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Chapter 039 Dirty

"Brother is a great hero!" Mo Zhu glared at Captain Zhang viciously while helping Doctor Liu, "It's not like some soldiers who are capable of playing prestige with the common people. "

Zhang Ping was poor at his words, and did not dare to look at Liu Wanfang, muttering: "My soldiers and I are not cowards. Since we have chosen the profession of soldiers, we will definitely not be greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Mo Zhu!" Deng Hua didn't want the little girl to insult the soldier, that was the most sacred place in his heart, "I'd better call that your brother-in-law. My sister has a bad temper and her words are not pleasant, don't mind."

Captain Zhang shook his head: "You call me brother-in-law. Your sister is my sister. As a brother-in-law, how can you know as much as a sister?"

What about your sister and my sister? Deng Hua is so boring. In the previous life, this was a curse word, so I can't argue with this reckless guy: "Brother-in-law, you mean that Gao Wenwen called you and said something happened at home?"

"Can we not mention this?" Zhang Ping looked embarrassed, "It was my brother-in-law who made a mistake just now, so I apologize to you."

Deng Hua shook his head: "Brother-in-law, I didn't mean to blame you. The mastermind behind this incident has ulterior motives and used you to tarnish Sister Liu. The main purpose is to discredit me. Brother-in-law, do you think I can not mention this matter? "

"Smear you?" Zhang Ping was stunned, "Why?"

"It's a long story. To put it simply, I hindered someone from climbing up, and he tried his best to punish me." Deng Hua didn't say who it was, but everyone knew it well, "Before I blocked someone from climbing up, he tried his best to punish me." Squeezing to the party school to study, and this time using you to catch rape, the purpose is already very clear."

Liu Wanfang gritted her teeth, and the long-standing resentment finally burst out in front of the man: "Dean Gao himself is not a good person, if you still believe him, I think he arranged me to take care of Deng Hua this time, but he just doesn't care. Kindness!"

"This pair of sons and dogs!" Zhang Ping cursed fiercely, waving his hands, "Go and rest first, and I will look for you later."

A few soldiers saluted him and left. Deng Hua sighed: "Brother-in-law, I'm afraid it's not so easy to get revenge. This is a society ruled by law, and calling for beating and killing is not acceptable."

"I can't swallow this breath!" Unexpectedly, Deng Hua saw through his mind, Zhang Ping blushed, "Then brother, what should we do?"

"Hiss! Sister, take it easy, I didn't offend you!"

Liu Wanfang stuck out her tongue: "I'm sorry, I just remembered that Dean Gao is very lecherous. I wonder if this can help you brothers?"

"This is good news." Deng Hua frowned, and looked back at Mo Zhu, "Sister, go back to your room and do your homework."

The little girl rolled her eyes: "Is it rare?"

Gao Fei raised his wine glass: "The article is beautiful with this hand, hmph, no one can stand being cuckolded, it can't be said that there is already a fight over there!"

"Stop praising him," Dean Gao Yungao said with a smug face, "This time you messed up that kid, the article is sure to be in the top position, and thank you, brother. Article, why don't you pour wine for your uncle? "

Gao Wenwen graciously greeted Gao Fei: "Uncle, do you think Director Li still needs to do some work?"

"No hurry," Gao Fei took a sip of his wine and chuckled, "Li Changhe is the one who hates people with dishonest behavior the most. When there is news from Deng Hua, he will have no choice at that time!"

Gao Yun gave a thumbs up: "Brother's skills are getting better and better, and the article can only learn real skills from you."

"Hehe," Gao Fei squinted at his brother, "Isn't our brother saying this is meaningless? You deliberately sent the number one beauty in the county hospital, Dr. Liu, didn't you..."

"Come, come, drink, drink!"

How can Dean Gao let the eldest brother continue to talk, just a few words, Gao Wenwen has already guessed that it is almost inseparable.I had heard a long time ago that my father was eyeing that Liu Wanfang, but that woman was very proud, and with the protective film of military marriage, it was very difficult to get her right now.

The family had a lot of trouble because of this a few times, and my mother's dry vinegar was still very scary to eat. Not to mention my father, even my uncle was afraid of my mother's Hedong lion roar.The two elders of the Gao family are very interesting, one is obsessed with power, but has not achieved much, and the other is lustful, but has gained a lot.

Gao Wenwen clearly remembers that from childhood until now, his mother has always guarded against his father's cheating like a thief.It's a pity that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet tall. Dad didn't know what tricks he used, and he kept having affairs at the county hospital.

Strange to say, my father is in his 40s, and he is still as romantic as ever. This has not been passed on to Gao Wenwen, otherwise he would not have been married by now!

The three of you became interested in drinking, and it didn't end until midnight. Gao Yun burped: "Brother, you rest first, I'm going to the hospital for a walk."

"Second brother is really caring!" Gao Fei disapproved, "I heard that the deputy director of the Health Bureau is about to retire, you better take care of yourself and don't fold yourself on a woman's waistband!"

After drinking, Gao Yun lost so many scruples: "Boss, don't worry, your brother knows it well!"

At this moment, Gao Yun's heart is hot. The new nurse in the hospital, after nearly half a year of pressure and training, is finally about to bow her head!Maybe tonight, I can taste fresh and tender beauties. See what that means, even if you are not a chick, you don't have much experience!

I've been looking forward to this day for too long, and Dean Gao can't help it, let alone drink a little wine tonight, even if he gets stabbed outside, he will show up at the county hospital!Thinking of Liu Wanfang, the number one beauty, the flame in Gao Yun's chest became more and more hot, that woman is absolutely superb!

The reason why he has a soft spot for the new nurse is that she is four or five points similar to the goddess in Dean Gao's heart, Liu Wanfang. This discovery made Gao Yun very excited.I haven't even broken my fast for half a month, just for this day.

Dean Gao walked into the hospital humming a ditty. He felt that he was in excellent condition.

"Well, ah, you lighten up! Oh, Dean, you, ah..."

The moonlight on a winter night is very charming, reflecting on the windows of the duty room, and through the windows, the voices inside can be heard faintly.The man's panting sound and the woman's soft and coquettish groan were all full of charm: "****, I'll fuck you to death and make you pretend to be a chaste lady!"

"Who are you talking about? Ah, take it easy, do you think I'm Dr. Liu? Oops!"

"Hey, it doesn't matter who you are, don't worry, the things I promised you are not bad, come on, pretend to be that **** voice for me!" Dean Gao was very excited, his body in his 40s seemed to be back in his 20s. Years ago, the dragon and the tiger were fierce!

"You pervert!" The woman's voice changed, becoming soft and charming, "Old pervert, ah, my husband won't let you go, oh, take it easy, Dean! I can't take it anymore, ah, I can't, Me, me..."

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