Tianyuan Divine Art

631 The Treasure of the Town Store

About ten minutes later, Ye Lingtian and Aoshi stood at the door depressed. The reason was very simple. Aoshi never spoke a word to the shopping guide lady from the beginning to the end, and left the shopping guide lady in anger, while Ye Lingtian It was because she was too involved in chatting with another shopping guide lady, and the shopping guide lady was fined half a month's salary.

Since then, the shopping guides in the entire men's clothing section have been hiding away from Ye Lingtian and the two of them, for fear of being approached by the two of them.

"Hey! Being handsome is also an annoyance. Those young ladies refuse to talk to me because of their low self-esteem. Brother, let's go! There's no point in staying here, they can only add to the sadness."

Ye Lingtian leaned against the door, talking sadly.

Ao Shi suddenly sighed in his heart: "I have seen a lot of shameless people, but I have never seen such a superb brother like my brother."

After Ye Lingtian and Aoshi returned to the women's clothing area, they found that Ling Xueyao's five daughters didn't even choose a piece of clothing, but sat in the rest area beside them and waited for them.

Ye Lingtian walked up quickly, and asked with concern: "Why, do you mean that you don't like the clothes here, and you didn't choose any of them?"

"No, we like the clothes here, but they are too expensive."

Ling Xueyao replied slowly.

"Uh, didn't I tell you? You can buy the clothes here, so you don't need to worry about Lingshi."

Ye Lingtian looked at Ling Xueyao with great relief, Ling Xueyao was still running the house.

But following Ling Xueyao's words, several huge black lines appeared on Ye Lingtian's forehead: "Lingtian, we heard that the best things are on the fifth floor, so we are here waiting for you to accompany us! You Didn’t I say before that I should buy the best? So although there are a few clothes here that we like better, we don’t buy them, and we only buy the best.”

Ye Lingtian was speechless immediately, and could only shake his head depressedly, and followed Ling Xueyao's five daughters to the fifth floor.

And Ao Shi stared blankly at their backs, shook his head secretly and said: "Women are so strange."

The fifth floor of "Yunshangzhuang" is completely different from the following four floors. The sales on the fifth floor are all magic weapons and expensive clothes.Therefore, vigilance is also extraordinarily strict.

Moreover, at the entrance of the fifth floor, a test formation was specially set up, if the cultivation is not enough, those who do not have enough cultivation will not be able to enter at all.

As soon as they reached the fifth floor, several practitioners guarding the door came over.

"Several distinguished guests, all the things sold on this floor are used by cultivators. Therefore, the store stipulates that ordinary people are not allowed to enter, and those who are not well-trained are not allowed to enter. Please come to the door to test first."

Ye Lingtian and the others didn't say anything, they just walked straight towards the formation at the door, and the formation at the door immediately emitted a burst of strong white light, sealing the entire gate.And Ye Lingtian and others walked in very easily as if those white lights did not exist.

When the guards saw it, they immediately shouted in surprise: "There are even masters above the late stage of crossing the catastrophe, so the inside must not be neglected."

After the four of Ye Lingtian walked in, they found that this floor was about several thousand square meters, and it was rectangular.

A huge spirit-gathering array was placed in the center of the room, making the room full of aura, and dozens of specially-made display cabinets were placed around the room.Each showcase is not only protected by formations and prohibitions, but also has special personnel standing in front of the showcase to explain to guests.

There were already several guests in the room at this time.Those people just glanced at Ye Lingtian and his party, then turned their eyes back to the showcase again.

At this time, an old man wearing a gray robe, with a kind face and an early-stage fitness training approached Ye Lingtian and the others, and said with a smile, "I'm the shopkeeper of this branch. Everyone calls me Old Wei. I don't know. What do you guys want to choose?"

"They want to choose nice clothes."

Ye Lingtian pointed to Ling Xueyao's five daughters and said.

"I don't know what is the good-looking aspect of this fellow Taoist's mouth?"

Elder Wei asked with a smile.

"Anyway, as long as the appearance is good-looking and the quality is good, everything else is not important."

Ye Lingtian said indifferently.He didn't believe that there would be any good defensive magic weapon here.

Facing Ye Lingtian, who only pays attention to appearance and quality, and doesn't care about other cultivator Wei Lao, it is obviously the first time he has seen it. He thought about it, and then said: "I think we may have a few clothes here that can meet the requirements of fellow Taoists." conditions, please follow me."

After Wei Lao finished speaking, he led them to the left corner.

When they came to the wall, Old Wei made a trick.Immediately, the wall turned, and there were several extremely gorgeous clothes hanging on the back of the wall.

Ye Lingtian looked at it for a while, and found that the rank of those clothes was too low, and the highest was only the level of magic weapon. He would not pick up such things thrown in front of Ye Lingtian, and Ao Shi on the side just glanced at them. After that, I was no longer interested.

But the eyes of Ling Xueyao's five daughters lit up immediately, they walked over excitedly, and asked, "Can we take it off and try?"

Elder Wei made a gesture of invitation, and then stood aside, while Anna and Lu Jiajia had already rushed forward excitedly.

Ye Lingtian, Ao Shi, Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, Shao Jie and Lin Fei looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

At this time, Elder Wei said to Ye Lingtian and Aoshi again: "Since the ladies have found what they want, I wonder what you want? Although we don't have those artifacts and fairy artifacts in Yunshangzhuang, I think the two gentlemen need them." There are still shops for the things you want.”

"Really? I want some materials for refining tools and alchemy, do you have any here?"

Hearing Wei Lao's words, Ye Lingtian smiled noncommittally and asked casually.

He didn't believe that this "Yunshangzhuang" could come up with any good things, but since Mr. Wei said so, sitting is sitting anyway, so it doesn't matter if you look at it.

"This is the catalog, you can read it for yourself! Let the old man know when you have selected it."

Elder Wei took out a piece of jade pupil from the storage ring and handed it to Ye Lingtian.

Ye Lingtian picked up the jade pupils and was about to release his consciousness when he suddenly saw Ao Shi standing aside doing nothing, so he quickly sent a voice transmission to Wei Lao: "Wei Lao, take my elder brother around, if he likes it What, just tell me."

Wei Lao nodded understandingly, and then walked towards the expensive magic weapon area with Ao Shi.

At this time, even a fool can see that Ye Lingtian is the core of these people, and he must be very rich, so of course, Old Wei will not let go of this good opportunity to make money.

But how did he know that Ao Shihui is a master in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe, if it is not a good thing, it will not attract his attention at all.

Soon Ye Lingtian finished reading the catalog in the jade pupil, and he was surprised to find that although there were no top-quality materials in this Yunshang Village, there were a few very useful spirit herbs and materials for refining tools. So he quietly took the jade pupil and came to Wei Lao and Ao Shi's side.

"Well, did you find what you were looking for?"

Seeing Ye Lingtian coming, Elder Wei asked with a smile.

"I didn't expect that although your store is not very big, there are indeed many good things. I have taken a fancy to several materials for refining weapons and several kinds of spiritual herbs, but I don't know the price!"

Ye Lingtian said with a smile, then he turned his head to look at Ao Shi, and asked, "Brother, did you see anything you like?"

Ao Shi shook his head slowly, and then said: "Although the things here are indeed good, they don't have what I want."

"Old Wei, my eldest brother has a very high vision. He doesn't like the ordinary magic weapons out there. Shouldn't you bring out some special things?"

Ye Lingtian said lightly.

"Okay, since this is the case, I will let this fellow Taoist show you our three treasures. Please follow me."

After Wei Lao finished speaking, he led Ye Lingtian and Aoshi to the only side door in this room.

After Ye Lingtian said hello to Ling Xueyao's five daughters, he quickly led Yao Lei and the others to follow in.

Inside the side door is a very ordinary passage, but with the strength of Ye Lingtian and Aoshi, it can be seen that this passage, which is only a dozen meters long, is actually full of various organs and formations. If it is not, even a master in the tribulation period will have to suffer a lot to come out.

Under the leadership of Wei Lao, Ye Lingtian and Aoshi walked into a small room at the end of this passage.

After arranging the two of Ye Lingtian to sit down, Mr. Wei didn't take out the three magic weapons in a hurry, but closed the door of the room first, and then played several spells, which almost wiped out the formation around the entire room. After all the restrictions were lifted, he said to Ye Lingtian and the two of them: "Two fellow daoists, wait a moment, I will take out the magic weapon right away."

Immediately afterwards, Elder Wei opened several boxes full of restrictions on the side, and then he took out a storage ring and several belts from the boxes respectively.

"Two friends, I don't know if these three magic weapons can enter your eyes."

While talking, Old Wei took out two flying swords and a small yellow flag from the storage ring.

Ye Lingtian just glanced at it casually, and after finding out that there were only two low-grade spirit weapons and one middle-grade spirit weapon, he turned his attention away. Naturally, Ye Lingtian was a little disdainful for producing a few low-grade and middle-grade spiritual weapons.

At the beginning, I thought that "Yunshangzhuang" didn't have any good things, but there should always be top-grade spiritual weapons, but I didn't expect that the best ones were all middle-grade spiritual weapons.

Such a magic weapon, not to mention Ye Lingtian, even Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, Shao Jie and Lin Fei looked down upon it.

What they use now is either top-grade or high-grade spiritual weapons, not to mention that Dai Wenliang is now able to refine middle-grade spiritual weapons. In their eyes, these things are like rubbish.

However, just when Ye Lingtian was about to speak, Aoshi who was sitting on a chair beside him suddenly stood up excitedly after seeing one of the flying swords.

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