Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 557 Two degrees of catharsis are not enough

After a few slow and gentle twitches, Ye Lingtian felt extremely refreshed by the tight and powerful squeeze inside the tender chrysanthemum, and unconsciously strengthened the strength and frequency of the twitching. It hit Ling Xueyao's plump buttocks.


As soon as Ye Lingtian intensified the intensity of the twitching, Ling Xueyao buried her head in the pillow and hummed in pain, breathing intermittently, and big drops of fragrant sweat flowed from the ketone body, but this pain only lasted for a short time, as Ye Lingtian The jade pillar was pumped repeatedly in her tight and hot chrysanthemum, the scorching, tearing pain gradually subsided, replaced by a strange pleasure.

"Ah...it can't be done...it's so bloated...give it to me..."

Ling Xueyao's originally painful moaning gradually turned into a comfortable moan of "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". He hugged his fat and tender buttocks to speed up the impact.

With her charming eyes slightly closed, Ling Xueyao opened her small ruddy mouth, her face was full of coquettishness, her delicate eyebrows showed a hint of excitement in her sorrow, and she made an indistinct voice: "It's so... so uncomfortable... so comfortable... You filled me up... full..."

Ye Lingtian turned her head away from him, moved his mouth to kiss her soft lips, so that she could only let out a muffled groan, kissed for a while, then cut her hands behind her back, and held her with her hands. Her slender wrists made her stand upright, her fat buttocks curled back, Ling Xueyao's dark cloud-like black hair flowed down her smooth and white back, until she was divided into several strands at her heart-shaped fat and round buttocks.

Under the long hair, the thick jade pillars parted the snow-white buttocks and quickly moved in and out of the compact tender chrysanthemums, while the jade fluid continuously flowing from Ling Xueyao's jade path flowed down her trembling legs.

Ling Xueyao twisted her butt unnaturally, because Nen Ju was much tighter than the front, Ye Lingtian's movements were too fast and too strong, and finally reached the critical point of explosion, subconsciously pulled her waist tightly backwards, and pumped a few times quickly. After the next.He couldn't help shivering all over his body, he was pinched by the tender chrysanthemum, and with a muffled snort, the mushroom head was deeply inserted into the end of the tender chrysanthemum, and the hot essence was sprayed out.

With Ye Lingtian's powerful eruption.Ling Xueyao's buttocks also tensed up suddenly, her brows furrowed and she stretched out, her plump body slid down softly.

"Ling Tian, ​​lighten up...it's so hot..."

Ling Xueyao whispered in Ye Lingtian's kiss, she felt the chrysanthemum was quite hot, but Ye Lingtian was so gentle when his arousal was high, which made her feel the taste of being loved and a different kind of tenderness. && Even if there is still some pain, it can't hinder the sweetness in my heart!

After it was over, Ye Lingtian's softened jade pillar was squeezed out by Nenju's wriggling, but the pleasure still invaded his whole body!Lying on Ling Xueyao's body weakly, Ye Lingtian stroked her round and smooth buttocks contentedly, and said tenderly, "Sister Yao, thank you!"

Ling Xueyao raised her head and looked at Ye Lingtian who looked proud and excited.Blushing, she got up silently, took a wet towel and wisely cleaned the lower bodies of the two, enduring the burning pain to clean up the traces of love.

Ye Lingtian also lay down happily.Seeing Ling Xueyao serving him like a docile wife, the two of them only had eye contact and didn't say anything, because they didn't need any sweet words, the eyes of each other were enough.

When Ling Xueyao carefully wiped Ye Lingtian's lower body with a warm towel, and when Ling Xueyao's soft little hands gently cleaned up the traces of the two people's love, Ye Lingtian closed his face and eyes comfortably, enjoying Ling Xueyao's tenderness towards him , the love for him, and this sweet feeling like husband and wife...

After cleaning up.Ling Xueyao returned to Ye Lingtian's arms, and the two embraced warmly, talking about love, enjoying this rare two-person world.

"Ling Tian, ​​you are really too strong!"

Nestling in Li Hao's arms, Ling Xueyao complained happily, feeling that Ye Lingtian's jade pillar hadn't completely weakened yet.I couldn't help knocking it, then grasped it, and scolded with a smile: "What a mischievous and mischievous guy, people love and fear at the same time."

"Then do you love more, or fear more?"

Ye Lingtian asked with a playful smile, no man would not feel proud and satisfied when he heard such words, and Ye Lingtian was the same.

"Are you asking the question knowingly? The front and back are swollen, especially the back. It's hot. How can people open the door tomorrow?"

Ling Xueyao rested her head on Ye Lingtian's broad and thick chest. Although she could still feel some swelling in the lower two holes, she didn't regret it. The sensation just now made her want to die. This time, in that extreme pleasure, she thought she had already flown into the sky.

Ye Lingtian kissed Ling Xueyao lightly, and said softly with a smile: "If you can't stand it, don't go to open the store tomorrow, and rest at home!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to the valley of Taoyuan below Ling Xueyao with a smile, and gently stroked, saying: "You are so charming, and I also want you to enjoy the real happiness of a woman!"

Ling Xueyao knew his intentions, she twisted her delicate body, pushed away his big hand, and said angrily with a reddish face, "Fucking again, I don't want it anymore!"

The two just hugged each other like this, and after a while, Ling Xueyao recovered a little bit, and Jiao Didi scolded a few times, then put on her nightgown, staggered and ran to wash the body that had been ravaged by Ye Lingtian.

After the back court was opened, although it didn't feel very comfortable, it wouldn't be uncomfortable. There was a hot burning sensation when walking, but after all, the body was mature. For Ling Xueyao, as long as she overcomes her psychological reserve, the fiery feelings It burned uncontrollably!

Ye Lingtian leaned on the pillow and lit an after-event cigarette. He gave up the idea of ​​taking a mandarin duck bath with Ling Xueyao. The two holes under Ling Xueyao had already been swollen red and swollen. If he took a mandarin duck bath together, he would really I'm afraid I can't control it.

In order to satisfy herself, Ling Xueyao even opened her back court, no matter what, she couldn't let her be hurt for her own lust.

After a while, Ling Xueyao came out of the bathroom freshly washed. She had already changed into a pink silk nightgown. The translucent nightgown made her look more enchanting and sexy, and it couldn't conceal her mature and charming charm at all.

Seeing Ye Lingtian lazily lying on the bed smoking, Ling Xueyao's pretty face darkened, and she urged Ye Lingtian to take a bath too.

Although women are the most beautiful when they are out of the bath, but Ling Xueyao was so docile and pleasant just now, Ye Lingtian naturally didn't dare to make any excessive demands, and immediately went to take a bath obediently.

The morning light is like water, quietly appearing clear ripples from the horizon, flowing forward slightly, the gray-black curtain covering the sky seems to be slowly pulled away by an invisible big hand, and a round of red sun slowly emerges from the sky. The east rises and shines brilliantly. The entire eastern sky is magnificent and magnificent. The sun gently shines on the window. After experiencing the madness of last night, Ye Lingtian and Ling Xueyao are still hugging each other tightly at this moment. big bed.

Ye Lingtian had already woken up, but seeing the beautiful woman in his arms still curled up in his arms like a kitten, he didn't know what kind of dream it was, a sweet smile faintly appeared on the corner of his mouth at this moment.

Ye Lingtian didn't move, just hugged Ling Xueyao quietly, he couldn't bear to disturb Ling Xueyao's dream.

Perhaps it was because of a feeling in her heart, Ling Xueyao in the dream seemed to feel that Ye Lingtian was watching her, she slowly opened her beautiful eyes, seeing Ye Lingtian's eyes full of love, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she didn't dare to talk to her. Ye Lingtian looked at each other, arched her delicate body, and buried her head in Ye Lingtian's broad and thick chest.

Seeing the beauty in her arms waking up, Ye Lingtian smiled lightly, exerting a little force on the arm pillowed under Ling Xueyao's slender neck, so that Ling Xueyao's soft body could stick closer to her, and at the same time, the other hand also wrapped around her In the past, she reached in from the hem of the translucent nightdress, gently stroking Ling Xueyao's white and smooth back back and forth.


Ling Xueyao, who was curled up in Ye Lingtian's arms, subconsciously let out a soft moan.

Early in the morning is the time when men's sexual desires are strongest. Most normal young men will find that when they wake up, there is always a pillar below them, and Ye Lingtian is no exception. After Ling Xueyao's very seductive groaning sound, it suddenly became a little thicker, and she couldn't help but lean under Ling Xueyao's body and jerk a few times.

"Ah... Ling Tian, ​​you bad guy!"

Sensing Ye Lingtian's movements, Ling Xueyao couldn't help being coquettish, but she raised her head, closed her beautiful eyes emotionally, and stuck out her tongue to Ye Lingtian, but at this moment her heart was sweet and bitter, and she wished to be with her forever By the side of Ye Lingtian who loves her, be a docile little woman, caring for each other thoughtfully!

Ye Lingtian couldn't help but shifted his big hands from Ling Xueyao's back to his chest, and began to caress Ling Xueyao's soft, upturned breasts, and his desire became more and more intense!

Although I have vented once in Ling Xueyao's compact jade path and tender backyard last night, it is far from enough for Ye Lingtian who needs venting these days. At this moment, Ling Xueyao took the initiative to offer a kiss. With a charming and charming appearance, the desire in the body can't help but become more vigorous.

But when she thought that her jade way and tender chrysanthemum hadn't recovered yet, she probably couldn't bear his demands, she couldn't overpower the king, so she calmed down immediately. In order not to make herself feel too uncomfortable, Ye Lingtian could only let go of Ling Xueyao depressedly, and sat down. He got up and leaned against the pillow, picked up the cigarette case from the bedside table, took out a cigarette and lit it, took a few deep breaths, and the room was filled with a faint smell of smoke.

Ling Xueyao blushed and panted, and in the sweetness of her heart, she gritted her teeth and planned to satisfy Ye Lingtian one more time, but suddenly felt light, Ye Lingtian had already let go of herself, and couldn't help but feel a little baffled.

: In the second update, there are still more than 1000 characters to be coded in the third update. Try to code it around 12 o'clock to end this plot.To be continued. .

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