Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, the captain officer was stunned for a moment, then glared at Ye Lingtian and shouted: "Who are you? It's not your turn to speak here! Let me emphasize again, we are really carrying out military affairs. Any personal grievances, I will take them away!"

After finishing speaking, the captain waved his hand back, and several soldiers came over and pointed their guns at Ye Lingtian and Lu Jiajia, while another two soldiers came up to help Zhou Daxiong and Zhou Kai up.

If He Hongfeng hadn't told him on the phone that he just had to take the person back and not have a conflict unless it was absolutely necessary, based on Ye Lingtian's words just now, he would have given Ye Lingtian some gun butts.

As soon as Zhou Kai got up from the floor, Zhou Kai reached out and wiped the blood on his neck, then glared at Ye Lingtian fiercely and said, "Damn it, you are arrogant, let me see how arrogant you are! I don't like you today!" If you are useless, I will take your surname!"

To be beaten to the knees by a country bumpkin, if it gets out, it will definitely become a big joke in the circle of Young Master Yan Jing, how can he hang around in this circle in the future.

This tone must be fought back no matter what, otherwise, the next time I see other young masters, I won't even think about raising my head.

Originally, if he followed He Hongfeng's order, the captain should have left with Shen Yun, Zhou Daxiong and Zhou Kai, but he didn't move, and instead let Zhou Kai yell at Ye Lingtian.

Obviously, he was very uncomfortable with Ye Lingtian's attitude. If Zhou Daxiong and Zhou Kai insisted on teaching Ye Lingtian a lesson, he would not object.

He Hongfeng asked himself to come, obviously to help Zhou Daxiong's side. Just now they all saw that Zhou Daxiong and Zhou Kai were forced to kneel on the ground by Ye Lingtian. Such a shameful humiliation, the two of them must want to pay back right away. It was on Ye Lingtian.

As long as it doesn't kill people.

Although they were pointed at by black guns, Ye Lingtian and Lu Jiajia didn't show any worry or fear on their faces, and they gave Zhou Kai a cold look.Ye Lingtian suddenly laughed, and said, "I don't know how Zhou Shao wants to play me useless?"

Zhou Kai looked at Ye Lingtian and said with a smile: "Ye Lingtian, as long as you get under my crotch, I can consider letting you go. However, whether my uncle will let you go is another matter! "

"Whether you let him go or not, depends on your mood, haha!"

Hearing Zhou Kai's words, Zhou Daxiong immediately understood what he meant, and immediately said in a dark voice.

Although Ye Lingtian has kung fu.But as the saying goes, no matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of kitchen knives, not to mention, what is pointed at Ye Lingtian is a submachine gun.

The current Zhou Kai has finally regained the feeling of being a swordsman, and in his eyes, Ye Lingtian has once again become a fish to be slaughtered by him.

Hearing Zhou Kai's words, everyone present was stunned.Kai was too toxic this week.

Although being forced to kneel down is a great shame, after all, a man has gold under his knees, so he kneels down and kneels down to his parents.But compared to the humiliation of crotch drilling, it is nothing at all.

Now that he has already knelt down, there is nothing he can do to save him. The only way to win back this face is to let Ye Lingtian get into his crotch.

What's more vicious is, let Ye Lingtian get into his crotch to vent his anger first, and then let Zhou Daxiong severely fix Ye Lingtian. In this way, although Ye Lingtian won't be beaten to death on the spot, it is absolutely impossible to beat Ye Lingtian to death.

At that time.What Zhou Kai wants from Lu Jiajia is just a matter of one sentence.

However, among the people present, there was one person who did not wait to see the good show like the others, and this person was Shen Yun.

It seemed that everyone was shocked by this group of soldiers with live ammunition, but they ignored Ye Lingtian's calm expression.There are only two kinds of people who can be pointed at by black guns and still act as if nothing happened. One is foolish, and the other is who has absolute strength and is not afraid of these guns at all.

Judging from Ye Lingtian's performance after Shen Yun came in, it was obvious that he did not belong to the first category.

Although not in the system, Shen Yun, who was born in a big family, received a good education since childhood, grew up under the influence of the political atmosphere, and has been in Yanjing's high-level dude circle for so many years, naturally has a set of standards for judging people.

Ye Lingtian's faint smile at the moment revealed a strong confidence, which made Shen Yun more flustered, more abnormal, and weirder.

She had a vague feeling that today, she might have kicked on the iron board.

Moreover, it is still a very thick iron plate.

It's just that the situation has developed to this point, and it is no longer within Shen Yun's control.

After all, no man can bear others forcing him to drill his crotch. The humiliation in his crotch will last a lifetime.

At this moment, she can only secretly pray in her heart that the situation will not expand to the point where it cannot be closed. If it affects the interests of the family, it will be a big loss.

And she, Shen Yun, will also become a sinner of the family. Even if the situation can calm down, she will definitely be severely punished by the family.

While Shen Yun was still thinking about it, Zhou Kai's voice came from there again: "Ye Lingtian, have you made up your mind?"

Hearing this, Ye Lingtian gave Zhou Kai a look of disdain, smiled and waved his hands and said, "There is nothing worth considering, Young Master Zhou, are you so sure that I will be determined?"

Zhou Kai looked at Ye Lingtian disapprovingly. No matter what Ye Lingtian said at this time, Zhou Kai would not take it to heart. He had to fight back tonight. Not only that, he also wanted to snatch Lu Jiajia from Ye Lingtian.

"You don't have a choice at all, and it's not something for me to show off to decide you."

Zhou Kai looked at Ye Lingtian with a sneer and said.

Ye Lingtian glanced at Zhou Kai, and said with a super smile, "What can a waste like you have to show off?"

Hearing Ye Lingtian scolding himself as a waste in front of so many people, Zhou Kai's face darkened completely, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It seems that you want to toast and not eat or drink as a fine. You have three seconds, or don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless."

Ye Lingtian just looked at Zhou Kai quietly, unmoved. The faint smile on his face made Zhou Kai feel uncomfortable for a while, and his hair was on edge.


Zhou Kai spat out a word coldly.

Ye Lingtian remained motionless, but the smile on his face seemed to grow stronger.


Zhou Kai spit out a word again, and this mere second seemed like a century to many people.

And under the captain's signal, more than a dozen soldiers also secretly surrounded Ye Lingtian, as if they were waiting for Zhou Kai to count to three.

Zhou Kai sneered, and said: "Ye Lingtian, it seems that you are determined to seek death. Then don't blame me, do it, break his legs for me first!"


As soon as Zhou Kai finished speaking, he saw a huge hand appearing in front of him.Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain in the left side of the face, and the body also flew backwards.

This sudden scene shocked everyone. No one would have thought that under such circumstances, Ye Lingtian would dare to hit someone.

Even the soldiers who pointed their guns at Ye Lingtian didn't react for a while, and stood there staring at Ye Lingtian in a daze.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Cuff them up for me and bring them back to talk about!"

After the captain reacted, his face suddenly became very ugly.Ye Lingtian's actions completely ignored their existence, which not only made him feel ashamed, but also made him unable to confront He Hongfeng.

The guards of the garrison headquarters naturally had handcuffs. Seeing the two soldiers take off the handcuffs from their waists and prepare to handcuff him and Lu Jiajia's wrists, Ye Lingtian snorted coldly and said, "If you don't want to go to a military court for trial, just Stop it now!"

finished.Looking at the captain again, he asked coldly, "Tell me, which unit are you from? Don't say I didn't give you a chance. If you don't want to take off this uniform, just answer me honestly!"


Absolute shock!

At this moment, not only Shen Yun, Guan Tao and the others, but also the group of soldiers, especially the captain, were all shocked after hearing Ye Lingtian's words!

What is the origin of this Ye Lingtian?

Guan Tao and others have already begun to re-examine Ye Lingtian in their hearts.

And Shen Yun was sure in her heart that she was kicked on the iron plate today, watching the situation.Maybe even break a leg.

The captain was just about to say something, but Ye Lingtian's sharp eyes swept over him, and he trembled all over, and swallowed the words forcefully.

At this time, he also had some aftertaste, the person who can still say such words under such circumstances.Naturally, it is not some old-fashioned, Yanjing is the capital of goodness, and there are countless dignitaries and famous families. Since the other party is so sure, then they definitely have that strength.

"We belong to the guard company of the Garrison Command."

Thinking of this, the captain officer hastily replied honestly, then waved his hand and asked his subordinates to put away their guns.

At this moment, he couldn't help being dishonest, even if He Hongfeng could cover him, in Yanjing, there were too many people who could kill him as a little captain.

Ye Lingtian nodded slightly, then looked at Lu Jiajia and said, "Call Uncle Lu and tell him what happened tonight."

Lu Jiajia nodded. Although she didn't understand what Ye Lingtian meant, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Lu Sanqiang as Ye Lingtian said.

"Dad, I'm with Ling Tian now. At the Jinsha Bar on Huanghe Road, there was a dude named Zhou Kai who wanted to molest me. Ling Tian beat me up, so they called in people from the army. Well, Ling Tian just asked Yes, it belongs to the Garrison Guard Company."

In Xishan Courtyard, Lu Sanqiang put down the phone and couldn't help but smiled playfully. Of course he knew why Ye Lingtian didn't deal with it himself, but asked Lu Jiajia to call him.

Lu Sanqiang was promoted to the vice chairman of the Military Commission, and he has not yet gained a firm foothold in the military. These days, he has been thinking about how to find a breakthrough to open up the situation and enhance his prestige.

As the saying goes, there are three fires when an official takes office, but now Lu Sanqiang is worried about how to burn the fire.

Well now, tonight's incident is an excellent opportunity. Let's start the first fire from the garrison area.

After pondering for a while, Lu Sanqiang dialed the phone number of Du Jinyang, the commander of the Yanjing Military Region: "Comrade Jinyang, I am Lu Sanqiang, haven't you rested yet? Hehe, the work in the garrison area is doing well recently. My little girl just called me, Speaking of seeing the officers and soldiers of the guard company of the garrison headquarters carrying out tasks with live ammunition at the Jinsha Bar at such a late hour, this should be commended and praised! Well, on this matter, if you have time, come to sit at home and talk about ours Commander Du is both civil and military, and he is also a master of tea ceremony, I happen to have some good tea here, I guarantee that you have never drunk it before!"

On the other end of the phone, Du Jinyang, the commander of the Yanjing Military Region, and Lu Sanqiang had a few polite words, and immediately after hanging up the phone, their faces became gloomy.

At the beginning, he was a little puzzled. He had no personal friendship with Lu Sanqiang, who had just been promoted to the vice chairman of the Military Commission. How could he call him in person at night, but Du Jinyang recognized the taste without saying a few words.

It's already nine o'clock in the evening. At this time, the guards from the garrison guard company appeared in the bar with guns and live ammunition. Without thinking, Du Jinyang could guess what happened.

He said he wanted to praise him, but everyone could tell that Lu Sanqiang was very dissatisfied.

Lu Sanqiang's daughter told Lu Sanqiang about the situation, which meant that Lu Sanqiang's daughter was also in the Jinsha bar, and she was also the person involved.

Damn, dispatching the army to deal with the woman who is the vice chairman of the Military Commission is really f*cking daring!

The garrison area is directly under the jurisdiction of the Yanjing Military Region. If something goes wrong, he, the commander, will bear the blame.

However, judging from the tone of Lu Sanqiang's phone call just now, it seems that he has no bad opinion of himself, and Lu Sanqiang's woman is not in trouble, otherwise, he would not call himself first, and let himself go to his house to buy tea.

Thinking of this, Du Jinyang's mood improved a little.

After all, Lu Sanqiang is the vice chairman of the Military Commission in charge of operations, and it would be really unworthy to offend him for such a trivial matter.

What's more, the people in the garrison did this shit.

Thinking of this, Du Jinyang made a phone call to the home of Gao Ming, chief of staff of the garrison: "Gao Ming, what kind of tricks are you doing in the garrison? It's so late, why are the people from the security company showing up at the Jinsha Bar on Huanghe Road with guns and live ammunition? I don't care who According to the order, first withdraw the person to me, investigate the situation and report to me immediately, when the investigation is clear, when is the time to call me!"

In the luxurious big box of the Jinsha Bar, everyone was wondering who Lu Jiajia's father was. Some timid ones were already secretly regretting that they shouldn't have come to tonight's birthday party.

But today's birthday star, that snobbish woman named Yu Yan, was already pale at this moment, and she would never have imagined that things would develop like this.

Seeing Lu Jiajia finished the phone call, Yu Yan realized in her heart that she had always thought that Lu Jiajia was just an ordinary person, but now it seems that she was very wrong!

The current Yu Yan could no longer predict what would happen to what was waiting for her tonight.

ps: Chapter of [-] words, make up the [-] words owed last night. (To be continued..)

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