Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 672 Abnormal City Lord's Mansion

ps: Thank you book friend 895997624 for the reward!

At this moment, Shen Ling suddenly covered her stomach, and then pretended to be in great pain and said: "No, my stomach suddenly hurts, it is very likely that the chicken leg is too greasy and caused My old disease has relapsed, and now I can’t eat the delicious food made by Hong’er even if I want to eat it. Today, I can only take advantage of you. When Hong’er comes back next time, I must ask him to make a special meal for me. ( This chapter was uploaded by a friend)"

After Shen Ling finished speaking, she stuffed the chicken leg into Liu Batian's hand, and stood aside, clutching her stomach.

Liu Batian was sweating suddenly, why have I never heard her mention any old troubles?

Besides, as a master in the tribulation period, would she still suffer from stomach problems?

"You mean, let me finish this whole roast chicken?"

Liu Batian still asked cautiously.

Shen Ling immediately pretended to be unwilling, and said enviously: "Yes, you are satisfied now! If it weren't for the fact that I really can't eat today, how could I give you the delicious food made by Hong'er? Don't think I don't know, in fact, you must be very happy in your heart now."

Liu Batian was completely speechless. In the end, under Shen Ling's threatening eyes, he took a mouthful of tears, but he had no choice but to finish eating the whole roast chicken weighing five or six catties with a smile on his face.

When Liu Batian finished eating the last piece of chicken, he said something quickly, I went outside, and then took the wooden stick that went through the roast chicken and disappeared in place.

In the days that followed, Ye Lingtian wandered the streets of Tianmen City every day. Due to his evil deeds two years ago, many people still remember him. After seeing him appear again in Tianmen City, almost everyone People think the same way, my God!That guy is back, and I look like I'm quitting gambling.

Although Ye Lingtian no longer intends to gamble, other people don't think so.

They thought that the Lingshi Ye Lingtian won a few years ago had already been spent.This time I came back to make another big fortune. All the gamblers have only one idea at this time. During this period of time with that devil, I will not go to the casino if I am killed.

And Ye Lingtian obviously didn't know that his appearance would directly interrupt the raging gambling business in Tianmen City.

Almost all the casinos in Tianmen City were closed because no one went to gamble.facing the crisis of bankruptcy.

Ye Lingtian didn't think about it so much. His only thought now is to take a good rest. To Ye Lingtian's luck, when he went shopping this time, the bosses didn't show him any shame, and they didn't charge high prices. Or something happened that didn't sell.

While eating the cheap items on the roadside, Ye Lingtian said with emotion: "It seems that they have already forgotten about me. I won't be afraid of being ripped off by others when I buy things in the future."

However, how did Ye Lingtian know that those merchants had not forgotten him, but that Liu Batian was very angry after knowing what happened to Ye Lingtian in Tianmen City after returning to the city. If so, then who would dare to come to us to buy items in the future!

So Liu Batian immediately issued an order: All merchants in the city are not allowed to increase the price of goods or refuse to sell goods for personal reasons, if found.For the first time, he was fined 1000 yuan for top-grade spirit stones, for the second time he was fined 1 yuan for top-grade spirit stones, and for the third time he was expelled from Tianmen City.Never allow re-entry.

It is because of this regulation that those merchants dare not mess around.

Otherwise, based on what Ye Lingtian did back then, those bosses might never forget him for the rest of their lives.

In the next few days, Ye Lingtian had a great time in the city, but he didn't know that Liu Batian was already miserable.

The cause and effect of the whole thing still has to start with the roast chicken.

What Liu Yuhong roasted at the beginning was actually a poisonous pheasant. After he roasted and ate it for the first time, his stomach hurt for a month. Maybe he was hanging directly on top of a roast pheasant.

afterwards.Liu Yuhong caught a few more young pheasant birds for research, only to discover that the pheasant actually contains a toxin in its body, which can damage various organs and functions of the human body.

Fortunately, he ate young chickens back then, which had less toxins. If it was an adult pheasant, even Liu Yuhong is now several times stronger than ordinary cultivators**.Absolutely can't resist.

After figuring out the reason, Liu Yuhong started researching again. He managed to find some formulas for refining detoxification elixir from the practice exercises taught to him by Ye Lingtian.

Due to the abundance of aura in the primordial space, all kinds of medicinal herbs grow very luxuriantly. Although Ye Lingtian didn't deliberately plant them in the woods at the beginning, after so many years, in the woods where Liu Yuhong is now, they also grow naturally. After finding some middle and low-level spiritual grasses and elixir, Liu Yuhong just searched casually, and got all the medicinal materials for refining the primary detoxification elixir.

So, Liu Yuhong went to catch a few young chickens and came back, and then soaked them in the potion made of those spiritual herbs for a whole day. After all the properties of the medicine had penetrated into the bodies of those young chickens, he took out One of the smaller ones is ready to try the effect.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for Liu Yuhong to be so interested in food, but the taste of the pheasant meat he ate before can be regarded as the most delicious thing he has eaten in his life, so he spent so much effort trying to get rid of it. The toxin in the pheasant meat, after all, he didn't want to eat the pheasant meat once and his belly would hurt for a month.

When the detoxified pheasant Liu Yuhong roasted was about to be cooked, Ye Lingtian also appeared, so this happened.

It’s just that Liu Yuhong doesn’t know that the pheasant meat tastes so delicious because of the toxins in its body. Now the toxins in the pheasant’s body have been almost wiped out, and the pheasant meat is still full of various The smell of medicinal herbs, plus Liu Yuhong roasting it with fire, how can it taste better?

Unfortunately, Ye Lingtian took back the drugged roast pheasant and gave it to Liu Batian and his wife, and Liu Batian ate the whole pheasant under Shen Ling's force. chicken.

If Liu Batian and Shen Ling each ate half of a pheasant, there would be no problem, but the problem is that Liu Batian ate one by himself, and the remaining toxin in the whole pheasant was just enough to It caused damage to Liu Batian's body, which is why he is in the current miserable state.

When Ye Lingtian was tired from playing outside and returned to the City Lord's Mansion, he found that the entire City Lord's Mansion was in a panic. Not only were all the guards standing vigilantly at their posts, but the maids in the mansion were also running around in a panic. And from time to time, a few people that Ye Lingtian had never seen flashed past in the mansion.

"What's going on here? It looks like a war is about to start."

Holding a pack of snacks in one hand, Ye Lingtian walked into the City Lord's Mansion with a group of smiling guards.

But just as they stepped into the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, two unfamiliar faces that Ye Lingtian had never seen stepped forward to stop them.

"Stop, who are you? This is the important place of the city lord's mansion. Anyone without a pass token is not allowed to enter."

Ye Lingtian turned his head in a daze, and asked the guard behind him: "Why have I lived here for so long and still don't know that I need a token to enter and leave the City Lord's Mansion? Hurry up and take out your token, and let this brother Look, I'm going back to rest too."

At this time, the guards were also dumbfounded, and one of them replied with difficulty: "Senior, we have worked here for so long, but we have never heard of this rule! What kind of token, we also Never seen it!"

Now, the two strange guards who blocked Ye Lingtian became even more suspicious of them.

"I warn you, leave the range of the City Lord's Mansion immediately, or don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Lingtian looked at the two of them quite unexpectedly. In his impression, generally speaking, roles like guards are bullying.

Today there were no less than eight guards standing behind him, but the two people at the door looked at them without fear, as if they didn't pay attention to so many people in front of them.

Afterwards, Ye Lingtian secretly investigated the two of them, and immediately understood.

It turned out that both of them had cultivations in the middle stage of fusion, and Ye Lingtian's cultivation was only in the early stage of distraction, except for Ye Lingtian who hid his cultivation in the early stage of distraction.

"It turns out that they insisted that their cultivation was high enough, so they didn't take us seriously!"

"Brothers, you are new here. Otherwise, it's impossible that you haven't seen me! Well, let us in first, and I will definitely help you say a few good words in front of the city lord later."

It was rare for Ye Lingtian to see such a loyal guard, so he couldn't help but joke.

However, after hearing his words, the two men smiled contemptuously, and then said disdainfully: "With your cultivation level, will the city lord listen to you? I don't care who you are, without a token We won't let you in either."

Surprisingly, Ye Lingtian did not refute them, but turned around and said to the guards standing behind him: "Look, what is dedication, you should learn more from them two in the future."

Immediately, those guards lowered their heads very rarely.

Satisfied, Ye Lingtian walked up to the two strange guards, put one hand on the shoulder of one guard and said mysteriously: "I won't play with you anymore, I will tell you my identity now, but don't ask me after you hear it." Afraid, I am a very good person, and I will never report private revenge, so you can rest assured."

"You said."

One of the guards suppressed the anger in his heart, and popped out two words from between his teeth.

Today's update is complete, thank you for your great support! (To be continued..)

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