Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 79 New Home

Dai Wenliang took out the lighter and ignited it, took a deep breath and said: "Leizi went to the Radio, Film and Television Bureau to open a cable TV account, and the glasses went to the Internet company to connect, and he will be back soon."

Ye Lingtian nodded, looked at the furnishings in the room, and saw that except for the leather sofa, the rest of the main room was made of antique mahogany furniture, and the wooden frame of the leather sofa was also antique mahogany. Han, let's take a look at the back."

There was not much difference in the decoration between the inner courtyard and the front yard. The three of them walked around, looked at the backyard, and walked towards the garden.

Entering the garden, Ye Lingtian and Liu Ruohan were almost stunned. Ginkgo biloba, spruce, cedar, dragon's claw, mulberry, pomegranate, jujube, and some shrubs, flowers, etc. were planted in the garden, which was similar to the design of the veranda in the yard. The corridor connects the big and small gardens. The corridor is paved with bluestone, covered with yellow tiles, with long stone benches and wooden railings on both sides. Even in rainy days, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the garden without an umbrella.

In the small garden is a pond with half ponds of lotus in it. In the big garden is a rockery more than ten meters high. There is a pavilion built on the hill. Standing in the pavilion, the scenery of the whole garden is in front of your eyes, which is too beautiful to behold.

"It's so beautiful, Fatty, thank you!" Liu Ruohan looked around while walking, and said happily, "Well, I've made up my mind, I'll watch the moon here on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival!"

Dai Wenliang scratched the back of his head and said, "Sister-in-law, it's really not easy to get your compliments. The renovation of the house, the garden is the largest project, and it cost a lot of money."

Ye Lingtian looked at Dai Wenliang, laughed and said, "By the way, is there any money on the card?"

Dai Wenliang blinked cunningly, and said with a chuckle: "The renovation of the whole house, including the central air conditioner, generator, furniture, car purchase and so on, cost more than 700 million in total. Boss, don't worry, as long as the card is If it’s less than 1000 million, I’ll let you pay in.”

Liu Ruohan gave Dai Wenliang a strange look, and asked suspiciously: "Fatty, are you not mistaken, such a big house was renovated and bought so many things, and it only cost more than 2000 million?"

Dai Wenliang scratched his head and said embarrassingly: "The owner of the renovation company is always an acquaintance, and only charges the most basic wages for employees, and the materials are not profitable, so it saves a lot of money. "

Liu Ruohan immediately understood, raised her finger to the top of her head, and said with a smile, "You've got Uncle Dai's favor again, right?"

Dai Wenliang just smiled and said nothing.

Ye Lingtian frowned, and whispered: "Fatty, will there be any bad influence?"

Dai Wenliang chuckled, waved his hands and said, "Boss, don't worry, this company is very formal and has never had any quality accidents. Now that the market is highly competitive, they just want to get a few projects. I will look for opportunities when the time comes." Just introduce one or two directors to let him know."

Ye Lingtian nodded slightly. In fact, this kind of thing is not a big deal even if it is investigated. At that time, it will be avoided by saying that the labor is not covered.Besides, from Dai Wenliang's tone, his father was the vice minister of some department at the very least, who would be bored to check a deputy minister for such a trivial matter.

Coming out of the garden, Dai Wenliang hesitated for a moment, and asked nonchalantly: "Boss, everything is ready now except for the quilt, how about choosing a good day to move in?"

Ye Lingtian looked at Dai Wenliang, thought for a while, and smiled slightly: "Why, are you impatient? In this way, Ruohan and I will be responsible for buying bedding and bedding, and you will be responsible for finding housekeeping services. The wages can be higher. He is kind and hardworking, Leizi and Glasses are responsible for shopping for daily necessities, and when they are all bought, we will move in together."

Perhaps it was because they all wanted to move into the big house as soon as possible, they were very motivated, and the few things Ye Lingtian said were all done the next afternoon.

A total of four housekeeping services were hired, one was in charge of buying vegetables and cooking, one was in charge of washing clothes and bedding, and the other two were in charge of cleaning and some chores.

All four of them are middle-aged women in their 40s and [-]s. From the outside, they are quite honest. Except for being amazed for a while when they first came in, they immediately adapted to their responsibilities and scrambled to show themselves.

Dai Wenliang's treatment for them is indeed quite high. Now the housekeeping company's salary is generally more than 2000 a month. The salary of the four of them in the first month of the probationary period is higher than that of those people. Opinion, the salary will be increased to 3500-4000 yuan per month.

In addition to including food and housing, as long as you don’t get sick and go to the hospital, you don’t need to spend any money at all.Although I live in the south room and the back room, the decoration and facilities inside are comparable to star hotels. This kind of treatment is not something everyone can meet. They naturally cherish it very much and take things more seriously. .

Mrs. Chen was in charge of the meals. After getting acquainted with the kitchen equipment, she hurried out to buy rice and vegetables, saying that she wanted to make a delicious meal for everyone to taste her cooking skills. The other three helped to make the beds and do the cleaning.

Before it was dark, seven or eight exquisite dishes were already placed on the table in the restaurant. Ye Lingtian had already taken out an 80-year-old Moutai and put it beside the table when Yao Lei and others were not paying attention.Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Weijie were handed a bottle of Moutai each, while Liu Ruohan drank red wine.

"Come on, today is a big day. Although I bought this house with money, it is our common home. For our new home, I have done it!" Ye Lingtian stood up and said happily, holding a cup.


As soon as everyone touched the wine glasses, they raised their heads and drank the wine in the glasses, even Liu Ruohan drank it all in one gulp.

After putting down the wine glass and eating some dishes, Ye Lingtian filled the wine, stood up and toasted again, and said gratefully: "Everyone has been busy working hard for this house these days, and I thank you for this glass of wine!"

After speaking, he clinked wine glasses with several people respectively, and drank the wine in the glasses together.

After drinking two large cups, the stomach suddenly felt hot. Everyone picked up their chopsticks and used vegetables to suppress the alcohol.

Yao Lei picked up a piece of chicken and threw it into his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it before he laughed and said, "Boss, today is our first meal in our new home, everyone should be happy, this wine is not enough drink."

"Hehe, don't worry, you will definitely have enough wine, it depends on whether you have the ability to drink it up." Ye Lingtian put down his chopsticks, waved his hands and smiled.

Dai Wenliang rolled his eyes, and said loudly: "Apart from the glasses, the four of us haven't been able to compete in drinking, why don't we compare tonight?"

Shao Weijie took the opportunity to boo, and said, "Okay, my sister-in-law and I will be the referee, and see who gets drunk last."

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