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Chapter 146 News from Yanjing City

Mayor Tian of Guancheng City and Secretary Zhang of Huguan City resigned from get out of class sadly, and became the bombshell of the collapse of Tian's enterprise. A large amount of loans originally obtained from the bank were pursued.It was the first time for the bank to apply directly to the court to seize the assets of Tian's enterprise so quickly. The court also acted vigorously and went through all the judicial procedures in almost three days. Then Tian's enterprise was divided and auctioned to repay the bank loan.

In less than a week, a huge business empire and political network have completely become a thing of the past.In a week, Lu Yao and Mr. Deng had reaped a lot. With Tao Xinming's relationship, they didn't need to continue running around. Someone came to the door and offered to reserve a quota for migrant workers in Gucheng County.

Several business executives took the initiative to say that the migrant workers who have undergone vocational training are exactly the talents they urgently need, and they are far better than those novices who come online.Especially with Gucheng County Government as a guarantee, there is no need to worry that there will be no employees to guarantee production at critical moments.

As Deng Hua expected, four companies took the initiative to prepay the training fees in advance. For companies, spending some training fees is not only a means to make friends with Tao Xinming, but also a necessity for corporate development.After payment, a formal employment contract is formed, and the signing object is the Gucheng County Government, which also gives the company a reassurance.

"As expected of an industrial base!" Deng Hua was happy for the old company commander, "With the backing of the formwork factory, you can go all out to produce, old company commander. I have already called home and there will be [-] migrant workers soon. Come here to help you, among them, fifty female workers who have received preliminary training, it is estimated that it will take a process to formally operate the machine."

Tang Weibing laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth: "No hurry, no hurry, Miss Mei's order will be delivered in October, and Secretary Tao's advance payment has already been credited to the account. Hehe, this batch of goods is for the employees to practice their hands on!"

"Brother Tang, you can't lose your craftsmanship, don't make people laugh at you!" Lan Xin pays great attention to product quality, and is afraid that Tang Weibing will mess it up. The little woman's small thoughts are wonderful, and she is even more afraid of embarrassing Mr. Deng, "If you The quality of the product is good, I will recommend it to my father, and maybe there will be new orders!"

Mr. Tang said firmly: "Miss Lanxin, don't worry, the boss of the first batch of cargo kings has agreed to send handcart workers, palpable workers and sponge workers to help. The migrant workers in Gucheng County should be apprentices first when they come. It is estimated that it will take a month at most. , they will have no problem operating independently, and that is the time for us to expand reproduction.”

With Tang Weibing's order of 93 sets revealed, especially a large part of these spare parts have already been sold, Tang Weibing has been promoted from a small boss to a well-known boss in Guancheng City! The office furniture market in [-] was far from booming, and the order of [-] sets of chairs was enough to stand out from the world.

Many people doubted whether all the [-] sets of class chairs could be sold, and then it was reported from the supplier: "Mr. Make a huge impact!"

Immediately afterwards, the Yanjing Municipal Government sent staff to Guancheng City. After seeing the samples, they made a decision immediately, and ordered [-] sets!While many people were still discussing visitors from the north, Zhang Lang was feeling emotional: "It's too stupid! Instead of going to work, he actually played in the golden house in Guancheng City. Don't let Qiao Dong know, be careful that kid does everything come out!"

Just because the cockroaches have been in love for a long time, they can see the adulterous relationship between Mei Huier and Mr. Deng at a glance. Mei Huier raised her head and said, "So what if I know? He is romantic all day long. I just found a The sexual partner can’t stand it? It’s easy to deal with it, just call off the engagement!”

"Brother Zhang, why do you want to enter the system? According to your personality, it seems that you are not used to working here. Besides, Uncle Zhang is in the Yanjing Municipal Government. Isn't it a lot of inconvenience for you?" Deng Hua dared not do more on this topic. Delay, it is better to change the topic early, did not see a few pairs of eyes staring at it, it is very scary!

Zhang Lang sighed: "Don't mention it, I am annoyed when I talk about it. After seeing the performance of you and Ma Yi, the old man insisted that I have better conditions than you and I am more suitable to take this path. Didn't this bring me in What. Hey, the old man has been transferred and will soon take up a post in the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. He has nothing to do with me."

"Good thing!" Deng Hua was overjoyed. It was not Mayor Zhang who entered the Central Propaganda Department in his previous life, but Secretary Lin, "Congratulations to Uncle Zhang, congratulations to Uncle Zhang! China is now in a period of great change, and the most important thing is the direction of public opinion and propaganda. Uncle Zhang will definitely accomplish a lot!"

Zhang Lang stared blankly at Deng Hua: "Could it be that you have eavesdropped on the old man's conversation, have you? No reason, what you said is a copy of the old man. No wonder the old man said you are a natural official!"

"Brother Zhang, didn't the old man just say that you have better conditions than them and are more suitable for an official career?"

Lan Xin heard the loopholes in the cockroach's words, and asked with a smirk, Mr. Zhang was stunned, and then smiled wryly: "Learn from someone, I say Princess Lan, you can't learn anything good by following someone! "

"Pfft, nonsense!" I was always teased by everyone these days. The little girl's adaptability is much stronger. Although she is still shy, she no longer runs away. "I can't see anyone bragging!"

In Mr. Deng's heart, this Mr. Zhang is the most suitable for the officialdom. He is born with the face of an actor, and he will always look like a dandy in front of outsiders: "What does Brother Zhang think of Tian's enterprise?"

"Huh?" Tian's enterprise fell apart overnight and became a hot topic in Lingnan Province. Those upstarts who got rich first finally understood that no amount of wealth is just a cloud in front of power!Although this rebellion did not cause the same consequences as in the previous life, it only stopped abruptly at the deputy department level, but it had a huge impact on Lingnan Province.

Wealth is no legend here. In the past, the rich would not take officials seriously. There is a saying here that first-rate talents engage in scientific research, second-rate talents make a lot of money, third-rate talents are wage earners, and low-rate talents are dispatched!

To be sent means to work in the officialdom. People in the officialdom look down on businessmen, and businessmen also look down on officials who are like "parasites".In the minds of many businessmen, officials will not be of any benefit to them except to be punished.

It has to be said that many low-quality officials often become role models and cause extremely bad influence among the people. This is the reason why officials in Lingnan Province are not respected.This time Tian's enterprise has become a negative teaching material, making future businessmen pay more attention to the management of contacts in the officialdom.

Zhang Lang frowned: "I'm really not interested in their business. Besides, I don't want to get involved too deeply in business affairs."

"Really?" Mr. Deng chuckled, "Forget it, I originally wanted to buy the entertainment company of Tian's Enterprise to play with. If Brother Zhang and Brother Ma are not interested, I can only play by myself!"

"What? You want to buy an entertainment company?"

Lan Xin, Mei Huier, and Wu Fengjiao asked in unison, their eyes could kill even more, Mr. Deng was stunned: "That's right, the entertainment company is purely a smoke-free industry, pollution-free, making a lot of money, and has a bright future..."

"There are so many beauties, enjoy yourself casually, right?"

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