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Chapter 1063 Minister Wang

For 10 minutes, Deng Hua had been standing in the corridor waiting, and none of the ladies in the office came out to take a look.In one office after another, the women were still busy with their own affairs, still chatting enthusiastically, and they didn't care about anyone beside them.

Listening to the laughing voices in the office, Wang Yan understood where the problem was: "Deputy Secretary Deng, the organizational structure of the Party School of the district committee was approved by the district committee meeting, and it was not my arrangement alone. Arrange the family members of the leaders in the party school. The main reason is to let the leaders work with peace of mind and no worries. Moreover, the District Party School did not delay the rotation training of cadres, and even opened a training class for deputy department-level cadres in August."

"Minister Wang is saying that you are very competent as the principal?" Deng Hua stared coldly at the woman who was nearly fifty years old in front of him. The years did not leave too many marks on Minister Wang's face. On the contrary, the slightly plump Minister Wang is full of femininity, " Are you planning to turn the organization department into a nursing home or a women's activity center? Or simply turn the district committee into an activity center? Who gave you the rights?"

A hint of annoyance flashed across his face. Minister Wang Yan has always been good at dancing in all directions in Chengbei District, and has a good relationship with the standing committee members of the district committee.Even Zhao Jiang, the secretary of the district committee, and ** Kai, the district chief, would not speak ill of her, after all, there is someone behind the woman.

Today, he was reprimanded by a little baby, which made Minister Wang lose face and was extremely annoyed.If it weren't for the gap between the two, Wang Yan would have yelled: "Comrade Deng Hua, I said that this is the decision of the district committee. Although I am the head of the organization, I am only the executor!"

"As a member of the district committee and the head of the standing committee of the district committee, do you shirk your responsibilities and be incompetent?" Deng Hua stretched out his hand and opened the door of the office, pointing to a few women who were playing poker inside, "Tell me whether this is the chess and card room or the district committee?" Party school?” Pulling open a door again, several women inside made a fuss, so happy, “Or is this an entertainment center?” Inside the third door, on the desks are women shopping for lunch The dishes have just been cleaned up and are being cleaned, "Tell me this is the logistics canteen?"

The women in several offices were disturbed by the sudden arrival of Mr. Deng. The Party School of the District Party Committee has always existed like a peach blossom garden in the northern part of the city, and the wives of the officials are very at ease here.It's really "no messy ears without silk and bamboo, no hard work without copybooks!"

Although the wives did not cultivate themselves here, they were well-fed, and they were all juicy and white, like rich wives.It's not time for dinner, and the ladies are not in a hurry to go back to cook, otherwise they would have disappeared without a trace, how could they be met by Deputy Secretary Deng?

Apparently, all the women recognize the young Secretary Deng, and Mrs. Zhao still has time to say hello to Comrade Deng: "Hey, this is Deputy Secretary Deng, right? Sure enough, you are young and talented. Showing off the flowers, she's too handsome to be a man!"

"Eldest sister!" Mrs. Shang saw that something was wrong, Minister Wang Yan's face was so gloomy and frightening, as if water could drip.The woman was very tactful, and packed up her belongings, "It's time to get off work, and I'm going back to cook for Lao Shang, all the leaders are busy!"

After all, this is the Party School of the district committee, not a family academy, and not every family member of the district committee and district government has the confidence to stand in front of Secretary Xiaodeng.Occupying the Party School of the District Party Committee is not something aboveboard. Although the women's education level is not high, they are politically aware.

They know very well what it means to get a salary in the district party school, and it is definitely not a good thing to be caught by the leaders of the district party school.A few more women stood up quietly. They were just family members of the leaders of the county government or the county party committee, and they felt very uncomfortable being looked at by Deputy Secretary Deng's cold eyes.

But it's not like no one has the courage: "Deputy Secretary Deng is so handsome, so young and so handsome, no wonder those flirtatious people always talk about you. Xiao Deng, I heard that the high-tech industrial park is very good. I have the opportunity to give it to my family. Xiao San arrange a job?"

Hey, Wang Yan is a little gloating. Facing a group of women in their 50s and [-]s, she wants to see how Xiao Deng puts on airs.Deputy Minister Xiao was also watching the joke. The women of the district committee party school are not so easy to provoke. If the leaders of the district committee and the district government were not so troublesome, it would be impossible to arrange seats for them in the district committee party school.

"Everyone, sisters-in-law and aunts," the corridor was full of people, the women were holding vegetable baskets and bags on their arms, and they all showed impatient expressions, as if they were tired of Comrade Deng's delaying them to go back to make lunch, "From now on Everyone, please don't appear in the Party School of the District Party Committee anymore. This is the first-level unit of the Party, which undertakes the important task of educating the grassroots cadres about Party spirit and policy training. I have no objection to everyone staying, otherwise, everyone will not show up in the afternoon!"

"What do you want to eat?" One sentence banned the treatment I had enjoyed for many years, but it aroused public anger, and a woman jumped out, "I want to take care of my mother's affairs until the lanugo is gone, tell you, what the hell is the district committee?" The party school is the place where my mother gets her salary, so I like it!"

"That's right! Why do you drive us away? Isn't it just a little poor deputy secretary? Do you really take yourself seriously?"

"What kind of wolf with a big tail?"

The women were outraged, and Wang Yan was gloating. Women are not cheap lamps, and these women are extremely lethal.Probably because of Xiao Deng's special position, otherwise, one by one would rush forward, and at that time, they would do everything they can to bite, scratch, and pinch!

Not to mention someone Deng, even Secretary Zhao would be bothered, otherwise he wouldn't have arranged the women here, it was purely a way of calming things down.You must know that housewives do not mean that they have no background. The few who just made a noise, and even a family member who works in the provincial government, are not so easy to offend.

Deng was unmoved: "Minister Wang, write down the irrelevant personnel who appeared at the District Party School in the afternoon. As long as they appear here, their family members will be suspended immediately! All salaries and benefits will be suspended during the suspension period. If someone makes trouble, all Count it on the serving cadres!"

"Ah!" Wang Yan was stunned, why did it become her task?No one wants to get into this trouble. Speaking of it, Minister Wang Yan planted the trouble himself, but now he doesn't want to get involved, "I'm sorry, Deputy Secretary Deng, I can't do it. They are the family members of the leaders. It is a collective decision to enjoy some treatment. We Not qualified to drive people away."

Staring at Wang Yan's charming face, Deng Hua felt disgusted: "Comrade Wang Yan, where is your place? Why did you become like this? As the principal of the District Party School, I hope you will give me a satisfactory answer." reply!"

"There are several family members of the leaders of the city." Wang Yan had to use the last shield, "I can't do it..."

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