After passing the main house, there is a small garden, which is commonly known as the "back garden".On the east side of the garden is an ancient well, and on the north side is a row of two-story houses facing south, which are called Houmiao houses.

On the east side of the entire house, there are two large gardens.The area to the north is slightly smaller, and there is a pool in the middle, and there is an artificial rockery in the pool.The two gardens take up a little more than one-third of the entire house.

Zhang Wentao took Ye Lingtian, Liu Ruohan and the others to look through the blueprints one yard at a time, and then returned to the lobby of the front yard. After calling the few people to sit down, he found a place to go down to serve tea and left. Leave room for negotiation.

Ye Lingtian took out a cigarette and threw one to Yao Lei and the others, and said with a smile, "Tell me, how do you feel?"

Dai Wenliang took a glance at the cigarette and exclaimed, "Boss, why do you have this cigarette?"

"My uncle gave it to him, what's the matter?" Liu Ruohan glared at Dai Wenliang and hummed.

Dai Wenliang scratched the back of his head, and said with a sneer, "Hey, that... sister-in-law, I didn't realize it! But your uncle is also taking advantage of your grandfather."

Yao Lei and Shao Weijie looked at the cigarette in their hands, then at Dai Wenliang and Liu Ruohan, and asked suspiciously: "Fatty, sister-in-law, what kind of cigarette is this? You look amazing?"

Ye Lingtian was also a little puzzled, isn't it just a cigarette, at best it's a bit more expensive, how could this fat man be so surprised?

"Ahem, don't underestimate this cigarette. It's a special giant panda smoked exclusively for national leaders, and you can't buy it outside." The fat man shook his head and said solemnly.

Ye Lingtian, Yao Lei, and Shao Weijie were all shocked when they heard this, and stared at Liu Ruohan with wide eyes.So, Liu Ruohan's grandfather is a national leader?

Seeing the expressions of Ye Lingtian and the others, Liu Ruohan immediately pouted, and said, "Then what's the matter, the fat man is not the same as his grandfather."

Sure enough, Ye Lingtian, Yao Lei, and Shao Weijie turned their heads again and stared at Dai Wenliang with the same eyes. After a while, Yao Lei smiled wickedly and said, "Okay, you fat man, you can hide it deep enough. Let’s have a bottle of Moutai, let’s talk, what should we do?”

When Dai Wenliang heard this, he regretted so much that he wanted to hit the wall, and said with a bitter face, "Okay, okay, I'll treat you, okay?"

Ye Lingtian hurriedly said: "Okay, just tonight, how about it?"

"Boss, let's talk about your treat tonight!" Dai Wenliang said with a sad face.

Ye Lingtian chuckled, took a puff of his cigarette, and said, "That's all right, let's vote now, let the fat man treat you to Moutai tonight, raise your hand!"

After speaking, he raised his right hand, and Liu Ruohan, Yao Lei and Shao Weijie responded one after another.Ye Lingtian looked at the aggrieved Dai Wenliang, and said with a chuckle: "Fatty, there's no other way, what the people want! Well, the dinner has been settled, and now it's time to get down to business. Everyone has seen this house. how do you feel?"

"Okay, very good, I agree with the boss to buy it!" Dai Wenliang raised his right hand and said through gritted teeth, worried about Ye Lingtian's blackmail just now.

Yao Lei immediately raised his hand and said with a smile, "I agree!"

Shao Weijie was a little hesitant. After all, the house was worth a lot, and it would cost at least three hundred million yuan to buy it.But seeing Yao Lei and Dai Wenliang winking at him all the time, he had no choice but to say, "Boss, I agree too!"

Ye Lingtian glanced at a few people, ignored them, but turned to look at Liu Ruohan, and said with a smile, "Ruohan, what do you think?"

"Well, I like it here." Liu Ruohan looked at Ye Lingtian charmingly and said with a charming smile.She liked this courtyard house very much, especially those gardens.

Ye Lingtian nodded slightly. He also likes this house very much. First, it is relatively quiet here, not far from Houhai and Wangfujing. It is very convenient to go out for a walk after dinner; 20 people is not a problem at all; third, the environment in the courtyard is very good, with trees, pools, and gardens.

After glancing at everyone, Ye Lingtian laughed and said, "Okay, fat man, go and call Zhang Wentao in."

After a while, Zhang Wentao came in with five cups of tea on a tray, put the cups on the table, and said with a smile: "You have all seen the house, how is it?"

Ye Lingtian took out a cigarette and handed it to Zhang Wentao, and said straight to the point: "The house is not bad, except that the house is a bit old, we like everything else better. In this way, everyone should be honest. I hate beating around the bush. Just tell me what the lowest price can sell it for." .”

When Zhang Wentao saw the cigarette case in Ye Lingtian's hand, his heart suddenly trembled. As an old Yanjing person, he naturally knew the value of the cigarettes, and the identity of the person who could take out this kind of cigarettes must not be simple.Lighting up the cigarette, he took a deep breath and said, "Okay, my brother is indeed a cheerful person. I'll let you pay five thousand per square meter. What do you think?"

Ye Lingtian pondered for a moment, then stretched out three fingers, and said solemnly: "I'll give you [-] million and pay immediately. If you have no objections, go through the formalities now."

Zhang Wentao paused for a moment, then said bluntly, "Okay, just as my brother said, [-] million."

Three hundred million, although it is still a little far from the lowest price in his heart, but thinking of the identities of these people, he just turned his brain around and figured out the pros and cons of it.If you can establish a relationship with these few people, how can you buy it for 2000 million.

The next thing is to go to the bank to transfer the money, and go to the relevant department to go through the house transfer procedures.After a group of people came out of the bank and rushed to the housing management bureau, Zhang Wentao finally saw the energy of these young people.

After receiving the application, the technicians of the housing management bureau usually go to measure the actual area within [-] working days. As for obtaining the real estate certificate and land use certificate, it takes longer.

But Dai Wenliang just made a phone call, and within a few minutes, the director of the Housing Management Bureau rushed to the lobby and promised to send someone to measure the area the next day, and let Ye Lingtian get the real estate certificate within three days and the land use certificate, and finally sent several people out of the gate in person.

In the huge luxurious private rooms of Shunfeng Restaurant and Yiyuan Branch, Dai Wenliang looked at the three meals of lobster, salt-baked abalone, shark fin rice, leek sea cucumber, steamed turbot, black-bone chicken soup, salted duck, Dong Goat belly stew, dim sum platter, etc., and the beautiful and enthusiastic waiters are still bringing the plates to the table, the meat hurts so much that I almost cried.

But Ye Lingtian, Yao Lei, and Shao Weijie were holding cups with one hand and vegetables with the other, and Hu Tianhai was feasting, and even Liu Ruohan ate happily, completely lacking the usual ladylike demeanor.

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