Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 958 Fully Armed

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The first immortal artifact that Ye Lingtian planned to refine was a top-grade defensive armor.

After finishing the initial work, Ye Lingtian used his spiritual sense to throw a piece of star meteorite, which was one meter high and weighed a thousand catties, into the purple flame in front of him.

In an instant, countless sparks shot out, and the extremely hard piece of star meteorite was surrounded by Ye Lingtian's purple flames, but it took only a quarter of an hour to slowly melt, and the countless impurities in the star meteorite melted away. It is directly burnt clean while melting.

Repeatedly like this, until the meteorite iron surrounded by the purple flames turned into a ball of molten iron that was only one-third the size of the original, and no sparks came out, the work of smelting and purification was considered Really finished.

If there was a master craftsman in the fairy world watching Ye Lingtian's smelting speed, he would be speechless in amazement.

You must know that star meteorite is one of the hardest high-grade refining materials in the fairy world. It takes at least half a year for ordinary master craftsmen to melt such a large piece of star meteorite. It will take two or three months, not to mention the process of purification and condensation.

But now it took Ye Lingtian less than a month to complete all these, which shows how important the level of flame is to the refining weapon.

After smelting and purifying the meteoric iron, Ye Lingtian waved his hand again, and began to involve the eighteen kinds of refined materials of different grades and functions around him into the purple flame real fire.

After those materials entered the Purple Flame True Fire Fireball, they did not directly fuse with the molten iron of the Star Meteorite. Instead, under Ye Lingtian's control, they all floated around the molten iron of the Star Meteorite to be melted and purified, and sparks of various colors danced in the fireball. It is as gorgeous as fireworks.

However, Ye Lingtian didn't have the heart to watch such a scenery. At this moment, all his mind was put on controlling those refining materials.

Another month later, when the eighteen kinds of refining materials were turned into eighteen lumps of liquids of different colors, Ye Lingtian moved with consciousness and directly melted the eighteen lumps of liquid into the molten iron of the meteorite.

When the eighteen balls of liquid entered the molten iron, it seemed as if a strong chemical reaction had occurred. The molten iron that had been quietly shrunk into a ball began to boil, roll, expand, and shrink non-stop, while the silver molten iron, at this time, came out of it. Red, yellow, green...

Ye Lingtian sat quietly in front of the fireball, carefully controlling the temperature of the purple flame real fire, and only after the golden molten iron had completely stabilized did he start to control and shape it with his spiritual sense.

As for the shape of the armor, Ye Lingtian already had a template in his mind. It was a close-fitting full-shoe armor with two dragon claws on each shoulder, a mighty tiger head on the chest, and more than a dozen rows of waves on the abdomen. The back is full of thumb-sized scales, and there is a sharp protrusion on each scale.

In the center of the vest is a yin and yang mirror, two ten-centimeter-long barbs at the elbows, two side armors with unicorn patterns on both sides of the thighs, and two integral armors on the calves. However, the armor is densely packed with spikes.

When the ostentatious armor was shaped, Ye Lingtian hurriedly rested for a while, and only started the most important step—drawing the formation after his mind recovered to its peak state.

This time took the longest time. It was not until three months later that Ye Ling engraved ten high-level defensive formations and two counter-attack formations on the armor with the method of superimposing formations.

After finishing all this, Ye Lingtian's face showed a trace of fatigue, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Ye Lingtian, whose immortal essence had already been exhausted, hastily swallowed dozens of recovery elixir, took a deep breath, and then solemnly typed out the last hand formula.

The moment the golden character in Ye Lingtian's hand slowly floated onto the armor, within a radius of tens of feet, a golden light suddenly shone, and the armor also floated in mid-air autonomously.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lingtian hastily bit the tip of his tongue, and spewed a mouthful of blood at the armor. Immediately, the countless blood that stained the armor was directly absorbed by the armor. When all the blood disappeared, , that armor also seemed to have life, and it circled around Ye Lingtian a few times quickly, and then a golden light flashed, and that armor also appeared on Ye Lingtian's body.

Immediately, a strong fairy spirit slowly penetrated into Ye Lingtian's body through the armor, and Ye Lingtian, who was a little tired before, was also refreshed.

Looking at the gleaming golden armor on his body, Ye Lingtian also nodded in satisfaction and said, "It's powerful, and I didn't waste so much thought. Since you are so spiritual, then I will name you Tai Chi." Sky-shattering armor, from now on, you will fight with me in all directions!"

The Taiji Zhentian Armor is the first high-grade immortal weapon that Ye Lingtian personally refined. Because the main material for refining is star meteorite, this also makes the Taiji Zhentian Armor extremely strong. As long as it is not a top-grade immortal weapon, it can be said that this armor will not be broken.

Not only that, but Ye Lingtian also added dozens of high-quality Immortal Yun stones during refining, which also made the speed of this armor's recovery of immortal energy fully increased by [-]%.

In addition to the Immortal Yun Stone, the other refining materials Ye Lingtian added also gave the Taiji Zhentian Armor attributes such as automatic recovery, automatic counterattack, etc., coupled with the advanced defensive formation drawn by Ye Lingtian, it can be said that wearing this armor is almost Take a life.

Ye Lingtian got up and walked around casually for a few times. After moving his hands and feet, he immediately recovered in the sky-shattering armor.

Since the Zhentian armor has the attribute of speeding up the recovery of immortal energy, it only took half a day for Ye Lingtian's immortal energy to recover to its best state.

Afterwards, Ye Lingtian calculated the time and found that it took five full months to refine the Taiji Zhentian Armor, and immediately complained: "No way! It took so much time, I have to speed up, otherwise I will wait until By the time those fairy artifacts are refined, the auction will be over long ago."

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian hurriedly put the Taiji Zhentian Armor back into his body to warm it up, and then began to refine his second immortal weapon.

Compared with the armor, the gloves are obviously much smaller, and the required materials and formations are much less.

After the pair of gloves took shape, Ye Lingtian touched his chin with satisfaction, and said to himself: "Yes, although it is only a high-grade fairy weapon, its attack power is comparable to that of a top-grade fairy weapon. Call Kaitian!"

Next, Ye Lingtian spent another nine days refining a set of nine sleeve arrows. The nine identical sleeve arrows were about [-] centimeters long. It is cylindrical.

But the most special thing about these nine arrows in the sleeves is that they are all transparent, like crystals, they won't stir up the slightest wind noise during flight, and they won't even reflect light.

Moreover, their speed is extremely fast, and they can reach [-] meters in an instant, which is hard to guard against.

In addition, Ye Lingtian had already thought about it the moment he successfully refined it, he must find a kind of poison to smear on the nine sleeve arrows.

"Hehe, as long as you smear the poison on the enemy, even if the opponent avoids the vital point, but as long as any of the nine arrows in the sleeves makes a hole in the opponent's body, even if the opponent cannot be eliminated directly, the poison will also be used." Poison each other!"

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian couldn't help but make up his mind, he must catch a few poisonous beasts that can kill a Xuanxian even if they come across them.

It's just that Ye Lingtian didn't think about it carefully. Since those poisonous beasts can kill a Xuanxian with one blow, it can be said to be wishful thinking based on his current cultivation.

After refining the arrows in his sleeves, Ye Lingtian made himself a pair of high-grade cloud-piercing boots, which can increase the speed by six times, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Now Ye Lingtian can be said to have the magic weapon to attack and defend, as well as to escape. If he meets Lan Xin again, even if he can't win, he won't run away in such a panic like last time.

Ye Lingtian was not in a hurry after refining all of his equipment. Although it took nearly a year and a half to refine these immortal weapons, it only took nine days if converted to the outside world.

Anyway, the auction is still about [-] days away from the start, and the two fairy artifacts promised to Tianyan Trading Company, they don't have a specified level, so just spend some time to help them refine them.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian felt relieved, and after spending a day recovering his entire body, he took out the food and wine from the storage ring, had a good meal, and slept for a long time. Slowly, he began to refine weapons for Tianyan Trading Company.

However, when Ye Lingtian sat down cross-legged and took out the refining materials from the storage ring, he thought a little embarrassedly: "I collected so many refining materials from them, and in the end I only gave them two medium and low-grade immortal artifacts. Don’t you want them to laugh at me? Forget it, I’m a good person and I’ll do it to the end, anyway, I still have enough time, so I’ll help them make two high-grade ones, which should be worthy of them!”

It's just that when Ye Lingtian was about to refine it, he hesitated again. How many magic weapons should he refine for them?

First of all, the consumption of refining materials should not be too much, armor is absolutely impossible, and large-scale offensive weapons are also excluded. In this way, only gloves, shoes, flying swords or accessories are left.

Although jewelry requires the least amount of refined materials among them, the refining of jewelry generally requires top-quality refined materials, so it is still unnecessary.

They must have a lot of flying swords. As for the gloves, it seems that people in the fairy world don't like melee attacks very much.

After much deliberation, Ye Lingtian finally decided to forge two pairs of shoes for them. Anyway, those things don't need to be made of good materials, as long as the speed is fast.

Having made up his mind, Ye Lingtian directly selected the materials and started refining without saying a word.

Compared with other fairy artifacts, refining shoes is obviously much easier. When the two pairs of shoes were formed, Ye Lingtian also smiled triumphantly.

"It's not bad, the speed has increased by four times, and it barely reached the top-grade level. Although it is a little slower than my cloud piercing boots, it is already considered very good in the fairy world. They should be satisfied now, right? Will you still doubt my strength then?" (To be continued.)

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