The young man in front of him looks to be at most 20 years old, but his cultivation has reached the late stage of foundation establishment. When did Huaxia have such a powerful newcomer?Those young masters of the big sects all knew each other, and among their young heroes, they had never seen such a young man.

When Hu Daoming told him about Ye Lingtian's situation, he was very hesitant in his heart, whether it was worth it to provoke an unknown strong man for the small cultivation family of the Hu family.

After hesitating for a long time, he still couldn't resist the temptation of spirit stones and storage magic weapons, but he didn't want to show up in person until he knew Ye Lingtian's strength.When he heard that Hu Tianying found Ye Lingtian at Liang Xiaoxue's birthday party, he had an idea and asked Hu Daoming to send someone to capture Liang Xiaoxue. On the surface it was to attract Ye Lingtian, but in fact he wanted to hide He secretly checked Ye Lingtian's strength behind his back.

Hu Daoming thought that Xuan Ming was sincerely helping him to avenge him, but he never thought that this was his idea. It was a pity that he didn't know that he had become Xuan Ming's cannon fodder until he died.

Ever since Hu Daoming took Liang Xiaoxue captive to Wangyue Mountain Villa, Xuan Ming has been hiding on this mountain top, releasing his spiritual sense to secretly monitor every move in the villa. I couldn't help being shocked again, I didn't expect this young man to be able to escape.

It's not to say how magical this earth escape technique is, but since the earth's cultivation resources have become increasingly scarce, the Chinese cultivation world has declined day by day, and many methods of practicing magic have been lost.By now, even spells that were once mediocre have become invaluable.

The scene of Ye Lingtian killing Hu Daoming and rescuing Liang Xiaoxue was clearly seen by Xuan Ming with his divine sense, but at that time Ye Lingtian's thoughts and attention were on Liang Xiaoxue and Hu Daoming, so he was careless and couldn't detect Xuan Ming's divine sense.

Although Ye Lingtian was only at the late stage of foundation establishment, Xuan Ming didn't dare to act rashly until he found out Ye Lingtian's identity. This young man seemed too mysterious, which made him a little uncertain for a while.At this time, the survival of the Hu family and the survival of Hu Daoming are not so important to the Kunlun School. The key is how to get the spirit stone and magic treasure in Ye Lingtian's hands.

Ye Lingtian returned the salute, and said calmly: "I'm Ye Lingtian, a casual cultivator with no family or school." But he was thinking secretly, the elder of the Kunlun School?What a great background.

Hearing that Ye Lingtian had no family or sect, Xuan Ming was secretly happy and let out a breath of relief.Fortunately, it wasn't the disciples from those major cultivation sects. Even if a casual cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment was killed, he would not cause trouble to the Kunlun sect.

He didn't have to doubt Ye Lingtian's words at all, a cultivator would never hide his sect.With a straight face, he said solemnly: "You Daoist Ye, the Hu family has a deep relationship with my Kunlun faction. Now that you have killed Hu Daoming and his son one after another, no matter what the reason is, you have to give my Kunlun faction an explanation."

Ye Lingtian was startled. This Xuanming not only knew that he had killed Hu Daoming, but also knew that he had killed Hu Tianying. He must have had contact with Hu Daoming before, and must have known that he had a spirit stone in his hand. Could it be that he came here for the spirit stone? ?

If this is the case, then he must not be able to escape the kidnapping of Liang Xiaoxue. Otherwise, why he watched him kill Hu Daoming and did not take action must have other motives.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian's face suddenly darkened, the tip of his eyebrows involuntarily raised a few times, and he held back his anger and said coldly: "One sees money and intends to kill for treasure, and the other kidnaps my friend to threaten me. If you don't kill such a person, Staying in this world can only harm others."

Xuan Ming shook his head, and said in a solemn voice, "Pindao said just now that no matter what the reason is, the Kunlun faction will not sit idly by. You should follow Pindao back to Kunlun and let the senior brother in charge handle it. "

Ye Lingtian snorted twice when he heard this, and said with a sneer: "I'm afraid it's a lie to stand up for the Hu family, but it's true to want to get the spirit stone and the magic weapon of storage!"

Xuan Ming's scheming was broken by Ye Lingtian, and he suddenly became angry from embarrassment. A powerful aura emanated from him and pressed towards Ye Lingtian, and said in a deep voice: "Friend Ye Daoist, are you unwilling? Pindao Nian, it is not easy for you to have such a cultivation base at such a young age. , This is a good way to persuade you, if you insist on being obsessed, then no wonder you are poor!"

"Haha! As expected of a decent family, it's the same everywhere. Whether it's blocking roads, robbing people or killing treasures, you have to speak so grandly and righteously! If you want Lingshi, you have to see if you have that ability! Isn't it the golden core middle stage?" Well, I want to try to see how capable I am!" Ye Lingtian laughed loudly, ignoring the aura exuded by Xuanming, he circulated his true energy, rounded his fists and attacked Xuanming.

Ye Lingtian knew that today would definitely not be good, and the opponent's cultivation base was higher than his, so he launched an attack first, trying to gain the initiative.Although he has three dantians, and the true energy in his body is far more than that of a monk at the early stage of Golden Core, but he really has no idea how it will be compared to the middle stage of Golden Core.

Seeing that his aura had no effect on Ye Lingtian at all, Xuan Ming was stunned for a moment, and what surprised him even more was that Ye Lingtian would take the initiative to attack.When he reacted, Ye Lingtian had already attacked in front of him, and he didn't have time to use the magic weapon in his haste, so he raised his hand in a hurry and struck out a palm.


When the two powerful genitals collided, Ye Lingtian retreated five or six steps in a row, while Xuan Ming was shocked to retreat more than ten meters away.

"Arrogant boy!" Xuan Ming didn't expect Ye Lingtian's true energy to be so powerful, he quickly adjusted the disordered true energy in his body, released the flying sword, and squeezed the sword formula with his hand, the flying sword suddenly became one or two meters long, like a bolt of lightning Pierced Ye Lingtian straight.

Seeing Xuan Ming's flying sword approaching, Ye Lingtian also called out his own flying sword, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he snorted coldly, and the flying sword flew out of his hand.


The two flying swords collided in the air, making a loud and crisp sound.

"Boom! Boom!"

There were two more crisp sounds, but this time it was the sound of Xuanming Feijian breaking into two pieces and landing.

The destruction of the natal magic weapon immediately caused Xuanming to suffer a huge blow. The true essence in the dantian surged violently, and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. Looking at the flying sword in Ye Lingtian's hand, he uttered a sentence in disbelief after a while: "A high-grade spiritual weapon?"

The magic weapon of a cultivator is divided into talisman, magic weapon and spiritual weapon. Only the spiritual weapon can be refined, and the talisman and magic weapon cannot be refined. They can only be carried with them and cannot be put into the body.After the magic weapon is refined, it will communicate with the master's mind, and the magic weapon can be controlled by the mind to attack from a long distance.

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