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Chapter 012 Jealousy

Gao Fei, deputy director of the Investment Promotion Office and head of the domestic service unit, proudly raised his head. A few days ago, Deputy Director Gao brought a project with an investment of 50 yuan for Gucheng County. An answer sheet made everyone feel excited.

Gao Wenwen was full of complacency, as if this project was not done by his uncle, but by him!The domestic service department is the same as other departments, and the deputy director is part-time the head of the department. As for the deputy head of the department, there is no shadow at all, which gives a lot of room for imagination.

In many cases, Mr. Gao regarded himself as the deputy chief, and he acted like a leader when facing other people. Li Fu was undoubtedly the most angry.As the only driver of the China Merchants Office, he was called around almost every time, and he had to do many chores.

County Magistrate Zhao visited the Investment Promotion Office with great enthusiasm: "Very well, the comrades of the Investment Promotion Office have carried forward the spirit of hard work and simplicity. Under such difficult conditions, they have created such good results. We must publicize it!"

"Thank you for the encouragement from the county magistrate," Li Changhe smiled humbly. "There are still a lot of work that is not in place in the Investment Promotion Office. Please criticize and correct the leaders. All the colleagues in the Investment Promotion Office will definitely make persistent efforts to achieve better results and report to the leaders!"

Seeing Deng Hua in the logistics unit, county magistrate Zhao was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered who this person was: "Comrade Deng Hua, hehe, how is it going? Is the work going well?"

"Comrade Deng Hua is diligent and humble, and he quickly entered the role. We are planning to put a burden on him!"

Li Changhe naturally knew about Deng Hua's affairs. There was a lot of trouble a while ago, and the county party secretary dismissed get out of class because of this.Bao Cheng, who was originally indirectly responsible, relied on the vendor to seek glory. Fortunately, he was not dismissed, otherwise he might be held accountable.

"Thank you for your concern, the county magistrate. Under the leadership of Director Li and Director Han, I will study hard and report to you with the best grades!"

The county magistrate nodded reservedly, and lightly patted Deng Hua on the shoulder: "Work hard, I am optimistic about you!"

Gao Wenwen stared at Deng Hua coldly. Isn't this lucky guy just a hero who saved the beauty and met a big shot?Mr. Gao has forgotten that the third-class university diploma he got out of the mix seems to have no practical significance other than proving that he has a university experience.

What confuses Mr. Gao the most is Director Li's statement just now, burdening the burden!None of the five departments in the China Merchants Office has a deputy, which makes everyone work hard in secret.Given the conditions in Gucheng County, no one wanted to talk about their political achievements. Gao Fei was lucky enough to get 50 yuan in investment, which has already alarmed the county magistrate, which is enough to show the difficulty of attracting investment in Gucheng County.

In such a unit, if one wants to be promoted, the easiest and most effective way is undoubtedly the interpersonal relationship. Gao Wenwen has an inherent advantage in this regard.It's just that Deng Hua's luck is not so good, so that the county magistrate and director pay attention to him, which makes Gao Wenwen extremely upset!

The leader's attention means opportunity, as long as the leader has you in his heart, he is already one step ahead!The county magistrate is very close to the people, and attended the dinner arranged in the evening with all the comrades of the Investment Promotion Office. It stands to reason that this is already a kind of gift, but Director Li complained in his heart.

The Merchants Office is still a blank slate until now, the county has not even allocated the minimum office expenses, and all the office desks and chairs in the unit are second-hand goods bought from various units.

The problem is that I can't show any steadfastness, I can only accompany the county magistrate, order the most luxurious banquet, drink first and then talk!The owner of the Gucheng Hotel, absolutely can't imagine that the director of the investment promotion office is already planning to eat the king's meal, and this is what Director Li has to do!

Deng Hua and several young people sat at a table. As a new unit, there were not many young people in the China Merchants Office, only seven of them.In addition to Deng Hua, Li Fu, and Gao Wenwen, there are also Sun Qian and Wang Qiaozhi from Renmi Finance, and Dong Ming and Qian Haifu from domestic services.Seven young people sat together, and two faint girls became the center of the wine table.

Sitting with these children, Deng Hua felt absurd and couldn't get involved at all.On the contrary, Gao Wenwen is quite a leader: "Today is a good day. The first time the China Merchants Office has a dinner party. Director Gao is attracting foreign funding. Today, everyone must have a good drink. Come, come, let's go together!"

The two girls didn't seem to pay attention to Gao Wenwen who felt good about themselves, but were very interested in the calm Deng Hua.Deng Hua, the most present here, is young, but he is the most mature. This contrast caught the attention of the two girls.

Sun Qian smiled and said: "Hey, I said Deng Hua, I heard that you are very good at kung fu, let's show it off!"

If it was the former Deng Hua, he would definitely refuse. In his previous life, he was not used to showing his face, and rarely went out to socialize. He preferred to stay at home and indulge in the realm of martial arts alone.

Now that he has made up his mind to go higher and further in his official career, networking is a necessary means, Deng Hua smiled slightly: "Actually, martial arts are divided into performance and fighting, and some of them look good but are not practical, they are the so-called flower boxing and embroidering legs. Some are not good-looking, but they have powerful lethality, one move can determine life and death."

"Does Xiao Deng want to say that my kung fu is the latter, not suitable for acting?" Gao Wenwen was very dissatisfied with the performance of the two girls. He felt that Deng Hua stole his limelight, and his words were sour and full of jealousy!

Sun Qian's eyes were full of disappointment: "I see, I..."

"In fact, I want to say that whether it's acting or fighting, it can be both refined and popular." While talking, Deng Hua didn't get up, took a chopstick, and threw it "swish".Everyone didn't even see the trajectory of the chopsticks, they had already penetrated deeply into the smoked chicken on the other side of the table, leaving only a short section left outside.


"My God! How did you do it?" Both Sun Qian and Wang Qiaozhi looked surprised. The smoked chicken in Gucheng County is famous all over the world, and they use pure Chai chicken.This kind of Chai chicken, which has been raised for a year and is specially smoked, has a tough skin, which is often difficult for the first person to do it.

There is a folk custom in Gucheng County, which is to get a smoked chicken and put it in front of the new uncle when he comes to the door.This thing smells very fragrant, but the new young master still has to put on a reserved look, and he can't gobble it up, it's purely torturing.

Wang Qiaozhi smiled suddenly: "Looking at it now, at least Deng Hua doesn't have to worry about eating chicken when he's a son-in-law with rough feet! Hehehe!"

Although she is already a mother of a child, Wang Qiaozhi, who is 26, still likes to join the crowd of young people. An enchanting young woman, she has a lot less taboos when she speaks. While teasing Deng Hua with a coquettish smile, her eyes are drifting towards Sun Qian.

Girls are sensitive, Wang Qiaozhi teased veiledly, making Sun Qian's pretty face blush, and she glared fiercely at the woman, but there was nothing she could do.No matter whether this kind of thing exists or not, it cannot be explained. To explain is to cover up, and to cover up is to be true!The little girl may not know this sentence, but she knows that she picked up the words, that is the tofu fell into the ashes, it is not easy to blow, and it is not easy to hit!

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