Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 689 Shelter

The next day, what Ye Lingtian said to Zhong Nan spread throughout Zixiao City and even Sapphire Blue Star. A mysterious monster, a young man who claimed to be the current head of "Tianyuanzong", dared to oppose the people of Qianyangzong, and even uttered wild words, waiting for Qianyangzong's revenge. ()

All of a sudden, the entire Sapphire Blue Star became lively, and some cultivators who liked to watch the excitement rushed to Zixiao City one after another, wanting to see what kind of person this cultivator who dared to provoke Qianyangzong was like.

Although there are many sects on Sapphire Blue Planet, Qianyang Sect is the most dominant and influential in the final analysis. Not only those casual cultivators who like to watch the excitement have become interested in Ye Lingtian, but also those other big and small The sect's 680th chapter, the ninth chapter, was also full of anticipation, to see how Qianyangzong would deal with Ye Lingtian's provocation this time.

Ye Lingtian didn't pay attention to so much at the moment. After leaving Yunwu Restaurant, he went to Zixiao City's Four Great Cultivators with Liu Ruohan and Liu Yuhong under the leadership of Mo Hu. When I was visiting a large auction house, I happened to run into an auction in this auction house, and one of the auction items caught Ye Lingtian's attention.

This auction item is not the refining material of spirit grass and medicine, nor is it a treasure of heaven and earth, but a courtyard, a small courtyard located in the bustling area of ​​Zixiao City.

It is said to be a small courtyard, but it is actually compared to Zixiao City. Judging from the introduction of the auction house, this courtyard has an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. The layout of the entire courtyard is a bit like a courtyard in Yanjing.The only difference is that there is no inverted room in front, and the gate is not opened at the southeast corner of the entire courtyard like the courtyards on earth, but in the middle.

Judging from the drawings in the brochure, when you enter the gate, you will find a front yard with several hundred square meters. This kind of design.It's a bit like the training ground of ancient martial arts gyms on earth.

After entering this courtyard, there is a lobby for receiving guests, and then there are three courtyards where you can enter Chapter 680 Nine Shelter, and the layout inside is quite different from the courtyard.On both sides of the main room are wing rooms, and on both sides of the wing rooms are other courtyards, flower gardens, etc.

"Come on, let's go in and see!"

After reading the introduction in the auction brochure.Ye Lingtian led Liu Ruohan into the auction hall involuntarily. He was thinking about finding a place to live in Zixiao City, but unexpectedly, someone wanted to auction the yard. Ye Lingtian would not let this opportunity pass.

Although it seems that the yard is a bit bigger now, it is better to be bigger than smaller. If there are more people in the future, there is no need to look for another place. ()

What's more, with such a large courtyard in the bustling area of ​​Zixiao City, it won't be so noisy.Compared with those houses facing the street, it is much quieter here.

Ye Lingtian and the others came at the right time. When they entered the auction hall, the auction had not yet started, and the entire hall was filled.There were only dozens of people sitting, and more than half of them were not cultivators.

Thinking about it, ordinary cultivators would not be interested in a courtyard like this. They all want to find a clean place to practice. Who would go to a prosperous area to buy a large courtyard to practice.

Ordinary mortals even want to buy it.You also have to consider whether you have that much money.

So those who are interested in this kind of yard are basically some small sect families.

Ye Lingtian took a slight look at the people in the auction hall, and then sat down at an empty table with Liu Ruohan. After taking the "Green Blood Pill", Liu Yuhong, who was almost healed from his injuries, quickly followed. As for Mo Hu , but did not dare to sit down with the three of them, and stood silently behind Ye Lingtian and Liu Yuhong.

"Ling Tian, ​​are you going to buy this yard?"

Seeing that the auction hadn't started yet, Liu Ruohan looked at Ye Lingtian and asked.

Ye Lingtian nodded lightly, and said with a smile: "Yes, I have already thought about it. The business in Zixiao City is so prosperous, and there is no shortage of spirit grass and medicine refining materials, which are just suitable for us to refine alchemy and sell pills and magic weapons. , we will live here for a few years, and when we earn enough spirit stones, we can go back and visit our grandparents."

After finishing speaking, Ye Lingtian seemed to think of something again, looked at Liu Ruohan and asked, "Why, don't you like this yard?"

"No, this yard is really nice, I'm just a little worried."

Liu Ruohan thought for a while before hesitatingly said.

"Ruohan, you are worried that Qianyangzong will come back for revenge, right? Don't be nervous, I don't care about Qianyangzong, let alone Qianyangzong is not one of the four sects in the cultivation world, even if it is one of the four sects. Those people are here, as long as they offend me, I will never let them go! The stronger the opponent is, the stronger the Tianyuanzong's reputation will be at that time, don't forget, Taoist Dan and they are still there!"

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly, then his expression changed, and he said in an unquestionable tone.

Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, Liu Ruohan suddenly came to his senses. In the primordial space, there are still seventy or eighty perverts who have already reached the level of earth immortals. Ying, also has the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal, and if one of them comes out, the four sects can be overwhelmed, let alone seventy or eighty.

It can be said that as long as Ye Lingtian is willing to call out all the seventy or eighty perverted powerhouses in the primordial space, even if it sweeps the realm of comprehension, it may not be a problem.

What's more, this is not counting Ye Lingtian's own terrifying strength. Thinking back in the Xumi Realm, only Ye Lingtian, who was cultivated in the late stage of leaving his body, could control the "Nine Heavens God Thunder Formation" to destroy the strong in the Mahayana stage, and then refine it After the seventy or eighty primordial spirits of the Mahayana stage crossing the catastrophe stage, and their cultivation bases advanced to the late stage of distraction, not only the power of the "Nine Heavens God Thunder Formation" has increased several times, but even Ye Lingtian's previous cultivation "Tianjue Shenlei" and "Taiyin Shenlei" are also much stronger.

Now Ye Lingtian's "Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Formation" is not to mention dealing with the strong in the Mahayana period, even if he is a first-level loose immortal, if he accidentally falls into the formation, it may be as difficult as breaking through the formation and escaping.

Otherwise, if he didn't have great strength, Ye Lingtian wouldn't be so stupid as to openly challenge Qianyangzong.

"Master and wife, what were you talking about just now? Who is Taoist Dan?"

Liu Yuhong on the side heard what Ye Lingtian and Liu Ruohan said like falling into the clouds and fog, and couldn't help asking curiously.

Ye Lingtian turned his head to look at Liu Yuhong, and said indifferently: "You are not allowed to know now, when it is time for you to know, I will let you know, understand?"


Liu Yuhong nodded in disappointment and closed his mouth.

At this moment, as a middle-aged man in his 40s or [-]s stepped into the arena, the auction officially started. At the beginning, the auctions were all things that were of no use to cultivators. Like Ye Lingtian, most of the cultivators closed their eyes slightly. Obviously, they were all waiting for the last courtyard to be auctioned.

Time passed unknowingly, and finally, after a set of low-level practice skills was successfully auctioned, the auctioneer cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, what we are going to auction next will be our auction today." The last auction item, which is the courtyard that everyone has seen in the brochure."

Next, the auctioneer introduced the area, design layout, etc. of the courtyard in detail, and finally said: "According to the client's request, I now announce that the starting price for this courtyard is five thousand top-grade spirit stones. The price increase should not be less than one thousand high-grade spirit stones, next, please ask the fellow Taoists who are interested in this courtyard to bid!"

"I pay six thousand!"

"Seven thousand high-grade spirit stones!"

"Eight thousand!"

"I'll pay [-]!"


As soon as the auctioneer's voice fell, the bidding sounded in the hall one after another, but Ye Lingtian was still indifferent, leaning on the chair with his eyes slightly closed. Now these biddings are basically small fish and shrimps. No matter how powerful they are, they also hope to try their luck. If there is no rich person to make a move, they can buy this courtyard at a low price.

Those who don’t have much strength go out, and the rest are probably entrusted by the auction house. Most competitive people will choose to make a move at the last moment. Naturally, Ye Lingtian will not waste his saliva at this moment. Anyway, with his strength, if he wants to win Getting down to this courtyard is only a matter of minutes.

It's just that he didn't expect the starting price of such a large courtyard to be so low. He couldn't even buy an ordinary "Qingling Pill" for five thousand high-grade spirit stones, and he didn't know what difficulties the original owner of this courtyard encountered. , otherwise, there is no reason to auction it at such a low price.

Slowly, the price has been raised to [-] high-grade spirit stones, and there are fewer and fewer people bidding at this moment. Those who made the initial bids have fallen silent, and the ones who are bidding now are the ones who really want to buy this place. yard people.

"I pay twenty-three thousand!"

"Twenty-five thousand high-grade spirit stones!"

"Twenty-eight thousand!"

"I'll offer [-]..."

Now there are only three people still bidding in the hall, one is an old man in a blue shirt, one is a middle-aged man with a slightly blessed appearance, and the other is a man in a gorgeous dress. young men.

After the young man called out the price of [-] top-grade spirit stones, both the old man in green shirt and the middle-aged man fell silent, obviously thinking whether to continue bidding, but the young man looked calm and looked at the price. Can't figure out what's going on in his mind.

"Thirty thousand high-grade spirit stones for the first time! Thirty thousand high-grade spirit stones for the second time..."

"I pay thirty-five thousand!"

Just as the auctioneer was counting down, the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and quoted a price of [-] high-grade spirit stones.

"forty thousand!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the young man in gorgeous attire followed closely. As soon as his words fell, the middle-aged man shook his head slightly. Obviously, he gave up.

"Forty thousand! This young master bid forty thousand, does anyone want to increase the price? The first time for [-] high-grade spirit stones, the second time for [-] high-grade spirit stones, the first forty thousand high-grade spirit stones..."

"I will offer fifty thousand high-grade spirit stones!"! ! !

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