"You, you, you..." Fu Zhiling's face was pale, and her whole body was shaking with anger. This bastard actually said that she was mentally ill, and even said that she should not give up treatment!It is tolerable or unbearable!The woman clenched her fists tightly, wishing she could rush up and scratch Mr. Deng until his face burst into bloom!

It's just that before coming to Gucheng County, someone had already warned women that this guy was so lethal that Huaiyang Fourth Young Master and a group of followers were all beaten up by him alone, let alone a weak woman.

Facing a bastard who advocates violence, or the kind of guy with super lethality, Fu Zhiling dare not hope that this bastard will not hit women, and he doesn't even need him to hit. deficit!

Seeing that the conversation had come to an impasse, Li Jiao looked at Secretary Feng, and only Mr. Deng did not refute his face, and the latter was also very troublesome.I have never had such an experience before, isn't it just looking for trouble!Feng Lizhi still admired Director Xiao Deng very much. During the time he came to Gucheng County, he watched Mr. Deng's troubles the whole time.

Without Director Xiao Deng's series of actions, the big market project would not even have a shadow. As for the farmer apprenticeship plan, it is a stroke of genius!Secretary Feng still clearly remembers the scene of Zhao Jianjun being sung and slapped in the face by Director Xiao Deng and Secretary Huang Yuying at the Standing Committee that day.

The 40 that was brought back from Lingnan Province, the 40 that was "reselling the population" made Zhao Jianjun lose all his people. You must know that the 40 was a no-cost business, making money at both ends, that is, the garment factory spent a month's salary at first, There are still reimbursements!

Before and after, Lao Feng went to several companies to do research, and the companies were very satisfied with the farmer apprenticeship program!Those migrant workers from the countryside are better than each other in their jobs, and they don't spare any effort.

Every migrant worker is a piece of rough jade in the eyes of those business managers!Secretary Feng even knew that the college student village official project was also advocated by director Xiao Deng, and Secretary Huang was just putting Deng Hua's idea into practice.

There is also the 40 derived quarry. Although it has not produced any output, everyone can see that it is just to open a mountain to sell stones!This is another lucrative business, and Gucheng County's contribution is very limited, and even that little contribution can be ignored.

There is nothing else in Gucheng County, except that there are many mountains and rocks. It is a good price to sell the stones lying on the road, which is really satisfying.Such a talented person with constant ingenuity, but was displeased by Shangguan time and time again, and was suppressed time and time again, even Feng Lizhi couldn't stand it!

"What about me?" Deng Hua snorted coldly, "Deng walks straight, don't put shit on my head, it's not like no one has done this before, you're not the first and you won't be the last! Remember, your rights are endowed by the state, and it is to punish corruption and crimes, not to vent your personal anger for some people with trumped-up charges!"

From the inside and outside of the woman's words, Deng Hua vaguely guessed that this woman might have something to do with the Fourth Young Master of Huaiyang. Yes, could it be that this woman is the concubine of Huaiyang Fourth Young Master?

Director Xiao Deng maliciously guessed, otherwise he would not have offended her, and there is really no reason for a woman to target herself again and again.Yes, the transaction between Deng's family and Zhao Jianjun was a legitimate reason, but they obviously missed the point, or they deliberately confused the public and entangled in that transaction!

Could it be that the purpose is not dad, but yourself?Mr. Deng drew a big question mark in his heart!It's not impossible. If the woman is really the same as the Huaiyang Four Young Masters, many things will become clear.

Li Jiao coughed: "Comrade Deng Hua, I said that this is just a conversation, so don't have any resistance! We won't let a bad person go, and we won't wrong a good person, please rest assured!"

"Haha, don't worry, of course I don't worry, of course I believe, I believe in the organization, I believe that everyone is equal before the law! Believe in fairness, justice and openness is a universal celebration! I believe that every judicial cadre is fair and selfless!"

Deng Hua laughed loudly, but there was no smile on his face, and his eyes were full of mockery.Feng Lizhi's heart sank. He knew that Director Li had touched Mr. Deng's sadness. At the beginning, Director Deng had no problems at all, but he was wronged repeatedly. He must be full of resentment and never vented it!

"It was because he believed that the police were the embodiment of justice that he was almost killed in the police station by the son of the secretary of the county party committee! It was because he believed that the provincial department would handle the case fairly, so he almost died in a black jail! It was because he believed that the disciplinary committee represented justice, I will accompany a few of you here to be so boring that you waste your life!"

Deng Hua's words were harsh, but none of the three could refute them. When they came to investigate Director Xiao Deng, how could they not have a detailed understanding of his affairs?What happened to Deng Hua in the past year, the three of them knew very well, today is just another increase, it is really not surprising!

Director Xiao Deng narrowed his eyes and looked at the three of them, paying more attention to that stupid woman: "I really don't know if you are idle assholes. Corrupt officials don't go after you, but you just chat with me! Could it be that the Disciplinary Committee didn't pay you salaries?" , not taxpayer money, but black gold?"

Fu Zhiling yelled sharply: "No one will say that he is a corrupt official! Don't make yourself so noble, I don't believe you, there is no shame in you!"

"Yes, of course there are dark places!" Deng Hua smiled evilly, "But are you sure you want to know? If you want to know, I will tell you. If you want to know, just tell me. If you don't tell me, why don't you tell me?" I know what you want to know? As long as you tell me your request, I will not refuse a woman like you, and I will definitely satisfy you..."

"A Chinese Journey to the West" will officially start filming in Zhenbeibao Film and Television City in 1994. After the initial screening was popular for a while, it immediately fell silent.It was not until 1996 that "A Chinese Journey to the West" was transferred to Yanjing Film Academy. Perhaps such an "alternative" film was more suitable for blooming in the soil of the campus, and the screening of the film in colleges and universities immediately caused "full house".

The core areas of the dramatic "hotness" of this nonsensical film are colleges and universities, and most of the fans are students. One, a bunch of flies surround you, buzzing...buzzing...buzzing...flying into your ears." Tang Seng will appear for a while.

Don't talk about whether the way of expression in "A Chinese Journey to the West" can be accepted by Fu Zhiling, even if she has the talent to appreciate Zhou Xingxing's nonsensical comedies, at this moment, she was blown away by Mr. Deng, who made a fuss, and the woman couldn't help it anymore: "You you bastard! Ahhhh!"

wipe!Actually, actually cried!

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