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Chapter 1091

Zheng Fuquan is not the kind of open-minded leader. Lao Zheng, who is in his early fifties, is already a senior executive, and he still has pursuit of official career.If all went well, the original Mayor Lu Ximin would not have committed suicide, maybe he would have gone one step further to become a deputy mayor, at least an assistant to the mayor!

The problem is that there are no what-ifs, Zheng Fuquan is sure, if there is no series of troubles by someone Deng, many incidents in Jiangbin City will not happen, maybe he will be able to follow the steps step by step, how can he live and go back, and become a broken district head again, It's still a mess like Chengbei District!

"Ahem, the high-tech industrial park still has to accept the management and supervision of Chengbei District, how can the management committee be freed from the jurisdiction of the district government?" Zheng Fuquan raised his eyelids, "After all, the management committee is under the jurisdiction of Chengbei District As for the first-level government, the leadership of the district committee and the district government and the supervision of the district discipline inspection committee are all indispensable. If no one has the leadership and supervision of the party, and the supervision of the higher-level government, wouldn’t the world be in chaos?”

Old Zheng really can't wait!Zhou Yiming pursed his lips, thinking that he wanted to cut the flesh from the high-tech industrial park, I'm afraid it was just a whimsical idea!Although Lao Zhou and Mr. Deng had a good relationship, Secretary Zhou never thought of standing up for Mr. Deng, and had to solve some matters by himself.

Mayor Zheng's greed attack?Deng Hua smiled brightly: "As a member of the Chengbei District, I am very happy to contribute to the glory of the district. The problem is that the high-tech industrial park is not my private property. Otherwise, what if I dedicate it to the Chengbei District?" Comrade Xiao Deng continued with a sip of tea. "Of course, as long as Fuquan District Mayor can persuade Mayor Jing Zhong to place the industrial park under the jurisdiction of Chengbei District, I will definitely accept the organizational decision and hand over the management committee's rights at any time!"

Convince Mayor Shi Jingzhong?What spring and autumn dream?The corner of Zheng Fuquan's mouth twitched, scolding Deng in his heart, fooling the children?He hit a soft nail and was teased in public by Deng, District Chief Zheng felt extremely depressed.

It’s not Lao Zheng who just admit defeat casually: “No one can break away from the leadership of the organization! Since the Management Committee is not affiliated with Chengbei District, the handover meeting of Tiedong Street involves many legal issues. I suggest that the Standing Committee carefully consider the relevant Matters must not allow state-owned assets to suffer losses!"

"The mayor of Fuquan District is very worried!" Deputy secretary Lang Yongnian stretched out an index finger, "I think we must strictly control the transfer of property between the two parties. It is suspected of causing the loss of state-owned assets!"

Pure nonsense!Lang Yongnian's words must be a lie. Any leader of Chengbei District knows that Tiedong Street's assets are negative. If it weren't for Huaxia's government bankruptcy regulations, the Tiedong Street Sub-district Office would have been declared bankrupt long ago.

A sub-district office that eats finances all the year round, an office that bears huge foreign debts, a sub-district office that has to issue an IOU for every meal, a place that can’t even afford business travel subsidies, and no real estate in any of them. Not to mention offices with other assets, are they even afraid that the management committee will steal state-owned assets?

Even Zheng Fuquan blushed. Old Zheng knew very well about Tiedongjie's family background. Secretary Lang Yongnian was not arguing for Chengbei District by saying this, he was simply slapping himself in the face!There was a coughing sound in the meeting room, Zhang Yanzhong put his hand on his forehead, Lao Zhang can be regarded as an old man in the northern part of the city, so he is naturally aware of the predicament of the Tiedong Street Sub-district Office.

Everyone thinks that Comrade Xiao Deng will not accept Lang Yongnian's blackmail, is it just blackmail, treating the beggars as antiques, not just fooling, and even suspected of buying and selling by force!Zhou Yiming sneered secretly, did he really treat Comrade Xiao Deng like meat on the chopping board?

Deng put down the pen in his hand, and faced Lang Yongnian seriously: "Deputy Secretary Yin reminded me very well, but I have already stated in the work report submitted to the provincial and municipal governments that all assets involved in asset evaluation and management will be The whole process will be conducted by a social assessment agency, and the whole process will be subject to anyone, any unit, and any form of supervision!"

Deputy Secretary Lang blushed. He didn't expect people to have thought of it years ago. It would be superfluous for him to bring it up at this time, and it would even make people mistakenly think that he plagiarized Comrade Xiao Deng's idea, which is embarrassing!To be honest, Lao Lang really didn't mean to plagiarize, he didn't even read the various documents and announcements submitted by the management committee.

Today is purely to vent. The family members will be driven home, and even the original job may be lost. Lao Lang is very unwilling.Zhou Yiming was happy to see Lao Lang embarrassing, and Lang Yongnian was not the first one who wanted to find fault with Comrade Deng Hua, nor would he be the last!

"Secretary Weihan, the renovation of shantytowns involves a wide range of areas, and the situation in Tiedong Street is relatively complicated. Would you please send someone from the sub-bureau to support you?" The procedures are chaotic, and many idle social personnel threaten and intimidate the clerks. Some people are suspected of being involved in the gang, and there is probably a gang involved in the gang behind them, which has seriously interfered with the normal work order. If it cannot be stopped in time, it will brew even bigger crisis."

Xiao Weihan, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, frowned: "During the two sessions, the task of maintaining stability is heavy, and it is difficult for the sub-bureau to dispatch personnel to Tiedong Street. May I ask the Tiedong Street Sub-district Office and the management committee to solve it on their own. Deputy Secretary Deng also knows that Chengbei District The social security situation is more complicated, and our police officers are already overloaded, if we send more people to the Tiedong Street sub-district office, it will make the police officers embarrassing!"

"Is Secretary Wickham trying to say that he can't support the police?"

Deng Hua's face turned cold, and his eyes were fixed on Secretary Xiao. Xiao Weihan felt like a tiger was staring at him, and he felt a cold wind blowing from his back.He clearly remembered that Wang Yan didn't cooperate back then, and tried to mobilize all team members to fight against Deng. The woman did it, but it turned out to be a tragedy.

At that time, Xiao Weihan witnessed it with his own eyes, and he was even a participant, including No. [-] and No. [-], who did not stop Secretary Xiao Deng, resulting in a group of people being taken down by Deng.Lao Xiao didn't think that his background was more solid than that of Minister Wang, and that he could really challenge Deputy Secretary Deng. His backing was even slightly weaker than that of Wang Yan.

What's more, the relationship between Mr. Deng and Deputy Mayor Li Yuejin is known to everyone in the Jiangbin City Public Prosecution and Legal Department. Offending Comrade Xiao Deng is no different from offending Deputy Mayor Li!Besides, the team is newly formed, who knows who is whose ally?It's just Lu Yingying's hostility to District Chief Zheng's disgust, it seems difficult to compete with someone Deng!

"Cough, cough, cough!" Secretary Xiao sighed because the person who knows current affairs is Junjie, "I mean it may be difficult to spare manpower during this period, or we can send more manpower to the Tiedong Street Police Station after the Two Sessions, I hope Deputy Secretary Deng will be considerate The difficulties of grassroots police officers. Our police officers are also human, and they must rest well to better serve the country and the people, right?"

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