In fact, Ye Lingtian read all the evasion techniques recorded in "The Essentials of Magic", and he prefers the wind evasion technique. Unfortunately, this evasion technique needs to be practiced at the golden core stage or above, so Ye Lingtian can only shake his head helplessly.

As far as the Five Elements Dungeon is currently being practiced, Ye Lingtian only focuses on the Earth Dungeon, followed by the Water Dungeon and Wood Dungeon. As for the Golden Dungeon and Fire Dungeon, Ye Lingtian doesn't have that much energy to practice yet.

Among the many lightning methods, Ye Lingtian directly chose to practice Tianlei.The so-called sky thunder refers to the congenital thunder and lightning in the universe, that is, the lightning that is usually seen when it is windy and rainy.The power of the sky thunder is very huge, and it is by no means comparable to the thunder technique acquired by a cultivator relying on mana.

Acquired Thunder Art, that is, the cultivator uses spells to condense various auras of different attributes between the heaven and the earth, and refine them into a stable thunder ball like a refining tool, such as the metallic Gengjin Jielei, the wood-type Yimu Zhenglei, Guishui Yinlei with water attribute, Binghuoyang Lei with fire attribute, Wutu Minglei with earth attribute, etc.

After these thunderballs are made, they can be hoarded, and when they are used, they can be thrown out directly. This is somewhat similar to the grenades used on the earth today.

Strictly speaking, the thunder ball refined the day after tomorrow is a magic weapon that can self-explode, but it is called a thunder technique because the sound of the explosion is as loud as thunder.

Compared with the congenital thunder method, the acquired thunder technique has the advantage that it does not need to consume real energy at all. As long as you store up enough, you can throw them away one by one. Although the power is much weaker than the innate thunder method, it is easy to make. , it does not need to consume real energy when using it, so in the cultivation world and the fairy world, almost everyone is practicing the Houtian Thunder Art.

In fact, it doesn't mean that they are unwilling to practice the Xiantian Thunder Technique, it's just because the formula for summoning the Xiantian Thunder Technique has long been lost in the world of comprehension and immortality, so in desperation, they practice the Acquired Thunder Technique.

Needless to say, the power of the innate thunder method, but almost no one who is not a cultivator is not afraid of crossing the catastrophe. Basically, out of ten masters in the period of crossing the catastrophe, there are only two or three who can survive the catastrophe and ascend to the fairy world in the end.

Cultivation is against the sky, so before facing the ascension to the fairy world, the cultivator must accept the test of God, and this test is to pass the tribulation.

To cross the catastrophe, in layman's terms, is to be struck by lightning, and the tribulation thunder when crossing the catastrophe is the sky thunder.

Although the power of the sky thunder is huge, if a cultivator wants to mobilize the sky thunder, he not only needs magic formulas, but also consumes a lot of real energy.

Ye Lingtian has three dantians, and each dantian is several times stronger than an ordinary cultivator, so when facing the enemy, he hardly has to worry about running out of real energy.

If he could cultivate into a thunderbolt, even if he faced a monk whose cultivation level was one or two levels higher than his own, Ye Lingtian only needed to call out a thunderbolt, which would turn him into ashes in an instant.

It is also because of this that Ye Lingtian didn't think about those Acquired Lightning Techniques at all, but directly chose to practice Heavenly Thunder.

Practice does not know the years, and a month passes in the blink of an eye.

Juneday, baby face, change as soon as you say it.It was clear that the sky was still clear in the morning, but before noon, there was a faint thunder in the sky.

After a while, dark clouds covered the entire sky, and it was so dark that it was everywhere. The clouds rolled, thunder bursts, and it was about to rain.

In the depths of the mountain, Ye Lingtian recited the formula silently, and with a pinch of his fingers, he made a strange seal formula. A silver-white lightning bolt the size of chopsticks fell from the sky instantly, and a loud "Boom!" immediately smashed the ground into a crater with a radius of 20 meters. .

A few seconds later, there was a "boom" thunder in the sky. The dull and depressing thunder sounded from far to near, and it seemed that the earth trembled a little.

Ye Lingtian didn't stop, changed his hand shape, and typed out another seal. This time, he didn't see lightning, but there was another big hole with a radius of about ten meters on the ground.

At this time, Ye Lingtian had already fallen to the ground, and his face became very pale.

This sky thunder really consumes too much real energy. Even though Ye Lingtian has three dantians that are several times larger than ordinary cultivators, and the total amount of real energy in his body even exceeds that of a monk at the golden core stage, but calling two sky thunders in a row can kill all the real energy in his body at once. Meta depleted.He didn't care about other things at the moment, took out a top-grade spirit stone and began to meditate to recover.

An hour or two passed, and Ye Lingtian felt that [-]% to [-]% of his true energy had recovered, so he took back the spirit stone, got up and walked to the two big pits blasted out by the thunder just now.

Looking at the two deep pits, Ye Lingtian nodded with satisfaction, and said to himself: "The Taiyin God Thunder is really worthy of the word 'Yin', silent and silent, although its power is not as powerful as the Heaven Absolute God Thunder, but it is a good thing for Yin people. "

He took out his mobile phone and installed the battery, only to realize that it was already mid-June, and this practice took a full month, which was also the longest practice Ye Lingtian had spent since re-practicing.

However, thinking that this time not only he has initially practiced the Earth Dun and Wood Dun techniques in the Five Elements Escape Technique, but he has also practiced the Innate Thunder Art, but he is also very happy in his heart.

After walking out of the mountain, the cell phone in his pocket kept ringing. Ye Lingtian took it out to see that it was full of short messages, twenty or thirty of them.There was no signal in the mountains just now, but now that we are out of the mountains, all the text messages are flooding in.

Ye Lingtian took a look, and found that Liu Ruohan, Yao Lei and the others had called several times. Besides, there was also an unfamiliar number who called several times.

First of all, I dialed Liu Ruohan's phone, and after one ring, the phone was connected, and then Liu Ruohan's urgent voice came: "Ling Tian, ​​where are you? Have you finished training? When will you be back?"

Ye Lingtian looked around, but he couldn't tell what the mountain was called, so he said vaguely, "Ruohan, I'm still in the mountain, um, I'll be back in a few hours."

"Okay, remember to call me when you come back, I'll wait for you in the dormitory!" Hearing Ye Lingtian said that he would be back soon, Liu Ruohan said happily.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Lingtian dialed Dai Wenliang's cell phone again: "Fatty, how is the decoration of the house going?"

"Boss, you finally think of me? I've been doing a lot of work these days, and I've never been so tired in my life..."

Ye Lingtian interrupted him before he finished nagging: "Stop, stop! Fatty, I'll wait until I get back to complain about it. Just tell me how the decoration is going."

"There are many places that need to be refurbished, mainly small places, so it takes time. But it's coming to an end, and the work can be completed in a couple of days at the most, and the furniture has been arranged. Boss, when are you coming back?" Ah, I'm really exhausted!" Dai Wenliang began to complain again.

Only then did Ye Lingtian realize that Dai Wenliang was not complaining, so he hurriedly said apologetically, "Fatty, I know you have worked hard, so I will reward you well when I go back! Well, that's it, I'll hang up first."

ps: Thank you book friends, I am not someone 100--&--coins, percival588--&--coins, jzjun100--&--coins for rewarding!

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