This kind of big formation couldn't trouble Ye Lingtian at all, but after a few turns, Ye Lingtian found the exit of the big formation.

But when he was about to walk out of the big formation, Ye Lingtian found that there would be a person guarding it every other distance outside the big formation, and all of those people had the early stage of the earth immortal. Now Ye Lingtian also knew that he was absolutely Messed up with some amazing people.

However, Ye Lingtian didn't pay attention to those guards yet, he shielded his breath and used "Wind Escape Technique", following the breeze in Qingling Mountains, he slowly got out of the monitoring range of those guards.

Half an hour later, Ye Lingtian finally walked out of the Qingling Mountain Range. Until now, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Estimating that it would take at least an hour for the blue star to recover, Ye Lingtian immediately released his consciousness, and soon, he discovered that there was a city about [-] kilometers away from him.

Ye Lingtian, who found the target, was shocked, stepped lightly on the ground, and shot his whole body into the air, flying towards the city quickly.

Where there is a city, there is a teleportation array. Only by finding the teleportation array, can one leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Ye Lingtian doesn't want to be hunted down endlessly before he returns to the fairyland.

Only a few minutes later, Ye Lingtian had already appeared in front of the tall and majestic city, several times larger than Zixiao City, with the words "Liusha City" written on the top of the city gate, and found a remote place. After falling to the ground, Ye Lingtian walked into the city following the flow of people.

Entering the city, Ye Lingtian didn't rush to find the teleportation array, but walked into a small restaurant.

It will take at least an hour for Lan Xin to expel the energy with the purple flames that he injected into her body. Now Ye Lingtian still has some questions to find out, otherwise, he really can't rest assured.

It was not time to eat, and there were not many customers in the restaurant. As soon as Ye Lingtian walked to a table in the corner and sat down, a waiter ran over to greet him enthusiastically.

Taking out a medium-grade fairy stone and throwing it in front of the child, Ye Lingtian said flatly, "I have a few questions to ask you. If your answer satisfies me, this fairy stone is yours!"

It only took more than 100 years for the Fallen Dao of the previous life to return to the fairy world. For the fairy world, a hundred years is just a blink of an eye, so Ye Lingtian is naturally very clear about the rules of the fairy world. For secret matters, the waiter in a restaurant like this will definitely answer all questions.

The reason why Ye Lingtian chose such a small restaurant was because he didn't want to draw attention from others. After all, this is a strange planet, and he just provoked someone who he can't seem to afford now, so it's better to be cautious.

Sure enough, when the little Eryi saw the middle-grade fairy stone in front of him, his eyes immediately became straight, and he nodded hurriedly and said: "This fairy leader can ask any questions, as long as the little one knows, he will never hide it."

A piece of middle-grade fairy stone is equivalent to his income as a sophomore in a restaurant for more than half a year, just answering a few questions, of course he was overjoyed.

Besides, it's not the peak time for eating, even if you answer Ye Lingtian's question, it won't delay the business of the restaurant.

"it is good!"

Ye Lingtian nodded lightly, and then asked: "First question, what planet is this, and which fairyland is it located in?"

Hearing Ye Lingtian's question, the waiter couldn't help being stunned. The question asked by this person is probably too simple. Such a question can be answered by just grabbing anyone on the street.

"Hey, why, didn't you hear my question?"

Seeing the little girl standing there in a daze, Ye Lingtian couldn't help but tapped on the table lightly and said.

He himself understood why Xiao Er was in a daze, but he couldn't care less now, and he really couldn't completely let go of his mind until he figured out the question in his heart.

"Oh, Immortal Elder, I'm sorry, this is Goddess Star, which is located in the middle of Fengxiang Immortal Territory. According to legend, this is the place where Immortal Emperor Yu Hao used to practice. Later, Immortal Emperor Yu Hao moved to another planet. Originally, Yu Hao The cultivation place of the Immortal Emperor was given to his daughter Lan Xin, and the planet was renamed Goddess Star. I heard that Lan Xin is a famous beauty. I don’t know how many young immortals will Come to us because of the name, just want to see that fairy. If you are interested, you can go to Piaoxue Palace, which is five thousand miles east of us, maybe you will have the opportunity to meet the legendary ice and snow Goddess. Our Quicksand City is managed by the Situ family, an old family in the fairy world. Everything in this city belongs to Immortal Emperor Yuhao, but he only collects a certain amount of taxes from the Situ family every year, and other things are The Situ family has the final say. This little one knows only so much."

Seeing Ye Lingtian's face darken, the waiter hurriedly said a long paragraph, but he said so, but he was secretly guessing in his heart, the person in front of him could not be playing with him, he didn't care about anything. I don't know, how did it get here?

But even though he thought so in his heart, Xiao Er didn't dare to show it. He knew that people like Ye Lingtian could not be offended, and if Ye Lingtian was offended, he would be the one who would suffer.

"Five thousand miles to the east, isn't that the place where I met that beautiful fairy? Could that woman be the legendary Lan Xin? My luck should not be so good. I almost died in the ascension passage. On the first day of the Immortal World, you actually let me offend an Immortal Emperor's daughter?"

After listening to Xiaoer's introduction, Ye Lingtian suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart, but he didn't dare to be too surprised at this time, nodded to the Xiaoer, and asked lightly: "The second question , Do Goddess Star and surrounding planets have ascension pools?"

This is what Ye Lingtian is most concerned about now. He ascended together with Liu Ruohan, Lin Fei, Xiaolong and Little Black and White Snake, but they dispersed as soon as they entered the ascension channel. At this moment, they don't know where they ascended, so they can only ask planet by planet. up.

"Flying pool?"

The little second thought for a while before shaking his head and said: "Not only is the Goddess star, but even the surrounding planets don't have ascension pools. Think about it, this is the place that Immortal Yuhao gave his daughter to practice. How could it be?" How about setting up the Ascension Pool? If there is a Ascension Pool, so many people ascend from the lower realm, Immortal Emperor Yuhao doesn't want his daughter to be disturbed by outsiders."

Ye Lingtian nodded slightly, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. It would be fine without the Ascension Pond, saying that Liu Ruohan and the others did not ascend to the vicinity of Goddess Star, so he could escape with peace of mind.

After thinking for a while, Ye Lingtian continued to ask: "The last question, have you heard of the sect of Tianyuanzong, or any news related to Tianyuanzong?"

The little second shook his head without even thinking about it this time, and said, "I'm really sorry, I'll tell you the truth. I've been in this restaurant for hundreds of years, but I've never heard of the sect of Tianyuanzong. I haven't heard any news about Tian Yuanzong either."


Ye Lingtian nodded in disappointment, then stood up and said, "Okay, I'm done asking my questions, the middle-grade immortal stone now belongs to you, just tell me how to get to the teleportation formation!"

As if he didn't expect Ye Lingtian to finish the question so quickly, the little girl was taken aback for a moment, and didn't realize it until she saw Ye Lingtian had stood up. He ran to the gate, pointed to the center of the city and said, "Xianchang, all the teleportation formations in Quicksand City are in the center of the city. You can see them as long as you walk along this street."

Ye Lingtian had already walked away quickly before the waiter had finished speaking.

Now there is no need to worry about Liu Ruohan and others ascending to Goddess Star and the planets around Goddess Star, Ye Lingtian is also thinking about how to escape here quickly, after all, what he provoked is the daughter of a fairy emperor.

Even Ye Lingtian, who had the peak late-stage immortal monarch cultivation in his previous life, would not dare to offend an immortal emperor rashly, let alone only a mere late-stage immortal cultivation now.

The cultivation level of the immortal world is divided into eight levels: Lingxian, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Xuanxian, Jinxian, Xianjun, Immortal Emperor, and Immortal Venerable. Ye Lingtian is only in the late stage of Earth Immortal cultivation, although his current real strength has to deal with a The Golden Immortal will not lose the wind in the early stage, but the Golden Immortal and the Immortal Emperor are still at least six levels behind. If the Immortal Emperor Yuhao steps forward, it can be said that Ye Lingtian can be wiped out without any effort.

In order to escape from the Goddess Star as soon as possible, Ye Lingtian walked extremely fast. If it wasn't for the ban on flying in the city, he would have flown there long ago.

After half an hour, Ye Lingtian finally walked in front of a tower-shaped building, and the three characters "Transfer Station" were clearly engraved on the door of that building.

After entering, Ye Lingtian found that there were no fewer than ten teleportation arrays in this teleportation station, and there were large and small ones set up around the building. One is responsible for charging, and the other is dedicated to delivery.

And on the wall behind the teleportation array, it depicts where the teleportation array can reach.

It was only at this moment that Ye Ling came back to his senses, but just now he forgot to ask the little girl about the route to Raksha Immortal Realm.

After all, now that he is aimless, Ye Lingtian can only go to the Raksha Immortal Realm where he practiced in his previous life. The Immortal Realm is so big, and he probably knows how far Fengxiang Immortal Realm is from the Raksha Immortal Realm, but the exact route is unknown. is ignorant.

After pondering for a while, Ye Lingtian exited the teleportation station, cast a spell in an unnoticed place to change his appearance, and then came back again. He walked to a teleportation formation and asked, "This fairy friend, I want to go to Rakshasa Immortal Domain, don't know how to go?"

"Raksha Immortal Realm? That's so far away!"

Hearing that Ye Lingtian was going to the Raksha Immortal Realm, an immortal in charge of the teleportation array looked at Ye Lingtian in surprise and said. (To be continued.)

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