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Chapter 035 Crisis

Pokerface and Wood said at the same time, and pokerface curled his lips: "Xiao Deng, the spring exercise was defeated by you, and the old man was furious. We have been trained by the devil for half a year, and we feel that you are also getting stronger. Isn't that true? What the hell?"

"I feel that you are a little more murderous, it should be..."

The poker face slapped haha, and Deng Hua was not allowed to continue talking. The three simply added food, tidied each other's wounds, and continued to track forward.As the distance approached, the three of them distanced themselves and searched and moved forward within the visible range of each other.

Suddenly, Mu Mu made a gesture to signal the target to appear, and the three began to sneak.Deng Hua actually felt someone in front of him one step earlier than Mu Mu, but he was not sure if his feeling was correct. This was the first time he participated in rounding up criminals since he recovered his internal energy.

Holding a Bayi-bar automatic rifle, with his keen sense, Deng Hua approached the target a little bit, and his movements were even more agile than the well-trained wood and poker face.Gradually, I heard Yang Jian's voice in front of me: "No reason, why is no one following me?"

Bao Cheng snorted coldly: "I'm afraid it's not that there is no one, but that we didn't find out. Hmph, those who came must be experts, let's hope for luck!"

"I hope the one surnamed Deng can come!" Just from the hatred in his tone, Deng Hua could guess that this was one of Yang Jian's bodyguards, but Deng Hua didn't know which one it was, and there was no communication at the beginning. , fight directly.

Another voice sneered at this man's statement: "You were no match for that guy when you were healthy, but now you have one hand, I'm afraid..."

"I underestimated the enemy last time, this time as long as he shows up, I will let him eat peanuts!"

"Bang!" "Om!"

The continuous voice was especially clear in the silent winter night, and Bao Cheng shouted: "There is someone! Prepare to fight!"

Under the night, Poker's face stepped into the trap set by the opponent, a bamboo arrow flew past his face with a trace of blood, and even hit his thigh!With his excellent eyesight and keen sense, Deng Hua has already avoided the traps everywhere, and it is too late to dismantle them now.

"Ah!" Bao Cheng had just finished yelling when a gunshot rang out from the side of the wood, a burst of fire, and the black star in his hand was blown away by the one who just showed his head and wanted to make trouble!The bullets that followed hit the boulder from two directions, a series of sparks splashed, and several screams sounded. It is estimated that the debris hit the opponent, but it was definitely not fatal.

Bao Cheng chooses the best position even when he is resting. In front of them is a small open field, which seems to be deliberately sorted out, not natural.The position they are in is backed by a huge boulder, and a small depression is formed in front of the boulder, which is well concealed.

"Da da, da da!"

Bullets poured over like rain from behind the boulder, almost passing by the top of Deng Hua's head, making a sharp whistling sound.The people over there hid in the shooting blind spot, but stuck out the black hole of the muzzle and followed the ballistic fire.

Deng Hua didn't care about the glaring ballistic trajectory in the night above his head, and continued to move forward. At this time, if he changed his position at will, it would be the most dangerous.This valley is very special. It is obvious that these people want to spend the night here. The place they chose is windproof and safe. The three of Deng Hua only heard his voice, but did not see him.

If you want to hit the opponent, you must go around to the front, that is, the open land, which is extremely dangerous.Hiding behind the boulder was not only Yang Jian, a dude, but also four veterans of the Vietnam War.It was planned to attack suddenly, but was destroyed by the opponent's warning trap. Obviously, it is impossible to do it overnight.

Wood whistled forward over there, Deng Hua and Poker Face outflanked both sides at the same time, suddenly, a row of bullets screamed and poured in!When there was no time to spare, Deng Hua, a front servant, went directly into a bush in front of him, and the bullets beat the bush to pieces of wood. In a blink of an eye, a bush turned into broken branches and leaves!

Deng Hua gritted his teeth and stared in pain. Although he dodged the bullet, he didn't have a chance to make too many choices at the moment he jumped forward. It was a blessing to escape a trap in the bushes, but the vitals below were severely injured!Fortunately, he protected his face, otherwise this bush would have disfigured him!

Don't dare to delay any longer, this place has already been discovered by the other party, Deng Hua looked at the gap in front, stepped hard, and rushed out!The body was almost close to the ground and jumped out five or six meters, followed by a sideways roll, jumped up, and jumped in the direction of the shooter, just in time to plunge into a small depression, and the bullet behind hit him just crawling ground.

"Da da da!" Another short shot, Deng Hua's body was shaken, and he felt his shoulders were hot, and he was actually injured!Regardless of the severe pain, he followed the trajectory of the bullets, and shot them one by one.

These few are indeed veterans of the Vietnam War, but there are not all of them on the side of the col. There is a gunman hidden on a small hill opposite.Things are a bit tricky, now I don't know if the opponent has a third point of firepower, the three of us have all been exposed to the opponent's gun!

Almost at the same time when the shooting ended, Deng Hua jumped out of the hiding place, jumped all the way, and hid again next to a big tree.In the era of hot weapons, Deng Hua's kung fu was limited. Deng Hua picked up a stone, threw it to the left, and rushed forward at the same time.

"Da Da!" "Da Da Da!"

The bullets flew to the sides, and Deng Hua had found the firepower on the side while he was in the air, "Bang bang bang!" He shot three times, and at the same time touched the ground with his toes, kicked hard, and rolled sideways. "Ah!" There was a scream from over there, and there was no more sound. The bullet that followed immediately hit the spot where Deng Hua had just shot, sparking a series of sparks.

The gunshot broke the silence of the valley, and Pokerface endured the pain and quickly sneaked in. In the night, he found the flame of the muzzle of the gun, "Bang!" The bullet hit accurately, and there was a scream, and the gunfire stopped abruptly.

It was this opportunity, Deng Hua rushed forward, a fishing line hanging in the air did not know what was hanging there, Deng Hua only realized a tenth of a second before hitting it, with the background of a warrior, the Bayi bar in his hand was light Gently, an iron bridge slid under.

Covered by rotten branches and leaves in front, Deng Hua suddenly felt a strange touch under his feet. The moment he stepped on it, his foot that had already fallen forcibly changed direction and kicked forward ten centimeters!It was these ten centimeters that saved Deng Hua, otherwise his feet would be nailed to the ground!

The trap only reveals a small bamboo arrowhead, if it is nailed, Deng Hua will undoubtedly become a live target for the gunmen, and there is no possibility of survival!Deng Hua was startled into a cold sweat, he had to slow down and observe more carefully.

Deng Hua found that the rhythm of the two green bamboos in front of him was a bit unnatural. Although it was extremely slight, it was still discovered by Deng Hua with super vision.Stretching out his hand gently, a transparent fishing line stretches between two green bamboos, so dangerous!

Director Bao Cheng will not try his best to set up a fake trap to tease the police officers who are chasing him. Deng Hua is sure that if he does not escape any of the three traps, he will become a target and receive countless bullets!

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