"Too irresponsible!" Zhao Jianjun slapped the table heavily, "The construction of the Gucheng Bridge is about to start. The major market project in Gucheng County in 93 has not progressed. The so-called investment attraction has become a blatant lie. How can this kind of thing be tolerated? Happened in the party and government organs?"

This wasn't the first time county magistrate zhao got angry at the standing committee, but this time he just came back from the city, so he seemed very confident.Zhao Tong's face was haggard and his eyes were dull. The departure of his daughter seemed to take all of Director Zhao's energy away!

Kong Huazhang glanced at the beautiful secretary who frowned slightly, and coughed lightly: "The case of Comrade Deng Hua has not been concluded by the provincial department, nor has it been handed over to the court. It seems that the complexity of the case has exceeded our imagination."

"We can't abolish the government because of people!" Feng Lizhi tapped his teacup lightly, "Big market projects are hard to get off now, and they must be vigorously promoted, otherwise the previous investment will be in vain. It will put a heavy burden on the county party committee and county government. Only by pushing this project forward can the worst consequences be avoided!"

Jiang Aowen sighed: "The large market project has caused dissatisfaction from the superiors. One is that the progress is too slow, and the other is that the funding gap is too large. The funding problem is undoubtedly a flaw in the large market project. If we cannot find alternative funds in time, this project will be very difficult. Something could go wrong!"

The project of the big market project in the early stage was running very well. Before that, Deng Hua fooled the [-] construction company, so that the three bosses were full of confidence in this project.The three companies have a large amount of materials, which is enough to support the continued construction of the project.

It's just that the county magistrate Zhao Jianjun has recently visited the enterprises frequently to investigate and approve the enterprises involved in the triangular debt problem one after another, making those county enterprise owners who are in trouble keep silent.The bosses of the three construction companies have also become the target of County Magistrate Zhao's constant beating. It seems that the three bosses are not supporting the county's economic development, but seeking political achievements for a certain person.

Such a clear attitude has reminded too many people that the construction site of the big market project has almost stopped working these days.Now that Deng Hua, the actual leader of the project department, is under arrest, Qiu Hai wants to take up the burden. His name is not justified, and he is not even a member of the project department.

The two chief commanders of the project department had no intention of caring for each other. Since Liao Yuhan decided to link the funds with Deng Hua, Qu Jianhua, the executive deputy county magistrate, has simply stepped down as the deputy chief commander.A super project without external capital investment would be disastrous for Gucheng County.

Especially Secretary Huang's performance made people wonder. Many people didn't think that Secretary Huang was running around for Deng Hua. In fact, Huang Yuying went to the province again and again in the name of asking for funds for big market projects. of the city.

In the eyes of outsiders, Secretary Huang and other backgrounds have run funds more than a dozen times to no avail, which is already a good example.County Magistrate Qu was very wise. He chose to protect his life wisely and resigned voluntarily, lest his political future be buried in this huge pit.

As for Director Li Changhe, this project has already been regarded by him as a pain for the Merchants Office!It was originally a political achievement, but unexpected twists and turns made Director Li exhausted physically and mentally. He was already overwhelmed and resigned from the post of office director on the grounds that the investment promotion office was heavy.

The current project office is in name only, and Qu Jianhua sighed: "The large market project cannot operate normally. Funding is only one aspect of the problem. The most important thing is that there is no strong leader. Comrade Deng Hua is still capable, and the foreign-related case has not yet been settled. , did affect the progress of the project, and it is recommended to re-appoint the director of the project office."

"The big market project is a key project in our county, and we still need a strong leadership group!" Fei Fei glanced at Secretary Huang Yuying, who was looking at the teacup. To be honest, the new secretary disappointed Minister Sun, but he also had a little expect.

The previous Yang Nianzu was too strong, so that the organization department didn't have any autonomy. It was just a role of messenger.This is also the reason why Minister Sun was not affected by Secretary Yang's case. The current weakness of Secretary Huang seems to provide an excellent opportunity for the rise of the Organization Department.

It's just that it's a bit whimsical to want to do something with the strength of Minister Sun alone. The officialdom is nothing more than an exchange of benefits: "Currently, the person in the project department who is most familiar with the situation is Comrade Li Fu, and the organization department will evaluate this comrade. Of course, if there are other candidates, the Organization Department will give them the same opportunity!"

Zhang Zhenbei cast a contemptuous glance at Minister Sun, can this guy make the bait more explicit!It's fine to use Li Fu as a cover, and a more obvious tail is made behind. Is this guy planning to change the door?

Secretary Huang still didn't say a word, but Secretary Zhang understood a little bit that Minister Sun didn't want to change his family, but probably set up his own!Obviously, Fei knew that his ability and strength were not enough to support his appearance.

It's just that the appearance of the secretary of the county party committee at this time is really disappointing. I'm afraid it's not just Minister Sun who has such thoughts!The topic that Zhao Jianjun raised has finally achieved his goal, and it should be the time of harvest. County Magistrate Zhao is a little bit proud!

"Comrade Li Fu is a little younger and inexperienced. Not every junior high school student has the ability of Comrade Deng Hua." Zhao Jianjun's rare praise of Deng Hua finally caught Huang Yuying's attention. It may have any impact on his interests, so he will not hesitate to boast!

Sure enough, Zhao Jianjun changed his voice: "It's a pity, there are not many talents in Gucheng County! There are even fewer outstanding people like Comrade Deng Hua, but they are dragged down by foreign-related cases. This is the loss of Gucheng County!"

Zhao Tong stared at Zhao Jianjun in disgust. Everyone knew that since there were foreign-related cases on the table, even if Deng Hua was released, there would inevitably be stains in the file, cutting off his official career from the root.

Zhao Jianjun was not praising Deng Hua, but was pouring salt on the wounds of Huang Yuying and her Zhao Tong!Everyone knows why Deng Hua went in, and the love relationship between Sun Qian and Deng Hua has long been talked about.

The county magistrate Zhao was obviously showing off the victor's capital, and director Zhao felt disgusted: "Gucheng County is full of talents, not just one Deng Hua, there was a demolition case of shantytowns before! Hmph, that is the idea of ​​a genius, a genius operation!"

"Pfft!" Huang Yuying just took a sip of water and sprayed all over Zhao Jianjun's body, even his face was in a mess: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I choked!"

The members of the Standing Committee suppressed their laughter. These two really cooperated with each other. One verbally taunted the county magistrate Zhao, and the other simply slapped him in the face with practical actions!Director Zhao suddenly felt that it seemed that because of his daughter's departure these days, all the depression in his heart was gone!

Especially Secretary Huang's saliva was more effective than Director Zhao spraying on it himself!No one doubted that Secretary Huang did it unintentionally, and everyone could see that this secretary who lacked a city government did not show any apology on his face.

See what that means, Secretary Huang is expressing his position quite directly, I just sprayed you in the face, what can you do, County Magistrate Zhao!

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