forcibly possessing a woman will not give you pleasure. If it were not for you to tempt me tonight, I would not turn the thought in my heart into action. "

"You mean, if I don't tempt you tonight, you can still control yourself? Is your control really that strong?"

Ling Xueyao lowered her head and kissed Ye Lingtian's face, with a soft light in her eyes, she asked quietly.

"Of course!"

Ye Lingtian didn't want to entangle her with this question, so he nodded, then changed the subject and asked, "I haven't asked you yet! You haven't done it for so many years, why..."

Ling Xueyao seemed to have guessed what Ye Lingtian was going to ask, so she interrupted him and said, "You want to ask why I let go so much? Actually, I don't understand it myself, you know. I have been divorced for almost eight years, because my ex-husband Being gay made me subconsciously resist all men.

All these years, no man has been able to enter my heart.But ever since you helped me adjust my body at the hotel that night, I always feel a huge change in my body.

It's not the changes such as whitening of the skin that can be seen on the surface, but the physical needs in the body. I always feel that there is a fire in the body, and I need a man to comfort me. &&

You promised to come over tonight, I can't control myself.If you can bear it at first, I think I can't help but push you down.

Ling Tian, ​​do you think I'm slutty, but as soon as I see you, I really can't control myself, and whenever I feel that need, it's because I think of you. "

Ye Lingtian couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard the words.He would never have thought that he just used his true essence to help Ling Xueyao unblock her meridians and get rid of impurities in her body.Pulling away from her body, it actually aroused the fire of lust that Ling Xueyao had tried to suppress all these years.

But then again, Liu Ruohan, Liang Xiaoxue, and Anna are not as charming as Ling Xueyao in bed, and such a woman is indeed a man's gift!

Thinking of Ling Xueyao's passionate and passionate style just now, Ye Lingtian couldn't help but start to move again.

Ling Xueyao also felt the change of Ye Lingtian's jade pillar, she glanced at him charmingly, stretched out her little hand to grab the thick jade pillar and played it gently, and said with a coquettish smile, "Why, are you restless again?"

"It's not your fault. Let's come again!"

Ye Lingtian grinned, opened his mouth wide, and sucked Ling Xueyao's bright red nipple into his mouth in one gulp, and sucked it vigorously, while his hand was not idle, he touched Ling Xueyao's other plump breast. breast.Knead the originally round breasts into different shapes like kneading dough.


The two huge breasts were attacked, Ling Xueyao let out an exclamation from her small mouth, and fell into Ye Lingtian's arms as soon as her body softened, but the speed of the small gloves holding Ye Lingtian's jade pillar was obviously accelerated.

After kneading Ling Xueyao's huge breasts, Ye Lingtian seemed dissatisfied, her big hands began to move down Ling Xueyao's slender waist like a willow, and soon came to her plump buttocks.

Ling Xueyao's pelvis is wider than that of Liu Ruohan, Liang Xiaoxue, and Anna, and her waist is as slender as a willow, which highlights the plumpness of her buttocks, but such a plump buttocks are still upright like a girl, full of elasticity, without the slightest It is even more rare that there is no sagging, and it is also the main reason why Ye Lingtian is deeply attracted by Ling Xueyao.

You know, the first time I saw Ling Xueyao, I accidentally saw Ling Xueyao's plump and white buttocks. Ye Lingtian will never forget the scene of Ling Xueyao bending down to get underwear from the cupboard with her plump buttocks up.

Now that he can finally caress the plump butt that he dreamed of without any scruples, Ye Lingtian's heart burst into excitement. Suddenly, an idea popped up in his mind, he quickly let go of Ling Xueyao's nipple, and said with a smirk: "Let's change the position." !"

"What pose?"

Ling Xueyao, who was enjoying the pleasure of her breasts and buttocks being attacked by Ye Lingtian, was taken aback for a moment, and then said coquettishly, but she did not refuse Ye Lingtian's request.

Ye Lingtian was overjoyed immediately, and with a smirk made Ling Xueyao turn over, and then let her put her hands on the bed, with her beautiful buttocks facing away from him.

Such an embarrassing posture, even though Ling Xueyao has infinite amorous feelings, she is still a little unwilling, but she can't help Ye Lingtian's softness, she still tilts her round buttocks shyly, but she is too ashamed to raise her head, half-pushing and half-swinging her backwards The posture, even if she is as mature as her, feels embarrassing.

The young woman's buttocks are different, plump and white and tender. Compared with the young girl's greenness, there is a kind of roundness. Temptation. Pumping. Inserting in this full. Full buttocks, listening to her succumbing in front of her. The groan sound, Ye Lingtian was already excited just by imagining it.

This is the first time for Ye Lingtian to look at a woman's buttocks carefully. The buttocks in front of her eyes are white and firm, round, like a cut watermelon stuck to her face. It feels swollen and has attractive curves. You don't need to touch it to know that it has amazing elasticity.

After carefully appreciating and stroking for a while, Ye Lingtian straightened up reluctantly, supported the thick jade pillar, and the mushroom head accurately opened the pink and tender jade lips like petals, aiming at Ling Xueyao's wet jade path and slowly pushed forward , step by step into Ling Xueyao's mature and sexy body.


The moment Ye Lingtian entered, Ling Xueyao shuddered all over, feeling the different taste of this posture, it is obviously the same thing, but the different posture has a different taste.

Although she clamped her legs tightly, Ye Lingtian's jade pillar was already extremely thick, and the huge mushroom head rubbed against the sensitive tender meat in the jade path, the feeling it brought was different from before, but it couldn't tell the difference. The comfort that cannot be described in words at all!

When Ye Lingtian's jade pillar was completely submerged, both Ye Lingtian and Ling Xueyao breathed a sigh of satisfaction. The biggest advantage of the rear-entry posture is that it is deep enough. Feeling the slight trembling of her body when she was possessed, she was immediately excited, Ma hugged her white, round, elastic buttocks, pumped them back and forth, and admired his thick and long buttocks The situation of Yu Zhu entering and exiting Ling Xueyao's body.

Ling Xueyao was also very excited, she gritted her teeth reservedly at first, but in the end she couldn't bear this different taste, and under Ye Lingtian's pumping, she groaned and twisted her delicate body to cater to Ye Lingtian, and gradually Yes, her legs started to feel weak, but driven by instinct, she still couldn't help catering to Ye Lingtian.

**Little by little, the gap between the legs and the base of the legs began to be muddy, Ye Lingtian's powerful impact behind him, the crackling sound lingered in my ears, bit by bit invading my mind...

Every deep thrust of Ye Lingtian made Ling Xueyao's groaning, which could not tell whether it was pleasure or discomfort, even louder. Ye Lingtian was so excited to watch her beautiful breasts sway back and forth with the impact, Sweat had already covered the bodies of the two of them, and there was the sound of flesh and flesh slapping in the continuous collision.

Ling Xueyao had already had an extremely intense orgasm, her beautiful legs trembled slightly, and the penis flowed down to her feet along with the heels of her legs.

"Ling Tian...it can't be done!"

At this time, Ling Xueyao's hair was disheveled, and her powerless begging sounded charming, because Ye Lingtian was so strong, she couldn't stand such a strong impact, and her lower body was already aching, even after sex, he gently caressed her, but She still couldn't bear such a fierce request.

"It won't work again!"

Ye Lingtian panted heavily and stopped, looking at Ling Xueyao's powerless appearance, he couldn't help feeling a bit puzzled, but when he closed his eyes and felt the powerful movement in Ling Xueyao's jade path, and felt the joyful trembling of her crotch, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart feel.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are too powerful!"

Ling Xueyao said weakly, her pretty face was blushing with satisfaction.

At this time, Ling Xueyao's legs were weak, if it wasn't for Ye Lingtian's support, she would have collapsed on the bed, and the little hands that were originally supporting the bed had already been unable to support her, and her snow-white body was pressed to the bed.

"Sister Yao, I haven't ejaculated yet..."

Although the sex is not that impulsive, Ye Lingtian is still a little depressed. Although he has a sense of accomplishment in his heart, he hasn't satisfied the evil desires in his body. Who is willing to leave this sexy and charming stunner in his crotch?

"It really doesn't work..."

Ling Xueyao gasped weakly.

Ye Lingtian couldn't help making a bitter face, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he looked at Ling Xueyao's opening and closing chrysanthemums, which were still fresh and tender pink, needless to say, they had never been picked, and their face was full of watery light, looking full of Temptation, Ye Lingtian couldn't help reaching out and touching it.

Ling Xueyao trembled unconsciously, and said in a panic, "Don't touch there..." To be continued. .

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