"It's very simple to say," Deng Hua didn't want his woman to be in a hurry, which would affect the mood. "After the enrollment work here is completed, I will go to Lingnan, where there is a large demand for sewing workers. Just find the employer, and Signing an employment contract with them in the name of the official will surely bring in a lot of training fees, and when the time comes, hehe, the two sisters must count the money until their hands cramp!"

The two women stared blankly at Mr. Deng. What is this guy thinking about?After a while, the beautiful secretary asked: "But, how can you get the bank to support you? There is no mortgage, no project, so is it possible that you want the government to help you?"

"County Zhao? Pull it down, he will help me?" Deng Hua curled his lips, "I don't need his help, all the students are in place, isn't there still a one-month buffer period? There is a lot of time, and some are ways to make money, so maybe you don't need it Loans, I can get money too!"

Lu Yao blinked: "You don't want to use your family's money as a mortgage, do you?"

"Then what should we do?" Mr. Deng spread his hands, "I don't know how to print money, of course, that's the last step, it's better not to take this step!"

Huang Yuying bit her lips: "Go ahead and do it. If you don't have any money then, I'll help you solve it. I won't let you use your wife's money to advance money!"

"Thank you sister!" Deng Hua beamed, he didn't care about money but the attitude of the beautiful secretary, "Sister, it is said that the state-owned assets management office and the labor export office are short of people. I want to transfer two people here, one is Zhang Limin from the Education Committee, one It's Li Fu from the China Merchants Office, sister, okay?"

Huang Yuying didn't have the courage to refuse the little lover's request at all: "Okay, isn't it just one establishment? The two of them have also run at both ends. The two departments that have just been established should not be filled with too many people. Literally."

After all, it is still a soft secretary!Lu Yao sighed softly, and looked at Mr. Deng more and more differently. The little man seemed more like the secretary of the county party committee, and the beautiful secretary was more like a little bird!Fortunately, the soft secretary is improving almost every day, maybe it is really close to the vermilion who is red and who is close to the ink and who is black, following the masculine little boy, his methods are getting more and more fierce!

"These bastards are too snobbish. They only want to make the icing on the cake, and they don't think about social benefits and social responsibilities at all!"

Li Fu resented the injustice, and Zhang Limin smiled: "Brother, let's be realistic, this society is like this. Banks are not charities, they need political achievements more, don't think this project is good enough, if you don't see a rabbit, you will definitely not spread the eagle drop!"

"I said Mr. Deng, are you not in a hurry?"

Not only Li Fu was puzzled, but even Zhang Limin was surprised. Deng Hua didn't seem to take it seriously when he ran into a wall these days. He even wondered, did he transfer himself to his side because he wanted to use his father's energy?If so, to help or not to help?

With Zhang Limin's shrewdness, he has already seen that Deng Hua's Zhang Luo's affairs are definitely a dazzling achievement. The problem is that it is difficult to make profits without capital!This is especially true for talent training. Not only is there a lack of funds, but time is also a big problem. I don't know what this guy is thinking!

Deng Hua waved his hand: "The money matter is over in advance, shouldn't the gang of foodies come here today?"

"It should be here," Zhang Limin couldn't help admiring. This person is a little younger than himself, not to mention academic qualifications, but his mind is superior. "We're going there now? There is still one bank left!"

Mr. Deng shook his head: "There is still a difference between running and not running. Our running this time is a gesture. In the future, we will take the initiative in many things."

One thing is for sure, Zhao Jianjun will never see himself doing things smoothly. Several banks are polite, but they are not loose at all. Maybe they have already got someone's instruction.

Deng Hua held a banquet today to entertain the village officials and classmates from the party school. When he came to the restaurant with shoes and hats on the opposite side, the lobby inside was already full of people: "Oh, youngest, I thought you were going to let the pigeons go, so you won't come!"

"How is it possible!" Deng Hua laughed, "It's so easy for you big brothers to come to the county seat. If I don't treat you, are you still a person? Come on, boss, open the table, serve the food, and pour the wine!"

Zhang Limin rolled his eyes behind him, and almost kicked Mr. Deng impulsively. This guy is so complacent, you are a good person to treat guests here, brother affection, I am not even a human being!Mr. Deng was the latest and the youngest in the party school, but he was the first among the students to go to the sub-department level, and he was still a sub-department with real power.What Deng Hua experienced in the county has long been rumored, from the legendary hunting of the former police boss to the rescue of the county party secretary.

Everyone knows that Mr. Deng's deputy department grade was purely bought with his life. For this reason, he stayed in prison for half a year and almost ruined his life.No one envied him, and no one would gamble his life and his political future for a sub-specialist grade!

"Youngest, this meal is regarded as a promotion feast, brothers and sisters join in..."

"Stop, stop!" Deng Hua's complexion changed at that time, "Brothers are invited to come, it's just a promotion, it's nothing, the most important thing is to ask for something. Brothers are here to make a rule with you brothers, In the future, when you come here brother, no matter what you do or what you do, don’t mention money, our brotherhood will deteriorate if you mention money!”

The one who put his hand into his bosom just now, took out his hand in embarrassment, and was very grateful in his heart. Right now, the countryside is at a time when the countryside is dying.In the early days of reform and opening up, the income of farmers was rising steadily. In the 90s, the phenomenon of cheap grain hurting farmers had already appeared, and the common people really had no money on hand.

Especially in places like Gucheng County, where the per capita farmland is as big as a palm, it is a problem to support a family. In the village, weddings and ceremonies come with gifts, and many of them are small money of twenty-five cents. If it is a real relative, if you take out five yuan, you must be the style of the village chief secretary!

In the countryside of Gucheng County, wedding sewing machines and bicycles are the most luxurious big items. If a family marries a daughter-in-law and buys any of these, the villages all over the world will have a special face.

For those simple women, it’s not that they are greedy for such a thing. This is the recognition of their in-laws. In fact, many sewing machines are at home and they are reluctant to use them. They are even more reluctant to ride bicycles. It will be rolled out from the new house, and many people don't even know how to ride a bicycle, pushing it all the way.

Zhang Fugui, the oldest, coughed: "Youngest brother, this meal is not good for brothers. So, if you have anything to say in advance, let's see if brothers can help you."

"Yes! Of course I can, I must!" Deng Hua talked straight to these people, which is why the village officials liked him. "It's very simple. The county garment factory needs to recruit apprentices, young women who are healthy and ingenious. .”

Lei Gou licked his teeth and said, "Why do ordinary people learn that thing? It's not a meal, and the garment factory can recruit old women from the village to work in the factory? That's the hell!"

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