"You worry too much," Deng Hua said solemnly. From his previous life, he has deep respect for these veterans, no matter which camp he is in, "Those who dared to fight with the little devils back then were national heroes, It should be respected by future generations!"

The girl looked at the young man in front of her in surprise: "Hey, do you know that saying this will cause you big trouble."

"History remembers the great achievements of our predecessors," Deng Hua sighed softly, "When China was in danger of subjugation, you veterans are the backbone of the nation!"

The old man let out a long breath, as if a knot in the deepest part of his heart had been untied: "Okay, the old man has lived for decades, and has never regretted going to the battlefield, but this is the first time he has received a salute from a red soldier! Young man, The old man formally invites you to be my guide, do you still want to?"

"Doing things for the old squad leader is a matter of course!" Deng Hua smiled slightly, and the girl suddenly realized that this guy is not so annoying, at least he makes grandpa very happy.Deng Hua didn't let the two of them rent a car. To be honest, it's too inconvenient to rent a car in Gucheng County. Fortunately, his father still has an old jeep.

Sitting in this car, the young girl Liao Yuhan frowned: "What a broken car, it's too uncomfortable to sit in. If it takes a long distance, it won't be exhausting!"

"Hehe, this car is not bad," the old man Liao Guangfu said with a smile while sitting in the co-pilot, "The American-made car I sat in in 46 was not as comfortable as this."

During the war years, riding a car instead of driving a car was not a blessing even for ordinary officers of the national army. A car might be available, but fuel was a problem.Deng Hua squinted at the old man in surprise: "You were very beautiful when you were old!"

"Hey, the deputy commander of the US Light Equipment Division," Liao Guangfu shook his head, "That was already 50 years ago, so don't mention it!"

This person is still the direct line of old Jiang, Deng Hua smiled, and the old and the young chatted about military things, and they would often argue with red faces.Deng Hua has always been a fan of military affairs in his past and present lives, and military affairs is his lifelong passion for Mr. Liao.

This scene left Liao Yuhan speechless: "What do you guys have to argue about? Is there still a possibility of war in Huaxia?"

The two of them were stunned, and then laughed heartily. It was the first time Liao Yuhan saw such a comfortable smile on his grandfather.Liaojiaping is [-] kilometers away from Gucheng County. It is a small town at the junction of three provinces. This is where Liao Lao's ancestral home is located.

The Liao family was a big family in the early years, but after a series of changes, the Liao Jiaping no longer lived up to its name.Liao Guangfu was well aware of everything that happened after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the old man could see it openly. He didn't go to the ancestral hall that was demolished in the red era to pay homage.

Cigarettes are curling up here, attracting several villagers who patrol the mountain. Since the forest fire in 1987, the jurisdiction of various sacrificial activities in the mountain has been strengthened.It is usually not allowed to sacrifice and burn paper in the wild. If it happens, it will be troublesome. Deng Hua went up to meet him. He didn't want Mr. Liao to be disturbed.

If there is indeed a purpose in getting close to the grandparent and grandson, after more than half a day of getting along, they have become friends with the old general and have long forgotten the previous utilitarianism.With his lazy otaku temperament, it is difficult to keep a long-term focus on one thing.

If he didn't want to protect his family, he would even be a pure martial artist after rebirth.The visitor looked serious: "It is strictly forbidden to burn paper and burn incense in the mountains. Who are you from the Liao family?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, these two are expatriates who have returned to China to pay respects to their ancestors, please do me a favor." As he spoke, Deng Hua took out the Great China that he had prepared a long time ago, stuffed a box in each of them, and took out a lighter, Give a few points, "Look, the old man has left his hometown for 50 years, and it's the first time he came back to worship his ancestors. Don't worry, we will definitely pay attention to safety."

The leading villager gasped: "Great China?"

"Are these cigarettes expensive?"

The little head rolled his eyes: "The money for this pack of cigarettes is enough for you to pay for a month's tour of the mountains!"

The other people turned red immediately, looked at each other, gave each other a look, they slowly dispersed, and surrounded Deng Hua in the middle: "Boy, take out all the valuables if you are sensible, don't say that you won't give it to me." Your chance!"

"A part-time robber?" Deng Hua was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that this group of people did not mean to do it for the first time. Three surrounded Deng Hua, and the other three stood on the periphery, preventing Deng Hua from escaping, and also guarding against that. One old and one young leave.

The leader bared his teeth: "A part-time robber? That's a good name, don't worry, I'll leave you as a dead body with just this name!"

"Do you still dare to kill people?" Deng Hua couldn't keep his composure now, it was nothing else, the two behind were holding double-barreled shotguns in their hands, this guy was not as easy to hide as Black Star when he hit one side at a time!

The position of the two people is very particular, and it is very unlikely that Deng Hua wants to resist being hit at the same time, let alone rush through the encirclement of three people.If Deng Hua was present alone, there are countless ways, but there are still one old and one young!

The most terrible thing is that the grandfather and grandson didn't know what happened here, Deng Hua smiled wryly, and made such a low-level mistake!I have heard for a long time that the law and order in the three-way zone is very chaotic, but I never expected that there will be robbery with guns. My luck after rebirth is really against the sky!

Elder Liao finally realized something was wrong: "Xiao Deng, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, you're busy!" Deng Hua waved his hand. If these two don't come over, he still has a chance to fight. If they get involved, there will be no chance at all!

Mr. Liao seemed to have finished his work, took Liao Yuhan's hand, and walked up the mountain, as if he wanted to enjoy the scenery.Deng Hua secretly praised, this old man is extremely shrewd, he must have seen the problem, and he didn't want to worry about himself, so he didn't disturb a few guys to leave.

The old and the young did not attract the attention of these six people, and their attention was all focused on Deng Hua.Those two were not only dressed in ordinary clothes, but also hard to make people feel threatening. Deng Hua was a brand, and he was still a young man. Anyone would regard him as the first threat.

The leader shouted: "Hurry up, don't think that outsiders will come to save you, no one will come to the mountain during this season."

Seeing that Liao and Lao two flashed a boulder, Deng Hua slowly stretched out his hand into his arms, he didn't dare to make too much movement, the shotgun over there is not a vegetarian.Several people stared nervously at Deng Hua, the two holding the guns had even pulled the trigger!Finally, Deng Hua took out the wallet from his arms, and with a shake of his hand, the banknotes and bank cards inside were scattered all over the place.

When the mountain wind blew, several banknotes flew away with the wind, and even flew into the grass.Mountain people in this era seldom see this kind of big money except during the grain sale season. Two of them were in a hurry and chased after the money with machetes in their hands. Perhaps it felt that a six-to-one confrontation was enough to make the target lose the idea of ​​struggling. .

A picture of four giants in blue and gray, coincidentally landed next to a gunman, and seemed to be blowing away with the wind, the gunman stooped to pick it up.The other watched helplessly as his companion went to pick up the money, and barely swallowed a mouthful of saliva. This was the moment!

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