Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 579 Lao Dongfang, You Are Finished

Original s: Thanks to book friend Shi nd88, the mouse who steals oil, the devil Yang Jian, and a one-month ticket (asking for support!

What troubled Lao Dongfang was that Chief No. 5 seemed to quite agree with Wang Zhengfeng's views, and there was a faint smile on his normally calm face. [-]

No, Wang Zhengfeng must not be allowed to fulfill his wish!

If that's the case, not only Qin~~-~~Kai and Qin Jianguo can't keep it, even his cousin Lao Dongli may be implicated.

The current situation has changed from how to keep Qin Jianguo's father at the beginning to the grievance between Lao Dongfang and Wang Zhengfeng. Lao Dongfang greeted Wang Zhengfeng's family fiercely in his heart, and at the same time quickly thought of countermeasures.

"Comrade Dongfang, what do you think?"

Chief No. [-] did not comment on Wang Zhengfeng's words, took a sip from his teacup, turned to look at Lao Dongfang and asked.

Before summoning Wang Zhengfeng and Lao Dongfang, Chief No. [-] had already listened to Lian Zhennan's report, and he knew more about the ins and outs of the whole matter than what Wang Zhengfeng just said.

However, Qin Jianguo is from Lao Dongfang after all, and the two are still relatives. Chief No. [-] also wants to see Lao Dongfang's attitude towards this matter, and see whether Lao Dongfang treats this incident out of publicity or selfishness. event.

Lao Dongfang is a member of Chief No. [-]. Chief No. [-] didn't have much contact with him before, so his understanding of him is only superficial. Now, taking this opportunity, he can see Lao Dongfang's character clearly.

people.Only when it comes to your own fundamental interests.Can show the real side.

"I don't agree with Comrade Zhengfeng's opinion!"

As soon as Chief No. [-] finished speaking, Lao Dong, who was already full of breath, said conveniently: "As far as I know, Cheng Mengdie is a very popular female star in Hong Kong and China in recent months, and has a very high reputation in China. Qin Kai is also one of her loyal fans.

This time when Tong Shengxiang ran into his idol, Qin Kai only politely asked for Cheng Mengdie's autograph, and did not want to insult Cheng Mengdie as some people said. Unprepared, Qin Kai beat Qin Kai, if Qin Kai's companions and Tong Shengxiang's security guards hadn't arrived in time.No one can predict what kind of consequences Qin Kai will be beaten.

It was in this situation that Qin Kai called the police. As for what happened after arriving at the Public Security Bureau, was it because Xie Ronggui, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, did it without authorization or had other reasons.It is still too early to draw a conclusion, after all, there is no evidence that Qin Kai was involved.

Our party has always adhered to the principle of seeking truth from facts, and the law also uses evidence to speak. Only after careful investigation can we reach a final conclusion. "

Hearing Lao Dongfang's words, Chief No. [-]'s face suddenly turned serious, the faint smile that originally appeared on his face disappeared instantly, and the tip of his brow frowned imperceptibly, but he did not interrupt Lao Dongfang.He also wanted to know how this Lao Dongfang would defend Qin Jianguo's father next.

Lao Dongfang didn't notice the imperceptible change on Chief No. [-]'s face at all, and continued: "Qin Jianguo also took the deputy director of the Provincial Department Qiu with him after receiving the news that Qin Kai was knocked out in the city branch office. Yuejin and the police from the Criminal Police Corps rushed to the city sub-bureau. After all, Qin Jianguo was Qin Kai's father, and his son was beaten unconscious at the police sub-bureau. It is reasonable to rush over.

What's more, Xie Ronggui had already been knocked out before, and Qin Jianguo had no way of understanding what happened in the city branch.Bringing Qiu Yuejin was also for insurance purposes.

As for the members of the Armed Police Corps and the Special Police Corps, Qin Jianguo made the decision after hearing the gunshots. As I just said, Qin Jianguo didn't know what happened at the City Branch Bureau. He didn't even know that Director Ye had arrived at the City Branch Bureau.It is not known who fired the shots.

In any case, the City Sub-bureau was the first bustling downtown area.If the shooter is a vicious gangster, it will be a great threat to the whole of Xi'an and even the whole country. As the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, Qin Jianguo mobilized the armed police and special police for the same reason. An attitude that must not allow gunmen to flee. "

Speaking of this, Lao Dongfang paused, took a sip from the teacup in front of him, and took the opportunity to observe the expression of Chief No. [-]. Until this moment, he noticed that the faint smile on Chief No. [-]'s face had disappeared, and again Restored to the previous unfathomable.

However, now that this has been said, the following words must be finished. Lao Dongfang sorted out his thoughts, glanced at Wang Zhengfeng, who was resting, and said: "I heard that there was such a big commotion in Xi'an. Hou Guofang, who is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Xi’an Municipal Party Committee, has never appeared, not only that, but he can’t even connect to his mobile phone, so he must be missing, right?”

Wang Zhengfeng's heart shuddered, and his face changed unnaturally. Lao Dongfang was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he fought back.

Hou Guofang couldn't find anyone, and he couldn't get through on the phone. The leaders of the entire Xi'an Municipal Party Committee and the Qinshan Provincial Party Committee knew about it. It is estimated that the No. [-] chief also got the news.

In fact, even Lao Dongfang didn't know that this Hou Guofang was not Wang Zhengfeng's person, but just to get Wang Zhengfeng's support, he had always supported Wang Zhengfeng in the Standing Committee and got closer to him.

No matter what the reason is that no one can find anyone and can't get through the phone, Hou Guofang must accept investigation and wait for what happened today. For Wang Zhengfeng, even if Hou Guofang is dismissed, he does not have much loss. It's just one vote missing in the Standing Committee, and Wang Zhengfeng is about to take charge of the Central Organization Department of the Huaxia ruling party, and his days in the Qinshan Provincial Party Committee are numbered, so one vote missing is nothing serious.

It's just that Lao Dongfang said these words, but it made him feel a little bit uneasy.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhengfeng simply refused to accept Dongfang's words.A pair of winds from east to west, north and south.I kept my expression on my face.

Seeing Wang Zhengfeng's calm and detached demeanor, Lao Dongfang was also slightly taken aback. After all, Hou Guofang is also a deputy ministerial level official, a dignified member of the Standing Committee of the Qinshan Provincial Party Committee, and the secretary of the municipal Party Committee of a deputy provincial city. Could it be that Wang Zhengfeng really let Hou Guofang downfall?

Unable to understand Wang Zhengfeng's thinking, Lao Dongfang couldn't continue to hold on to Hou Guofang. After all, he was in the Jinzhu Garden. He pondered for a moment, as if he was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle in his heart.After a while, he said: "Comrade Zhengfeng just mentioned that Qin Jianguo violated discipline by mobilizing armed police and special police to the city branch. Ye Lingtian, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Police Inspectorate, has truly violated discipline!"

As soon as Lao Dongfang said this, Wang Zhengfeng was taken aback. Is this Lao Dongfang out of his mind or crazy, and dare to point the finger at the mysterious Ye Lingtian?

Taking a sneak peek at Chief No. [-], he found that Chief No. [-]'s face also suddenly became serious. Wang Zhengfeng sneered in his heart, but his face returned to normal in an instant.

Lao Dongfang naturally noticed the changes in the expressions of Chief No. [-] and Wang Zhengfeng, but he misunderstood the thoughts of Chief No. [-], thinking that his words had attracted the attention of Chief No. [-], and immediately said with a little excitement: "The former The first time in Cuizhu Mountain Villa, they used their relationship with the military to mobilize armed helicopters to force the armed police and special police to surrender. Although Chen Baohua and Liu Jianping issued wrong orders for their own self-interest, they all served the country and the people. If you think Chen Baohua and Liu Jianping's approach is wrong, you can report it to your superiors in time. How can you mobilize the army, and what's more, it's armed helicopters pointing their guns at our armed police and special police?

If this gets out, how much impact will it have on society?If it is known by foreign media, how should we explain it?

And just today, when Qin Jianguo heard the gunshots and ordered the armed police and special police from the Qinshan Provincial Armed Police Corps and the Special Police Corps to rush to the city branch, Director Ye even sent a message through Zeng Lixiang, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Standing Committee of the Xi'an Municipal Committee.Said that if the armed police special police present did not want to be pointed at the head by the armed helicopter's muzzle again, they should evacuate.

May I ask, Ye Lingtian is only the deputy director of the Police Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. What authority does he have to mobilize the army and the armed helicopters used for combat?

The army is to defend the country from foreign enemies.The guns in the hands of soldiers are used to attack invaders, not to deal with public security officers who protect the lives and property of the people.If everyone is like Ye Lingtian, mobilizing the army at every turn, then what's the use of the public security organs..."

"Enough! Lao Dongfang, have you finished?"

The more Lao Dongfang spoke, the more passionate he became. Already in the excitement, he didn't even notice that Chief No. [-]'s complexion had become very ugly, until he heard Chief No. [-]'s shout and reacted, and nodded numbly. Said: "Chief, I'm done."

Although Chief No. [-] usually had an amiable and approachable face, when his face darkened, the majesty of a superior exuded from his body instantly made Lao Dongfang, including Wang Zhengfeng beside him, feel extremely uncomfortable.

Especially Lao Dongfang, feeling as if his back is already wet at this moment, he understands very well that the reason why Chief No. [-]'s complexion changed drastically, and even the name he calls himself, must be related to what he just said about Ye Lingtian , It's just that even if he is as smart as him, he still can't feel where he is wrong.

From the previous Dongfang comrades to the current direct calling by their first names, what does this mean?

Lao Dongfang only felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart, and shivered unconsciously.

"Lao Dongfang, don't you want to know why Ye Lingtian was able to mobilize the army? Well, I will give you a satisfactory answer now! Ye Lingtian's other identity is the deputy head of the fifth department of the General Staff of the Military Commission. Let alone the 58th Army, even the He has the right to transfer the commanders of the eight major military regions! Well, it’s none of your business here, so go back!”

After the No. [-] chief finished speaking, he didn't look at Lao Dongfang again, and waved his hands slightly, as if chasing away a disgusting fly.

Wang Zhengfeng, who had been sitting beside him all the time, was extremely shocked, but also secretly delighted. Seeing the already pale and numb Lao Dongfang, he already had a faint feeling in his heart, Lao Dongfang, he is going to die!

ps: There should be another chapter, but it is too tiring. Everyone knows that the officialdom is involved, especially the high-level plot is very sensitive. If you are not careful, you will be caught. These two chapters are very tiring. I am editing carefully, I am afraid that I will win the special prize, I hope you will understand!

Tomorrow is another month, and I hope that everyone will continue to support Shanren, and the following plots will be exciting!

By the way, I implore those who have the ability to support the original version, and book a chapter for those who read books automatically and mobile, thank you Shanren! (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome to the starting point

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