Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 595 Get Out All


Just when Ye Lingtian was thinking secretly, Zhang Hong's cell phone rang untimely.

"Master, it belongs to the company commander."

Glancing at the caller ID, Zhang Hong didn't answer, but looked at Ye Lingtian and said.

"It's okay, take it!"

Ye Lingtian nodded.

"Company Minister, I'm Zhang Hong."

Zhang Hong answered the phone and said.

"Senior Zhang, can you come to the [-] Hospital, the old chief is critically ill, my cultivation base is too low, I can't do anything, now I hope to get your help!"

Lian Zhennan's speech was fast and his voice was loud, and it could be heard that he was in a very urgent mood right now.

Seeing Ye Lingtian nod his head, Zhang Hong immediately said, "Okay, I'll go over right away."

"Zhang Hong, I'll go with you."

Zhang Hong hung up the phone, Ye Lingtian changed into his military uniform, and the two disappeared in the room. [-] Hospital, the General Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, is the largest comprehensive hospital in the entire army. It integrates medical treatment, health care, Integrating teaching and scientific research, it is one of the important health care bases in the country. It is mainly responsible for the medical care work of the Central Committee, the Military Commission and the headquarters, and undertakes the diagnosis and treatment of difficult diseases in all military regions and arms of the army.

To put it bluntly, [-] Hospital is equivalent to the Imperial Physician of the ancient Chinese dynasty.

At this moment, the floor where the operating room is located is already full of people. These people are basically the current and outgoing leaders of the central government who came quickly after receiving the notice. Everyone's face is very heavy, If the old chief dies, it will definitely be an extremely heavy loss for Huaxia.

The appearance of Ye Lingtian and Zhang Hong amazed the people present. Although they are all leaders at the central level, only a few people at the top have the right to know their identities.

So at this moment, I saw a lieutenant general in his 20s appearing here majestically, even though they are all senior leaders who are used to various scenes.They were all dumbfounded at the moment.

Ye Lingtian and Zhang Hong really ignored the astonishment of these people and walked straight to the operating room.

"Who are you! Stop! You cannot go in!"

Outside the operating room, several capable men in black suits, sunglasses and headsets saw Ye Lingtian and Zhang Hong walking towards the operating room.Immediately, he leaned vigilantly towards the door of the operating room, put his hand into his clothes and shouted sharply.

"Get out of the way, let them in!"

At this moment, a voice came from behind, and Ye Lingtian didn't need to look back, he knew it was the former No. [-] chief.

"Uncle Wu, they are..."

Standing by the door of the operating room.A noble woman in her 50s with a face somewhat similar to that of the old chief looked at the former Chief No. [-] suspiciously, as if he didn't understand the meaning of the former No. [-] Chief.

"Xiao Lan, don't ask so many questions. You just need to know that they came here to save the old chief, and it's fine if they can save the old chief!"

The former Chief No. [-] gave the rich man a solemn look, and then walked two steps forward in front of Ye Lingtian and Zhang Hong.Said: "Comrade Xiaoye, please!"

"Don't worry, chief, as long as the old chief is breathing. I can make him stand up safe and sound!"

Ye Lingtian nodded, then pushed open the door of the operating room, and walked in with Zhang Hong.

"Senior? Are you back?"

As soon as the two entered the operating room, they were discovered by Lian Zhennan beside the operating table. Lian Zhennan was stunned when he saw Ye Lingtian suddenly appearing, and it took him a long time to say in surprise.

"Well, Minister Lian, let's not talk about that, how is the situation now?"

Ye Lingtian nodded to Lian Zhennan.Although Lian Zhennan was tattooed on his mouth, his spiritual consciousness had been released silently, and he had found out the old chief's condition clearly in the blink of an eye.

"It's like this. The old chief had a sudden acute myocardial infarction that caused a cerebrovascular tumor to rupture and caused intracranial hemorrhage. He is now in a deep coma. If the ruptured tumor cannot be removed in time, his life will be at stake. But the current situation Yes, the old chief is already so old, and the functions of all aspects of the body have declined. If a craniotomy is performed to remove the cerebrovascular tumor, no one can guarantee whether the old chief can bear the side effects of the craniotomy. In your case Before I came here, I tried to use my true essence to remove the ruptured tumor, but due to my limited cultivation, I failed several times."

Even Zhennan knew that time was running out, and it was not the time to talk nonsense, so he hurriedly explained the situation to Ye Lingtian and Zhang Hong concisely.

Ye Lingtian nodded. He had checked with his spiritual sense just now. The tumor was growing in the aorta. That's too late.

You know, if the main artery in the brain ruptures, the blood will spurt out like a fountain under the pressure of the heart. Even a cultivator with strong physical strength like Ye Lingtian is helpless.

"Get them all out!"

Ye Lingtian glanced at the dozen or so experts and professors gathered around the operating table discussing various treatment options, and said to Lian Zhennan.

"Who are you? What right do you have to let us go out! We are the attending doctors in the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular department of the [-] Hospital, and it is our bounden duty to treat patients! Now we are going to operate on the old chief, and everyone who has nothing to do with me go out!"

Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, before Lian Zhennan could speak, the group of experts and professors in white coats became unhappy. They looked at Ye Lingtian with sullen faces and said disdainfully.

Although Ye Lingtian carries the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulders, such a young lieutenant general has never been seen in China in recent decades, so these experts and professors took him for granted as a descendant of a certain big boss, Relying on the power of the family to obtain the rank of lieutenant general.

What's more, the [-] Hospital has always served the senior leaders of the central government. They have never seen such a big leader, and they also consider themselves the best experts in difficult and miscellaneous diseases in the country. How can they put a young man in their eyes? inside.

Just now Lian Zhennan used real yuan to investigate the condition of the old chief, and they were very unhappy in their hearts. With such a serious illness as the old chief, even now they can't come up with one that can ensure the safety of the old chief's life and completely Removing the tumor is a treatment plan that has the best of both worlds, let alone a soldier who only knows how to lead troops to fight?

Treating illnesses for the leaders is the job of the [-] Hospital. If you, a soldier, are required to get involved, or to put it bluntly, why are you here to claim credit?

Although the soldier was a general, or an admiral, they never believed that Lian Zhennan could detect anything. Instead, they thought that Lian Zhennan was just putting on a show and flattering them, and they really wanted to compete with them.

"Zhang Hong, throw them all out!"

Ye Lingtian didn't even bother to argue with this group of bullshit experts and professors who pretended to be self-righteous just because they had a little knowledge, let alone, he didn't have time to talk to them now.

With a slight wave of Zhang Hong's hand, the door of the operating room was opened silently, and then he picked up the collar of an expert. In the corridor outside the door.

"I'll give you three seconds. If you don't want to be thrown out, get out!"

Zhang Hong didn't even look at the expert who was thrown out by him, but glanced coldly at the rest of the experts and professors.


Just as Zhang Hong counted to two, the group of experts and professors who were still in extreme shock woke up suddenly, let go of their tui and ran outside.

No one wants to be thrown out of the operating room alive, let alone those who are pretentious and value their face more than their lives.

"Minister Lian, you go and guard the door. As long as I don't speak, no one is allowed to enter the operating room! In addition, don't worry, the old chief's problem is a bit troublesome, but it can't help me. It will take up to two hours." , I will return them a lively old chief!"

Ye Lingtian thought for a while, then turned to Zhang Hong and said, "You also went to guard outside with Minister Lian. I just checked carefully. Except for the old chief's daughter, the other children are not there. I guess they are still in other places. I didn’t come back in time, I was worried that when they got here, they would be unable to control their emotions and rush in.”

"Okay, senior, don't worry, anyone who wants to enter the operating room can only step on my dead body!"

Lian Zhennan nodded solemnly, and walked out of the operating room with Zhang Hong.

When the door was closed, Ye Lingtian waved his hand and cast a barrier in the operating room. Then with a thought, he brought the old chief into the majestic space.

The director of the [-] Hospital who was watching the surveillance next door, and several other senior leaders saw that the group of experts and professors were kicked out by the three generals, and they were immediately furious. They rushed out of the surveillance room and wanted to get angry, but saw The former No. [-] chief stood at the door of the operating room with a gloomy face, while Lian Zhennan and Zhang Hong, a general and a major general, only guarded the door of the operating room, and suddenly dared not speak.

They were not afraid of Lian Zhennan and Zhang Hong, but the former No. [-].

Although the former No. [-] has retired, no matter what, he has been the No. [-] for ten years, and his disciples and old officials are all over the world. In the current nine-member leadership group, there are still two who are capable of the former No. [-].

The most important thing is that the former No. [-] still firmly controls the military power, no one dares to fight with a gun, no matter how powerful you are.

At this moment, there was a sound of heavy footsteps at the entrance of the corridor. This time, it was the current nine-member leadership group, as well as members of the Political Bureau in Beijing. As members of the Political Bureau, the Military Commission in charge of combat The vice chairman, Lu Sanqiang is naturally among them.

"Old leader, how is the situation?"

The current No. [-] head looked at the former No. [-] with a serious face and asked.

"The condition is very serious, but it is estimated that the problem is not serious. The one who is inside, he said personally, will let the old chief come out safe and sound."

The former number one whispered sternly.

"He showed up? Well, that's good. Since he said so, there should be no problem."

The incumbent No. [-] let out a long breath and nodded.

Today's update is complete, thank you for your great support! ! .

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