Thinking of this, Hu Tianying nodded slightly, looked around, and said with a smirk: "You are right, I do have something trivial to talk to you about. It's not convenient to talk here, how about we change places? "

Hu Tianying's words seemed to be asking for Ye Lingtian's opinion, but his tone was very strong, which made Ye Lingtian subconsciously feel disgusted.

But thinking that this is Liang Xiaoxue's birthday party, he would feel sorry if anything went wrong, so he nodded and said expressionlessly: "Okay, wait a moment."

After speaking, he pulled Liang Xiaoxue to the side, took out a delicate blood jadeite Buddha from her pocket, put it in her hand, and said softly: "I'm sorry, I have to do something, I have to leave first. This is for you As a birthday present, remember to put a drop of blood on it tomorrow, it will be good for you."

Liang Xiaoxue's attention was all on Hu Tianying and the others, and she didn't care about the gift Ye Lingtian gave her at all. Seeing the tense faces of those people, she couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Is there anything wrong?"

Ye Lingtian shook his head lightly, gave Liang Xiaoxue a reassuring look, and smiled, "It's okay, don't worry."

Coming down from the third floor, Hu Tianying saw Ye Lingtian's Audi q7, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and said: "Hehe, my little brother's car is not bad. In this way, I will lead the way, and you can just follow my car."

After finishing speaking, Hu Tianying got into his Mercedes, Ye Lingtian's Audi Q7 was caught in the middle, and those people brought by Hu Tianying got into a commercial vehicle and followed behind.

The car drove very fast, and it didn't take long to enter a leisure club.This clubhouse is the property of Beixing Group, and it is usually only open to the inside.But today, because Hu Tianying had already said hello, there were no other guests in the clubhouse except for the security guards and service personnel.

The two entered a spacious private room and sat down. After the waiter brought tea and closed the door, Hu Tianying leaned back, leaned on the sofa and said with a dry smile, "I don't know your name, little brother. Where can I get a job?"

Ye Lingtian picked up the teacup, lifted the lid to smell the tea, and said, "Ye Lingtian, I'm just an ordinary student at Yan University. Mr. Hu, I don't like to beat around the bush. Tell me, what do you want me for?"

"Okay, Brother Ye is worthy of being a straightforward person, so I'll just say it straight. I heard Li Hong from 'Qishizhai' say that you have a strange stone that you want to sell, and I'm not very interested in other things. I only like to collect strange stones, and the reason I came to you is to buy your stone." A treacherous look flashed in Hu Tianying's eyes, but he pretended to be straightforward.

Ye Lingtian's heart skipped a beat. He had carefully guessed Hu Tianying's purpose on the way here, and now that he heard what he said, he really came here for the Lingshi.Unexpectedly, the spirit stone was revealed in a moment of carelessness, and trouble came to the door so soon.

Gently blowing the hot air in the teacup, and after taking a sip of the tea, Ye Lingtian calmly said, "Then how does Boss Hu plan to buy it?"

Hu Tianying laughed, waved his hands and said, "At the beginning, Li Hong didn't know the goods, and wanted to cheat your ancient jade wine glass, but I won't do that, and I will definitely satisfy you. In this way, I will give you 100 million for that stone. What do you think?" Sample?"

Ye Lingtian put down his teacup, and suddenly there was an extra spirit stone in his hand, he played with it for a while before smiling disdainfully: "You mean this stone, right?"

Since Hu Tianying knew about the Lingshi, there was no need for Ye Lingtian to hide it any longer, so he simply took it out without hesitation, and he didn't hide that he had a magic weapon for storage, just to see what Hu Tianying was up to.

When Hu Tianying saw the spirit stone in Ye Lingtian's hand, his eyes went straight, and what shocked him even more was that Ye Lingtian actually had a magic weapon for storage!You must know that not only him, but even his father Hu Daoming has never seen this magic weapon of storage. It is said that only a few sects such as Kunlun have it, and the number is extremely rare.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Hu Tianying picked up the teacup and took a big sip, then nodded and said, "Yes, this is it."

Ye Lingtian glanced at Hu Tianying, stood up and said with a sneer, "Boss Hu, you are a man of knowledge, do you think a high-grade spirit stone is only worth 100 million? If so, then there is no need to continue the discussion. I still have something to do, Farewell!"

"Wait!" When Hu Tianying heard that Ye Lingtian was about to leave, she immediately got anxious, and hurriedly stood up and said, "Brother Ye is also a cultivator, so Hu was disrespectful just now, and I still hope Brother Ye is happy."

Ye Lingtian said just now that it was a high-grade spirit stone, and that he also had a magic weapon for storage, which proved that he was also a cultivator. Before finding out his details, Hu Tianying did not dare to be careless, and his tone became polite.

"It's easy to say!" Ye Lingtian lowered his expression and said lightly: "Boss Hu, do you still want this spirit stone?"

Hu Tianying nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, definitely, but I don't know how Brother Ye wants to sell it?"


Turning his head to look at Hu Tianying, seeing that he didn't speak, he probably didn't understand these things, so he continued: "It takes about 500 low-grade spirit stones to buy a hundred-year-old ginseng, Mr. Hu, if you sincerely want to buy this spirit stone, then Take medicinal materials that are more than a hundred years old in exchange."

Hu Tianying frowned slightly, and her mind was spinning rapidly. In this way, to buy that spirit stone, at least a hundred-year-old ginseng is needed, which is equivalent to more than one hundred million!Moreover, there are fewer and fewer medicinal materials that are more than a hundred years old. In the secular world, even if you have money, it is difficult to buy them. Although there are a few at home, they are all hidden like treasures.

Besides, the few at home are far from enough.

"This...Brother Ye, medicinal materials that are more than a hundred years old are very rare now, can we exchange them with other things, such as money?" Hu Tianying glanced at the spirit stone greedily, and asked unwillingly.

Ye Lingtian took back the spirit stone, waved his hand and said, "Boss Hu, I'm not short of money. This spirit stone can only be exchanged for medicinal materials that are more than a hundred years old, or other spiritual herbs in the cultivation world. You can think about it slowly. Call me and leave!" After leaving his cell phone number, he turned and walked out of the box.

Hu Tianying watched Ye Lingtian's back disappear at the door with a gloomy expression. After a long time, he called in a young man in his 20s and less than 30 years old, and said in a deep voice: "The man was called Ye Lingtian just now, a student of Yan University. , social relations, the more detailed the better."

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