Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 991 Ji Ruoyan's Master

ps: Thanks to Shuyoumin Maryland, 11051823172, yuezhen66030 monthly ticket support!

Thanks to the book friend Zhangjiaozun and Xie Zhixiu for the reward!

Compared with the darkness outside, the top of this stone chamber is inlaid with some kind of gemstones that can emit soft white light, illuminating the entire stone chamber. There is a small stone door in front and left of the stone chamber. , Ye Lingtian glanced at Ji Ruoyan, and asked casually, "Where is your master?"

Ji Ruoyan, who returned home, also made a rare joke with Ye Lingtian at this time, and said with a smile: "Guess, if you guess correctly, I will reward you."

Ye Lingtian didn't think too much about it, he casually pointed to the stone door closest to him and said, "It's on the left."

Ji Ruoyan smiled slightly, shook her head and said, "Sorry, you guessed wrong, and the reward will be gone."

After finishing speaking, Ji Ruoyan directed another spell at the stone wall without the stone door in the stone room.

Immediately, a passageway that could only be passed by one person was split from the stone wall. Then Ji Ruoyan said: "My master is here, come in with me! The outside is just for show, and the inside is where we really live."

"Your master is really careful!"

Ye Lingtian rolled his eyes helplessly, he really didn't understand why Ji Ruoyan's master built the residence so complicated.

Even if he was really injured badly, but if others were determined to trouble him, all he needed to do was blow up the cliff, and he himself would not be able to escape.

Making it so complicated not only makes my own life very troublesome, but if someone here comes to make trouble, it will be very difficult to escape. This is simply not worth the candle!

At this time, Ji Ruoyan didn't explain to Ye Lingtian, but shook her head helplessly, and continued to walk deeper.

Ye Lingtian is not the kind of person who breaks the casserole and asks the bottom line. When he saw Ji Ruoyan, he didn't say anything, and he didn't ask any more questions. He just followed behind Ji Ruoyan silently.

After walking through another 5000-meter downward-sloping passage, Ye Lingtian finally saw the real place where Master Ji Ruoyan lived. It turned out to be under a small lake next to the cliff, and the passages in the cliff just now were just deceptive.

It was a crystal house about [-] square meters made entirely of transparent spirit stones. There were five rooms in the whole house. As soon as you entered the door, there was a not-so-large living room. The furnishings in the living room were very simple. There are four doors in the living room, leading to the other four rooms.

Ji Ruoyan pointed to the door in the middle with a wooden curtain, and said a little excitedly: "My master lives inside, the two doors on the right lead to the storage room and the alchemy room respectively, and my own room is on the left."

"Really? Then I'll go to your room to rest and rest. I'm exhausted from walking all the way!"

Ye Lingtian said carelessly, and walked directly towards the door on the left.

At this time, Ji Ruoyan quickly grabbed Ye Lingtian's sleeve, shook her head and said: "That is my room, how can you go in by a man? Since we have already arrived, I'd better take you to see Master first! I think Master and the others will definitely be very happy to see you!"

"What's so good about a wounded old man? Let's go to your room first."

Ye Lingtian shook his head, and directly pulled Ji Ruoyan into the room on the right.

But Ji Ruoyan, who was about to struggle, found a large force coming from Ye Lingtian's right hand, and then followed Ye Lingtian to her room involuntarily.

After Ye Lingtian walked into Ji Ruoyan's room, he found that Ji Ruoyan's room was even simpler than the fake stone room outside. The whole room was only a dozen square meters, with a stone bed, a stone table, a bookshelf, and a few wooden stools. , and a few calligraphy and paintings on the wall, these are all the furnishings in the room.

Seeing that Ji Ruoyan's room was so simple, Ye Lingtian couldn't help asking curiously: "Are you used to living in such a place? I really can't imagine that if I live here, let alone hundreds of years, it will be a few years." God, I can't take it either."

Ji Ruoyan smiled lightly, glanced at the palm that was still tightly held by Ye Lingtian, two red clouds floated on her face, and said in a low voice: "What does it matter, as practitioners, it usually takes a few years or dozens of years to retreat. Every year, where I live is not the same. Besides, when I have nothing to do, I either go out for a walk, or study various alchemy formulas in the room, and my life is very happy, and I am not bored at all! I have the time to decorate and arrange the room, I might as well spend it on practice. Besides, with so many fancy things in the room, it is not only troublesome to clean, but also no one appreciates it. Instead of doing this, I might as well keep my room clean , Clean it up."

Ye Lingtian looked at Ji Ruoyan speechlessly, and really didn't understand how she could live so happily in this environment.

At this time, Ye Lingtian also found that he was still holding onto Ji Ruoyan's hands, he hastily let go of his right hand without leaving a trace, took out several soft quilts from the storage ring and threw them on the stone bed, and said lightly: "Okay, I'll sleep first, and you can do what you want to do! But remember to wake me up during dinner."

After all, Ye Lingtian quickly spread those quilts on the stone bed in random layers, then took out another pillow, and fell asleep directly.

Ji Ruoyan at the side was quite helpless when she saw Ye Lingtian start sleeping like that.

Originally, she still had a lot of things to say to Ye Lingtian, but now that Ye Lingtian has already started to sleep, she can't be bothered.

After silently looking at her hands for a while, Ji Ruoyan sighed softly, and slowly walked into the middle room.

Compared with Ji Ruoyan's own room, the passage from the middle room to the living room is longer, and that room is almost twice as big as Ji Ruoyan's room.

But there was nothing in that room except for a stone bed and stone table.

At this time, two middle-aged men, a man and a woman, who were not more than 50 years old, sat on the stone bed with their palms facing each other and their eyes closed.

Ji Ruoyan walked up to the two of them slowly, and said softly, "Master, the apprentice is back, are your injuries better?"

The woman didn't open her eyes, but said softly: "Yan'er is back, did you go out and buy the earthling civet this time?"

Ji Ruoyan whispered: "Master, I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you and didn't sell those medicinal materials."

But the woman was not angry, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she asked slowly: "Why? I know Yan'er, you have always been very principled in doing things, is it because the fairy stones you get from selling those medicinal materials can't be bought?" To earth spirit raccoon, so you didn't sell it?"

"No, if you really sell those medicinal materials, anyone who knows how to make alchemy must know the preciousness of these medicinal materials. It is still very easy to buy two earth spirit civets. It's just that you have always treasured those medicinal materials, Master, and even yourself If you are reluctant to use it, just sell it if you want me to, I really don’t want to see those medicinal materials being ruined by others.”

When Ji Ruoyan said this, she was a little excited.

The middle-aged man who had been silent for a while suddenly said at this moment: "Teacher, these are all belongings outside the body, so why not be reluctant to talk about them. What's more, although those medicinal materials are precious, we can't refine the corresponding elixir. Keeping it is also a waste. It’s all a waste, and the result is the same. What’s the difference between selling and not selling? Since you don’t want to part with those medicinal materials, disciple, then keep them for yourself! Although we can’t refine the corresponding elixir, maybe In the future, you will have the opportunity to refine it as a disciple, so those medicinal materials will be used to their full potential."

Ji Ruoyan's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and she choked up and said, "Master, if I leave those herbs behind, what will happen to your injuries?"

"Hehe, silly Yaner, we have all suffered such serious injuries, and it will not be possible to recover completely in one day. Now that we have very little cultivation left, we can take advantage of this period of cultivation to warm up Yuanshen, even if there is an earth spirit raccoon, our Yuanshen recovered earlier. However, if the cultivation base is not restored, the restoration of the Yuanshen will have no effect. Yan'er, you don't have to worry about it. Alas, it's just a pain for you. Take care of us like that."

Speaking of this, the woman also showed a hint of helplessness, and the middle-aged man opposite her also showed a little more unbearable expression.

"Master, don't say that. If you hadn't raised Yan'er since childhood, maybe Yan'er would have died in the wilderness. Now that you have suffered such serious injuries, Yan'er should take care of you."

Ji Ruoyan said with emotion, and then she thought of Ye Lingtian again, and immediately said happily: "Master, although I didn't sell those medicinal materials this time, I found an alchemy master who can refine the corresponding elixir. And he has already promised me that he can exchange those medicinal materials with him for two earth spirit raccoons and two pills refined from those medicinal materials. With these things, Master, you will be able to recover soon."


At this time, even the two who had been acting calmly couldn't help but opened their eyes in surprise, and stared at Ji Ruoyan in disbelief.

Ji Ruoyan nodded very positively and said: "It's true, when I found out that Tianyan Trading Company was going to hold an auction, I rushed over to send those medicinal materials to the auction.

It's just that when I arrived at Tianyan Star, I found that I could rent a stall by myself, so I set up a small stall by myself and put some common medicinal materials on the stall, but I had an idea and took out the ice fruit Put them together on the stand.

Master, didn't you once tell me that not many people know the true function of Bingji fruit even in the fairy world?

So I used those ice pole fruits as bait, and prepared to find a real alchemy master.

Sure enough, within a few days, a master of alchemy really appeared. Not only did he tell the effect of the ice fruit, but when I took out those top-quality medicinal materials, the master agreed to my request without even asking. . "

"Yan'er, you are too careless. How could you take out those medicinal materials casually in that kind of place where fish and eyes are mixed? If the other party lied to you and waited until you left the auction house to do anything to you, then you Nine lives are not enough to lose!"

The two of them didn't look surprised, instead they started to teach Ji Ruoyan a lesson, but Ji Ruoyan also knew that they were only worried about herself, so she listened obediently.

Seeing that Ji Ruoyan didn't speak, they said with emotion: "However, according to what you told Yan'er, the other party didn't seem to be lying. I really don't know if it is the master left by that sect. After all, looking at the entire fairy world, let alone refining it. There are already too few people who know about those pills, and even those who know about those pills are pitifully small.

You know, back then we only heard Master mention a little bit to us.

I don't know where the master is now?

Although the other party agreed, Yan'er, you can't just come back like this!

If the other party can't bear the desire of those pills and leaves directly, then where can you find him! "

Ji Ruoyan smiled immediately and said: "Master, don't worry, I brought back that grand master, and he has promised me to help me refine the elixir in a few days."

The two of them were startled and said excitedly: "Yan'er, where is that grand master? Hurry up and take us to meet him. After all, the grand master who can refine that kind of medicine is also a senior expert. How about ignoring him and leaving him outside alone?"

Ji Ruoyan hurriedly shook her head and said: "Master, don't worry, I didn't neglect that grand master, because when I came back, I was afraid of being followed by others, so I took a long detour, and that grand master was tired from walking. He is now resting What! When he wakes up, I'll introduce you right away."

When Ji Ruoyan said this, she was immediately bombarded by those two people, and the content of the lesson was nothing more than how Ji Ruoyan could treat a master like this.

Regarding this, Ji Ruoyan also accepted the teaching with an open mind, without showing any expression of dissatisfaction.

Ten minutes later, the two of them also said they were tired, which made Ji Ruoyan leave the room and stop the chattering teaching.

Since the air in the hut under the lake was not well ventilated, Ji Ruoyan didn't light a fire to cook in the hut when she saw that the time was almost up, but left to the hut to finish the meal before returning to her room.

Seeing that Ye Lingtian was still sound asleep in her bed, Ji Ruoyan shook her head helplessly, and after placing the cooked food outside on the stone table, the food woke Ye Lingtian awake.

When Ye Lingtian, who was disturbed at first, wanted to complain to Ji Ruoyan, he suddenly saw some small dishes on the stone table, and immediately whetted his appetite.

He didn't call out to Ji Ruoyan either, he just jumped up from the bed, impatiently went to the stone table to taste it carefully.

After he ate a little of every side dish, he couldn't help giving Ji Ruoyan a thumbs up, and praised with a smile: "It's amazing, I didn't expect your dishes to be as good as the little girl's. Before I heard You introduced, I thought you were a cultivator and didn’t know how to cook at all. I didn’t expect you to be so good. Why didn’t you say it earlier? Those things happened."

Ji Ruoyan smiled softly, and said softly: "It's nothing! Master taught me to cook these dishes. She once said that every woman should cook well. Only in this way, in the future, my husband will I will be inseparable from myself. The dishes I cook can’t even catch up to seven points of my master’s? If you have eaten the dishes made by my master, you will know what is the real delicacy in the world!"

Now even Ye Lingtian, who was competing with those dishes, stopped his chopsticks in disbelief, looked at Ji Ruoyan and said, "I didn't expect that a big man like your master is interested in alchemy, but he is only interested in cooking." , which is a bit unacceptable."

Ji Ruoyan covered her mouth and laughed "giggling", and said softly: "I have two masters, they are husband and wife, it's normal that my female master can cook! Who told you that you didn't If you figure it out, just guess wildly?"

Ye Lingtian replied with some embarrassment: "Uh... It's not that you didn't make it clear to me at the beginning!"

But Ji Ruoyan rolled her eyes and replied helplessly: "I made it very clear at the beginning! Don't you hear that when I talk about my master many times, I always talk about them, not him? Besides Now, I want two earth spirit raccoons and two pills at a time, doesn't this mean that my master has two?"

Ye Lingtian said dissatisfiedly: "Even if you have two masters, I will only think of two men, how do I know they are a couple!"

Ji Ruoyan said unreasonably: "This is simple common sense. Looking at the entire fairy world, the inheritance of sects is extremely important. No one is willing to teach an apprentice at the same time, and only a husband and wife will do this." How come you don't even know such a simple truth?"

Ye Lingtian, who was always sharp-tongued, couldn't find any reason to refute now, so he could only bury his head in his food and ignore Ji Ruoyan.

On the other hand, Ji Ruoyan saw Ye Lingtian's deflated expression, and couldn't help clapping her hands and laughing triumphantly.

The dinner ended in this way, and after Ji Ruoyan packed the dishes, she said to Ye Lingtian: "Brother Ye, since you woke up and had enough food, why don't you go see my master! They just heard I was shocked when I said that you could refine that kind of elixir, if I hadn't persuaded them, they would have come to see you a long time ago."

"I think it's better to forget about this kind of thing! Isn't it just refining a pill, is it necessary?"

Ye Lingtian directly shook his head and refused, saying that Ye Lingtian was most disgusted with this kind of intercourse of interests.

But when Ji Ruoyan heard that Ye Lingtian wasn't going, she became anxious all of a sudden, she grabbed Ye Lingtian's sleeve with a full face of grievance and shook it gently, imitating the way Xiaoyue acted like a baby back then.

"Brother Ye, go see my master! If they know that you refused, they will definitely blame me, and then I will be taught a lesson by the master again."

Glancing at the pitiful Ji Ruoyan next to him at this time, Ye Lingtian was so annoyed that he couldn't help it, and finally he could only nod and said: "Seeing how pitiful you are, go and see you! But this is only this time, you can't do anything." Don't push yourself too hard, or don't blame me for not keeping my word, and turn around and leave."

"I knew you, Brother Ye, are the best!"

Ji Ruoyan jumped up happily when she heard Ye Lingtian agreed.

Following Ji Ruoyan, Ye Lingtian walked into the room in the middle. When Ye Lingtian saw the two people sitting in the bed at this time, he was also shocked. (To be continued.)

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