Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 89 Liu Ruohan's Breakthrough

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The night is dark, and there is a bright moon hanging in the sky, cruising alone among the clouds, sprinkled with cool and watery moonlight.

In the bedroom in the north room of the front yard of the courtyard, Liu Ruohan sat cross-legged in the gathering spirit array, under the protection of Ye Lingtian, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth according to the formula he taught.Ever since Liang Xiaoxue was kidnapped and learned about the current situation in China's cultivation world from Xuan Ming, Ye Lingtian decided to get the people around him to start cultivation as soon as possible.

The last time Liang Xiaoxue was sent back to the Liang family, Ye Lingtian secretly revealed some facts that he was not an ordinary person under her questioning, and gave her a string of purple emerald necklaces and a blood emerald bracelet, and personally helped her recognize the master with blood. Only then did I feel relieved.The blood jade pendant given to her at the birthday party, because she forgot to drop blood to identify the owner, so when she was kidnapped by Hu Daoming's men in the underground parking lot, Ye Lingtian didn't sense it.

Of course, Liang Feiyang and Mei Yarong also got a pendant.Although Ye Lingtian really doesn't know how to deal with the relationship between himself and Liang Xiaoxue at the moment, but in any case, she was kidnapped this time because of himself, so he still feels very sorry for Liang Feiyang and Mei Yarong. Guilty.

As for killing those members of the Hu family, Ye Lingtian was not lenient in the slightest.He didn't think he was too cruel, he just wanted to live in peace and enjoy this beautiful life without being entangled by those troubles.

Hu Tianying wanted to snatch the spirit stone and storage ring from him but was killed by him, which triggered Hu Daoming to invite Xuanming and kidnap Liang Xiaoxue. Now Hu Daoming also died in his hands. Knowing that the members of the Hu family will definitely not let it go, since they can't deal with themselves, they will try their best to deal with their family members and people around them.

His mother and grandparents are still in the south of the Yangtze River, and with Ye Lingtian's current cultivation level, he can't take care of them at all. Even if they are brought to Yanjing in the future, it will be impossible to stay by their relatives' side all the time.He doesn't have that much energy to spend with those people, the only way is to take the initiative to nip the danger in the bud.

Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.Although no one knows that the Hu family will definitely retaliate, if they really wait until they take retaliation, their family and people around them will be threatened, and it will be too late to hurt them. By then, they will die a thousand times What's the use of ten thousand times, Ye Lingtian doesn't want to play this kind of gamble.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye.At the beginning, Ye Lingtian still went out occasionally, drinking with Yao Lei and the others, or strolling in the garden, but in the past two days, he basically stopped going out, focusing on protecting Liu Ruohan. If there is no accident, Liu Ruohan should be able to break through in about two days.

Before he knew it, the sky had already darkened. Ye Lingtian, who was about to go out for dinner, suddenly felt a slight change in the aura in the spirit gathering array. The amount of aura Liu Ruohan absorbed gradually increased, and the speed became faster and faster. Slowly, a layer of white mist gas imperceptible to the naked eye appears.

Ye Lingtian knew that this was a sign that he was about to enter the Qi training period, so he didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest, and focused on guarding Liu Ruohan's side.

A few hours later, Liu Ruohan has been crazily absorbing the aura of heaven and earth in the spirit-gathering array without any sign of stopping. Ye Lingtian couldn't sit still anymore, and his mood became a little nervous. What's the problem?

Just when Ye Lingtian was uneasy, another change occurred in the gathering spirit array, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth rushed to Liu Ruohan at several times the previous amount, and immediately her expression became painful.Ye Lingtian knew at a glance that something must have gone wrong, but he didn't dare to help her guide the circulation of the true qi, otherwise it would cause her to go mad. At the least, the true qi in her body would be blocked and all the meridians in her body would be broken, and at worst, the true qi would counterattack The seven orifices in the body bleed to death.

Seeing Liu Ruohan's painful expression, Ye Lingtian's intestines were about to burst. People who are practicing have their five senses turned off. Even if Ye Lingtian wanted to say something to her, she couldn't hear her at all.

After turning around anxiously for a few times, Ye Lingtian patted his forehead suddenly. Although he turned off his five senses and couldn't hear the sound from the outside world, the sound transmission of his spiritual sense couldn't stop him. The other party is not in a coma, they can sense it, how can I forget this.

At this moment, Liu Ruohan seemed to be in extreme pain, her fair face turned purple, her body began to tremble slightly, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Ye Lingtian was very anxious, and hurriedly used his spiritual sense to transmit the sound: "Ruohan, don't be distracted, keep calm, keep the Lingtai clear and bright, and guide the circulation of true energy according to the exercises. All things return to their roots. Returning to the root means tranquility, and tranquility means Return to life. Extremely still and extremely dynamic, conform to the four seasons, adjust breathing, and consolidate life. Niwan is windy, crimson palace and moon are bright, dantian is fiery, valley and sea waves are clear..."

Liu Ruohan seemed to have sensed Ye Lingtian's words, and her agitated mood gradually calmed down. According to the mantra he recited, she guided the chaotic qi in her body to flow in the meridians according to the route of the Great Zhoutian.Every time she runs a cycle, her true qi will be more stable, and after more than ten cycles, she has completely controlled the true qi in her body.

Ye Lingtian also felt the change in Liu Ruohan, so he breathed a sigh of relief.If something goes wrong because of his practice, he will not only feel sorry for Liu Ruohan, but also her family.

As the time passed, Liu Ruohan finally guided the zhenqi in his body to complete 36 big cycles according to the formula of the exercise method, and all the zhenqi was stored in the lower dantian.Slowly opened his eyes, felt the changes in his body, and asked in disbelief: "Ling Tian, ​​have I succeeded?"

Ye Lingtian inspected it carefully, finally nodded in relief, and said seriously: "Well, you have entered the Qi training period now, but what happened just now?"

When Liu Ruohan was asked by Ye Lingtian, she immediately lowered her head and said in shame: "At that time, I felt that absorbing spiritual energy was very comfortable, so I wanted to absorb more, but I didn't expect that the real energy would start to scurry around, and it was out of my control. Now, the more chaotic the true energy is, the more violent it will be, if you don't remind me, I don't know what will happen. Ling Tian, ​​I'm sorry!"

Ye Lingtian didn't expect it to be like this, so he hugged her lovingly, raised his hand to help her stroke the hair on her forehead, and said softly: "This training is very rigorous, you can't do things according to your own mind, in the future Don't do this, understand?"

"Well, I remember, thank you!" Liu Ruohan leaned into Ye Lingtian's arms and said shyly, but she immediately felt Ye Lingtian's reaction, her pretty face turned blushing, she broke free from his hand and turned to run to the bathroom Go: "I'm going to take a shower!"

When Ye Lingtian heard it, he was a little bit fanciful, and hurriedly followed with a cheeky smile: "Ruohan, that... can we go together?"

Liu Ruohan turned her head and glared at Ye Lingtian, then said with a sly smile, "You have a good idea!"

After finishing speaking, he closed the door with a "bang!", and after a while, there was the sound of rushing water, mixed with a burst of brisk laughter from time to time.

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