Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 900 Maple Pylori's Abacus

Although the current price has exceeded tens of billions of top-quality spirit stones, and there are only three sects left to bid for the price, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the real challenge is yet to come.

"Unexpectedly, the sect that came to participate in the auction this time only brought so few spirit stones. We only increased the price a few times, but so many people have already withdrawn from the competition. It seems that this time the Shenhuomen resident is right or wrong. It belongs, we give 950 billion!"

After a few more rounds, when one of the sects called out 950 billion, another sect withdrew, and the only remaining sect had reached its limit at this time.

"Okay, we will risk our lives to accompany the gentleman, 960 billion!"

"But with just this few spirit stones, I didn't expect you to be so distressed. You are so fragile. Let's round up a whole number, 1000 billion!"

When the voice sounded again, the only one left was also defeated. After waiting for a full minute, seeing that no one raised the price, and when Babur was about to start shouting, another voice came from the No. 1 private room. There was a wild voice: "Haha! The Shenhuomen resident is now ours. Welcome everyone to come to our site when you have time. We will definitely entertain you!"

It's just that just as the man finished speaking, an old voice came out of a private room that had never made a sound before: "Since you have had enough fun, now it's our turn to express our opinion. Alas, people are getting old , the mind is not very flexible, everyone should be refreshed, but don't delay it for too long!"

"Hehe! Since the head of Tianyi said so, how dare our Xuanyuan Sword Sect refuse to accompany him? Let's quote a price first, everyone will see the real chapter, 100 billion!"

A hearty voice also came out from another private room at this time, it was Master Mu Yi, the master of Xuanyuan Sword Sect.

Immediately after Muyi's words fell, Lingtong's voice also came out: "Since everyone is so happy, then I will also step in, 200 billion!"

"Everyone is so lively, how can we lose our share? 300 billion!"

You don't need to guess the voice. Three of the four major sects have already appeared, so the next one is naturally the real Baishi, the head of the Qingxu sect.

"I told you to be quicker, why are you still procrastinating like this? Let me do the trick, 500 billion!"

Master Tianyi's voice came out again.

Master Mu Yi laughed and said: "The Kunlun faction is really heroic, so my Xuanyuan Sword Sect can't be stingy anymore, 700 billion!"

With the addition of these super-martial sects, and a price increase of tens of billions, the No. [-] private room, which was very rampant just now, has already lost its voice. In the end, only the Kunlun faction, The four sects of Xuanyuan Sword Sect, Zixuan Sect and Qingxu Sect.

Just now after the person in the No. 1000 private room called out a price of [-] billion, the whole room became cold, and no one raised the price any more. As a last resort, Ye Lingtian had to use his mind to give Tianyi and the others an order to let them make a move.

Otherwise, if the price of the Shenhuomen resident is really only 1000 billion top-quality spirit stones, then Ye Lingtian will definitely regret it to death.

Although the four major sects have actually been secretly controlled by him, they can only secretly withdraw a small amount of spirit stones to Tian Yuanzong every year. If there is any suspicion, it will be troublesome if it is tracked down.

However, the auction of the Shenhuomen's resident was aboveboard, and all sects knew that no matter how high the price was, the other three sects would never be allowed to obtain the Shenhuomen's resident.

Otherwise, in the end, no matter which sect is photographed, it is very likely to break the pattern that has been formed for many years among the four major sects, and form a situation where the sect that has won the Shenhuo sect is the only one.

Therefore, even if all the spirit stones in the sect were given to Tian Yuanzong this time, people in their respective sects would not have any objections, and no one wanted to see any of the other three sects riding on their heads.

It is also because of this that when they appear on the stage, they will increase the price of 200 billion and [-] billion top-quality spirit stones. Anyway, they will be given to Tian Yuanzong in the end. This kind of asking price can also create a deterrent effect on other sects.

"We are bound to win this resident today, and I hope everyone will show us face. We will definitely keep it in mind in the future, 2000 billion!"

Immediately after Master Mu Yi's words fell, the voice of Master Lingtong came out again from the No. [-] private room.

2000 billion top grade spirit stones!

The audience was silent, everyone's eyes widened and they held their breath at the moment, the four sects were indeed full of pride!

It took more than half an hour to increase from the low price of 300 billion top-grade spirit stones to 1000 billion before, after dozens of rounds of bidding, but now that the four major sects have come out, the price has gone from 1000 to 2000 before the two rounds of bidding have passed. [-] million has risen to [-] billion.

The price increase is 300 billion, and it is the best spirit stone. Everyone is excited and curious about how rich the family background of the four sects is, and they can't wait for the next bidding to appear.

It's really worthwhile to come here this time!

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Master Lingtong, Master Baishi's voice with obvious dissatisfaction came to everyone's ears again: "Face is earned by yourself, not by others. If you want to stay, use Lingshi to talk , 300 billion!"

"That's right, take a bigger step, otherwise, a lot of saliva will be wasted. Our Kunlun sent 600 billion yuan!"

"Our Xuanyuan Sword Sect bids 900 billion yuan!"

"Zixuanmen sent out 200 billion yuan!"

"Our Qingxu sect bid 500 billion yuan!"

Another round has passed, and the price has risen to 500 billion like a rocket, but before the real Tianyi can speak, a faint voice came from the No. Interested, let's join in the fun, 14 billion!"

As soon as this abrupt sound came out, not only those cultivators watching the excitement, but even Ye Lingtian was confused.

With all the four sects showing up and calling for two rounds, someone would stand up and compete with them for the Shenhuo sect's residence?

Aren't they afraid of the four sects joining forces to retaliate?

But after a while, Ye Lingtian suddenly realized that this dark horse who appeared suddenly had clearly seen the four major sects raising prices so desperately, and he didn't want to see the Shenhuo sect's resident and its properties fall into the hands of any of the other three sects. As a result, a situation of dominance by one family was formed. Now that he is out, the four major sects will probably give up tacitly after weighing.

Regardless of whether the Shenhuomen resident falls into the hands of any sect other than the four sects, it will not change the overall situation of the cultivation world in a short period of time, nor will it pose a threat to their four sects.

In the eyes of others, his dark horse is robbing the Four Great Sects, but in fact they are helping the Four Great Sects to break the siege. After all, if the Four Great Sects are allowed to call, the sect that finally gets the Shenhuo Sect will also be defeated. If all the spiritual stones in the sect are exhausted, even if they get the Shenhuo sect's resident, it will be a serious injury. It's hard to say whether they can resist the joint suppression of the other three sects.

Because of this, taking action at this moment seems to be extremely risky, but it is the most suitable time, and it is also most likely to get the Shenhuomen resident.

Since there was a dark horse coming out, Ye Lingtian was also happy to hear about it, and he hurriedly told Tianyi and others to stop bidding if he wanted to turn around.

The price was raised to 4000 billion, which had already met Ye Lingtian's expectations. Rather than selling it to any of the four major sects, it would be better to sell it to this dark horse whose origin is unknown for the time being.

For Ye Lingtian, the spirit stones of the four sects are like vegetables in the pot. Although the time is a little slower, it is better than the long stream of water. Sooner or later, they will flow into the hands of Tianyuanzong. , but it is equivalent to earning 4000 billion more top-quality spirit stones out of thin air, so why not do it.

Seeing that the No. 14 private room quoted a price of 4000 billion, but the four major factions stopped bidding as if they had negotiated, everyone in the audience was excited with a hint of disappointment. The excitement was that someone dared to compete with the four major schools. The sect robbed the Shenhuomen resident, but the disappointment was that the four major sects seemed to acquiesce in letting the NO.14 private room get the Shenhuomen resident and gave up the bid.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Babur had no choice but to break the silence: "The No. 14 private room is now offering 4000 billion top-quality spirit stones. Is there anything higher than them?"

In his opinion, since the four major sects have died down, the No. 14 private room has basically obtained the resident of the Shenhuo sect. After all, apart from the four major sects, there are very few sects that can get more than 4000 billion top-quality spirit stones Not much.

"Haha, I didn't expect you Bixiazong to be one step faster than me. Brother Dongfang, you don't say hello to me when you come, don't you look down on me! You old boy just loves to show off, but this time I'm afraid the limelight It's not your turn, we, Feng Pylori, will give out 200 billion!"

Just when Babur thought that no one would follow suit, an old voice suddenly came from room 21, raising the price to 200 billion top-quality spirit stones, but this voice was not from the previous bidding for white jade crystals. That voice, and the person speaking now, seems to be old friends with the person who made the quotation in the No.14 private room.

Maple Pylori!

Hearing this voice, everyone in the audience was shocked, and it took a while to wake up.

It seems that before they bid with Xuangongzong for the piece of white jade crystal battle qi, it was intentional. Their real goal was to fight against Xuangongzong, on the one hand, to confuse others, and on the other hand, it was obviously to make Xuangong sect resident. Gong Zong spent 200 billion top-quality spirit stones on that piece of white jade crystal. Even if Xuan Gong Zong had the heart to bid for the Shenhuomen residence, he would have more than enough energy in the end!

At this moment, everyone understood, no wonder Feng Youmen would rather be a bastard than a turtle when he was fighting against Xuangongzong.

"Right now, Feng Pylori's bid is 200 billion. Is there anyone else that is higher than them?"

Hearing that someone raised the price, Bubble, who was about to call out, regained his energy and stood on the auction stage and shouted loudly. (To be continued.)

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