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Chapter 1200 A headache

The driver Liu Kai secretly admired that Comrade Xiao Deng was not stage fright at all in front of the deputy head of the organization department. The two sides seemed to be communicating on an equal footing rather than a superior-subordinate relationship.In fact, Comrade Xiao Deng still knows the rules very well, but it depends on who he is facing. In Deng Hua's mind, no one in Qianyi City deserves his respect!

Including He Zhiguang, no one stood up to complain about Deng Zongyun's "car accident", which has already explained the problem.How many cadres, deputy department-level and department-level leading cadres are there in Qianyi City?There are even deputy provincial and ministerial leaders. According to his knowledge, several high-ranking officials even chose Qianyi City to retire after retiring.

There are so many leading cadres, none of them stand up, and they can do a lot of things with their positions and connections.In fact, it was quite the opposite. In the case of the accident of the three mayors, everyone seemed to be deaf, dumb and blind. Otherwise, how could it be his turn, a small deputy, to run around here!

The car was circling in the mountains, and Liu Kai's driving skills were top-notch. Although the mountain roads were winding and dangerous, they couldn't pose any threat at all.Just past an elbow bend, Liu Kai said softly: "This is where Mayor Deng's car fell!"

"Oh? Stop and let's take a look!"

Now that we arrived at the scene, Deng Hua didn't want to miss it. Wang Min frowned: "Comrade Deng Hua, we have to get to Chishui before sunset, so don't delay."

"Minister Wang, don't worry. I'll just take a look. It won't be long."

As he spoke, Liu Kai parked his car at the foot of the mountain. There happened to be a manually dug groove here, and even large trucks could stop for a while.In such a place, the most feared thing is driving, especially for drivers who are not familiar with the route, if they cannot control the speed of the vehicle, they will die here!

Not long after, the guardrail on the edge of the cliff has not been repaired, the black brake marks on the road are clearly visible, and the bottom is a mess.Debris from the car and fallen trees abound. There is a 20-meter drop from top to bottom. It is really lucky that Deng Zongyun can save his life.

Under the noon sun, the scene below can be clearly seen. The reflection of an object caught Deng Hua's attention. He stepped out and disappeared on the edge of the cliff.Wang Min exclaimed: "Ah! Deng Hua! You..."

"Secretary Deng went to see the scene, it's all right!" Liu Kai said relaxedly, admiring Deng Hua's skill more and more in his heart, so he jumped down and slapped continuously on the cliff with one hand to slow down the falling speed without any protection.Strong, really strong, Liu Kai suddenly rejoiced that he met Comrade Xiao Deng, and maybe he could learn something from Secretary Deng.

Deng Hua had landed safely on the bottom of the cliff in a few seconds. What he saw just now seemed to be a mobile phone. If it wasn't for Deng Hua's extraordinary eyesight, he would never have been able to spot this black treasure in his hand.Pick up the phone away from the drop point, it's Motorola's pocketbook, and it's worth a fortune.

It stands to reason that no one should pick it up. Looking around, it seems that there is nothing special. Could it be that the scene of the car accident has been under the surveillance of the police?Wang Min from above shouted: "Secretary Deng, without a rope, how can you...ah! God!"

I saw Comrade Xiao Deng climbing up the cliff like a monkey, and he was standing in front of him in less than ten seconds.Wang Min blinked and patted her bulging chest: "My God, you scared me to death!"

"I'm sorry Minister Wang, I surprised you!" Deng Hua smiled apologetically, "Let's go!"

When we arrived at Hechi, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and we were about to get off work. There were a lot of cars in the municipal area, and there were cadres watching beside each car.When Hongwu Dynasty A appeared, Secretary Han Zhilai, who was enjoying the music in the car, got out of the car lazily: "It's finally here!"

The speed of radio waves is much faster than driving. The scene that happened in the auditorium of the Municipal Bureau in the morning has already been transmitted to Hechi, and Secretary Han has a headache.To be honest, when Deng appeared as a guest last time, he had embarrassed Hechi's team. He didn't expect to become the secretary of Hechi's political and legal committee and part-time director of the city bureau. Such a powerful cadre served as such a powerful department leader. Next It's a sad day!

"Welcome Vice Minister Wang to Hechi City!" Han Zhilai took a few steps and held Wang Minde's little hand, "I haven't listened to Vice Minister Wang's teachings for half a year. You must not be polite when you come here this time, and you must bring new ideas to the cadres in Hechi. concept."

Wang Min, who had just been frightened, was still blushing at this time: "Secretary Han, you are being polite. Speaking of brand-new ideas, Comrade Deng Hua, who has just received training from the Yanjing Party School, is the one you should ask for advice."

"Welcome Comrade Deng Hua!" Han Zhilai's smile made Deng Hua feel very fake. "On behalf of Hechi's team and the cadres and masses, I welcome Comrade Deng Hua to Hechi for a temporary post. I hope you can bring new changes to Hechi. Hechi has fallen behind. Too many, too long silence, I believe Comrade Deng Hua will be able to bring great changes to Hechi!"

Comrade Xiao Deng held Han Zhilai's hand: "Thank you, Secretary Han. It was an accident to come to Hechi to serve. In my impression, Comrade Deng Zongyun is the mayor who knows Hechi best and can lead Hechi to prosperity. It's a pity that some people don't want Hechi Progress, in order to prevent Hechi from moving towards the new century, it is really shocking to assassinate Comrade Deng Zongyun in a frenzy! I am not here to engage in economic construction, and economic construction is someone else. I believe that Comrade Deng Zongyun will return to work soon , My task is to remove the cancer in Hechi and return Hechi to a clear sky!"

How dare you say it!You must know that this is the street, although the police isolated the crowd, but who can guarantee that Deng's words will not be spread?After all, Deng Zongyun's case has already been identified by the higher authorities. If Deng's words spread, it will inevitably lead to many rumors in the society. If such a situation occurs, not to mention Han Zhilai, even the leaders of Qianyi City can't bear it!

"Ahem, Comrade Deng Hua, we have all met the members of the team. We should go to the restaurant of the city government hotel, where we have prepared delicacies with Hechi characteristics." Secretary Han does not want to confront Deng. In one scene, it was me who was ashamed, "Deputy Minister Wang, please take my car!"

Also having a headache is Vice Minister Wang Minwang. Anyone who has such a casually talking subordinate will probably have a headache.The most feared thing in the officialdom is a big mouth. Deng is not just a big mouth, he is simply unscrupulous!

For a moment, Deputy Minister Wang even suspected that Comrade Xiao Deng was so flamboyant because he wanted to put down the pick!Forced a smile: "Thank you, Secretary Han, for your kindness. I still prefer to take Comrade Deng Hua's car. Let's go!"

As the car drove towards the city hotel, Han Zhilai rubbed his temples: "How could it be him! I have a headache!"

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