Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 617 Farewell

Time flies, 50 years, for a cultivator, it is just a flick of a finger.

Today's Qingxuan Valley is extremely lively.

Those who appeared in Qingxuan Valley today, apart from those who practiced in the primordial space, are Zhang?Hong, and Anna's mother.

After coming out of Hongmeng Space, Ye Lingtian and Anna went to the United States to celebrate Anna's Mother's Day, and then went to Yanjing with Lu Jiajia to say goodbye to Lian Zhennan. After all, even Zhennan also helped I have passed him a lot, and now that I am leaving, I have to meet him for reasons.

As for Lian Zhennan and Su Yuanjian, Ye Lingtian had already explained to the old man that after they retired, they would be allowed to practice in Tianyuanzong.

Before leaving, Lian Zhennan brought Ye Lingtian to a warehouse. Ye Lingtian was a little puzzled at first, but when Lian Zhennan opened the warehouse, he laughed, and saw that the large warehouse was neatly piled up with boxes of goods. Compared with the blue pandas, they were all prepared by the country Ye Lingtian over the years.

Ye Lingtian was not hypocritical, so he naturally accepted them all.

Compared with his great contribution to Huaxia, this cigarette is really nothing.

After bidding farewell to Lian Zhennan, Ye Lingtian went to the Zhang family in Wuyi again to visit Zhang Daoling.

As early as more than three years ago, with the help of the immortal weapon and the Transcending Tribulation Pill presented by Ye Lingtian, Zhang Daoling had successfully survived the catastrophe. Now, just waiting for the true energy in his body to be transformed into immortal energy, he can ascend to the sky It's fairyland.

Ye Lingtian didn't tell him that he was going to leave the earth to go to the world of self-cultivation by teleportation array, but said that now that the overall situation of China's self-cultivation world has been settled, he doesn't need to worry about it anymore, and he will focus on retreat in the days to come.

After all, the less people know about that teleportation array, the better.

Afterwards, Ye Lingtian went back to Sanjing Village without revealing his whereabouts, burned three sticks of incense in front of his father Ye Liancheng's grave, kowtowed three times, and sat quietly for another night before returning to Yanjing.

After saying goodbye to Lu Sanqiang and Yu Xinping, Ye Lingtian took Lu Jiajia back to Qingxuan Valley.

In the past 50 years, except for the three old men, Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, and Shao Jie who put all their energy on comprehension and study of alchemy, array, and tool, the rest of them have not relaxed their cultivation, and their cultivation is also to varying degrees. The l.

Among those who followed Ye Lingtian to the realm of self-cultivation, Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, and Shao Jie were still in the middle stage of out-of-body cultivation due to comprehension of the alchemy array. Except for them, Lin Fei was still the one who rose the fastest.

In 50 years, Lin Fei has cultivated from the early stage of distraction to the late stage of distraction. Even Ye Lingtian was deeply surprised by this speed.

Liu Ruohan hasn't been too lazy yet, breaking through from the late stage of out-of-body to the early stage of distraction also made Ye Lingtian quite gratified.

Liang Xiaoxue rose from the previous Nascent Soul Middle Stage to the Early Nascent Soul Stage, and Anna and Ling Xueyao also rose from the previous Nascent Soul Early Stage to the Nascent Soul Late Stage.

In the past 50 years, Lu Jiajia has also changed from a mortal to a cultivator with an early golden core, and now she can finally fly freely in the sky.

Although it is still necessary to rely on the magic weapon, it is irrelevant. As long as you continue to practice persistently, it will be a matter of time before you advance to the Nascent Soul stage.

Probably because he was afraid of being left behind by Ye Lingtian, Xiao Hei didn't dare to sleep anymore. Since the last time he was promoted to the early stage of fusion, although he failed to advance to the middle stage of fusion in the past 50 years, he has reached the peak of the early stage of fusion.

To Ye Lingtian's delight, Xiaolong also broke through from the late stage of distraction to the early stage of fusion, which he did not expect before.

After all, it is only 50 years, and the training of monsters is much more difficult than that of humans.

The white snake subdued in Xiang Wanggu has already broken through to the late stage of out-of-body.

Of course, Xiaobai is still sleeping in Ye Lingtian's body. Although it is in his own body, Ye Lingtian can't feel the slightest bit of cultivation that Xiaobai has reached now.

It seems that only after it wakes up can it know.

As for the people who stayed on the earth, each of their Xius has improved. Hu San Hu Si is now in the mid-stage of fusion, and Sun Ning, Lai Ji and Wuji Zhenren have both broken through to the late stage of distraction.

Among the first group of people who practiced, Liu Yang and Liu Feifei have now advanced to the late stage of leaving the body, while the rest, such as Ye Lingtian's grandmother, mother Yang Sulan, Liu Zhengwen's four brothers and sisters, Dai Mingshan, etc., are also mostly It's in the middle of the out-of-body period.

Speaking of which, I have to congratulate Master Qingfeng. In these 50 years, he finally broke through the bottleneck and entered the early stage of out-of-body. Perhaps for others, it took 50 years in the Hongmeng space to break through from the late stage of Nascent Soul to the early stage of out-of-body. It's nothing, but compared to Master Qingfeng who is extremely poor in qualifications, it can be regarded as a great joy.

Liang Feiyang, Mei Yarong, Qi Junpeng, and Xiaodie have not been idle in the past 50 years. Like Ling Xueyao, their cultivation capital has been promoted from the early Yuanying stage to the late Yuanying stage.

However, compared to that, what makes Ye Lingtian most gratified is the achievements of the three old men, Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Jie in the Dao of Pill Formation.

In the past 50 years, they have not only practiced the "Five Flames True Fire Jue" to the first level of Lanyan, but also reached the goal set by Ye Lingtian in the aspects of their own research.

Now the old man and Yao Lei can successfully refine the middle-grade spirit pill, Liu Laozi and Dai Wenliang can also guarantee to refine the middle-grade spirit weapon, and the old man Dai and Shao Jie can also arrange and destroy the cultivation world. The intermediate formation.

Of course, in these 50 years, Ye Lingtian has worked the hardest.

In addition to guiding the three old men, Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, and Shao Jie, he also non-stop refining a large number of top-grade and top-grade elixir, as well as top-grade and top-grade spiritual tools.

It can be said that this time the refining alchemy consumed seventy-eight out of ten of the high-level spiritual herbs and refining materials that were purchased from Xumi Realm last time, as well as the high-level spiritual herbs and refining materials left in the real man's cave. The top-grade and top-grade pills, as well as the top-grade and top-grade spiritual tools, based on the current number of Tianyuanzong, can last for at least hundreds or thousands of years.

But even so, Ye Lingtian still kept all the spiritual herbs and refining materials. Of course, those spiritual herbs planted in the medicine garden, as well as those collected from the fairy world in the previous life, and those left by his master Tianyuan Shenhuang doesn't count.

Those spiritual grasses and elixir planted in the medicine garden grow in the primordial space for tenure, and it will not take long for a thousand, or even ten thousand years, to absorb the primordial purple energy. However, the medicinal effect is several times stronger than that of the same year.

If these spirit grasses and medicines were pulled out now, it would be a waste of money.

As for the treasures collected in the fairy world in the previous life, and those left by Master Tianyuan Shenhuang, they are all geniuses and treasures in the fairy world and even the god world. Most of them are not even used by Ye Lingtian now, let alone the old man and the others.

In addition to those genius treasures such as spiritual herbs, refining materials, etc., Ye Lingtian also kept all the spiritual stones. Now he, Yao Lei and others, except for the spiritual stones needed to activate the teleportation array, each of them There are only a few middle-grade spirit stones and hundreds of low-grade spirit stones.

Now Yao Lei and Dai Wenliang can refine common middle-grade spirit pills and middle-grade spirit weapons. As long as they go to the cultivation world, Ye Lingtian fully believes that they can earn a lot of spirit stones in a short period of time.

And there are no cultivation resources on the earth anymore, and I don't know if I can come back after I leave, so I try to keep as much as I can.

Calling those storage rings filled with spiritual stones, spiritual herbs, refining materials, and magical treasures into the hands of the old man, Ye Lingtian was silent for a while, and then choked up and said: "Grandpa, grandma, mom, we are leaving now!" .”

The old man nodded and said in a deep voice: "Ling Tian, ​​don't be sad, the earth is more suitable for us than the cultivation world, so you don't have to worry about anything, we will take care of ourselves, I believe we will meet again in the fairy world soon. "

"Ling Tian, ​​Mom has no other requirements. Mom knows that you have a big problem, but the world of cultivation is unpredictable. No matter what happens, you must take good care of Xueyao, Ruohan, Xiaoxue, Nana and Jiajia. When we meet again next time, if you can let me hold my grandson, I will be very satisfied!"

Yang Sulan glanced at Ye Lingtian, then looked at the five daughters of Ling Xueyao, and said expectantly.

Hearing Yang Sulan's words, Ling Xueyao, Liu Ruohan, Liang Xiaoxue, Anna and Lu Jiajia all showed shy expressions and lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"Mom, don't worry, I won't let you down!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Lingtian hurriedly said.

Next, Ye Lingtian, Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, Shao Jie, Lin Fei, Ling Xueyao, Liu Ruohan, Liang Xiaoxue, Anna and Lu Jiajia said goodbye to everyone one by one. When they walked in front of Qi Junpeng, Ye Lingtian lightly patted Qi Junpeng's shoulder, He smiled and said, "Pengzi, practice hard, I'll be waiting for you in the fairy world!"

Qi Junpeng wiped his moist eyes, looked at Ye Lingtian, and said after a long time, "Lingtian, thank you! I will definitely work hard and never forget your instruction!"

Now Qi Junpeng already knows that Ye Lingtian did not take him to the world of self-cultivation, but wanted him to stay. After the old man and his ascension, continue to lead Tian Yuanzong to maintain the world of self-cultivation in China. Be an outsider.

"Well, I believe you!"

Ye Lingtian nodded, then walked up to everyone, and said loudly: "Everyone, goodbye! If we have the chance, we will definitely come back! Of course, it doesn't matter if we can't come back, as long as everyone works hard, we will be able to be in the fairy world soon." Reunion! I am waiting for you!"

"Ling Tian, ​​take care all the way, we will meet again!"

Under everyone's reluctant eyes, Ye Lingtian, Yao Lei, and Ling Xueyao slowly flew into the air, circled a few times and waved goodbye to everyone, then gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

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