After counting the number three times, Ling Xueyao and Anna finally got their wish to take a photo of the bracelet, and the two of them were also very happy.

It's just that when they learned that they could not get the bracelet until after the auction, they complained again: "What's the point? Since we bought it, of course we have to give it to us right away. Why do we have to wait until the auction is over?" ah!"

Seeing that Ling Xueyao and Anna were unhappy, Liu Yuhong hurriedly explained with a smile: "You two teachers have misunderstood, that rule is only for those who participate in the auction, as the master, we will naturally not be restricted by that rule .You wait a moment, I'll ask them to bring you the bracelets right away."

After finishing speaking, Liu Yuhong hurriedly ordered to the disciples guarding the door: "Go quickly and bring that bracelet to my teacher's wife. If you are late, you will be fined one month's salary!"

Although the two low-level disciples didn't know Ye Lingtian, Yao Lei, Liu Ruohan and others, Liu Yuhong still knew them. Hearing Liu Yuhong's order, he hurriedly ran towards the back hall of the auction house without saying a word.

Their every move here naturally attracted the attention of many people. When the two disciples carried the bracelet to the private room in front of everyone, almost everyone in the audience was shocked, and many people began to speculate. Knowing who is in the private room, you can get the auction item directly.

After this episode, many people also began to pay attention to the private room where Ye Lingtian and others were, and some couldn't help asking the surrounding disciples.

Of course, the auction did not stop because of this trivial matter. Qian Feihu on the auction stage ordered his disciples to deliver the seventh auction item. However, in order to appease the emotions of other sects, Qian Feihu still announced a warning before starting the auction. New regulations: "For everyone's convenience, after discussion, all the VIPs in the private room can ask us to send it to the private room and pay directly to retrieve the item if they have any items they have photographed, without having to go through the subsequent procedures."

Sure enough, after this rule came out, they got the approval of hundreds of schools in private rooms. They also thought that only in this way can they reflect the extraordinaryness of their school, and then even a few private rooms that had photographed the items before made a request The request to deliver the goods to the private room immediately aroused the surprise of the people present.

With such a new rule, the subsequent auctions were even more lively. In order to express themselves, many sects just bought some items that they didn't need but the price was not very high, just to increase the price. The popularity of their sect.

At this time, there was another Xiao Gaochao in the auction field, and countless people were desperately raising the price because of a small red stone on the auction stage.

Because they didn't pay much attention to the outside before, Yao Lei and the others didn't know what the stone was, but after seeing how positive the people present were, even a fool knew that the little stone must be a great treasure .

"Boss, what is that, why are so many people vying to buy it!"

Dai Wenliang looked at Ye Lingtian puzzled and asked.

Ye Lingtian glanced at it casually, and said lightly: "It's just a fire mother stone, and that thing is very rare in the cultivation world, right? And it seems that the fire mother stone has been conceived for nearly ten thousand years. It’s time to fully take shape.”

Dai Wenliang suddenly asked curiously: "What does it mean to be fully formed?"

"Hey, why are you so troublesome? I usually ask you to read more classics about refining materials but you don't read them, but now you have so many problems. I will only explain it to you once, and I won't say it again in the future!"

Ye Lingtian glanced at Dai Wenliang impatiently and said: "The fire mother stone was conceived in the [-]-meter underground magma. It is said that there is an elf in each fire mother stone. After ten thousand years of gestation, the fire mother stone , the elf will slowly wake up, and the fire mother stone becomes the food of the elf at this time, when the elf completely devours the fire mother stone, it will take shape. The elf is born of fire, It can easily enter and exit any mortal flame, and I heard that the elf will evolve, and in the end, even the most powerful Nine Heavens Divine Fire can't do anything to it. But this is just a legend, let this newly formed fire mother Shi has been evolving to the end, I guess it is impossible without a few million years!"

Although Ye Lingtian said so, he didn't notice that Dai Wenliang on the side had already opened his mouth wide, drooling all over the floor.

Ye Lingtian is about to cross the catastrophe, and after the ascension, the things in the lower realm will not be of much use to him. If there is no Fengwu, he still has some ideas about this fire mother stone, then after Fengwu, these things will not be of much use to him. I don't care about it at all. If you can easily enter and leave any mortal flame, what can compare to the divine beast Phoenix?

Since Dai Wenliang wants it, let him do it.

At the same time, the competition among the cultivators in the auction field for the fire mother stone has reached a fever pitch. The price has risen from a few million top-quality spirit stones at the beginning to more than 2000 million now, and it is still going on. The ground is climbing steadily.

Presumably there are many people who know the function of the fire mother stone in the cultivation world, but although everyone is so fiercely arguing, Dai Wenliang is not worried at all, he thought proudly: "Just like them, millions of people I don’t know how long it will take to increase the price, so let me help them, so that they will give up their minds and avoid wasting their saliva.”

When the voice of "300 million" was heard from a private room, Dai Wenliang directly shouted to the auction platform: "I will offer 4000 million!"

Immediately, the audience fell silent, and countless pairs of eyes fixed on the private room where Ye Lingtian and the others were. The shock that this private room gave them today was too great.

Qian Feihu on the stage saw that someone raised the price all of a sudden, and he was also secretly happy in his heart. After all, if other people kept adding millions like that, how long would it take to auction off that fire mother stone?

But now that Dai Wenliang yelled like this, he immediately scared away many people, and those who could keep the bids were those with capital. Qian Feihu believed that the auction of the fire mother stone would have a result in a short time.

Sure enough, just as Qian Feihu thought, after Dai Wenliang increased the price to 4000 million top-grade spirit stones, he immediately frightened many cultivators away, and those who could continue to increase the price also stopped and began to think about it. After paying the final price they could offer for that piece of fire mother stone, the entire auction house became completely silent.

With Dai Wenliang's joining, many sects also reported their reserve prices one after another. It didn't take long for the price of the fire mother stone to more than double, reaching 900 million.

For this price, Dai Wenliang just smiled coldly, and before Qian Feihu on the auction stage continued, he said directly: "I will offer [-] million!"

Dai Wenliang's asking price shocked the whole audience. Other people's price increases were millions of dollars, but Dai Wenliang was lucky. Every time the price was raised, it directly increased by more than 1000 million. This is unbearable for anyone!

At this time, Qian Feihu, who was standing on the stage, saw that the audience had quieted down, and he also knew that the auction of this fire mother stone should be almost finished, so he didn't wait any longer, and said directly: "Okay, now NO. 11 Friends in the private room bid 11 million top-quality spirit stones, is there anything higher? 20 million top-quality spirit stones for the first time... [-] million top-quality spirit stones for the second time... [-] million top-quality spirit stones for the third time... Deal! We congratulate the friends in the No.[-] private room for bidding this incomparably precious fire mother stone, and now please take a look at the No.[-] No. [-] auction.”

As for being able to photograph the fire mother stone, this is also within Dai Wenliang's expectation. After hearing Qian Feihu's announcement on the stage, Dai Wenliang couldn't wait to urge Liu Yuhong to help him get back the fire mother stone up.

After the disciples outside brought the fire mother stone into the private room, Dai Wenliang immediately held the fire-red, egg-sized stone in his hand and studied it carefully.

But when Dai Wenliang stood there and looked at it for a long time, he found that apart from the slightly higher temperature of the stone and the continuous absorption of energy from the surroundings, it seemed that there was no life in the stone at all, and he suddenly felt puzzled. Asked: "Boss, didn't you say that there is an elf in this fire mother stone? Why can't I feel it?"

"Really not?"

Ye Lingtian also asked in surprise.

Devon nodded brightly, and after checking it with his spiritual sense in disbelief, he said, "Yes, could there be something wrong with this stone, or maybe the people from the auction house made a mistake in the inspection. Is this stone not Fire Mother Stone at all?"

Ye Lingtian looked at Dai Wenliang with a serious face at this time, and after a long time, after seeing Dai Wenliang a little numb, he said: "No, this stone is really the Fire Mother Stone, but since there is no life, it means that the original legend is false, it was fabricated by some idle people, congratulations, you are the first person to eat crabs!"


Dai Wenliang fell to the ground at once, and said in mourning, "Boss, no! Why didn't you explain it to me at the beginning? That's [-] million top-quality spirit stones! If you use it to buy such broken stones, you don't know How much do you want to buy!"

Ye Lingtian also said comfortingly at this time: "I told you that it was a legend at the beginning! Whether you believe the legend or not, it depends on your own chance. I sympathize with your experience, but this Since you spent so many spirit stones to auction off the fire mother stone, you should keep it with you as a souvenir!"

"Why is this happening! I don't care, boss, you pay me, I'll sell you this stone at half price, if you didn't mislead me with what you said, I wouldn't have taken this thing, we are responsible for half of it If you want to keep it as a souvenir, come on boss! I’m a poor man, so I can’t afford such an expensive souvenir!”

As Dai Wenliang said, he pushed the fire mother stone in front of Ye Lingtian. (To be continued.)

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