ps: Thanks to book friends guaigou and Shenzui Hongchen monthly ticket for their support!

Half a year later, when the mist in the seven-color glazed cauldron completely disappeared, the original two balls of medicinal liquid were fully enlarged, but they did not merge together, but slowly fell into the seven-color glazed cauldron with a distance between them. Spin up.

After completing these two procedures, Ye Lingtian's expression became much more relaxed, because the most difficult step has been solved. Although there are still many steps to follow, it is much easier than before.

After using a formula to fix the two balls of medicinal liquid in the center of the colorful glazed tripod, two green lights shot out from the top of the colorful glazed tripod, sucking the nine ice fruit and nine blood dragon grasses in front of Ye Lingtian. go in.

Just like the phoenix salivary fruit and life and death grass that had just been refined, these medicinal materials arrived at the two sides of the colorful glazed tripod, and were immediately wrapped by the purple flame true fire and the essence of guishui.

However, compared with the previous Fengsiyan fruit and Life and Death Grass, the current Bingji Fruit and Blood Dragon Grass are obviously much easier. It only took Ye Lingtian a year this time to refine these two medicinal materials into two Dots of red and white liquid medicine.

Afterwards, under the control of Ye Lingtian's divine sense, the two balls of medicinal liquid also slowly floated to the center of the colorful glazed cauldron.

It's just that this time the two balls of medicinal liquid did not mix with the previous two balls of rotating medicinal liquid, but floated directly above the two balls of red and green medicinal liquid, in the opposite direction to the red and green medicinal liquid. Spin up.

Until this time, even Ye Lingtian's three dantian's huge immortal essence was too much for him.

Taking advantage of the time to catch his breath after completing this step, Ye Lingtian hurriedly took out two Dabuyuan Pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

As soon as the two pills were swallowed, a feeling of incomparable coolness emerged from Ye Lingtian's heart, but after a while, Ye Lingtian's immortal essence had already recovered to seven or eighty percent.

With enough immortal essence, the next process will be much simpler.

After stabilizing the four balls of medicinal liquid to prevent their energy from leaking out, a large green light flashed across the colorful glazed cauldron, and the remaining dozen or so kinds of immortal herbs and medicines in front of Ye Lingtian were all sucked into the colorful glazed cauldron. middle.

Since those elixirs are mild elixirs, they didn't pay so much attention this time. Ye Lingtian directly sacrificed the purple flame real fire, which was melted and purified on the top of the colorful glazed tripod.

Although the grades of these celestial grasses and celestial medicines are not low, they are still a lot worse than the previous five herbs.

This time, Ye Lingtian refined all the medicinal materials very easily, and it only took a few months. If there were not too many medicinal materials, the time would definitely be shortened a lot.

The medicinal liquid after the melting of more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials is transparent without any color. This time, Ye Lingtian also suspended the large group of medicinal liquid above the inside of the colorful glazed tripod, and then Ye Lingtian let go of the pair of red and white. The prohibition of the relative rotation of the medicinal liquid directly integrated them into the large transparent medicinal liquid.

Originally, after entering the two balls of red and white liquid medicine, they were still struggling and running around, but Ye Lingtian was tightly guarding the surrounding area of ​​the transparent liquid medicine. Surrounded by liquid medicine.

Gradually, they also gave in, and began to slowly turn into countless small particles, scattered to every corner of the transparent liquid medicine.

But those red and white particles refused to fuse together even if they reached such a point, and kept a certain distance between them.

At this time, Ye Lingtian sacrificed the essence of Purple Flame True Fire and Guishui, fused these two opposing energies together, and then tightly wrapped the mixed medicinal liquid.

The flames and ice mist outside the liquid medicine kept alternating, while inside the liquid medicine, those red and white particles were also making their final struggle.

When this situation lasted for two full years, finally two red and white particles that were close to each other were tightly attached to each other. gray particles.

And when the gray particle was formed, it seemed as if a chain reaction had started, and countless red and white particles stuck together at that moment, fusing together quickly.

After another year, when all the red and white particles in the transparent liquid were completely fused and turned into that kind of gray particles, countless gray particles actually fused together, forming a mass of gray particles in the transparent liquid. liquid medicine.

The whole ball of medicinal liquid was about the size of an apple, and the transparent medicinal liquid outside was only about five centimeters thicker than the gray medicinal liquid.

Ye Lingtian nodded, controlled the newly fused medicinal liquid, and directly wrapped the previous two balls of red and green liquid into it.

This time it was not as troublesome as before. When the two balls of red and green liquid medicine entered, although they were still struggling desperately at first, when they touched the gray liquid medicine in the middle, they seemed to have touched it. Like a sponge, everything is absorbed into it.

In just one year, the two balls of red and green medicinal liquids were completely fused with the gray medicinal liquid, and the final medicinal liquid was completely larger, but the color did not change, it was still gray .

At this time, the outer layer of transparent liquid medicine has only a thin layer less than one centimeter left.

"You're done!"

Ye Lingtian yelled excitedly, and then began to perform the second-to-last stage of the Pregnancy Pill Art.

His hands were waving rapidly in front of him, and mysterious thin lines in line with the principles of heaven and earth appeared around the ball of mixed medicinal liquid.

When there were more and more thin threads, the medicinal liquid was entangled with those thin threads like a silkworm chrysalis.

It took three full years for Ye Lingtian to hit this special Pregnancy Pill Jue, and when the thin line around the liquid medicine was a full five millimeters thick, Ye Lingtian finally used the last Pregnancy Pill Jue.

After the Pregnancy Pill Art is completed, Ye Lingtian only needs to maintain the support of the immortal essence of the Colorful Glazed Cauldron, and he doesn't need to worry about the next thing. .

Taking advantage of nothing, Ye Lingtian prayed silently at this time: "God bless, even if you don't give me the best twelve hearts in the future, I will give me ninety-nine to one! If there is six. He Liushun is simply sorry for my hard work in the past few years, if it is the worst Sanyang Kaitai, then it is better to refine it directly, if that is the case, I will lose a lot!"

If Ji Ruoyan was on the side at this time, she would definitely not understand what Ye Lingtian was muttering at this time, but if it was any other alchemy master, she would open her mouth in surprise.

Because what Ye Lingtian was talking about just now was the number of pills produced, only top-grade top-grade pills such as refining Yinyang Stealing Heaven pills, can it be possible to use Ye Lingtian's complicated Pregnancy Pill formula just now.

Generally speaking, if one uses this type of complicated alchemy formula, then the number of pills produced cannot be determined by oneself, it only depends on the luck of the alchemist.

Like what Ye Lingtian just said about the twelve hearts, that is, the number of pills produced is as many as twelve, and so on, the next is nine, six, three, and of course the least one, but Ye Lingtian will never He believed that he would be unlucky to that point, so he didn't say anything just now.

If it was true that only three were produced, then Ye Lingtian would be in a big loss.

Leaving aside the rule of sharing his friends' money, the elixirs he took these days and the medicinal materials he bought must add up to a huge amount.

Not only that, Ye Lingtian promised Ji Ruoyan two elixirs back then, but also added two earthling raccoons. Although it was impossible for Ye Lingtian to give Ji Ruoyan the earthling raccoons, he still had to give her two elixir.

More importantly, it would take at least several decades for Ye Lingtian to refine this furnace of elixir, and the hardships involved are beyond words. For Ye Lingtian, these cannot be measured with immortal stones.

Because of this, Ye Lingtian, who had always only believed in himself, actually prayed to God at this time.

With nothing to do, Ye Lingtian only used a small part of his mind to maintain the continuous output of the seven-color glazed tripod's immortal essence, while most of his mind was placed in the "Tai Xu Dan Jing".

During this period of refining elixir and artifacts, Ye Lingtian has mastered many aspects. After he digests these, his attainments in alchemy, artifacts, and artifacts will definitely be greatly improved.

There is no shortcut for this pregnancy pill, everything has already been decided, even if Ye Lingtian wants to speed up, it is impossible.

Ye Lingtian spent three years studying the part about refining elixir in "Taixu Dan Jing", and when he saw that the elixir was still brewing, the bored Ye Lingtian could only delve into the "Essence of Magic" Those spells and secret techniques that he can use in the fairy world now.

Although Ye Lingtian had carefully studied these things before his ascension, they were all general. What Ye Lingtian has to do now is to find the things that suit him according to his actual situation at this time.

Looking at it this way, it took another two years. When Ye Lingtian finally found a good spell and was about to learn more about it, the colorful glazed tripod that had been absorbing Ye Lingtian's immortal essence suddenly stopped absorbing the immortal essence, and the entire colorful glazed tripod It also started to tremble slightly.

"It's time to release the pill!"

This was Ye Lingtian's only thought at this time. He quickly withdrew his spiritual consciousness from "The Essentials of Magic", and focused his attention on the outlet of the alchemy above the colorful glazed tripod.

As the vibration of the colorful glazed tripod became bigger and bigger, Ye Lingtian also understood that the time to release the pill was coming, so he hurriedly took out a special jade bottle from the storage ring, and then used his spiritual sense to place it on the top of the pill outlet of the colorful glazed tripod. Countless layers of defense have been laid.

For the pills like this, the pills will shoot into the air and fly in all directions after leaving the outlet of the pills. If the pills fall to the ground and are destroyed, Ye Lingtian will not even have time to cry.

This situation lasted for about half an hour. When the seven-color glazed tripod suddenly stopped shaking and fell steadily to the ground, the rich fragrance of medicinal pills immediately emanated from the seven-color glazed tripod, and then the seven-color glazed tripod came out from the mouth of the alchemy. There was a dazzling white light, and a gray pill, the size of a cherry, was sprayed directly from the mouth of the pill.

Fortunately, Ye Lingtian arranged dozens of divine senses above the exit of the pill in advance, and immediately entangled the pill and dragged it into the jade bottle in Ye Lingtian's hand.

Next came the second and third ones, which were also easily given by Ye Lingtian.

But at this moment, there was no movement from the colorful glazed cauldron. Ye Lingtian was stunned for a moment, and said depressingly: "No way! Could it be that my luck is really so bad that I can't even get the book back?"

Just when Ye Lingtian said this, the seven-color glazed cauldron trembled again, and the elixir was sprayed out again.

After quickly putting the elixir into the jade bottle, Ye Lingtian breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "It's okay, it's okay, there are at least six pills this time, and it's absolutely no problem to take them back." .”

After the sixth elixir was taken back by Ye Lingtian, the seven-color glazed cauldron stopped producing elixir again. After waiting for several minutes, Ye Lingtian had no choice but to admit: "It seems that this time there are only six elixirs... ah... still have!"

It's just that Ye Lingtian hadn't finished speaking, and the seven-color glazed cauldron sprayed out another elixir. Fortunately, Ye Lingtian didn't take back his consciousness so quickly, so he got the elixir smoothly.

At this time, Ye Lingtian couldn't help laughing triumphantly: "Haha! There are at least nine coins. Maybe if the personality explodes and twelve coins are issued directly, then I will be big!"

With this thought in mind, Ye Lingtian quickly put away three more pills, and then fixed his eyes on the seven-color glazed cauldron again.

But this time Ye Lingtian stared at it for a full hour, but there was no movement from the seven-color glazed cauldron. In the end, Ye Lingtian had to admit that a total of nine Yin-Yang Stealing Heaven Pills were refined this time.

Withdrawing his consciousness, Ye Lingtian was also relieved, and murmured to himself: "Introduction in the alchemy scriptures, those great masters of alchemy have produced at most nine pieces of this Yin-Yang Stealing Heaven Pill, and most of the time, they only produced three pieces." That’s all. I’m just able to produce nine pieces in the first refinement, that’s already a great luck, why am I still not satisfied?”

Having figured it out, Ye Lingtian hurriedly capped the jade bottle in his hand, then put away the colorful glazed tripod, then he didn't do anything, just took out the recliner, fell down and fell asleep.

After all, Ye Lingtian has been refining alchemy for more than [-] years without sleep, and this time he really needs to take a good rest.

This time, Ye Lingtian slept for ten days and ten nights. When he woke up, he took out a few side dishes and a pot of Qingling dew that Xiaoyue made in the storage ring, and after a comfortable meal, He got up and took out two empty jade bottles, divided the refined Yin-Yang Stealing Heaven Pill into two jade bottles, and put two Qingshen Pills into the other jade bottle.

In fact, the moment Ye Lingtian took out the Yin-Yang Stealing Heaven Pill, he thought about not putting one in it at all. He would get some medicine dregs later, and go straight to tell the two people that refining was useless, and just throw them two pills. Qingshen Dan left immediately.

But thinking of Ji Ruoyan's aggrieved eyes, Ye Lingtian finally gritted his teeth and took out two Yin-Yang Stealing Heaven Pills.

After all, luck was good this time, nine Yin-Yang Stealing Heaven Pills were refined, even if they were given two, there were still seven. If there were only three, then Ye Lingtian would definitely not give them.

After putting away the pill that Ji Ruoyan promised Ji Ruoyan at the beginning, Ye Lingtian looked at the pill in his hand, and wanted to take one first, but thought of Liu Ruohan's five daughters, Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang, Shao Weijie, Liu Yuhong and others. Hold back.

These seven elixirs alone are not enough for so many people to share, if he takes another one himself, there will be even less to share with everyone.

In the end, Ye Lingtian could only sigh softly, put the remaining seven Yin-Yang Heaven Stealing Pills back into the storage ring, and then secretly decided: "When there is a chance, we must find those three medicinal materials and refine them again. In this case, even if everyone can’t share one, it shouldn’t be a problem for everyone closest to me to get one.”

If Ling Xueyao and others who are still in the cultivation world know Ye Lingtian's thoughts at this time, I don't know if they will be moved to tears.

After all, Ye Lingtian left all such good things to them, but he himself didn't keep any of them. If it was someone else, even if he didn't eat them himself, he would never have given them all so generously.

Having made up his mind, Ye Lingtian straightened his somewhat messy hair, then walked out of the door of the alchemy room with a flash of figure.

When he came to the living room of the stone room, he found that not only was there no one there, but there was already a lot of dust everywhere, Ye Lingtian suddenly thought curiously: "It's only been less than half a year, where did that Ji Ruoyan go? Could it be that you are afraid of disturbing me, so you went outside to practice alone?"

With this in mind, Ye Lingtian walked slowly towards Ji Ruoyan's room.

But when Ye Lingtian opened the curtain and saw the situation in Ji Ruoyan's room, he couldn't help opening his mouth in surprise.

At this time, Ji Ruoyan was sitting on her stone bed and practicing, which was different from usual, probably because Ji Ruoyan was practicing the fire attribute, so she was wearing extraordinarily thin clothes, only a thin In the fine sand dress, even the green apron and green pants that are worn next to the body can be seen clearly.

And Ji Ruoyan's fiery figure is completely exposed in front of Ye Lingtian's eyes, delicate breasts, towering breasts, slender waist, straight breasts, everything seems to be the perfection of heaven work.

Just when Ye Lingtian was still a little embarrassed and wanted to leave the room, he thought carelessly: "What's so great about it, back on Earth, there were so many beauties in bikinis running around on the beach! None of them were embarrassed, Now that she has worn so much, there is nothing to worry about."

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian actually found a bench, and sat down in front of Ji Ruoyan blatantly, carefully admiring every part of her body.

After Ye Lingtian watched it for more than half an hour, Ye Lingtian had to admit that as a woman, Ji Ruoyan had sufficient capital in every aspect.

"With her appearance and figure, if she were placed on the earth, she would not need packaging at all. She would definitely be a superstar. If she could sing a few words, she would be a movie, TV, and song star."

After a while, seeing that Ji Ruoyan didn't intend to wake up at all, Ye Lingtian could only helplessly cough a few times.

Now, no matter how deep Ji Ruoyan's concentration was, she would definitely be awakened. (To be continued.)

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