Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 939: The Power of a High-Rank Defensive Immortal Artifact

After a little hesitation, the two guards also looked helpless. They knew that if they didn't do what Wu Chang said, they would definitely receive the most severe punishment when they returned to Wu's house.

Thinking of this, both of them recalled the flying sword, and one of them held the hilt of the flying sword with both hands, and muttered a secret mantra in his mouth. Suddenly, his hair danced without wind, and his clothes burst out. The momentum was bulging, and gradually his hands glowed with a faint blue light, and countless fairy spirits began to gather towards the flying sword in his hand.

The other person directly took the flying sword back into his body, and then a red jade talisman appeared in his hand, and he poured all the immortal energy in his body into the jade talisman desperately.

With the input of immortal energy, the jade talisman directly became several times larger, and then traces of blue flames began to burst out from around the jade talisman. As more and more immortal energy was contained in the jade talisman, the blue flames also began to explode. It became bigger rapidly, until finally the whole jade talisman was surrounded by blue flames.

When the aura of the two guards climbed to the highest level, they also launched the largest single attack they could launch at this time.

The guard with the sword yelled, and a sword aura several times larger than the flying sword quickly shot towards Ye Lingtian from the tip of his sword. The place where the sword aura passed was cold, and the whole space seemed to be torn apart. Even those immortals who were nearly a thousand meters away could feel the fierce sword intent in that sword energy.

The moment the sword qi shot out, it crossed a distance of nearly [-] meters and reached Ye Lingtian in an instant.

Countless onlookers held their breath tightly, and even Xiaoyue tightly grasped the shopkeeper's arm at this time, her nervousness was self-evident.

But the final result surprised countless immortals.

When the all-conquering sword energy hit the protective cover around Ye Lingtian, there was not even a single ripple on the protective cover, and it directly blocked the path of the sword energy.

It's just that after confronting the protective shield for more than ten seconds, the entire sword energy became fragmented and dissipated directly in the air.

"What kind of protective shield is that? It's so powerful! Such a terrifying sword energy was blocked in such an understatement. I think the attack just now, even an immortal with a middle-stage cultivation base may not be able to easily block it. !"

A crowd of immortals was immediately amazed, and those immortals who were in the Tianyan Trading Firm at the beginning nodded in agreement: "Sure enough, it is indeed a high-grade defensive immortal weapon that can easily block the golden immortal's attack. The guard is only in the early stage of the immortal. He How can it be compared with Jinxian!"

After Xiaoyue saw that the protective cover was safe and sound, she finally secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that his companion's attack did not produce any effect, the other guard also had a flash of panic, but his attack was also surprised at the most critical moment at this time, and the jade talisman had already turned into a half piece. A giant fireball the size of a person.

The guard took a deep breath, and a stream of blood shot out from his mouth, directly submerging into the fireball. The fireball, which was still blazing blue, turned red like blood at this moment.

Afterwards, the guard threw the fireball in his hand into the sky, and the fireball immediately floated ten meters above his head.

"You also take my move, Tyrant Fire Dragon!"

Before the words fell, the fireball suddenly exploded and turned into a huge fire dragon tens of meters long.

The fire dragon swung its body quickly, and rushed directly towards Ye Lingtian, countless small flames fell from the fire dragon's body non-stop.

When those flames fell to the ground, even if the floor was made of extremely hard sapphire stone, countless small pits were immediately burned out.

Just when the fire dragon was about to hit the protective cover around Ye Lingtian, it flicked its tail suddenly and wrapped itself around Ye Lingtian like a python. Suddenly countless flames were sprayed out at the entangled protective cover, and the entire body of the fire dragon suddenly doubled in thickness, and there was no gap left outside the protective cover.

Since the fire dragon completely entangled the entire protective cover, the surrounding immortals couldn't see the situation inside the protective cover for a while, and many immortals began to mourn for Ye Lingtian in silence.

"Such a terrifying fire dragon, but just a little spark is so powerful. Now that he is entangled by it, it seems that the man is in danger. Alas! I only blame him for offending anyone, but he offended the kid from the Wu family Well, not one or two immortals died at the hands of that kid, and now one more life is going to be added!"

At the same time, the guard who made the attack also gritted his teeth tightly, constantly controlling the fire dragon to increase its strength.

You must know that this is his most powerful move, and he rarely uses it unless it is absolutely necessary.

After all, this move consumes too much immortal energy. If Wu Chang hadn't been in a hurry, he wouldn't have used this move at all.

But since he has used it, he will never allow it to fail.

At this time, it seems like a competition of endurance, the competition is who can last longer.

Although the guard consumed a huge amount of immortal yuan per second at this time, he believed that Ye Lingtian's consumption at this time was definitely not much less than him.

What's more, Ye Lingtian only has the peak cultivation level in the late stage of Tianlingxian, while he is in the early stage of Tianxian. The gap between them cannot be made up by immortal weapons at all.

Time passed quickly, and beads of sweat began to flow from the guard's forehead. As for the surrounding immortals, they were sweating profusely from nervousness.

Suddenly, the fire dragon wrapped around the protective cover let out a shocking roar, and then everyone saw that the fire dragon's body suddenly retracted inward, and the space entangled by the fire dragon's body suddenly became only the size of a person.

Seeing this scene, the guard who sent out the fire dragon suddenly laughed, and said proudly: "Don't think that you are great if you have a good defensive fairy weapon, but the gap in cultivation cannot be made up by fairy weapons. Now your protective shield It’s broken, let me see what you have to resist!”

Hearing what the guard said, the surrounding immortals were all shocked. .

"I thought someone would finally be able to strike down the arrogance of the Wu family boy, but I didn't expect to lose in the end. This Muyuan star is still the world of that boy!"

As for Xiaoyue, who had been watching the battle from the sidelines, when she heard that the shield was broken, she almost rushed up.

If it weren't for the shopkeeper Zhang who was on the side to grab her quickly, even with her mid-earth immortal cultivation base, even with a fairy body protection, she would only be burned to ashes when encountering the raging flames of the fire dragon end.

At this moment, Xiaoyue finally couldn't help crying out loudly: "Could it be... Could it be that he just died like this?"

"Hey! Xiaoyue, life and death are a fixed number, so don't force it. This is his doom. Now that he can't survive this doom, he can only be wiped out."

Shopkeeper Zhang also said regretfully at this time.

Judging from his early Golden Immortal cultivation base, the flames emitted by that fire dragon, let alone the peak of the late Lingxian period, would be absolutely difficult to resist even if encountered by an immortal in the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal.

He didn't expect that the Wu family's guard actually had such a treasure on him. With the power of that jade talisman, the Wu family's guard would not be defeated even if he encountered an immortal who was one level higher than him.

"Haha, good job, I will definitely reward you when I go back! Burn it hard for me, until there is no ashes left on that kid! This is the end of going against me, even if he has a top-grade defensive fairy weapon , the strength is not enough, and the power of the fairy weapon cannot be exerted, and now it is still being dealt with by me, I want to see who dares to oppose me in the future!"

After Wu Chang finished speaking proudly, he looked around as if in a demonstration.

Gradually, the flames around the fire dragon's body began to become smaller, and the fire dragon's body also slowly faded.

Wu Chang hurriedly asked at this time: "What did you do? I didn't tell you to stop. Why did you make the flame smaller? I haven't played enough. Burn it hard for me. You must burn that kid to death." It's clean, don't even let me leave any scum, or I'll only ask you!"

"Master, I didn't stop! It made it smaller by itself, but I have been instilling immortal essence, and it didn't even stop for half a second!"

The guard hurriedly explained depressedly that he himself knew nothing about such a situation.

Although the jade talisman has been with him for thousands of years, even now he still hasn't fully figured out the origin of the jade talisman.

All he knew was that he snatched it from an immortal back then, and he didn't even know the name of the jade talisman or its function.

Seeing that the color of the fire dragon was getting lighter and the surrounding flames were getting smaller and smaller, Wu Chang finally shook his head helplessly and said: "Forget it, that kid is dead anyway, so you take the fire dragon away! The young master is happy today, and I will reward you all after returning home!"

"Thank you sir!"

The two guards thanked happily, but when the guard who cast the fire dragon was about to stop the immortal yuan from transporting and recalling the jade talisman, he found that the jade talisman was not under his control, and his immortal yuan was also under his control. Control flowed into the jade talisman continuously.

"How could this be? Is it the jade talisman backlash?"

Thinking of this, the guard couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Wu Chang, who didn't know the situation, stared at the guard with some dissatisfaction and said, "Didn't I tell you to take back the fire dragon? What are you still doing there? I really don't understand, you have cultivated to the level of a god, and you still turn your head But come on, do you want this young master to accompany you here to juggle?"

"Master, I also want to take back the jade talisman! It's just that it doesn't listen to my control now, and it's still desperately absorbing my immortal essence. I can't help it! Master, you step back first, I'm afraid it will be later There will be danger."

The guard said depressingly.

When Wu Chang heard that there was danger, he quickly retreated several hundred meters. Later, he still felt unsafe, so he pulled another guard in front of him. (To be continued.)

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