When talking about playing, Xiaoyue also forgot the embarrassment just now, and she hurriedly introduced: "Our Tianyan Star has many interesting places, such as the Luofeng Hantan not far from our place, and the water chestnut flower farther away. The sea, and the Biluo Grassland on the other side of the planet, etc... In short, there are countless good places on our Tianyan Star. If you want to visit them one by one, a month is definitely not enough. And in our sky Yan Xing also has a habit, wherever he goes, everyone will randomly pick up a small stone as a souvenir."

"Picking up stones as a souvenir?"

Hearing Xiaoyue's words, Ye Lingtian immediately asked with interest: "What's the mystery here? If you are a person who has lived on this planet for a long time, wouldn't the storage rings be filled with small stones?" ?”

Xiaoyue hurriedly explained with a smile: "You don't know that! Our Tianyan Star has two famous specialties, one is the earth spirit civet that shopkeeper Zhang introduced to you yesterday, and the other is A magical stone called the Immortal Yun Stone. The Immortal Yun Stone cannot be distinguished by divine sense at all, and it is fragile at first glance, so if you want to find the Immortal Yun Stone, you have to rely on luck. If you are lucky, you may Going out to pick up a stone may also be an Immortal Yun Stone, but if you are unlucky, even if you live on Tianyan Star for a lifetime, it is impossible to come across an Immortal Yun Stone."

Afterwards, Xiaoyue told Ye Lingtian about the function of the Immortal Yun Stone, Ye Lingtian was also very interested immediately, and hurriedly asked: "Then how much does the Immortal Yun Stone cost?"

"Generally speaking, the celestial cloud stones are only the size of a palm, and the price of one piece is comparable to that of the earth raccoon. However, if there are large pieces of celestial cloud stones, the price will increase accordingly."

Satsuki introduced with a smile.

And Ye Lingtian's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself: "I didn't expect a small stone to be so valuable. My luck has always been good. If I find a few pieces, it will be a big deal."

However, Ye Lingtian was overjoyed, but he forgot that the Immortal Yun Stone could not be detected with his spiritual sense, and his idea was doomed to fail.

With this in mind, Ye Lingtian seemed to have seen the fairy stones all over the sky beckoning to him at this time, and swallowed the breakfast that Xiaoyue prepared for him in a few mouthfuls, and was going to go outside to check.

Xiaoyue didn't know what Ye Lingtian was thinking, but seeing Ye Lingtian being so active, she was happy to cooperate. Anyway, she was going to play, so Xiaoyue didn't have many scruples.

So, accompanied by a large group of guards from Tianyan Commercial Bank, Xiaoyue and Ye Lingtian left the headquarters of Tianyan Commercial Bank early in the morning and rushed towards Luofeng Hantan.

After leaving the headquarters of Tianyan Commercial Bank, Xiaoyue flew happily in the sky with Ye Lingtian.

Along the way, Xiaoyue kept laughing, and kept introducing all kinds of things on Tianyan Star to Ye Lingtian, but Ye Lingtian kept talking without saying a word, and his mind was not on it at all. Part of the attention is on the divine consciousness that is searching the ground.

Ever since Ye Lingtian learned about the function and price of the Immortal Yun Stone, he has been obsessed with it. Now that he has such a good opportunity, how could he let it go?

Since they were playing with Ye Lingtian, the speed of Xiaoyue and others was not fast, which happened to give Ye Lingtian a lot of time to search.

From Tianyan Trading Company to Luofeng Hantan, it only took about half an hour based on their flying speed. During this half hour, Ye Lingtian's spiritual sense fully searched the ground along the way. , but nothing unusual was found.

Not only that, but Ye Lingtian, who put all his mind on making money, didn't even realize that the range of spiritual detection below the ground of Tianyan Xing would be greatly restricted.

When Xiaoyue took Ye Lingtian to Luofeng Hantan, Ye Lingtian, who had gained nothing along the way, could only comfort himself in the end: "The Tianyan Star has been developed for so long, and it is still in the headquarters of Tianyan Trading Company." Nearby, it is not uncommon for those people to dig three feet in order to find the Immortal Yun Stone. It should be normal if they cannot find the Immortal Yun Stone. It is better to go to other places tomorrow, maybe there will be Get something!"

Having made up his mind, Ye Lingtian also put aside the idea of ​​making money, and started to concentrate on playing.

This Luofeng Hantan really deserves to be one of the few places with the best scenery in Tianyanxing. It is seven or eight meters high, and the leaves are golden in color. It is similar in shape to maple leaves, but several times larger. It is called Jinlingfengfeng.

And in the middle of the valley is a green pool, the pool is not very deep, the pool water is green, in the pool besides some aquatic plants, there is also a kind of slender fish that is only the size of a palm, and its whole body is green.

But when Xiaoyue told Ye Lingtian that the small fish is a kind of delicacy that is unique to Tianyan Star and very difficult to catch, Ye Lingtian didn't even have the desire to enjoy the scenery. In a small open space.

Since Xiaoyue, a gourmet master, said it was delicious, the taste would definitely not be bad.

After Ye Lingtian, Xiaoyue and the others greeted each other, they strode to the edge of the pool to catch small fish in the pool.

For others, it is very difficult to catch small fish in the pool, but for Ye Lingtian, this is not a problem at all.Although those small fish are very alert and very fast, they are just ordinary small fish after all, not even spirit beasts at all, and any immortal can easily catch them.

In just a short time, Ye Lingtian had already caught dozens of small fish, and Xiaoyue also arranged for several guards to set the fire. About half an hour later, a strong fragrance rose from the small valley.

Ye Lingtian and a group of guards were sitting around a fire, staring at the fish skewers that were being grilled, drooling all over the floor.

Xiaoyue was smearing the seasoning while looking at everyone with a smile.

After the first skewer of fish was grilled, Xiaoyue had just put it on the dinner plate when a gust of wind passed by, and the fish skewers on the dinner plate disappeared. When everyone reacted, they found that Ye Lingtian had left at some point He took his place, and was nestling in a corner, nibbling on the skewer of fish meat with relish.

The group of guards looked at Ye Lingtian in surprise, and thought to themselves: "If that senior didn't attack us for the purpose of grabbing the string of fish, we would have died at his speed."

As soon as this idea came up, many guards broke out in a cold sweat, and even the fragrant fish skewers lost their appeal. They got up one after another and formed an encirclement circle, tightly guarding Xiaoyue in the middle.

But Ye Lingtian didn't pay attention to so much, he ate a lot of delicious food, but he had never tasted such a delicious food like today, after eating a bunch of fish, Ye Lingtian appeared next to Xiaoyue again, his eyes were fixed. He stared at the fish skewers that were still being grilled.

In this way, Ye Lingtian stood guard by the fire, and whenever Xiaoyue cooked a bunch, Ye Lingtian would reach out to take it, and immediately gobbled it up.

When more than a dozen grilled fish were eaten, Ye Lingtian patted his stomach contentedly. Looking at the remaining 20 skewers of grilled fish, Ye Lingtian remembered the guards around him. He picked up a skewer of grilled fish and walked out of the The encircling circle of guards said to the guard leader who occupied the bed yesterday: "Okay, I'm full too, and there's so much left, go and taste it too! The delicious food baked by the little girl is not for anyone. You can eat it all!"

"Senior, we are on guard, let's forget it!"

The guard leader said shyly.

Ye Lingtian waved his hands nonchalantly, and said carelessly, "You really are a deadhead. With me here, why are you on guard? As long as someone walks into this valley, I can find out that there is absolutely no problem with safety."

"But this is our job, and we cannot neglect our duties."

The guard leader still wanted to hold on.

Ye Lingtian knocked on the head of the guard leader directly, and said angrily: "Why did I meet such a dead-headed person like you? Even if you don't eat it, other people will eat it! Look at them, you Just bear it?"

The leader of the guard looked in the direction Ye Lingtian pointed, and found that although the other guards were still on guard, judging from their twinkling eyes and surging Adam's apple, their souls had long been given up by those fish skewers. Check it off.

"Okay, go eat it! I'm not a pig, so many fish skewers, can I eat them all by myself? Besides, it's the fruit of the little girl's hard work, and you don't want her to succeed in her labor." It’s just so deserted! It’s enough for me to watch here, if you refuse again, let alone me, even your brothers will not let you go.”

Ye Lingtian waved his hand, took out a bottle of Moutai, gnawed on the fish skewers and walked towards the nearby woods.

Although Immortal Drunk is good, it is still not as good as the Moutai that has been stored in the Hongmeng space for thousands of years, but no matter how many Moutai there are, they will eventually be drunk. Try to get as much as you can.

Otherwise, as long as Taoist Dan and the others are found, those Moutais will be drunk within a few years.

And after the guard glanced at the other guards around him, he gritted his teeth and said, "Brothers, give me something to eat, I can't keep senior waiting."

Immediately, the surrounding guards rushed to the fire with a wow, and waited while drooling.

After Ye Lingtian walked to the woods, he just took a sip of Moutai, and suddenly there was a slight "rustling" sound not far from the woods. caught.

"No way! My luck can't be so good. As soon as it's my turn to guard, I will encounter someone who finds trouble?"

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian couldn't help but cautiously walked into the woods, after all, anyone who can escape Ye Lingtian's consciousness can be regarded as a master no matter what. (To be continued.)

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