Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 560 Encouragement

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In the next few days, Ye Lingtian didn't do anything, even didn't give Zhang Daoling the already refined "Dujie Pill", but stayed with Ling Xueyao wholeheartedly, indulging in this charming and gentle village. -

He has been busy running around for his family and the country. After he relaxes, he realizes that this seemingly ordinary home life is full of romance. To die without regret.

It's a pity that Ye Lingtian is not a mortal, he is a reborn cultivator, and he still has a heavy mission on his shoulders. The grievances and grievances of his previous life, coupled with the hatred of his master, all make Ye Lingtian have to keep moving forward step by step. For Ye Lingtian, living at home is just a luxury, and he can only enjoy it occasionally in his spare time like now.

Ling Xueyao just took it easy for one day, but on the second night, after she had just recovered, she was violated again by Ye Lingtian, who was full of lust. But this time, Ye Lingtian also knew how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade. Release a beam of true energy, while enjoying the wonderful pleasure brought by Ling Xueyao's narrow and tight jade path, at the same time use the true energy to soothe her jade lips that are as delicate as just blooming petals.

Thanks to the comfort of Ye Lingtian's true essence, Ling Xueyao no longer felt a trace of pain or discomfort, and was completely immersed in the thrilling pleasure of love between a man and a woman, like a burning flame. , Charming, charming, charming, enthusiastic and unrestrained.

Unknowingly, a week has passed, the National Party Congress has closed, and the new Central Committee has been elected. However, after the list of members and alternate members of the new Central Committee was announced, some people who are concerned about current affairs Common people, as well as dignitaries from all over the world, have discovered it.Previously, the voice was very high, and it was very hopeful that he would be ranked in the center and become one of the nine giants.And several high-ranking officials who had already appointed members of the Politburo in the eyes of ordinary people failed to become members of the new Central Committee.

You must know that the members of the Political Bureau of the Huaxia Central Committee are elected from among the members of the Central Committee, and the nine members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau.They are also elected from among the 25 members of the Political Bureau. If they cannot become members of the Central Committee, that means that the few bigwigs who were very vocal before the change of office have disappeared from the Chinese political arena.upload update

Although those world leaders who pay attention to China.And the common people in China were puzzled, but Ye Lingtian smiled noncommittally after seeing the news. All of this is due to the Fifth Department of the General Staff. .

It can be said that those few high-ranking officials who had hoped to reach the pinnacle of power suddenly disappeared from the Chinese political arena, basically because of serious problems with themselves or their family members.If you change it before.Considering the powerful political forces behind them, let alone a few of them together, even if one of them is dealt with, the central and high-level officials must be cautious. Will not act rashly.Otherwise, if the revenge of the political forces behind it cannot be fully contained.It is likely to cause political turmoil in the entire country.

But it's different now, with the secret assistance of those cultivators from the Fifth Department of the General Staff.The high-level decision makers don't have to worry about anything at all, and starting from the top level also demonstrates the determination of Chief No. [-] to implement a comprehensive rectification within the entire party, country, and army.

The sudden disappearance of those bigwigs from the Chinese political arena is just the beginning, and what awaits them later will be severe punishment by the law. Next, after the high-levels are stabilized, the major rectifications at all levels will also be fully launched. By then , under the strict scrutiny of the Fifth Department of the General Staff, no corrupt official who broke the law can get away with it.

In Yanjing in late autumn, the wind is beautiful, the sun is shining brightly, the sky is blue, spotless and crystal clear.

Large TV screens, today's East Hall of the Great Hall of the People are brightly lit, flowers bloom, and the atmosphere is warm and solemn.More than 600 journalists from all over the world came here early. They set up rows of video cameras, cameras, tape recorders, and interview books, waiting for the meeting of members of the Standing Committee of the new Central Political Bureau of the Chinese ruling party. start.

At 35:[-], after the end of the first plenary session of the new Central Committee of the Huaxia ruling party, amidst warm applause, Chief No. [-] led the other eight leaders who were elected as members of the new Politburo Standing Committee into the hall In the East Hall, smiling and in good spirits, they waved and applauded the Chinese and foreign journalists present.

After the news spokesperson made an introduction to the journalists from various countries in the hall, the No. [-] head first expressed his greetings to the Chinese and foreign journalists.He said that the new National Congress of Huaxia’s ruling party closed yesterday. This meeting held high the banner, carried on the past and ushered in the future, and sought truth and pragmatism. It is of great significance for the party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to unify their thinking, clarify their direction, and inspire their fighting spirit to jointly win new victories in building an affluent society in an all-round way and create a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Chief No. [-] said, just now, we held the first plenary meeting of the new Huaxia Central Committee and elected a new central leadership body.The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee is composed of nine comrades.Then, Chief No. [-] introduced the other eight members of the Politburo Standing Committee who were elected one by one, and thanked the comrades of the whole party for their trust on behalf of the elected members of the new leadership of the Central Committee.

He said that we are well aware of the heavy burdens and responsibilities on our shoulders, and we will rely on the comrades of the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to earnestly implement the various tasks proposed by the new party congress and never let down the great trust of comrades in the whole party. and the expectations of people of all nationalities across the country.

Afterwards, Chief No. [-] gave a passionate speech into the microphone. He said that the world has formed a new pattern. For a long period of time in the future, while ensuring that the Chinese government will continue to accelerate domestic economic development, it will gradually introduce Focusing on maintaining world peace, Huaxia insists that peace, development, and cooperation are still the trend of the times. Only under the premise of cooperation can real peace be achieved. Without cooperation, it is wishful thinking to talk about peace.

Head No. [-] reiterated that the strength of China absolutely does not pose a threat to neighboring countries, nor does it pose a threat to countries in the world. As well as the peace and prosperity of the whole world, it is also for China to develop a stable surrounding environment.At the same time, the new supreme leadership of China will use all available means to deal with territorial sovereignty and maritime delimitation disputes with neighboring countries in accordance with international law.Some neighboring countries have ulterior motives to advocate the theory of "China's pride", "China's toughness" and "China's threat", trying their best to provoke the relationship between China and neighboring countries, and even spread the saying: "China wants to restore the historical status of the "Huaxia Empire". To restore China's historical territory is purely fabricated and nonsense.

Chief No. [-] explained that Huaxia will pursue a new security concept and attach great importance to non-traditional security issues.Huaxia leaders have repeatedly advocated the 'new security concept', emphasizing that 'security is not isolated, zero-sum, and absolute. Without world and regional peace and stability, there will be no security and stability for a country'. As a major country, China will be responsible for maintaining The arduous responsibility of world peace, actively assisting the United Nations to properly handle and resolve conflicts and disputes between regions and countries, he said: "We should adhere to the new security concept of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation, and maintain our own security. , respect the security of other countries, and promote the common security of mankind.”This means that China should not only pursue its own security interests, but also be a responsible big country.

Next, Chief No. [-] explained from an economic point of view that as a big country, Huaxia will fully commit to the development of the global economy. Any behavior that is not conducive to the development of the global economy will be severely sanctioned and cracked down by Huaxia. This also implicitly shows that , as long as it is not in line with Huaxia's intentions, Huaxia will never tolerate it.

In the end, Chief No. [-] was still very confident and domineering. He pointed out: "Huaxia has always insisted on the words of the founding leaders. If people do not attack me, I will not attack. If people attack me, I will attack. If China is threatened by military forces from abroad , Huaxia will redouble its counterattack as a matter of course. Huaxia will not take the initiative to invade other countries, but Huaxia has enough strength to eliminate any country. "

Chief No. [-]'s words were so forceful and decisive that the leaders of all countries in the world, including the president of the northern country with the largest territory in the world, were horrified after watching the live TV broadcast.

In each of the previous Huaxia National Party Congresses, the speeches of the top leaders at the press conference were very implicit, but today the speech of Huaxia No. The arduous task of world peace is to actively assist the United Nations in properly handling and resolving regions and regions. Conflicts and disputes between countries are only the official language.

I don't invade your territory, but you must know how to cooperate with me, share benefits equally, and share resources. Otherwise, you don't need to use military force at all. You only need to impose sanctions on the economy, and your regime can perish.

But Ye Lingtian, who was watching the live TV with Ling Xueyao in his arms in front of the TV, felt very relieved at the moment. After hiding his strength and biding his time for so many years, Huaxia was finally able to say such tough words to the whole world.

The country no longer needs to worry about himself. Ye Lingtian turned his head and looked at Ling Xueyao who was curled up in his arms like a bird. After these days of lingering, he has already made up his mind about this mature, gentle and virtuous beautiful woman.To be continued. .

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