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Chapter 054 Talented but Unvirtuous

"Actually, I didn't design it. I just did a little bit of processing. Please take a look at the leaders!"

Deng Hua's smile remained unchanged. He picked up the blueprint that he had just completed and handed it to the beautiful secretary. The latter shuddered as if he had been stung by a bee. The secretary's heart was beating wildly.

Huang Yuying didn't know whether her abnormality would be discovered by the few present, so she didn't have the time to read the information at the moment, she roughly flipped through it, and handed it to Zhao Tong.Deng Hua seriously introduced to several leaders: "This is a design drawing uploaded and downloaded. Except for the different internal partitions, this plan is quite similar to the big market project."

This is the design drawing of the century shopping mall project in the capital city of Central Plains Province. This design drawing is written by a famous artist. The design plan is grand and beautiful, and it has the most advanced business concept in the world today. Although it is nothing more than that in Deng Hua's opinion, for Gucheng County For this big market, it is a bit too luxurious.

After all, the bidding fee for this design drawing alone is several million, not to mention that it is a huge project with an investment of several hundred million.The changes Deng Hua made were to castrate the main part of the top-level office building and abolish the affiliated hotel, leaving only the shopping mall.

This part is still a bit out of specification for Gucheng County, so Mr. Deng directly subtracted two-thirds from this drawing!Zhao Tong couldn't laugh or cry: "Deng Hua, don't mess around, architectural design is not a child's play, it will bring huge losses to the country and individuals!"

"Even the engineering design can solve it, what about the rest?" Although the smirk on the man's face gave the beautiful secretary the urge to kick him, but the idea this guy came up with solved the problems that Gucheng County was facing. problem.

Huang Yuying finally got rid of those bad images in her mind, and began to seriously think about the feasibility of this plan.After all, this is the first time to face such a big project in the local area, but the partners in the team are too selfish, and it is not enough to seek it!

Deng Hua shook his head: "Actually, it is not a question of whether the project lacks funds. The key is whether the big market is indispensable for Gucheng County, and whether it can affect the economy of Gucheng County in the next ten or even decades. develop?

Can this big market bring benefits to the people of Gucheng County, and can it help the people of Gucheng County find a feasible way to make a fortune?I think if the differences in understanding are not resolved ideologically, so what if the project is rich?I'm afraid it's just a decoration when it's built! "

Deng Hua's words were a bit harsh, but they also hit the point. That's right, if the construction of this big market is just to make the GDP data look better, then after the completion of the big market, in addition to adding a touch to the leader's resume , what else is left?

With the further deepening of China's reform and opening up, the concept of achieving political achievements through economic construction has gradually become popular among leading cadres.Regardless of the actual situation, many places have rushed to Beijing to ask for funds for projects from above.

They didn't even think about what the local economic construction needs!Just like those performance projects, like those landmark buildings, except for adding a huge deficit to the local government, it really has no benefit for the country and the people!

Several leaders were lost in thought. As Deng Hua said, 3000 million is a lot, but if Deng Hua’s almost fraudulent operation method is followed, the funding gap for this project is really limited. The key is whether this project is worthy of the county party committee. adventure!

In fact, when Huang Yuying landed in Gucheng County by air, she had a sum of money in her hand, and it was a lot of money. There was no need to owe money to build this big market.It's just that Secretary Huang has been hesitating before. Is this big market project really a good recipe for Gucheng County to get rid of poverty?

Even without that fund, relying on Gucheng County and Huang Yuying's personal contacts, it is not impossible to promote the operation of this project.Is this guy always this self righteous?

Huang Yuying suddenly became angry: "Comrade Deng Hua, I want to know, in your eyes, what is the long-term planning goal of this project?"

"The development of the economy must be based on the local reality. Gucheng County is located in a mountainous area. This market not only brings good news to the tens of thousands of mountain people in the surrounding area, but is even expected to become the largest mountain product trading market in Huaiyang Province and even Southeast China in the future. This is definitely not the case. The Arabian Nights! It can be said that with this big market, Gucheng County will occupy a place in the future big business map of the southeast region!"

Huang Yuying was absent-minded for a while, this guy doesn't look like a small clerk, he looks more like the secretary of the Gucheng County Party Committee than her!Just remembering what this bastard did to me just now, the goodwill in my heart disappeared. He is a big pervert with a lot of sensuality!

Qu Jianhua snorted coldly: "Isn't Comrade Deng Hua too whimsical? The entire territory of the southeast region is so vast, and it is difficult for a small ancient city and county to occupy a place?"

"Otherwise," Deng Hua didn't care about Zhao Tong's hinting eyes. If he can't convince these people, this project may really be aborted. "With the division of various professional markets, markets with local characteristics and product characteristics will It will become the mainstream of big business.

Let's take a look at the surrounding areas. Where else in the southeastern region is more suitable for building a mountain goods market?To the south of Huaiyang Province, there is the best mountain in the world. They will never use their brains in the mountain goods market. Tourism is their first choice.

To the west is a more closed and backward place, and to the east is the small triangle economic belt.Gucheng County is exactly located at the node of progress and backwardness, openness and closure.This node communicates from east to west and runs from north to south. It is undoubtedly the best place to develop large businesses! "

Is he really just a junior high school student?Several leaders were a little skeptical. If every junior high school student was so talented, those undergraduates and junior college students would really want to find a piece of tofu to kill them!For a long time, Gucheng County has no shortage of talents, or to put it more figuratively, there is no shortage of "diplomas"!

It's just that those "diplomas" are not necessarily "talents". Every year, the country has various policies in favor of places like Gucheng County, including preferential treatment for college students to choose jobs.Things have multiple sides, and in the closed environment of Gucheng County, it may be difficult for real talents to play a role.

In many cases, as Mao Sui said, talents cannot be used even if they are enclosed in a wooden box.Like Mr. Li Mingyang from the party school, he came here for a generous salary, but he could only live in the party school without doing anything.

Although looking at this bastard extremely upset, the beautiful secretary still had to admit that this guy had a good reason for speaking out.Huang Yuying finally confirmed that there really is a kind of people in this world, they have the same name "talented but not virtuous"!The secretary of the beauty confirmed that this bastard is indeed rape flower, and he is even more wicked!

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