Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 691 Sneak Attack

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In the world of comprehension, as long as you can afford spirit stones, building a shop is still a very simple matter. In just two days, a five-storey shop was built. Hanging on the lintel is the gold lettering "Magic Treasure Pavilion" on a black background. Three large gilt characters. (Full-text novels are updated the fastest)

And during these two days, Ye Lingtian was not idle. While Liu Yuhong and Mo Hu led people to build shops in front, he expended a lot of energy to set up a huge high-level phantom formation and a high-level defense killing formation, The entire courtyard is shrouded in these two formations.

Now, although the whole yard is not impenetrable, it can be regarded as double insurance. When there is no foreign enemy attack, Ye Lingtian will only activate the advanced phantom array to prevent someone from sneaking into the yard. Because of this advanced chapter 690 sneak attack The phantom formation is only a psychedelic effect, so that it will not cause fatal harm to those who stray into the formation.

Even if the people sneaking into the yard are enemies with malicious intentions, Ye Lingtian can easily capture or destroy them after he finds them, and the high-level defensive killing array is specially designed to deal with those foreign enemies with strong cultivation bases.

It can be said that as long as it is a cultivator who does not understand the formation, no matter whether it is in the tribulation period or the Mahayana period, after falling into this advanced defensive formation, it is not that simple to get out.

Ye Lingtian spent so much energy laying out these two advanced formations, the purpose is to protect the safety of Liu Ruohan, Liu Yuhong, Mo Hu, and the people who will live in this yard in the future. There are no these two advanced formations to protect the safety of Liu Ruohan and others.Ye Lingtian was really worried.

It was already the third day when the two advanced formations were arranged, and the revenge of Zhong Nan and Qianyangzong had not yet come, but Ye Lingtian didn't bother to pay attention to so much, but devoted himself to setting up the "Illusory Treasure Pavilion" .

Originally, Ye Lingtian was going to hand over all the management matters of the "Illusive Treasure Pavilion" to Zhang Hong, but after investigating a sneak attack, he found that Zhang Hong was in retreat to attack the late stage of crossing the catastrophe.Ye Lingtian had no choice but to dismiss this idea for the time being, while Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Weijie, after more than 690 years of painstaking practice in the Hongmeng space, have all improved to the late stage of leaving their bodies.Now they are all boiling water ready to break through to the distraction stage, Lin Fei has also reached the critical moment of advancing to the fusion stage, so in this way.Everything needs to be done by Ye Lingtian himself.

Ye Lingtian divided the first and second floors of the entire "Magic Treasure Pavilion" into the pill area. The first floor sells all kinds of mid-level panacea, the second floor is the top-grade and extreme panacea area, and the third floor sells mid-level panacea. , the fourth floor is the sales area for top-grade and top-grade spiritual weapons, and the fifth floor is used as a reception room.

As for those low-level pills and magic weapons, Ye Lingtian didn't think about them at all. Firstly, such kind of pills and magic weapons are everywhere in the market, and there is not much money to make at all. Second, Ye Lingtian has no interest in them now. It's time to refine this low-level elixir magic weapon.For him, it would be a waste of time to refine low-level elixirs now.

What's more, what Ye Lingtian needs is brand effect, if it is not for raising more spiritual grasses and elixir for relatives on earth.He didn't even bother to refine middle-grade spirit pills and middle-grade spiritual tools. After all, as long as he made a name for himself, Ye Lingtian could make a lot of money just by refining those top-grade and top-grade elixirs. .

You know, top grade.In particular, the top-grade delicacies and magic weapons are not something that any alchemist can refine. Who can refine the top-grade pills, which one is not a great master, and how many people in the entire cultivation world? Alchemy Grandmaster and Play Grandmaster?

Not to mention them, most of the alchemy masters and weapon refining masters are very arrogant, and they cannot be hired by ordinary people. Even if you can afford the price, they may not be able to refine elixirs and magic weapons for you.

Therefore, as long as the news that the "Magic Treasure Pavilion" can refine top-grade elixir and top-grade spiritual weapons spreads, there will definitely be an endless stream of practitioners who come to ask Ye Lingtian to refine top-quality elixir and top-grade spiritual weapons. How Ye Lingtian wants to charge is a one-sentence matter, and I believe those cultivators who need it will not be too fussy.

After all, no matter what, if you switch to other great masters, even if you are willing to pay a higher price, they may not be willing to refine it for you.

Give Liu Ruohan all the pills and treasures that Yao Lei and Dai Wenliang bought, as well as all kinds of magic weapons that he won in Tianmen City, and let her bring Liu Yuhong and Mo Hu to place them on the counter in separate categories. After the defensive formation and restraint, a gratified smile finally appeared on Ye Lingtian's face.

"Master, everything is ready now and we only owe the east wind. Shouldn't we choose an auspicious day to open our business?"

Seeing the smile on Ye Lingtian's face, Liu Yuhong hurriedly handed over a cup of tea and asked flatteringly.

"Hehe, don't worry!"

Ye Lingtian pondered for a moment, then waved his hand lightly, and said to Mo Hu: "You can do one more thing for me now, which is to contact an auction house. If you want to have a big influence, just say, 'Magic Treasure Pavilion' is ready An auction will be held in ten days, and the auction items will be ten top-quality panacea and ten top-quality spiritual tools!"

Any publicity can't compare to the effect of an auction. If you want to make a big hit in Zixiao City, holding an auction is the easiest and most practical way.

As night fell, the bustling Zixiao City gradually calmed down. Under the cover of night, several dark shadows suddenly appeared in front of Ye Lingtian's yard.

"Shuibao, are you sure that this is here?"

A few black shadows looked around furtively, and after seeing nothing unusual, the leader of a burly figure lowered his voice and said.

"It's definitely not wrong. I followed them for several days in a row. This yard was auctioned off by that person at the auction house a few days ago. After they moved in, they immediately built this shop. Now they must be in the yard. Inside. I also checked it secretly. After entering the door, there is a big courtyard. There are three other entrances in the courtyard. That person should live in the last one. Brother, what should we do?"

Another somewhat short black figure hurried to the front and said in a low voice.

The leader was silent for a moment, looked up again at the dark courtyard wall, then gritted his teeth and said: "Go, remember to follow me, don't disperse your actions, our target is the giant snake, get out as soon as possible! "

After finishing speaking, the burly man flashed and flew into the yard, and the other black shadows flew in together without any hesitation.

However, after they landed, they found that there was no yard in front of them, but a desolate area, like the Gobi Desert, with no end in sight.

"How did this happen? Where is this place? We are obviously in Zixiao City?"

Seeing the scene in front of them, several people were stunned. It took a long time for a middle-aged man to open his eyes and look around and said blankly.

And the burly man in the lead seemed to have reacted at this time, and after looking around for a while, his face was horrified, and he yelled in horror: "No, this is a formation!"

"What, array? What should we do?"

"Brother, quickly find a way to kill!"

As soon as they heard the word "formation", those black shadows became anxious and shouted in panic.

As long as they are cultivators, they all know the power of the formation. Although they don't know what kind of formation they have fallen into, they are all ignorant of the formation. If they don't break out of the formation as soon as possible, they will have to be slaughtered up.

"Wait! Everyone, don't panic, it's just a phantom formation, there's nothing to be afraid of, follow me, we'll go back the way we came!"

The burly man at the head hurriedly waved his hand, then turned around and pointed to the direction behind them.

In his opinion, this kind of phantom formation is just to confuse people's state of mind. The fear is that they will lose their way because of panic, and they will only be trapped in the formation at that time, but now they only need to follow the direction they came from. Can safely exit the formation.

However, this is just a naive idea of ​​those who don't know the formation. Once the formation is activated, you can only enter but not exit. If you don't know how to exit the formation, no matter which direction you go, it will be useless.

Sure enough, those people flew in the same direction as they hurried back and forth under the leadership of the burly man, but no matter how they flew, the scenery in front of them was still the endless Gobi Desert. It seemed that even if they flew for three days and three nights, they could still see Not to the side.

"Brother, something is wrong. We have already flown no less than a thousand miles. Why are we still in this formation? Could it be the wrong direction?"

Finally, the short black figure couldn't hold back anymore, and the fear in his eyes became more and more serious.

And the burly man obviously realized that this formation is not as simple as he imagined, he waved his hand to signal them to stop, and after pondering for a moment, he said solemnly: "Brothers, we underestimated that kid, no Thinking that he was able to set up such a large formation, with this skill, it is no wonder that he dared to blatantly oppose Qianyangzong. Now that we are flying like this, even if our true energy is exhausted, it is impossible to fly out of this formation. Now the only The only way is to break the formation!"

"Break the formation? How?"

"Yeah, brother, we don't know how to break the formation. If we accidentally touch the formation, then everyone will have to confess here! I think it's better...or take the initiative to admit to the person who set up the formation, maybe save your life..."

Those few people shook their heads and said worriedly, obviously, they already had timidity.

It's no wonder they had such thoughts in their hearts. After all, what they were drawing was only the monster, and they didn't intend to kill people. If the other party was generous, it would not be impossible to let them go.

"To shut up!"

Before the man could finish speaking, the burly man interrupted him sharply: "Look at how cowardly each of you are, don't forget that you are all strong men with cultivation bases above the distraction stage, wouldn't you be afraid of someone who only The phantom formation set up by the initial stage of distraction? We are now concentrating on attacking one place, I don’t believe that with our cultivation base, we still can’t break this phantom formation!”

The first one is here! (to be continued!!!

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