Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 83 Kunlun Xuanming

In that quaint compound, Hu Daoming looked at Hu Tianying's body with a livid face, apart from endless sadness, there was also a strong sense of fear in his heart.

He had already carefully examined Hu Tianying's body, and found that not only his forehead was pierced by the true essence, but even his bones were broken, and his internal organs were obviously squeezed.

According to the narration of those Houtian realm disciples waiting outside the box, there was no sound of fighting in the box at all. The only explanation is that Hu Tianying's bones and internal organs were caused by the aura released by the other party.

Hu Daoming thought that he could crush the bones of a practitioner at the early stage of qi training just by virtue of his aura. Hu Daoming secretly thought that with his current cultivation base, he would never be able to do so.

The opponent is in the middle stage of foundation establishment?Or is it the late foundation establishment stage, or even the Jindan stage?

No matter what the other party's cultivation level is, just relying on his method of killing Hu Tianying is not something he can deal with.

At the beginning, he was still dreaming of obtaining that piece of spirit stone and hitting the Golden Core stage. Now, all he can think about is how to keep the Hu family.Having provoked such a strong man for a spirit stone, if there is regret medicine in this world, no matter how expensive it is, he will buy it without hesitation.

But things have happened, what's the use of regretting.what to do?How can I do?Is the Hu family really going to be destroyed in my hands?Could it be that seeing his son die in vain?


Hu Daoming stood up tremblingly, came to a secret room in the backyard, pressed a switch, and a small square appeared on the wall. He reached out tremblingly and took out a small white jade object, but it was a piece of white jade. Communication Jade Talisman.

After hesitating for a long time with this jade talisman, Hu Daoming finally gritted his teeth and crushed it.

On Yuzhu Peak of Kunlun Mountain in the northwest of China, an old man with white beard and hair in a Taoist robe who was meditating suddenly opened his eyes, took a look at a jade talisman from his pocket, got up and walked quickly towards Yuxu Palace.

A day later, the old man appeared at Hu's house, and Hu Daoming respectfully invited him to the secret room.

"Hu Daoming, the ancestors of your Hu family were kind to our Kunlun faction back then. The patriarch promised to help your Hu family three times. This is the last time. From then on, your Hu family's life and death, the rise and fall of honor and disgrace have nothing to do with my Kunlun faction. Have you considered it clearly?" After sitting down, the old man stared at Hu Daoming for a while and said.

Hu Daoming nodded, and said dejectedly: "Master Xuanming, Tianying suffered a tragic accident, and the Hu family is facing a catastrophe. This time, I can only ask the noble sect for help, otherwise the Hu family may be destroyed!"

Xuan Ming couldn't help but become serious when he heard this, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me what's going on."

Hu Daoming glanced at Xuan Ming, thought it over and said: "Master Xuan Ming, we didn't know that the other party was also a cultivator at first, we only knew that he sold Lingshi as jade, and Tianying just wanted to buy the piece of jade in his hand. But offended him and brought disaster."

"What? That man has a spirit stone in his hand?" Xuan Ming was shocked when he heard the words, stood up subconsciously, glanced at Hu Daoming's face several times, and after seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, he said solemnly: "Are you sure?" , is it really a spirit stone?"

With the development of earth science and technology, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious, and the aura of heaven and earth is becoming thinner and thinner, which cannot meet the daily training needs of cultivators. This also makes there only four people with excellent aptitude on the earth today who can break the alchemy. Infant.

However, even though those four people had successfully formed a Nascent Soul, no matter how much they practiced over the years, their cultivation base could never be improved at all. The reason was still due to the lack of spiritual energy.

It's like a strong man who can eat three bowls of rice every meal, let him only eat one bowl every meal, so although he won't starve to death, it's just hanging his life, not to mention there are still Work hard.

The lack of spiritual energy makes the spiritual stones even more precious. Even a sect of cultivation like Kunlun only relies on some left over from the ancestors.

After so many years, there is only less than 20 yuan left in the treasury. No one, including the senior brother Xuanyang who has broken through the pill and is in urgent need of spiritual training, dare not use it lightly.

Now that he heard from Hu Daoming that a spirit stone appeared in the world, Xuan Ming was naturally very shocked.On this earth where the aura is thin, if there are spirit stones to help, then the speed of practice will definitely be much faster. Thinking of Hu Tianying's tragic misfortune, you don't need to think about it. .

Hu Daoming nodded affirmatively, and replied: "It is indeed a spirit stone. Tianying saw it with his own eyes, and the man even said that it is a high-grade spirit stone. Not only that, but the man also has a magic weapon for storage!"

Hearing the magic weapon of storage, Xuan Ming was startled again, and thought to himself, a person who possesses both spirit stones and magic weapon of storage, with such a high level of cultivation, would definitely not be an ordinary person.

Is it worth it to provoke such a powerful enemy for the sake of the Hu family?If it can't be done well, it will bring huge troubles to the Kunlun faction!

"My lord, Tianying has been murdered by the other party, and the Hu family is also in danger. You must avenge this revenge for us!" Hu Daoming observed Xuan Ming's expression, saw that he was hesitant, and knelt on the ground with a "plop", tears streaming down his face begged.

Xuan Ming shook his head slightly, pondered for a long time, and sighed softly: "Hu Daoming, get up. Since the Kunlun faction has promised to help your Hu family three times, they won't make a mistake. How do you find out that the other party has a spirit stone in his hand? Hu Tianying was murdered and explained it in detail without any omissions!"

Hu Daoming stood up, sorted out his thoughts, and explained the whole matter's ins and outs in detail.

Xuan Ming pondered for a long time after listening, before asking: "You just said that Hu Tianying found that person at a girl's birthday party?"

Hu Daoming looked at Xuan Ming with some puzzlement, not knowing what he meant, but still nodded and said: "That's true."

Xuan Ming pondered for a while, then signaled Hu Daoming to come over, and whispered in his ear: "Well, you arrange someone..."


Wangfujing Pedestrian Street, where people come and go, --& -- stroll leisurely on this modern commercial street, which is famous in China.

Wangfujing Street starts from East Chang'an Street in the south and ends at Huaxia Art Museum in the north, with a total length of about three miles. It is the most famous commercial area in Yanjing.Wangfujing has a wide variety of daily necessities, hardware and electrical materials, clothing, shoes and hats, jewelry and diamonds, gold and silver jewelry, etc., and the purchase and sales of commodities are extremely large.

The Forbidden City was built in the Ming Dynasty, and dignitaries and dignitaries built the Wangfu here, which is called Ten Wangfu and Wangfu Street. There is a well-known high-quality sweet water well on the west side of Wangfu Street, and the place name of Wangfujing is derived from this.

ps: Thank you 4544444445 book friend 688--&--coins for the reward!

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