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The sun was shining brightly, and the sky in Sanya was blue.

Yalong Bay is one of the most beautiful coasts in China and the most famous scenic spot in Sanya, Hainan. In addition to the excellent sunshine, sea water, and sandy beaches, there are also strange rocks, strange beaches, and idyllic scenery that constitute unique landscapes.

Yalong Bay Beach stretches for 7 kilometers and is gentle and wide. The sand is white and soft, the sea water is clear and clear, and the visibility is 7-9 meters.The annual average temperature is 25.5 degrees, and the seawater temperature is 22-25 degrees. You can swim all the year round. It is known as "the first bay in the world".The natural scenery here is beautiful, the bay is calm and the waves are calm, the sea water is as clear as a mirror, and the beach is as white as silver. It is a tourist resort where you can avoid the cold in winter and cool off in summer.

On the beach, many men, women and children gathered, crowded and lively, on the soft sand, there were laughter everywhere.Under the colorful umbrellas, men and women in swimsuits are sitting or lying down, enjoying the rare holiday time. In the shallow water area, many children wear life buoys around their waists, struggling in the water, splashing strings of silver-white spray.

The sea breeze was blowing gently, and the waves were blowing on the beach. Ye Lingtian was wearing a pair of half-palm-sized sunglasses, lying on a deck chair under a parasol, drinking a Hainanese specialty drink, and enjoying the sea breeze.

In the sea water not far away, Liu Ruohan, who was wearing a leopard print bikini, showed her slender and excessively long thighs vividly in the sun, and when she came back from a dive, her towering breasts undulated up and down while panting, rippling out a seductive arc.

Ye Lingtian grew up in the south of the Yangtze River. When he was a child, the winding river in front of the village became a paradise for him to play with his friends every summer. So when he arrived in Yalong Bay, he was not very interested in swimming. The scenery made him linger.

Liu Ruohan was just the opposite. She was born in Yanjing and grew up in Yanjing. She usually only enjoys swimming in a small swimming pool, and has no chance to touch the mountains and rivers of nature.Now that she has the chance, how can she not swim to the fullest.

The two had been visiting Yalong Bay for two full days. After hearing about the underground flower and plant fair, Ye Lingtian arranged a small spirit gathering array for each of Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Weijie in their rooms that night. He added a simple defensive formation, passed on simple qi training formulas to them, and after arranging everything properly, he and Liu Ruohan boarded the plane to Sanya the next day.

"Ling Tian, ​​come and take a look, the underwater corals are so beautiful, and there are many aquatic plants that you haven't seen before, I wonder if there is anything you need!" Liu Ruohan emerged from the water, panting for a while. He waved to Ye Lingtian and shouted.

The submarine coral reefs in Yalong Bay are well preserved, and there are many tropical fish species in different shapes and colors. It is a national key coral reef protection area.Just now Liu Ruohan dived to the depths of the water, and was attracted by those coral reefs with different shapes.

Ye Lingtian's heart skipped a beat, he quickly took off his sunglasses, stood up and trotted over, he laughed and said, "Really? Let's go, let's go and have a look together!"

After Liu Ruohan rested for a while, the two of them dived into the water like two fishes, and they dived all the way down. In the blink of an eye, they had already dived more than ten meters deep. Large coral reefs are randomly distributed on the bottom of the sea, and there are some unknown aquatic plants growing on them.

Ye Lingtian walked around several coral reefs, and found that these were just common aquatic plants in the sea. He couldn't help shaking his head, and gestured to Liu Ruohan. The seabed was about ten meters deep, the surrounding light was already very dark, and with Liu Ruohan's cultivation base, the visibility was only about seven or eight meters.

Seeing that the surroundings were getting darker and darker, Ye Lingtian seemed to think of something suddenly, he patted his forehead suddenly, and with a thought, a crystal clear white bead appeared in his hand, and immediately formed a diameter of more than one foot in the water, exuding The circular space with white light envelops the two of them.

"Ling Tian, ​​what is this, how can you breathe freely in it?" Liu Ruohan looked at this strange circular space curiously, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Ye Lingtian looked at Liu Ruohan, and explained with a smile: "This is a water-proof bead, not only can let people breathe freely, resist the pressure of water, but also illuminate the surrounding area of ​​30 meters wide in the deep sea without light. With this magic weapon, you can come and go freely even in the seabed tens of thousands of meters deep, I still have one here, you can take it, maybe it will be useful someday."

After finishing speaking, he had a thought, took out another water-proof bead from the Tianyuan bead and handed it to Liu Ruohan, and briefly told her how to use the water-proof bead.

Liu Ruohan was overjoyed when she took the water-avoiding beads. A cultivator can only breathe in the fetus at the late stage of foundation establishment, and can use the breath in the water to absorb oxygen in the water. Now, even if she relies on the innate qi in her body, she can only breathe in the water at most. Can support two or three.

The depth of ordinary people diving in the sea usually does not exceed tens of meters, and the diving limit of specially trained professional divers with the help of advanced diving suits does not exceed 100 meters.As a cultivator, Liu Ruohan's ability to resist water pressure is several times higher than that of ordinary people. However, with her current cultivation level in the early stage of Qi training, she can only dive to a depth of 300 meters.

Well now, with this water-repellent bead, these obstacles no longer exist. For her who has been extremely curious about the underwater world since she was a child, how can she not feel ecstatic.

With a thought, another space emitting white light was formed around the body. The space formed by the two water-repelling beads sometimes separated and sometimes merged together, continuously diving into the deep seabed.

Under the protection of the water-repelling drops, the two swim along the bottom of the sea in peace. After a while, they reached the bottom of the sea at a depth of more than 1000 meters, and the surroundings were already pitch black.

By avoiding the light produced by the water drops, the two discovered that the coral reefs on the bottom of the sea began to become denser and larger in size. Some coral reefs were more than ten meters high, and they were covered with beautiful and gorgeous coral reefs that they could not name. All kinds of strange flowers and plants.

What surprised Liu Ruohan even more was that in the coral reefs, there were various tropical sea fish, shrimps and crabs passing by in groups from time to time, and occasionally even one or two giant sea turtles paddling lazily Swimming slowly with its fan-like limbs.

Liu Ruohan used to only see fish schools in the ocean through the thick glass in the aquarium, but now she is in the field and has close contact with so many marine creatures. The water plants are gone, and I can play with the fish school on my own.

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