Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 562 Insufficient Authority

At the foot of Wuyi Mountain, the Zhang family.

As soon as Ye Lingtian descended from the air, he heard a burst of hearty laughter from the courtyard, and then the closed courtyard door was opened, and Zhang Daoling walked out with a happy face. Naturally, they could sense Ye Lingtian's arrival.

"Hehe, hello Brother Zhang, I came here uninvited!"

Seeing Zhang Daoling going out to greet him in person, Ye Lingtian hurried forward to salute.

"Brother Ye, you don't need to be too polite. You are a great benefactor of our Zhang family. You can't even invite me. Come, please come inside!"

Zhang Daoling looked at Ye Lingtian with emotion and said, just a few days ago, he accepted a set of immortal artifacts presented by Ye Lingtian, this favor may not be repaid in the lower realm.

All the way into the living room of the inner courtyard, when the rest of the disciples had retreated, Ye Ling took out a jade bottle and said with a smile: "Brother Zhang, I went back and thought about it that day. It seems that there is no certainty to pass the tribulation smoothly. There is a "tribulation crossing pill" in it before the catastrophe falls, and it is supplemented by the defense of the fairy weapon. If there are no accidents, it should not be difficult to pass the catastrophe. "

Facing Zhang Daoling, Ye Lingtian didn't talk nonsense, and said directly.

"This...brother Ye, with the help of a fairy weapon, the probability of me succumbing to the catastrophe is much higher. This 'Die Tribulation Pill' is too precious, there must be someone who can use it!"

Zhang Daoling wanted to take it over. After all, what Ye Lingtian said just now was good, as long as he had this "Daojie Pill", it would definitely not be a problem to survive the catastrophe, but thinking that he already owed Ye Lingtian too much, he hurriedly refused.

"Brother Zhang, you don't have to refuse, just accept it. I was originally planning to protect you from the catastrophe, but I plan to retreat for a period of time in the near future. It is not just me who strives to make a breakthrough. Tianyuanzong except Zhang Hong All the staff will be retreating together. If it takes a long time, I’m afraid I will miss my elder brother’s crossing robbery, so I think I’ll send you the elixir before the retreat.”

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly, put the white jade bottle in front of Zhang Daoling and said.

He knew what Zhang Daoling was thinking.Doing this way is also to let Zhang Daoling sign a huge favor to himself.A mere set of low-grade celestial artifacts and a grain of "Calamity Crossing Pill" can buy the heart of a master in the late stage of the Tribulation Crossing. This deal only makes money but not losses.Why not do it.

certainly.This can only be said by Ye Lingtian, who is rich and powerful. If it were someone else, even those loose immortals in the cultivation world would never easily give away magic weapons of the immortal level.

"Then... my brother, I will be disrespectful!"

Seeing what Ye Lingtian said, it would be too hypocritical for Zhang Daoling to refuse again.After pondering for a moment, he said solemnly: "Brother Ye, you can go to retreat with peace of mind. With the magic weapon you gave me, the elixir, it shouldn't be a problem for me to survive the catastrophe. It doesn't matter if you really can't catch up. , we won’t be able to ascend for a while, and when you come out of retreat, we will have plenty of time to get together! In addition, your business is our Zhang family’s business, and we will do our best to safeguard the Huaxia Cultivation Alliance no matter you are there or not!”

"That's great. If you have something to do, you can contact Zhang Hong. He knows how to deal with it."

Ye Lingtian nodded in relief, as long as Zhang Daoling and Zhang Hong were present, there would be no disturbances in the world of Chinese comprehension.

The two chatted for a while, Ye Lingtian looked at the time and it was already afternoon, not knowing how Ling Xueyao's affairs were being handled, so he immediately refused Zhang Daoling's persuasion and stood up to leave.

Ling Xueyao's erotic lingerie store was originally located in the bustling section of downtown Guangdong City. The shops in this area are basically brand stores that deal in high-end clothing. There is no need to advertise in newspapers, but simply put a sticker on the store door. After posting a notice about the transfer of the store, in less than half an hour, seven or eight people came to discuss.

Some of these people saw the transfer notice posted on the store door, and most of them were the owners of adjacent shops who called their relatives and friends to come over when they saw Gao. Obviously, no matter what kind of person they are , all took a fancy to the commercial effect brought by this prime location.

Since Ye Lingtian had already said hello before, Ling Xueyao didn't care too much about the specific link of the transfer of the underwear store. She called all those involved together, and after counting the inventory in the store, it was like an auction. In that way, each bids, and the one with the highest price wins, pays with one hand, and delivers with the other, and does not owe each other.

As a result, the final transaction price was far higher than Ling Xueyao expected. Seeing this result, Ling Xueyao was also secretly happy.

Although Ye Lingtian meant that as long as it can be transferred as soon as possible, it doesn't matter if the price is high or low, but Ling Xueyao, who has been relying on business for a living, still hopes to transfer a high price in her heart. Men can be generous, and women have to plan carefully.

In less than two hours, the transfer of the store was completed. Before leaving, Ling Xueyao reluctantly looked back at the underwear store that had been in business for seven or eight years. Yes, more or less, there will always be some feelings, besides, she and Ye Lingtian met for the first time, it was in this store, if she hadn't left Guangdong Province to follow Ye Lingtian, she would definitely not have transferred this store.

Naturally, Ling Xueyao wouldn't deal with the villa in Auman's classic garden complex. His younger brother Ling Yi still doesn't know when he will be discharged from the army. Ling Xueyao also already knew that this time she was just going to retreat for practice, although she didn't know how long it would take, but she would still come back, even if she really wanted to sell it, she would wait until then, at least three to five years later,~~~ At least double the price of this villa.

Ye Lingtian did not expect that Ling Xueyao would be able to handle everything so quickly. In terms of housekeeping and financial management, not to mention Liu Ruohan and Anna, even Liang Xiaoxue who managed the Zhengyang branch of Liang's Jewelry cannot compare with Ling Xueyao. By Ye Lingtian's side, I really need a woman like this.

"Xueyao, you can arrange it yourself tonight. I'm going to the commander's house of the Guangdong Military Region."

After careful consideration, Ye Lingtian said to Ling Xueyao.

The National Party Congress has closed two days ago, Lu Sanqiang has returned to Guangdong Province, and he is about to leave. This farewell, at least three to five years, at least ten years, no matter what, we have to make a call Say hello.

The relationship with Lu Jiajia is one thing, and the relationship with Lu Sanqiang is another. It cannot be said that because Lu Jiajia rejected him, he will also cut off contact with Lu Sanqiang. Ye Lingtian still has a sense of proportion in this regard.

Although Lu Sanqiang and Yu Xinping were still so enthusiastic, Ye Lingtian didn't stay for long. After dinner, he talked with Lu Sanqiang about the work direction of the Guangdong Military Region in the next few years, and then got up to leave. On the one hand, this was originally a polite farewell. But the most important thing was that he was worried that if Lu Jiajia was mentioned, it would be difficult for him to say anything.

During the meeting, Yu Xinping kept complaining, saying that Lu Jiajia's mobile phone hadn't been connected at all these days, and she didn't call back. Ye Lingtian could only help explain that there might be no signal on the mobile phone in the border areas, but he knew it very well in his heart. , this is Lu Jiajia deliberately avoiding.

Ganzhou, Xiliang Military Region Headquarters.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Lingtian in military uniform, accompanied by Chi Cunao, the commander of the Xiliang Military Region, came out of the headquarters office building, and then got into the Audi Q7 with the badge of the General Staff. Chi Cunao and several other commanders of the military region The senior generals of the Ministry boarded the other three Dongfeng armored off-road vehicles. Immediately, the four vehicles roared out of the military headquarters, and soon left the urban area, speeding away toward the depths of a mountain.

The matter in Yuezhou has been dealt with, before going to meet up with Liu Ruohan and the others, I have to help Ling Xueyao with one last thing on my mind, and go see my younger brother Ling Yi.

Chi Cunao made a statement. It was not a big deal but it turned into a big deal. The people in the staff department took action immediately. The next day, Ling Yi took a special military helicopter to pick him up from the deserted border post to the Eagle Special The secret location of the brigade also made Ling Yi puzzled for a long time. It was not until he called Ling Xueyao that he finally understood.

"What are you doing! Isn't Chi Cunao in a daze? Isn't he just a lieutenant general and deputy minister under the General Staff? What's the point of making such a big commotion, even forgetting such an important matter as conveying the spirit of the party congress?" Don’t care about it, and personally accompany him to inspect it? Besides, this lieutenant general doesn’t know where he came from, he looks so young on the outside, it’s really a ghost!”

Abnormal things are demons!

Behind a window on the eighth floor of the military region headquarters, Zhao Kun, the political commissar of the Xiliang Military Region with a stern face, drove off four off-road vehicles, shaking his head again and again, muttering to himself suspiciously, and then seemed to remember something , quickly walked to the desk, grabbed the red confidential phone and dialed a few numbers, and after reporting a series of passwords, he asked: "Please help me check the resume of Ye Lingtian, the deputy director of the Fifth Department of the General Staff. "

"Sorry, the content you want to inquire is top secret, and your authority is not enough."

Zhao Kun, who was patiently waiting for a reply, had never expected such an answer at all, and after being taken aback for a moment, he asked in disbelief, "You...you didn't make a mistake..."

"I have checked it carefully, and there is absolutely no mistake. Is there anything else I need to serve you?"

The voice on the other end of the phone seemed very firm, and Zhao Kun looked shocked, and it took a while before he said, "Thank you, there's nothing else to do."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Kun's complexion became very complicated. His authority was [-]A rank second only to the members of the Military Commission, but he couldn't find the information of a lieutenant general. This is worth pondering.

No wonder the arrogant Chi Cunao would lower his identity and personally accompany him to inspect it. It turned out that he already knew the other party's details!

Zhao Kun had no idea that all the information on Ye Lingtian was the top secret document of the country, not to mention the members of the Military Commission, and even the vice chairman of the Military Commission had no right to check it, and even the members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Ninth National Congress were only a few people I have read some of Ye Lingtian's materials.

Thinking of his lukewarm attitude when Ye Lingtian came in the morning, Zhao Kun couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Damn it, this Chi Cunao didn't reveal any rumors! ! .

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