Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 664 Let's Bet Again

During a gamble, Ye Lingtian's "luck" suddenly came, he even opened twelve big ones in a row, and won nearly 1000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones from those guards in one breath. (This chapter was uploaded by friends)

Looking at the spirit stones piled up beside Ye Lingtian like a hill, finally a few guards who had been watching couldn't bear it anymore, and they also joined in.

In the end, more and more guards participated in Ye Lingtian's little trick to pass the time, and Ye Lingtian's "luck" also came back at this time. Leopards and the like were like Ye Lingtian's family puppy. Just come.

Those guards bet less at the beginning because they were not very familiar with it, but when they lost their eyes, almost all of them desperately added spirit stones to it.

It's just that in just one month of gambling, Ye Lingtian won almost all the guards in the city lord's mansion, and those guards who wanted to make money had no spirit stones, so they often took out some good ones. The spiritual herbs and refining materials to place a bet.

Faced with the materials delivered to the door, Ye Lingtian certainly did not refuse anyone who came. Soon, almost every guard in the city lord's mansion became pauper, and many of them even paid Liu Batian's salary in advance for the next month. .

Of course, those advance payments also fell into Ye Lingtian's pocket.

Another month has passed, and all the guards in the city lord's mansion can no longer afford a piece of high-grade spirit stone and any refining materials. Even their remuneration has been paid in advance by Liu Batian for several years, and each one is still owed. Ye Lingtian owed a considerable amount of debt.

Ye Lingtian saw that the guards in the City Lord's Mansion had no money to fish, so he immediately thought about those family disciples in Tianmen City.

Under Ye Lingtian's persecution, those guards had to help him spread this fascinating activity among those families, and from time to time they brought some people to the city lord's mansion to compete with Ye Lingtian.

For a while, Ye Lingtian's life can be said to be extremely fulfilling.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Ling has been staying in Tianmen City for a whole year.

During this year, he has become known to everyone in Tianmen City, and he has also become the richest man in the entire Yunlongxing.The reason for this result is also very simple, that is, a year ago, Ye Lingtian played dice on a whim.

It turned out that Ye Lingtian had won almost all the spirit stones and refining materials of the guards in the City Lord's Mansion back then.He suddenly felt that using this method was the best way to make money and have fun, so Ye Lingtian asked the guards in the city lord's mansion who owed him money to promote the great human invention of dice betting to the family disciples in the city.

At first, the guards were reluctant to go, but under Ye Lingtian's coercion and lure, they had to compromise. Who told them that they all owed Ye Lingtian a gambling debt?

To Ye Lingtian's surprise, he originally thought that the cultivators here would accept this kind of gamble.It would take at least a few months, but he didn't expect that in just one week, the activity of betting on dice became popular among the family disciples in Tianmen City.

Seeing that his plan went so smoothly, Ye Lingtian was also very happy. He also reduced the debts of the guards in the City Lord's Mansion, and then gave them a glorious task, which is to lure those family disciples to him to play dice .And Ye Lingtian will reduce his debts according to the number of people brought by those guards.

As soon as they heard that the debt could be reduced, the guards couldn't sit still, and they ran to the family disciples who usually had some friendship with them.He began to pull people up for Ye Lingtian.

In a teahouse in Tianmen City, two young men were talking quietly.

"Did you know? Recently, a prodigal boy came to our city lord's mansion. The thief has money. Brother, I won a lot of spirit stones from him a while ago."

"Really? Then I have to congratulate my brother."

"Oh, what a pity! That kid is afraid of losing now, so he doesn't gamble with us anymore. He now hopes to gamble with some strangers. Don't say I don't take care of you, brother. I recommended you to him a few days ago. When you win the money, don't look at my brother!"

"Ah! How about that little technology?"

"Let me tell you! That kid's level is too bad. In addition, he is not lucky. Generally speaking, if you bet with him, you will win in [-] out of [-]. How about it? Are you interested?"

"There is such a good thing, how can my younger brother miss it? When my younger brother wins a lottery, I will definitely not forget you, brother."

"Okay, with your words. My brother didn't take care of you in vain. Let's go, let's go now."

In a remote alley in Tianmen City, several gorgeously dressed young masters seem to be discussing something.

"Brother, what's the matter? What's the matter with you calling us here in such a hurry?"

"Let me tell you, I have a great source of money in front of you now, but I don't know if you are interested in it."

"Brother, if you have any money-making opportunities, just tell us, don't whet our appetites!"

"A few days ago, a boy came to our city lord's mansion. I heard that his father is the president of a certain chamber of commerce, and his family is simply rich. That Xiaojin has become obsessed with gambling for some time. He won a lot there, but Xiaojin said that we have restrained him, and he will not come with us, hoping to find other people to play, so, brother, I quickly won a spot for you, you know that It’s even harder than killing the enemy in battle! How about it, brother, I’m good to you!”

"How is that kid's strength? Could he be pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

"Don't worry! According to what I've heard, that little boy is simply a second-generation ancestor who has no knowledge and skills. Although he also has a late-stage cultivation base, he relies on his father's financial resources to use all kinds of elixir. Heaped up, and I also heard that the kid can't even use a spell in the out-of-body period, so don't worry.

And I have a big secret, I don't tell ordinary people, but you are all my brothers who were born and died, so I will tell you.

That kid brought at least 1000 million high-grade spirit stones to invest in our Tianmen City this time, and he didn't take bets below [-] high-grade spirit stones into consideration when he played the dice, so when you place your bets, just bet seven, Eight top-grade ten thousand spirit stones are enough, and it will be absolutely sure to win and not lose at that time.When the time comes, you will eat meat, but don't forget my brother who is still drinking soup! "

"Brother, what are you talking about? We share the wealth and share the troubles. You wait here. We will go back and get some spirit stones, and then we will go to the City Lord's Mansion with you."

Soon, the news that a big winner came to Tianmen City spread throughout the upper-level forces in Tianmen City. Countless family disciples almost fought over their heads in order to bet against Ye Lingtian.

And some people waited outside the city lord's mansion before dawn, hoping to enter the city lord's mansion as soon as possible.

It's just that those people don't know that the fat in their eyes is a hard rock at all, and it's the kind of rock that can eat people.

In just three months, countless family disciples rushed into the city lord's mansion one after another with countless spirit stones, but when those people came out at night, they were sneaky and returned home without saying a word , This made those family brothers who were guarding outside think that those people had won a lot of spirit stones from Ye Lingtian, and they were unwilling to publicize them, so they did this.

So those family brothers who were guarding outside flocked to the City Lord's Mansion even more frantically. For a while, the City Lord's Mansion became a lively place in Tianmen City.

Liu Batian who received the news also shook his head helplessly. On one side was his son's master, and on the other side were many families in the city. No matter which side he was facing, the expression on the other side would be ugly.

After much deliberation, Liu Batian simply ignored both sides and took Shen Ling to travel to other planets.

When Liu Batian left, the entire city lord's mansion suddenly became Ye Lingtian's world.

On the second day after Liu Batian left, Ye Lingtian sent someone to clear the hall of the city lord's mansion, specially made a gambling table with a width of tens of meters and placed it in the middle of the hall, and then he recruited the city lord Some maidservants in the mansion let them play the role of waiters.

After simple training, Ye Lingtian's small casino officially opened.

When the many brothers who were waiting outside heard the news, they hurried over with Lingshi as if seeing a peerless beauty.

Some of them have been waiting outside for a long time, some were brought by friends, and some came back and forth. No matter what kind of mentality they come with, their ultimate goal is the same, that is to win. Take Ye Lingtian's spirit stone.

Ye Lingtian, who was worried about having nothing to do, suddenly saw so many people rushing in, his eyes shone with golden light, and he swept across the disciples of those families as if looking at meat on a chopping board.

"Hey, you guys wanted to come here, I didn't force you! If that's the case, then don't blame me for being merciless."

Therefore, the micro-casino opened by Ye Lingtian opened for ten days and ten nights in a row, receiving all the family disciples who came.

Ten days later, Ye Lingtian's casino was empty, and almost all the disciples of the family had lost all the spirit stones on their bodies and went back mournfully. Only a few of them still had a small amount of spirit stones left, and wanted to make money in Ye Lingtian's hands.

It's a pity that the good luck of those few people didn't last long, and they were directly killed by Ye Lingtian's leopard.

Looking at the empty pockets, the disciples wept and walked outside the door.

But before they walked out the door, they saw a gorgeously dressed young man rushing into the gambling hall, and then took out a lot of precious spiritual herbs and medicine refining materials and magic weapons, and put them in the On the table, he shouted excitedly: "Boss, this time I brought all my wealth. Let's gamble again. I must win back the spirit stones I lost."

Today's update is complete, thank you for your great support! ! ! !

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