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Chapter 167 Rescue Director Wang

Not caring much, he opened the door and rushed into the room, closing the door behind him. At this moment, Deng Hua had only one thought, that his time had come!The decoration of the room is magnificent, Director Wang really put in painstaking efforts, it seems that he does not love the second lady in general.

It's just that at this moment the second wife was pinned to the ground by several women, punching, kicking, scratching and biting vigorously, the ruthlessness made Deng Hua feel a little terrified, this woman's fighting is really deadly!

Especially the little woman on the ground, whose exquisite silk pajamas had been torn to pieces, exposing large areas of pink and white tenderness.The pajamas, which are estimated to be worth a lot, can no longer serve as a cover, and are even more alluring than not wearing an inch!

It is said that a woman's skin is really delicate and tender, almost dripping water, but at this moment, the woman is covering her head with both hands, tightly protecting that face, even ignoring that her body is already happy!Director Wang and the little girl were both in pajamas, obviously they were caught!

Wang Shangchun stood on the side stupidly with his hands thrown away, with clear palm prints on his face, he hesitated to reach out, maybe he didn't know which side to help: "Honey, please stop making trouble, people will die!"

"Fuck you! I want this vixen's life! Dare to snatch a man from me, you're blind! You bastard, don't you want to sell? I'll take you away in a while and send you to a singing and dancing restaurant. Thousands of people ride thousands of people there..."

This Mrs. Wang is really jealous, she can compete with Wang Yuyan's old mother, Mrs. Wang!Deng Hua stepped forward and hugged Mrs. Wang's shoulders: "Auntie, calm down, if this continues, something big will happen!"

"Who are you?" Suddenly being hugged by a little woman, Mrs. Wang was startled, but forgot to struggle, and then reacted, He Yanli cursed bitterly, "Where did you come from, you bastard? Is it the old man who bought you?" ? How did you get in..."

I knew that this fight would not be easy, but Mr. Deng had already prepared for it, although he exhausted his energy helping Zheng Hanwen perform the transmission of skills and empowerment.Dealing with such a small situation, I still have confidence: "Auntie, Uncle Wang is a leading cadre. If you continue to make trouble like this, Uncle's future will be ruined!"

"I don't care about his future!" He Yanli's body froze, her mouth was stiff, but at this moment, Deng Hua clearly felt the woman's body froze.Hey, there's a door!I'm afraid that the woman will be impulsive and ignore it. In that case, Wang Shangchun deserves to be unlucky, and the heavenly king and I can't save him!

Deng Hua put his mouth next to the woman's ear: "Auntie, if Uncle Wang is dealt with for such a trivial matter, your hotel will suffer a great loss! Think about it, this woman will be able to take care of Uncle Wang's future and yours. Is the business worth it?"

Mrs. Wang Shangchun's restaurant is well-known in Qingyuan City. Many people who want to work with Director Wang first go there to spend a meal. After reaching a certain level, they will naturally get to know the proprietress, and then everything will be a matter of course.It is because of this that Mrs. Wang has become one of the top bosses in the local catering industry in Qingyuan City.

These things were only exposed after the peachy incident broke out. Not long after, as Director Wang dismissed get out of class sadly, this famous restaurant was also closed down by various functional units.It is said that tax evasion alone cost as much as 50 yuan. This was an era when the per capita salary was less than [-] yuan!

After listening to Mr. Deng's words, the woman froze, thinking of countless possibilities in an instant.He Yanli, who has been wandering in the upper floors of Qingyuan City and knows all kinds of things well, weighed the pros and cons in a blink of an eye, and shouted: "Stop!"

He Yanli is also an extremely shrewd master, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to create such a big business. Of course there is a reason for this, Wang Shangchun, and it is a woman who is good at dancing!Previously, he was just angry and attacking his heart, but now after listening to Deng Hua's words, he suddenly came to his senses.

People in the officialdom are the most taboo about style. If Wang Shangchun falls because of this, it will not be of any benefit to her and her family!With this realization, the woman broke free from Deng Hua's hand: "Little bastard, do you want to take advantage of my mother?"

Only then did Mr. Deng realize that the position of his hands was not right. It is said that those pair of breasts are comparable to foreign busty, and even Dai Qian does not have such a huge capital: "Look at what you said, Auntie, there is a difference between me and your child Is it?"

The woman glared at Deng Hua viciously, but there was no anger in her eyes, it was just a show.He Yanli is over 40 years old, long past the age of attracting bees and butterflies. This fat woman may have been pursued by a handsome boy like Mr. Deng decades ago.

Deng Hua secretly made a gesture to Wang Shangchun, who knelt down in front of He Yanli with a "plop": "Thank you, my wife, thank you for your understanding of righteousness! Don't worry, I was just confused for a while, and I was fascinated by this little vixen. Don't dare!"

"Don't fart!" He Yanli sat down on the sofa and pointed at Wang Shangchun's nose, "Don't think that I don't know what you did. It's nothing more than cheating outside all these years. The money you earn to support your children, do you regard my mother as your slave?"

The woman on the ground squirmed, and there were a few streaks of blood on one of the originally pink and round sides.In Deng Hua's eyes, the bright red on the tender white has a thrilling beauty.Deng Hua secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, eyes with greatly improved eyesight, uncontrollably looking at the pink and white slender legs.

There is a mysterious pink, without dark hairs, as fresh as a newborn baby.The little man had a cold war, but he was also a white tiger just like the beautiful secretary's sister!No wonder Wang Shangchun was unlucky, Mr. Deng viciously slandered, all the good cabbages were gobbled up by pigs!

It's unreasonable for such a young and beautiful girl to be taken over by Wang Shangchun, a half-old man!Faced with such a charming spring, Mr. Deng reacted shamelessly. He was wearing thin trousers, which made it difficult to cover up his ugly face. He had to arch back, lower the bulge somewhere, and look at the boss and his wife like a thief. , Fortunately, no one paid attention to him.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and in order to hide his ugliness, Deng Hua reluctantly looked away, walked into the bedroom, pulled the towel on the bed, threw it back on the little woman, and bared his teeth at the proprietress: "Auntie, I still Little, uh, what..."

"Little bastard, I let you take advantage of it!" He Yanli finally smiled, "***, thank you young man for not getting up, if he didn't intercede with you, I will definitely kill you!"

The woman struggled, grabbed the towel tightly, covered her body, and said in a kitten-like voice, "Thank you, brother!"

"You should be so loud!" He Yanli kicked the woman on the body, immediately kicking the woman on all fours, and the beautiful scenery in front of her suddenly flashed in front of Deng Hua!The scene that appeared at this moment made Mr. Deng almost suffocate!

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