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Chapter 172 Zhao Jianjun Injured

Huang Yuying rushed to Deng Hua's side in a few steps, always paying attention to Mr. Deng's little woman, and naturally saw that something was wrong with the man: "How are you?"

"It's okay, I'm just tired!" Deng Hua gave the woman a smile, but with a trembling body, he told the beauty secretary clearly that Young Master Deng is in a very bad situation right now!His face was pale, and his whole body was dripping with sweat, as if he had been fished out of the water.

The price Deng Hua paid was obvious, and most gangsters and migrant workers stopped fighting.Taking advantage of this favorable opportunity, Zheng Lixin's gang rushed to the most fierce ones, stepped forward two or three to deal with one, and firmly handcuffed them!

Later, the handcuffs were no longer sufficient, so the subject’s shoelaces were untied on the spot, and one hand was carried backwards from top to bottom, and the other hand was reversed from bottom to top, both hands were cut backwards, and the two thumbs used the legendary pig’s trotters They were tightly bound together so that no matter how tough the murderer was, he would not even think about struggling unless he pulled his thumb off.

The situation was finally under control, and the police officers on the periphery also started to attack, rushing into the crowd and separating the fighting parties.The two groups of people can be easily distinguished. Migrant workers are almost all labor insurance issued by the factory. Originally, these people were reluctant to wear it, but it was because the factories strictly required that they must dress uniformly, so they wore it on their bodies.

Now these "baby" work clothes don't have a brand new look, and the whole thing is just like the tatters picked up from the trash!Those gangsters were wearing uniform double-breasted gowns, black crotch pants on their lower bodies, and round grandpa shoes on their feet!This is the standard dress of gangsters in Gucheng County. It is said that it is a tradition left over from the time when the White Lotus Sect rebelled against the tyranny of the officials.

It is absolutely not allowed to wear this kind of "formal clothes" in fights every now and then, as you will be chased and beaten by all the gangsters.As long as the scale of the fight exceeds fifty, you will find that both sides are all dressed in white linen jackets.Fighting is bloody, and the folks in Gucheng County are not just talking nonsense. When there are group fights, the police seldom rush into the crowd to enforce the law.

That's not law enforcement, it's looking for beatings. The two sides in the fight will never care whether you are a policeman or the king of heaven. The blood on Zheng Lixin's gang is a good proof.This blood energy was blown away by Mr. Deng's slap in the face, and no one would foolishly attack the policeman and let the police tie him up.

The scene was a mess. There were dozens of bruises lying on the ground. Some of them were in good condition, and those who were motionless and unable to see their injuries were the most dangerous.They often suffered trauma to the head, most likely with blood congestion in the brain, leading to a coma.

The most common serious injuries in stick fights are all on the head, because trauma is rare, gangsters have no taboo to strike, and their hands are strong enough!Doctors in Gucheng County have become accustomed to dealing with patients injured in fights. They don't care about those who cry for pain, and they will rescue them as soon as possible without making a sound.

The shops on both sides of the main street have been closed for a long time, with shutters on the doors and windows, and they are afraid that they will suffer disaster.Fights between gangsters are rarely accompanied by robbery cases, but no one can guarantee that such things will not happen.

Between the gaps in the gate, you can see pairs of terrified but excited eyes. Don't look at the honesty of these store owners. It can't be said that they were one of them when they were young.Group fights in Gucheng County have a solid "mass foundation", and almost everyone can swing a stick a few times.

The biggest feature of group fights here is that the two sides never use knives or iron bars, and the guys with heavy damage like axes are resolutely put an end to them.Whoever holds these "forbidden" weapons at the scene of a group fight, regardless of which side they belong to, will greet him first.

There are all pick handles on the ground. This thing is a must-have equipment for silk fighting. It is cheap to make and has enough lethality.Even if the murder weapon is destroyed, it can be replenished from the opponent at any time. Pickaxes are usually in the inventory of merchants. Once a group fight is brewing, the pickaxes will become the target of both parties.

Merchants who sell pick handles will not prevent gangsters from taking pick handles, but you have to keep a good account, and after the event, this thing can still be sold as usual. A major feature of the county.

One by one the participants were pushed down and tied up, and it wasn't that no one wanted to run away. The problem was that there were really limited alleys on both sides of the main street in Gucheng County, and the police officers on the periphery also played a role at this time.Blocked at both ends, each alley entrance is well controlled, like a mouse running into a bamboo tube, it can't escape if it wants to. Not everyone has the ability of Mr. Deng, and can easily jump over the house.

It wasn't until this time that Zhao Jianjun, Kong Huazhang, and Lu Wenbin arrived late. A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of County Chief Zhao. This was the first time he had encountered such a level of fighting in Gucheng County for so many years.Seeing the disheveled appearance of Secretary Huang and the other three women, he was glad that he hadn't come early, otherwise he didn't know if he would be beaten.

"Ridiculous!" County Magistrate Zhao stood majestically in the middle of the road with a stern look on his face, pinching his waist with one hand and pointing at the pickaxe handles and wounded people scattered all over the ground with the other, "Gucheng County is a society ruled by law, how could such absurd fight happen? We must crack down severely! All participants, all..."

"Woo!" There was a sound, and a pickaxe flew from nowhere, and with a "bang", it touched the forehead of the county magistrate Zhao!Zhao Jianjun didn't expect that disasters would come to the already peaceful scene. He staggered and swayed, but fortunately he was supported by Lu Wenbin beside him, so he didn't fall down.

In fact, that stick was at most scratching a layer of oily skin, and did not cause substantial damage at all.It's just that the county magistrate Zhao was frightened by this blow. How could he be in a dangerous situation like a majestic county magistrate?

The safety of life is the most important thing, and that is the cost of being an official. How dare Zhao Jianjun continue to stay in this wrong place for a long time? , occupied the largest ambulance, and left in a panic!

Mr. Deng's jeep had been burned to a pile of scrap iron, and with the support of the beautiful secretary and Lu Yao, he walked slowly towards the county hospital.Mr. Deng knew very well that he was just a thief who often said in ancient martial arts practice, and it was not an injury at all, but how could the beautiful secretary believe this!

"Sister Secretary, Zhao Jianjun has left, you must stay here, I can do it myself."

Deng Hua said in a low voice, it would be too absurd if the two bosses of Gucheng County were not present at such a large-scale fighting!Zhao Jianjun had an excuse, the beauty secretary didn't have any obvious scars, at least she didn't have three steps of blood spatter like Zhao Jianjun did!

"Then you must be careful! Lu Yao, take good care of him, I..."

Lu Yao nodded: "Don't worry, I will take care of him, you should take care of the scene quickly, so that no more accidents will happen."

According to Deng Hua's idea, just go home and raise her. Lu Yao didn't listen to his explanation at all: "Don't hurt me! When your sister secretary comes, I don't care where you want to go. Now you have to go to the hospital with me." !"

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