Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 590 Regeneration Mutation

It was too late, but soon, Xu Fu's pair of huge dragon claws had already grabbed Zhang Hong's head!

Zhang Hong felt something was wrong when Xu Fu was rushing towards him. Seeing Xu Fu's ferocious approach, he immediately made up his mind to retreat. He narrowly missed Xu Fu's grasp.

Xu Fu saw that the catch was in vain, the horse stood on the ground and stopped the castration.

After all, Xu Fu's body is too huge now, when it completely stabilized its figure, Zhang Hong had already retreated to a distance, and Ye Lingtian and Xiao Bai had already taken this opportunity to attack Xu Fu's back fiercely.



Following two loud bangs, Ye Lingtian's flying sword and Xiaobai's sharp claws had already hit Xu Fulong's back firmly.

However, although these two attacks by Ye Lingtian and Xiaobai actually hit Xu Fu, they only moved Xu Fu's huge body to the side a little, and did not cause any damage to him at all.

Both Ye Lingtian and Xiaobai retreated immediately, and by the time Xu Fu reacted, Ye Lingtian and Xiaobai had already retreated.

However, what was surprising was that Xu Fu didn't pursue him, but stayed where he was. It seemed that he wouldn't fight back if Ye Lingtian and the others didn't attack him.

"Brother Ye, it's not a problem for us to attack like this. We can't hurt Xu Fu at all. We have to find another way. Besides, it seems a little strange, why didn't Xu Fu chase us?"

Zhang Daoling also saw something strange, frowned and said while looking at Xu Fu in the distance.

"Big brother, you just said that Xu Fu's cultivation has reached the spirit fairy stage, but when we attacked him just now, it seemed that he didn't use all his strength, otherwise, with our cultivation base, it would be impossible to hit him !"

Xiaobai also spoke to Ye Lingtian in a puzzled manner.

"I understand now. Xu Fu's snake-dragon transformation has not been fully completed. You see, Xu Fu has only grown the front two dragon claws, while the back two dragon claws have not yet grown. More importantly, his head It’s still a snake head, I think, only after his head becomes a dragon head can he truly complete the snake-dragon transformation!”

Zhang Hong looked at Xu Fu who was motionless in the distance and said.

"That's true. Xu Fu hasn't completed the snake-dragon transformation yet, and his cultivation level hasn't stabilized yet. No wonder he revealed the secret of the snake-dragon transformation just now. It turned out that he wanted to take the opportunity to delay the time so that he could complete the final snake-dragon transformation." Change!"

Ye Lingtian finally understood the reason why Xu Fu didn't attack them even though he looked angry after seeing them.

"Brother Ye, what should we do now?"

Zhang Daoling looked at Ye Lingtian and asked.

Yeah, what now?

Although Xu Fu hadn't completed the final snake-dragon transformation yet, due to the huge gap in strength, the attacks of his own people had no effect on him at all.But if he can't be stopped, the consequences will be unimaginable after he completes the transformation from snake dragon to dragon body!

Think for a moment.Ye Lingtian gritted his teeth, and released the "Nine Heavens God Thunder Formation" magic weapon in his hand.

Although Ye Lingtian also knew in his heart that this "Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Formation" would not be of much use to the current Xu Fu, the previous "Great Heavenly Gate Formation" was a magic weapon made of the low-grade fairy artifact Yata Mirror, It was more than enough to deal with people in the realm of comprehension, but Xu Fu's cultivation base had reached the spirit fairy stage, and the low-grade immortal weapon was used as a magic weapon to suppress the formation, but it did not pose a threat to him, but he forcibly broke the formation.

But now except for this "Nine Heavens God Thunder Formation".There is really no other way, except to summon Taoist Dan and the others to deal with Xu Fu together.

However, until the last moment, Ye Lingtian didn't want to do that. After all, they are all in closed doors now, as long as they are disturbed by the outside world.No one can guarantee whether it will go mad.

Seeing that thing that resembled a Moutai wine bottle flying towards him, Xu Fu still didn't move. Obviously, all his thoughts are now on the final snake dragon transformation. As long as the snake dragon transformation is not completed, he will not take the initiative to attack of.

The "Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Formation" enveloped Xu Fu easily. Ye Lingtian pinched his hand, and two powerful thunders descended from the sky, striking Xu Fu's huge body fiercely.



Before Xu Fu could react, those two thunderbolts, which were half as thick as a bucket, struck Xu Fu solidly.


Xu Fu let out a shrill scream. His body, which was so hard that even top-grade spiritual weapons could not touch it, had been smashed into blood by the powerful sky thunder. Even Zhang Daoling and Zhang Hong in the distance , also smelled a pungent burnt smell.

"Big brother, Xu Fu seems to be a little afraid of this thunder!"

Seeing that Xu Fu was injured, Xiaobai finally beamed with joy and jumped up happily.

But Zhang Daoling and Zhang Hong were really shocked. They didn't expect that Ye Lingtian would have such a powerful spell that he could summon the sky thunder, and it was such a powerful sky thunder!

Zhang Daoling was about to cross the catastrophe, he could guess in his heart that the two thunderbolts that fell from the sky just now were definitely more powerful than the thunderbolts when he crossed the catastrophe. Can't resist.

Ye Lingtian naturally knew better than anyone else. Seeing that the thunder summoned by the "Nine Heavens God Thunder Formation" could hurt Xu Fu, he immediately couldn't care less. Two waves of sixteen thunderstorms followed immediately.

The most important thing now is to maximize the power of the "Nine Heavens Thunder Formation" before Xu Fu reacts, so as not to give Xu Fu time to fight back.

After all, Xu Fu is now at the spiritual immortal stage. If he guesses that this is a formation, then the ending of the "Nine Heavens God Thunder Formation" will be like the "Great Heavenly Gate Formation" in all likelihood. He was broken abruptly.

It would be best if Xu Fu could be directly wiped out with the "Nine Heavens Thunder Formation". Even if he couldn't be killed within the formation, he should be dealt the heaviest blow before the formation was broken by him. If we come to deal with him again, there will be hope.

So after probing with two divine thunders, Ye Lingtian immediately maximized the power of the "Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Formation", and the second wave of sixteen thunders that were half thicker than a bucket instantly enveloped Xu Fu. There is no room for avoidance at all.

And Xu Fu inside the formation was also horrified. He didn't expect Ye Lingtian to be able to summon such a powerful sky thunder. Although he didn't understand what was going on now, seeing Ye Lingtian's fingers constantly changing, he could Knowing that he was playing a spell, he immediately ignored the snake dragon's change, and jumped to the side to avoid it.


Xu Fu was still a step too slow. After a huge thunderclap resounded across the sky, more than half of the sixteen thunderbolts struck Xu Fu's huge half-snake, half-dragon body. The huge snake head is just blood, which makes people look horrified.

"I want you all to go to hell..."

Xu Fu roared loudly, his huge body soared into the air, and attacked Ye Lingtian like lightning.

He now understands that if Ye Lingtian and the others are not wiped out, not to mention completing the snake-dragon transformation, even his own life will be lost in all likelihood.

It's just that after he flew into the air, he found that the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. It was no longer the scenery he saw before, but turned into a gray area, and Ye Lingtian and others also disappeared.

"No, this is a formation!"

Xu Fu reacted immediately, and just as he was about to forcibly break through the formation, he felt that Kong's aura had changed again.

"What's going on? Without the thunder falling, how could the aura become so disordered?"

Xu Fu looked at the sky in bewilderment, suddenly, he seemed to have guessed something, his body flashed, and he wanted to back away, but it was too late, a silent thunder of the Taiyin had already slammed into his body Huge head.


With a loud noise, Xu Lei's body was slammed to the ground, and his head was even smashed by the thunder of the Taiyin God, smashing the ground into a big hole several feet deep.

It turned out that Ye Lingtian knew that Xu Fu had taken precautions against the thunder, so he changed his mind, and before manipulating the "Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Formation" to strike the third wave of divine thunder, he first summoned a divine thunder of the Taiyin.

Although the power of the Taiyin Divine Thunder is much smaller than that of the "Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Formation", it is better than being silent and undetectable.

Ye Lingtian didn't hope that this yin thunder could hurt Xu Fu. His purpose was to knock Xu Fu into a daze, so that Xu Fu would not have the energy to guard against the third wave of thunder.

Throwing a handful of the "Gu Yuan Pill" to supplement the consumed soul, Ye Lingtian quickly played the hand formula, and when Xu Fu was still confused, the third wave of sky thunder fell immediately.


This wave was another [-] powerful thunderbolts. Xu Fu was struck in the head by that yin god lightning just now, and now he has not woken up at all, and all [-] thunderbolts hit his body.

"Bang bang..."

When the thunder dissipated, there was a large pit with a depth of tens of meters in the formation, and at the bottom of the pit was Xu Fu, who was bloody and motionless at the moment, as if he was dying.

"Big brother, hurry up, there is another wave of thunder, that beast has been seriously injured and is about to die!"

Seeing Xu Fu become like this, Xiao Bai was very excited, and happily urged Ye Lingtian.

Of course, Ye Lingtian knew that this was the best time to take advantage of the victory to chase down Xu Fu and wipe out Xu Fu in one go. He immediately squeezed the formula, but before he could cast the formula, the sky above his head suddenly changed. The sky that was originally gray was now It became as clear as a blue, and as the clouds dispersed, a shining golden light with a thickness of several feet shot down directly, covering the whole body of Xu Fu who was dying in the pit.

"This...what's the matter?"

Seeing this sudden change, everyone including Ye Lingtian was stunned.

The first more Bong!To be continued. .

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