Original: Thanks to the book friend What I Mean, Fat Penguin Monthly Ticket (seeking magic support! Thanks to the book friend Longxing Tianxia 99999 evaluation tickets for support!

Looking at Zhou Daxiong with a gray face, Ye Lingtian grinned and said, "It's your turn, I think, you must be looking forward to it too?"

Zhou Daxiong's heart trembled suddenly, and he begged desperately: "Ye Lingtian, I was wrong, please let me go.

"Let you go? Why didn't you think of letting me go when you were beaten to death? Why didn't you think of letting me go when you stabbed me aggressively with a knife? But I'm still easy to talk to."

Ye Lingtian shook his head lightly.

When Zhou Daxiong heard that there was something interesting, he hurriedly said: "I can give you money, as long as you let me go."

"Boss Zhou seems to have a lot of money! Unfortunately, for you, money is very important, but for me, money is of no use at all. What I just meant was to give you one more choice. You can choose me. Friends help you, you can also choose Yu Yan to help you, of course, you can also choose that Shen Yun to help you."

Ye Lingtian stretched out a finger and shook it, then said disdainfully.

Shen Yun couldn't help trembling when she heard the words, and then looked at Zhou Daxiong, meaning don't pull me.

Zhou Daxiong naturally did not dare to choose Shen Yun. After all, his family was not at the same level as the Shen family. If he offended Shen Yun, even if the Shen family did not deal with him, the Zhou family would definitely punish him.

What's more, in the Zhou family, Zhou Daxiong is only a marginal figure.

"Ye Lingtian, can't we discuss it again? Whatever you want, as long as I can do it, I will agree!"

Zhou Daxiong still begged unswervingly, now he just wants to not suffer from the miserable chrysanthemum explosion, and can walk out of the Jinsha Bar safely. As for money, how much they want to earn based on their family background.It's all very easy.

"In that case, let me help you make a decision."

Ye Lingtian grinned.

Zhou Daxiong knew that there was no room for negotiation, so he said with a dead face: "Then Yu Yan."

He didn't dare to let Qi Junpeng do it, Yu Yan was better.At least not that violent.

Ye Lingtian smiled, then looked at Qi Junpeng and said, "Look here, as long as you don't die, I have something to say to Shen Yun."

Immediately, Ye Lingtian turned around and looked at Shen Yun, who was frowning, and said with an evil smile: "Miss Shen, I don't think you want to stay here anymore, do you?"

After speaking, Ye Lingtian walked towards the door of the box.Shen Yun hesitated for a moment, then walked out of the box, she really couldn't bear such a violent and perverted scene.

In order to get Lu Jiajia, Zhou Kai booked the entire base bar in the name of holding a birthday party for Yu Yan. There were many empty boxes. Ye Lingtian walked into the inner box, and Shen Yun followed.Ye Lingtian closed the door and looked at Shen Yun with a wicked smile.

Shen Yun looked at Ye Lingtian with some anxiety, and said in a low voice: "Speak. What do you want to do?"

"Anyone who insults my parents will not end well. Zhou Kai is like this, and you are no exception. But, you are a woman, and I will not beat you with my hands, nor will I explode your ass with a beer bottle. "

Ye Lingtian leaned against the door and smiled lightly.

"You... what exactly do you want?"

Seeing Ye Lingtian's unpredictable smile, Shen Yun faintly felt that something was wrong, so she took two steps back and asked.

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly, and then his face turned serious.Said: "Rape you."

Hearing this, Shen Yun trembled first, then her face turned pale, and she said: "Ye Lingtian, don't mess around, I am from the Shen family. My grandfather is the former No. [-], if you dare to mess with me, the Shen family I will never let you go! I admit that I did something wrong tonight, but I have already apologized to you. If you still can't forgive me, you can open your mouth... Besides, I am an old woman , if you want, I'll help you find some young girls..."

Although Shen Yun is coquettishly dressed, she is the eldest sister in Yanjing's high-level princess and young master circle, but she is not a dissolute woman. The family rules of the big family are strict. He just had sex with her husband, so when Ye Lingtian said he was going to rape her, his face turned pale with fright.

Ye Lingtian didn't pay attention to Shen Yun at all, but responded to Shen Yun's words with practical actions, and directly stretched out his hand to hug her.

"No, do you know what you are doing? You will regret it..."

Shen Yun was startled at first, and then began to struggle vigorously.

Ye Lingtian recklessly put his hands on the top of Shen Yun's plump breasts, pinching vigorously without any sympathy, Shen Yun let out a loud cry from the pain in her chest, and shouted: "Ah...it hurts!"

Hearing this scream, Ye Lingtian let go of Shen Yun, and Shen Yun let out a big breath.

But at this moment, Ye Lingtian grabbed Shen Yun and pushed her directly onto the sofa, then pounced on her, tore off Shen Yun's clothes, and a black lace underwear was exposed on Ye Lingtian's body. In his eyes, under the bondage, a pair of white and round towering peaks were about to emerge, Ye Lingtian stretched out his hand to grab it fiercely and then twisted it hard.

"Ah...don't, it hurts!"

Being twisted so hard by Ye Lingtian, Shen Yun cried out in pain.

Ye Lingtian showed an evil smile, and said, "Didn't you say that I am uneducated? Then let's do uneducated things!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Lingtian twisted it hard again, and Shen Yun burst into tears in pain, begging: "Please don't do this, I will give you everything you want, please don't mess with me." love me."

Shen Yun wanted to push Ye Lingtian away, but how could she do so? She knew that she was destined to die tonight. Although she had expected that there would be a price to pay for mentioning Ye Lingtian's iron plate, she couldn't. Never thought that the price would be so heavy.

"How can you feel something if it doesn't hurt!"

Ye Lingtian smiled charmingly.

After finishing speaking, Ye Lingtian leaned down and kissed Shen Yun's face indiscriminately. Shen Yun shook her head desperately to avoid Ye Lingtian's lips. , Shen Yun let out another cry of pain, at this moment, Ye Ling quickly found Shen Yun's sexy red lips and kissed them.

Shen Yun gritted her teeth quickly, not letting Ye Lingtian succeed, but Ye Lingtian was not in a hurry, and repeated the old trick again, and Shen Yun let out a loud cry. At this time, Ye Lingtian successfully invaded...

Under Ye Lingtian's forceful kiss, Shen Yun gradually lost herself, her body twisted uncontrollably, and her breathing was rapid.

And Ye Lingtian had no intention of sympathizing with the fragrance and cherishing the jade, and ravaged Shen Yun's plump breasts with his hands. Shen Yun was kissed by Ye Lingtian and couldn't make a sound. She could only groan from her nasal cavity, while her face All the colors of pain.

But apart from the pain, Shen Yun felt that she was experiencing an unprecedented feeling, which seemed so hearty, and also seemed so relaxed, so that she couldn't stop.

At this moment, Shen Yun was startled by her own feelings, opened her eyes suddenly, looked at Ye Lingtian from a close distance, and then bit down violently.

Feeling the pain in his tongue, Ye Ling raised his head quickly, and there was a salty smell in his mouth. He didn't expect Shen Yun's resistance to be so strong.

Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth with his hands, Ye Lingtian looked at the panicked Shen Yun, then turned Shen Yun's body over abruptly so that she could lie on the sofa, pulled off Shen Yun's women's trousers and a pair of black lace The panties came into view.

Ye Lingtian grinned evilly, then raised his hand, and slapped him hard!


A clear voice sounded, and it was also accompanied by Shen Yun's cry of pain. At this moment, Shen Yun's face was blushing and she clenched her teeth. When did she, who thought she was a master, ever suffer such humiliation? Tears were big like beans. dripped on the couch.

Ye Lingtian raised his hand and slapped it hard again, Shen Yun let out a cry of pain again, and Ye Lingtian seemed to be addicted to it, and then he slapped Shen Yun's plump and upturned body with slap after slap. Buttocks, and Shen Yun's cry of pain has gradually changed, it seems to be more of a satisfied moan.

After dozens of slaps, Shen Yun's buttocks were red and slightly swollen, which is enough to show that Ye Lingtian's hands are still quite strong.

After Ye Lingtian stopped, he grinned, and pulled off Shen Yun's black lace underwear, and Shen Yun immediately shouted: "No."

However, Ye Lingtian reached out his hand to touch her mystery regardless, and could immediately feel the flood in the family. He put his hand in front of Shen Yun, and said with a smile, "What is this? You bitch, you can It's wet like this, still pretend."

Shen Yun blushed, and said shamefully: "No, that's not the case, you are shameless, obscene, and despicable."

Ye Lingtian grinned, "Shameless, obscene, and despicable are yet to come, haha!"

Shen Yun was taken aback when she heard the words, she put her hands on the sofa and wanted to get up, but was pushed back by Ye Lingtian, and then Ye Lingtian untied her belt and pulled back her trousers, put Shen Yun's legs on the ground, and went straight to find him. Go straight to the place.

At this time, Shen Yun's body twisted violently, Ye Lingtian's attack was resolved, Ye Lingtian grinned, and then slapped Shen Yun's white and sexy fat buttocks fiercely, Shen Yun let out a coquettish cry, and stopped After twisting, Ye Lingtian fixed Shen Yun's body with his hands, and then drove straight into Huanglong again.


Shen Yun gave a loud cry, and then shouted: "No...don't...you can't do this..."

Ye Lingtian didn't pay any attention to her, and continued to act roughly, without the slightest bit of sympathy.

Shen Yun could fully feel Ye Lingtian's brutality when he invaded from behind, his eyes were a little dull, and tears rolled down his face.to be continued

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